WoW Classic Warrior Leveling Guide 1-60
Welcome to our Classic leveling guide for Warriors. Here, you will learn how to efficiently level your Warrior all the way to Level 60.
If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to our TBC Classic Warrior leveling guide.
This guide will aim to provide you with a clear skill and gear path to max level in WoW Classic. While detailing every single quest and the optimal leveling routes is beyond its scope, you can find detailed talent builds for all tastes, their rotations and which skills to buy, as well as guides for class quests and weapons below.
Talents and Specializations for Leveling
Warriors have three talent trees: Arms, Fury, and Protection.
Arms is the generally recommended leveling build, due to its consistency and
flexibility when dealing with World PvP, as well as the raw power of Sweeping Strikes
during leveling.
Fury is also viable to level with, as long as you can stomach the random nature of
Enrage and
Finally, Protection is much slower than the other two specs, due to its lower damage output, but if you are going to be leveling in a group and dungeons, there could be a case made for it.
BestStrategy and Talents for Leveling
If you want to optimize your leveling speed, it is recommended that you
use the Fury leveling build first for Cruelty and then Arms for
Improved Overpower.
Respec to the full Arms build at Level 30 for
Sweeping Strikes and follow its recommended talent picks until you are 60.
Dungeon Leveling - Melee Cleave
Leveling with a premade group in dungeons is a popular way to level
in WoW Classic, and theorycraft has been done on maximizing dungeon DPS as a Warrior by always using Sunder Armor and
Rend, as well as
Thunder Clap against
3+ enemies.
It should be noted that most dungeons in WoW Classic can be done with more than 5 people. While this will ruin your experience gain, it is an option if you are struggling to get through.
While leveling this way will not be for everyone, as it requires a group of people of certain classes for maximum efficiency, feel free to give it a try with your friends, in which case we recommend Hakurai's video guide for dungeon leveling in a melee cleave group.
Leveling 1-60
In order to get to 60 as a Warrior you will also want to know about macros and addons, as well as which professions / gear / stats to pursue and how to complete your class quests. In the following sections we will be discussing each of these at length.
Warrior Macros and Addons
By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the get go, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Warrior Macros and Addons guide in the link below for the full list.
Learning professions early on is very useful, as you can naturally level them as you go, avoiding extra work at max level. This is especially true for gathering professions, but crafting professions compensate your efforts by giving you extra tools to level with.
We recommend that you learn First Aid as soon as possible for
easy self-healing. Skinning, Herbalism, and Mining
are great primary professions for a leveling Warrior, allowing
you to make extra gold, or accumulate materials that you can use to level crafting
professions later. There is also a case to be made for leveling Engineering
early on, since its crafts can allow you to immediately solo quests that would otherwise
have to wait for later levels, such as Whirlwind Axe's.
Gear Options
While leveling, the number one thing is to use weapons with high damage. High
damage per second on a weapon is also good, especially for Fury and Protection, but
keep in mind that some of our best abilities (such as Whirlwind and
Mortal Strike)
scale off of the weapon damage itself, making slower weapons generally stronger.
Finally, slower weapons allow you to kite with
Hamstring more efficiently.
The rest of your gear should have Strength/Agility on it, as these stats increase your damage the most. You should also aim to have high Stamina/Armor, so that you can kill more enemies before having to rest.
Early on, for Warriors, Spirit has a huge impact on regeneration speeds and should be obtained whenever possible. However, by the time you reach Level 30, your maximum health will scale past your regeneration abilities, which means you should look to buy food, craft bandages, and use potions instead to keep yourself healthy.
Important Quests
Every class in WoW Classic has important class-specific quests that allow them
to gear up and learn new active abilities, which are often critical to the class.
For Warriors, these are the quests that grant you the Defensive Stance and
Taunt abilities at level 10, the
Berserker Stance and
quest at level 30, and
Whirlwind Axe, also at level 30. We will detail
every single step of the way for you in our full guide for quests below.
Best Weapons for Leveling
While all gear is relevant while leveling, the weapon makes the Warrior, as explained above. Thus, knowing which weapons are the best and how to acquire them is an important part in the path to success.
Weapons for Leveling Warriors
Your weapon, as a Warrior, is by far the most impactful piece of your gear while leveling, and as such, looking for weapon upgrades is the main thing to be concerned by.
Dual-wielding, while viable, is not recommended (even for Fury builds) due to
hit and glancing blow limitations that will lower your damage significantly while
you lack max-level gear. If you still want to go for it, consider using the talent
Unbridled Wrath instead of
Booming Voice, for extra Rage generation,
and use the highest damage one handers you can get.
Finally, for tanking, it is important that you use your highest DPS one-hander, in order to get better Rage and threat generation (faster weapons are slightly better, as well). Also, look for high armor, high stats shields.
While you will change weapons many times during your 1-60 journey, some interesting weapons you might find / procure as you level up are as follows.
- There are many Slow / High DPS weapons sold by Weapon Vendor NPCs, such as the early
Large Axe, or the late game
Bullova if you did not manage to get anything better by this point.
Crescent Staff (Horde) and
Staff of Westfall (Alliance) are dungeon quest rewards, from Leaders of the Fang and The Defias Brotherhood respectively. Because they are quest rewards, you are guaranteed to get them from your first full dungeon run, and they can last you for a very long time.
- For tanking, you will want to use a one-hander and shield. Try to get
Meteor Shard and combine it with
Commander's Crest, both of which drop from Shadowfang Keep.
Whirlwind Axe is the best weapon at Level 30 and, even if you obtain it later, it is still a weapon you can possibly use until 60. If you are speed leveling, however, we would discourage you from pursuing it unless you have high level help, as the time spent on its quest will tend to outweigh its DPS gain on your quest to 60.
- If you are dungeon leveling, make sure to pick up
Corpsemaker from Razorfen Kraul and
Ravager from Scarlet Monastery: Armory, as these are incredible weapons that will serve you well for quite a few levels. Ravager is amazing for a very long period, due to its proc. It causes a long whirlwind effect which deals periodic area of effect damage to everything around you, and generally makes dungeons go much faster.
- For tanking and dual-wielding Warriors,
Sword of Omen and
Vanquisher's Sword can both be obtained easily from the Into The Scarlet Monastery and [H] Bring the End / [A] Bring the Light quests, respectively, around Level 40. Combine them with
Aegis of the Scarlet Commander for tanking.
- Maraudon has a lot of good two-handed weapons for Warriors, such as
Princess Theradras' Scepter,
Gatorbite Axe, and even the guaranteed
Resurgence Rod, from the Corruption of Earth and Seed quest. Keep in mind that, if you choose the Rod, you miss out on the alternative quest reward,
Thrash Blade, which is one of the best one-hand weapons in the game before Level 60 gear.
Axes, both one-handed and two-handed, are the preferred weapons for Orc
players, due to their +5 weapon skill for axes from their racial, Axe Specialization.
This extra skill is a huge boost against boss level enemies, as explained in our
DPS Warrior
Stats Page. There are also many high profile Axes for Warriors, such as
Whirlwind Axe
Arcanite Reaper.
Swords, one-handed and two-handed, are the best weapons for Human
players, as they gain +5 weapon skill when using swords from their racial, Sword Specialization.
This extra skill can help a ton against high level enemies because it improves your
ability to hit them, as explained in our DPS Warrior Stats Page.
While Maces are also great for Human because of Mace Specialization,
they are much worse for PvE than Swords as Mace Specialization is
considerably weaker than
Sword Specialization. Some of the Maces,
unlike Swords, are also designed with caster classes in mind (Intellect / Spell Power),
which means they will not be ideal for Warriors.
Staves are quite similar to Maces, but unlike those they do not have an Arms
talent specialization at all. All of them are two-handed weapons, and more often
than not they have caster oriented stats. This being said, there are a few notable
staves that you should look for in your way to 60, such as Crescent Staff
Resurgence Rod.
Polearms are also two-handed only weapons, and Polearm Specialization
is quite good. Unfortunately there aren't many weapons of this kind in the game,
and there are no races with Polearm bonuses, which makes them a niche weapon type
for Warriors.
Daggers are often neglected by DPS Warriors due to their very fast attack speeds, but it is this same trait that makes them some of the best tanking weapons around.
Tanking Warriors benefit more
from faster weapons than slow ones because these provide steadier Rage generation,
and more ability to quickly dump extra Rage with Heroic Strike when needed.
Fist Weapons
While there are a few fist weapons Warriors can use in WoW Classic,
they are few and far between. If you get a good one, such as Vilerend Slicer
feel free to use it!
Warrior can use ranged weapons, but they are little more than stat sticks for them, with the added benefit of allowing pulling from a distance.
Crossbows, in particular Blackcrow, make for some of the best pre-raid
ranged weapons for Warriors in the game, as they tend to have very useful stats.
Bows also tend to be great ranged weapons for Warriors, especially while leveling as green Bows with useful stats are often found while playing.
Guns are not as common as Bows, but often bring similar stats to the table. Keep in mind that while Crossbows and Bows use arrows as ammunition, you will need bullets for Guns.
Thrown Weapons
Thrown Weapons are special weapons in that they do not give you any stats, and are consumed when used. You can still use them to pull enemies from a distance, but you will generally be using ranged weapons that grant you extra stats, instead.
While not technically a weapon, Shields will still be taking a weapon slot, and improve your defensive capabilities a lot by increasing your armor, while also often carrying other useful stats.
You should always have a Shield available in your inventory for tanking and other situations that demand you to play more defensively, such as when running away from enemies you cannot defeat.
Warrior Weapon Trainers
Depending on their race, Warriors will start with a one-handed Sword, Axe or Mace. They will know how to use some of weapons skills from the start, but require training in the missing one. Also, they know Daggers and Unarmed from the start. Every other weapon skill has to be learned from the various weapon masters below.
Weapon Master location | Weapon Skills available |
Learned by default | 1H Swords and / or 1H Axes and / or Maces and / or Daggers (race-dependent), Unarmed |
Darnassus (around 57,46) | Fist Weapons, Staves, Bows, Thrown Weapons, Daggers |
Ironforge (around 62,89) | Guns, Axes, Maces, Fist Weapons, Crossbows, Thrown Weapons, Daggers |
Stormwind (around 57,57) | Crossbows, Swords, Polearms, Staves, Daggers |
Orgrimmar (around 81,19) | Bows, Thrown Weapons, Axes, Staves, Fist Weapons, Daggers |
Thunder Bluff (41, 62) | Guns, Maces, Staves |
Undercity (57,32) | Crossbows, Swords, Polearms, Daggers |
Most of the weapon skills listed above can be bought at early as Level 10, with Polearms being trained at Level 20.
Remember that no matter how good a weapon is at a given level, it will quickly be outclassed by common weapons of higher level, so be wary of wasting a lot of time chasing for the perfect low level weapon, unless you are making a twink character or enjoy the weapon hunt!
Progressing your Warrior at Level 60
Once you sweat your way to 60, our general specialization guides are there to pick you up and teach you all you need to know in order to make the most out of your /played time.
- Check out the Tanking Warrior Guide if you intend to tank for your group at 60, which is a great idea, as Warriors are the best tanks in WoW Classic!
- If you are, instead, looking to deal maximum damage with your Warrior, read our DPS Warrior and prepare to grind hard for all of your gear, which will in turn make you the #1 damage dealer in your group.
Finally, for PvP focused players, our PvP Warrior Guide is what you need to give you an edge, and the epic mount grind will become easier once you learn some of the tricks we discuss in the Goldmaking Guide for Warriors.
- 18 Nov. 2024: Added weapon information ahead of Classic Anniversary.
- 05 Jan. 2020: Added a Macros and Addons section.
- 23 Sep. 2019: Added a quick link section to level 60 relevant content.
- 19 Sep. 2019: Changed the layout of the guide, now each specialization has its own page and made a separate weapon guide.
- 14 Sep. 2019: Altered the Protection Warrior leveling rotation based on Demoralizing Shout's nerf.
- 12 Sep. 2019: Removed the video link to a Warrior soloing Cyclonian with Engineering pets as it has been made private.
- 04 Sep. 2019: Improved guide layout by moving weapons to the bottom, as a general section, also added Vanquisher's Sword and Sword of Omens to the weapon list.
- 01 Sep. 2019: Adjusted the dungeon leveling section to reflect that it is no longer a beta theorycraft but a tested and true live strategy.
- 30 Aug. 2019: Added the order in which you should take Fury and Protection talents, and added explanations on why those talents are the best.
- 29 Aug. 2019: Changed Arms recommended build, added the order in which you should take Arms talents, and added explanations on why those talents are the best. Added information on dungeon leveling with more than 5 people per dungeon.
- 27 Aug. 2019: Corrected a typo with Charge and Rend's unlock levels.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Added the best dungeon leveling talent spec in the dungeon leveling section.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Added Corpsemaker and Ravager as weapons to look for while dungeon leveling, and made it clearer that going for Whirlwind Axe is not usually desirable when speed leveling.
- 19 Aug. 2019: Added a melee cleave dungeon leveling section and notes on Thunder Clap, which plays an important role in such a group.
- 03 Aug. 2019: Added useful questing guides to follow.
- 28 Jul. 2019: Added information on Sunder Armor usage while leveling as a DPS spec.
- 16 Jul. 2019: Fixed a minor typo with Pummel and the leveling slider.
- 12 Jun. 2019: Page added.
More Classic Warrior Guides
Classic Leveling Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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