TBC Classic Elemental Shaman Phase 1 / Tier 4 Gear and Best in Slot
On this page, you will find the best Tier 4 PvE gear and best in slot items for your Elemental Shaman in TBC Classic Phase 1.
Elemental Shaman Phase 1 / Tier 4 Best in Slot List
While a clear best in slot list is always available in TBC Classic, the items contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get. Thus, we will try to give at least one alternative, for most slots in the list, so that you can pick where and how to farm them.
The list will focus on gathering the best stats for Elemental, as described in our guide below:
Other Elemental Shaman Best in Slot Lists
If you are starting out as a freshly-leveled Elemental Shaman, our pre-raid best in slot list is meant to give you an idea of non-raid items you can chase as a solo / pug player in preparation for raids.
Do note that items from Heroic dungeons or that require Primal Nethers
(which are obtained from Heroics) can be harder to get than raid items due to
their daily lockout. Some Heroic dungeons are also harder than most of
If, however, your character is ready to take on the content of Tiers 5 and 6, then please utilize our updated lists instead.
TBC Phase 1 / Tier 4 Elemental Shaman Tier Set
Elemental Shaman Tier 4, the Cyclone Regalia has gloves, chest, head, legs, and shoulders. Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces:
Wrath of Air Totem grants an additional 20 Spell Damage. This is a very strong bonus, especially when playing in a caster group!
- 4 pieces: gives your offensive spell critical strikes a 11% chance to reduce the base Mana cost of your next spell by 270. Not as good as the previous bonus but not worthless, either.
Our recommendation for Tier 4 is using the head and shoulders of Tier 4 alongside Leatherworking's Netherstrike Armor and the best off-set pieces available in the rest of the gear slots.
Phase 1 / Tier 4 Best in Slot Table
The Lightning Capacitor deserves a special mention, as it is a very
powerful trinket for Elemental Shamans, specifically. The trinket procs from
spell critical strikes, which include
Lightning Overload crits and
all of
Chain Lightning jumps.
Keep in mind that the trinket's lightning bolt proc will reset its stacks and
incur a 2.5 seconds cooldown on further charge gains. For example, if
Elemental Mastery plus
Chain Lightning hits three
targets, a trinket lightning bolt will proc immediately, but it will also remove
all charges from the trinket, even if you were already at 2 charges before using
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck |
Shoulder | ||
Cloak | ||
Chest |
Wrists |
Gloves | ||
Belt |
Legs | ||
Boots |
Rings |
Trinkets |
Two-Hand |
One-Hand |
Off-hand | ||
Relics |
Other Useful TBC Tier 4 Gear for Elemental Shamans
While the list above contains the absolute best gear setup, you are unlikely to quickly gather all of it. We provide more options below, some which are very close to the best and some which are just much easier to get!
Shaman Weapons
Since weapons are such a broad topic, we have written a full guide about Shaman weapons below.
Further Enhancements
If you have further questions about gemming and enchanting these items, our Elemental Shaman Enchants and Gems page below provides more information.
- 19 Sep. 2021: Page restored.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman (as Woah) and Druid Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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