Diablo 3 Season 32 Tier Lists and Build Rankings

Last updated on Jul 12, 2024 at 06:35 by Impakt 1 comment

This page references all of the Tier Lists and rankings we have on the site for Season 32.


Top Solo Greater Rift Pushing Builds for each Class

Diablo 3 has one primary end-game activity: greater rift pushing. The ultimate question for each class and build is what performs the best? For the best results, you will want to use the best builds. If you need help to decide what the best end-game greater rift pushing builds are, check out the tier list below to see what will be strong in the new season.


Top Solo Speed T16 Builds for each Class

While solo speed GR farming is all about balance, T16 is a much lower threshold, and your build priorities change heavily. Almost every build in the game can clear T16 with very little effort when set up correctly, meaning speed is the biggest factor. You want builds with screen-clearing damage patterns that allow you to clear quickly. You will always have the damage, but the build has to bring the speed.

For T16 content, you will either be doing bounties or greater rift key farming in nephalem rifts. Bounties require less killing, so usually you will value dashes and blinks more, but rifts will value large range AoE more because of the higher density of enemies throughout the rifts. Realistically, both of these activities just want builds that are extremely fast and do huge AoE damage.

Check out our tier list below for the best T16 farming builds for each class.


Top Group Rift Guardian Killer Builds for each Class

For most 4-player group compositions, the DPS roles are split into two forms: AoE and single target. The AoE DPS is in charge of clearing the rift through maximizing area damage and huge density pulls while the single target dps is known as the RGK, or rift guardian killer. Because the damage styles are so unique, you usually have to separate them into two different DPS for optimal results. Here is the list of the best RGK builds for each class.


Top Group Trash Killer Builds for each Class

For most 4-player group compositions, the DPS roles are split into two forms: AoE and single target. The AoE DPS is in charge of clearing the rift through maximizing area damage and huge density pulls while the single target dps is known as the RGK, or rift guardian killer. Because the damage styles are so unique, you usually have to separate them into two different DPS for optimal results. Here is the list of the best AoE builds, or trash killer builds for each class.


Group Meta Guide

New to grouping in greater rifts for pushing? Check out this group meta guide to learn about the best group types and the different roles you can fulfill.



  • 12 Jul. 2024: Updated for season 32.
  • 23 Jul. 2021: Page added.
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