Heroes of the Storm Quick Match Tier List

Last updated on Jun 03, 2024 at 19:09 by Elitesparkle 1 comment

The goal of this Tier List is to inform Quick Match players regarding how strong Heroes are in the current metagame.

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The goal of this Tier List is to inform Quick Match players regarding how strong Heroes are in the current metagame.


Tier S

In this tier you can find overpowered Heroes that will do great in most games.

Tank 1 Hero
Bruiser 1 Hero
Melee Assassin 2 Heroes
Healer 2 Heroes

Brightwing is a well-rounded Healer with crowd control, global presence, a powerful Cleanse effect, and a solid healing output. She is particularly good at dealing with high-mobility Heroes (for example Genji).

Hogger is a well-rounded Bruiser who can clear Minions and Mercenaries efficiently and dish out a solid amount of damage against Heroes during team fights, especially in the late game.

Johanna is not only the most durable Tank in the whole game but she can also provide a good amount of crowd control to disrupt enemy plans and help her teammates in team fights.

Rehgar is currently a solid Healer who can provide a balanced mix of sustain and burst healing, with the ability to quickly clear Minions and Mercenaries.

At the cost of being not that strong in team fights, Samuro has one of the best kits for playing macro (self-sustain, good waveclear, escape tools).

Zeratul is a formidable Melee Assassin that, thanks to his mobility and damage output, can easily threaten most Ranged Assassins. Stay near Heroes who can peel and/or heal, especially in the late game.


Tier A

In this tier you can find strong Heroes that will perform well in a lot of games.


Tier B

In this tier you can find good Heroes that will generally be fine but not that strong.


Tier C

In this tier you can find situational Heroes that will only do well in some circumstances.


Tier D

In this tier you can find weak Heroes that will do poorly in most games.

Tank 1 Hero
Melee Assassin 1 Hero
Ranged Assassin 3 Heroes
Support 2 Heroes
Healer 2 Heroes


  • 03 Jun. 2024: Tier List updated.
  • 01 Feb. 2024: Tier List reworked.
  • 09 Aug. 2022: Tier list updated.
  • 04 Aug. 2022: Tier List created.
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