Anduin Talents

Last updated on Jul 31, 2024 at 13:44 by Elitesparkle 27 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Anduin. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Anduin's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Anduin's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Evenhanded Blessings ? Power Word: Shield Lightwell ?
4 Moral Compass Surge of Light ? Piercing Light ?
7 Binding Heal ? Blessed Recovery ? Desperate Prayer
10 Holy Word: Salvation ? Lightbomb
13 Speed of the Pious Push Forward! ? Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed ?
16 Renew ? Holy Nova ? Glyph of Faith Inner Focus ?
20 Light of Stormwind ? Inner Fire ? Censure Varian's Legacy ?

Anduin's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Lightwell Build

Level 1 Lightwell Icon
Level 4 Moral Compass Icon
Level 7 Binding Heal Icon Desperate Prayer Icon ? Blessed Recovery Icon ?
Level 10 Lightbomb Icon Holy Word: Salvation Icon ?
Level 13 Speed of the Pious Icon
Level 16 Renew Icon
Level 20 Varian's Legacy Icon Light of Stormwind Icon ?

Anduin's Lightwell Build is all about keeping yourself and allied Heroes healthy over time, which is great when facing a team that mostly relies on sustain damage but weak against burst damage.

Try to apply Renew Icon Renew at Level 16 on as many allied Heroes as possible, then rely on Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass to refresh its duration from the distance every 5 seconds with either Divine Star Icon Divine Star or Basic Attacks.

Most of the Talents in this Build will contribute to reducing the cooldown of Lightwell Icon Lightwell at Level 1, increasing your healing output without having to spend extra Mana but with the need for allied Heroes to stand in the healing area for a few seconds. For this reason, we find it better for stationary fights to control a given location on the battlefield.

Leap of Faith Build

Level 1 Power Word: Shield Icon
Level 4 Moral Compass Icon Surge of Light Icon ? Piercing Light Icon ?
Level 7 Desperate Prayer Icon
Level 10 Lightbomb Icon Holy Word: Salvation Icon ?
Level 13 Speed of the Pious Icon
Level 16 Glyph of Faith Icon
Level 20 Censure Icon Light of Stormwind Icon ? Inner Fire Icon ?

Anduin's Leap of Faith Build gives you access to a fair amount of sustain healing and a high amount of burst healing and saving tools to save allied Heroes from sudden danger or to help them being more aggressive.

You can mitigate burst damage by using Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield at Level 1, Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer at Level 7, and get allied Heroes out of danger more often thanks to Glyph of Faith Icon Glyph of Faith at Level 16.

Inner Focus Build

Level 1 Power Word: Shield Icon
Level 4 Moral Compass Icon
Level 7 Blessed Recovery Icon
Level 10 Lightbomb Icon Holy Word: Salvation Icon ?
Level 13 Speed of the Pious Icon
Level 16 Inner Focus Icon

Anduin's Inner Focus Build is designed to help you stay alive against dive (for example Zeratul) as otherwise you do not have tools to deal with it.

The survivability comes from Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery at Level 7 and Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus at Level 16, whose cooldown is reduced by dealing damage to enemy Heroes.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Lightwell Icon
Level 4 Moral Compass Icon
Level 7 Binding Heal Icon Desperate Prayer Icon ? Blessed Recovery Icon ?
Level 10 Lightbomb Icon Holy Word: Salvation Icon ?
Level 13 Speed of the Pious Icon
Level 16 Renew Icon
Level 20 Varian's Legacy Icon Light of Stormwind Icon ?

Anduin's ARAM Build is all about keeping yourself and allied Heroes healthy over time, which is great when facing a team that mostly relies on sustain damage but weak against burst damage.

Try to apply Renew Icon Renew at Level 16 on as many allied Heroes as possible, then rely on Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass to refresh its duration from the distance every 5 seconds with either Divine Star Icon Divine Star or Basic Attacks.

Most of the Talents in this Build will contribute to reducing the cooldown of Lightwell Icon Lightwell at Level 1, increasing your healing output without having to spend extra Mana but with the need for allied Heroes to stand in the healing area for a few seconds. For this reason, we find it better for stationary fights to control a given location on the battlefield.


Level 1 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Evenhanded Blessings ?
Evenhanded Blessings (Level 1) World of Warcraft Anduin

If Flash Heal is cast on a different target from its last, increase its healing by 15% and refund 40% of its cooldown.

Evenhanded Blessings Icon Evenhanded Blessings is a decent Talent that slightly increases the healing from Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal and refunds part of its cooldown when you use it on a different target than the last time you cast it.

The cooldown reduction provided by Evenhanded Blessings Icon Evenhanded Blessings has synergy with Binding Heal Icon Binding Heal at Level 7—another Talent that helps against poke damage like this one—and with Renew Icon Renew at Level 16—because it helps you put it on multiple Heroes in less time.

Anduin Power Word: Shield
Power Word: Shield (Level 1) World of Warcraft Anduin

While Divine Star is traveling out, allies in its path gain a Shield that absorbs 128 (+4% per level) damage for 4 seconds.

If Divine Star hits an enemy Hero, Anduin gains a Shield that absorbs 185 (+4% per level) damage for 4 seconds.

Power Word: Shield Icon Power Word: Shield is a strong Talent that gives a smaller Shield to allied Heroes and a bigger Shield to Anduin. The smaller Shield on allied Heroes is created when Divine Star Icon Divine Star's wave of light leaves Anduin. The bigger Shield on Anduin is created when Divine Star Icon Divine Star's wave of light returns to Anduin.

Consider picking this Talent when team fights are short and your team needs help to survive against burst damage, or when the enemy team can dive you and you need additional survivability.

Anduin Lightwell ?
Lightwell (Level 1) World of Warcraft Anduin
  • Cooldown: 75 seconds

Summon a Lightwell that periodically heals a nearby allied Hero for 50 (+4% per level). The well only fades after healing 15 times or when recast.

This cooldown is reduced by 1 second each time Anduin heals an allied Hero.

Lightwell Icon Lightwell is a good Talent that allows you to place a Lightwell on the ground, healing allied Heroes nearby. Each instance of healing done by Anduin—including healing ticks from Healing Fountains and from Regeneration Globes—will reduce its cooldown by 1 second.

The healing effect provided has a limited amount of ticks: 15 in total. While enemies cannot destroy the Lightwell, it will disappear once all of its healing ticks get consumed or whenever another one gets summoned.

At the start of the game or whenever you have time to leave your team for a dozen of seconds, you can cast Lightwell Icon Lightwell in the offlane to heavily shift the matchup in your team's favor. Alternatively, use it to sustain heal your team while laning or while contesting an area and therefore taking part in a relatively static team fight.

Although doing so is not always possible, thanks to how Pursued by Grace works (see Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith's tooltip), you can easily reduce the cooldown of Lightwell Icon Lightwell from 80 seconds to around 30 seconds by constantly using Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes. When you cannot count on your Basic Attacks, there are a lot of Talents which can help you with that: Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass at Level 4, Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery at Level 7, Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation, Renew Icon Renew at Level 16, and even Varian's Legacy Icon Varian's Legacy at Level 20.

Lightwell Icon Lightwell has two drawbacks:

  • if your team needs to move, part of the healing will end up being wasted and will not contribute to its own cooldown reduction;
  • the enemy team can see the Lightwell on the ground and try to aim there.

Level 4 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Moral Compass
Moral Compass (Level 4) World of Warcraft Anduin

Divine Star fires Basic Attacks at Heroes close to its apex.

Passive: Increase Attack Range by 1.1.

Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass is a strong Talent that lets you play from a safer position by increasing your Attack Range and by making Divine Star Icon Divine Star shoot a Basic Attack at each enemy Hero near its edge.

The extra Basic Attacks, other than healing nearby allied Heroes via Pursued by Grace (see Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith's tooltip), will also help you reduce the cooldown of Lightwell Icon Lightwell at Level 1 and/or Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus at Level 16.

Anduin Surge of Light ?
Surge of Light (Level 4) World of Warcraft Anduin

Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Chastise by 0.75 seconds. Basic Attacks against Heroes Rooted by Chastise launch an additional Basic Attack and restore 25 Mana.

Surge of Light Icon Surge of Light is a situational Talent that makes your Basic Attacks against any enemy reduce the cooldown of Chastise Icon Chastise and your Basic Attacks against Heroes who are Rooted by Chastise Icon Chastise generate an extra Basic Attack and give you some Mana.

The extra Basic Attacks can help your team securing kills. If you time the first Basic Attack correctly, you can trigger this effect twice. The increased Root duration from Censure Icon Censure at Level 20 will make the trick extremely easy.

Anduin Piercing Light ?
Piercing Light (Level 4) World of Warcraft Anduin

Chastise pierces to hit an additional Hero.

Quest: Hitting two Heroes with a single Chastise permanently increases Spell Power by 1, to a maximum of 10.

Piercing Light Icon Piercing Light is a situational Talent that makes your Chastise Icon Chastise pierce through the first enemy Hero hit, so that you can hit a second Hero. Every time you do that, you gain 1 Spell Power, up to 10 Spell Power.

While not that easy to use, this Talent is quite interesting. The pierce is great to hit two enemy Heroes with a single Chastise Icon Chastise. If you have Censure Icon Censure at Level 20, the pierce will help you Stun your intended target even if another Hero is on the way. This is quite useful when trying to interrupt channeled Abilities.

The small amount of Spell Power provided increases the healing and damage done with Abilities, including the percent-based healing from Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation. If you do not complete the Quest, you will heal less than when going for another Talent.


Level 7 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Binding Heal ?
Binding Heal (Level 7) World of Warcraft Anduin

Casting Flash Heal on an ally heals Anduin for 135 (+4% per level).

Binding Heal Icon Binding Heal is a situational Talent that heals Anduin every time you cast Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal on someone else, improving your sustain healing in prolonged team fights.

Consider picking this Talent against teams that have more poke damage than burst damage as you will not need Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery or Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer against them.

You can combine Binding Heal Icon Binding Heal with Evenhanded Blessings Icon Evenhanded Blessings at Level 1 to further improve its value thanks to its cooldown reduction.

Anduin Blessed Recovery ?
Blessed Recovery (Level 7) World of Warcraft Anduin

If Anduin loses more than 8% of his maximum Health at once, recover 15% Health over 3 seconds.

This effect has a 10 second cooldown.

Current Health required: 133 (+4% per level).

Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery is a situational Talent that, once every 10 seconds, increases Anduin's survivability when the enemy team has at least one Hero who deals damage in big chunks, else it will only trigger when you get focused down by multiple Heroes.

The main advantage of this Talent is that it works even when you are being affected by enemy crowd control, making it a great tool to increase your own survivability, especially against dive.

Anduin Desperate Prayer
Desperate Prayer (Level 7) World of Warcraft Anduin
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds

Activate to instantly heal an allied Hero for 375 (+4% per level), but kneel for 2 seconds, unable to act.

Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer is a strong Talent that can be activated to instantly heal an allied Hero for slightly more than Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal, but Anduin will not be able to do anything for 2 seconds after using it.

You can use Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer on Anduin himself. Compared to Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery, Anduin gets around 110 additional healing from this Ability without any condition, but it has more cooldown and is risky to use.

To play around the actions freezing penalty that happens when using Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer, you should cast it from maximum range or between team fights. Keep in mind that enemy interrupts (for example Condemn Icon Condemn by Johanna) can free you when you are unable to act.

Compared to the other Talents in the same Tier, Desperate Prayer Icon Desperate Prayer provides the highest amount of healing with a single activation, with Blessed Recovery Icon Blessed Recovery healing only 2/3 of that and Binding Heal Icon Binding Heal healing only 1/3 of that.


Level 10 Talents for Anduin

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Anduin Holy Word: Salvation ?
Holy Word: Salvation (Level 10) World of Warcraft Anduin
  • Mana: 70
  • Cooldown: 80 seconds

After 0.5 seconds, Channel to invoke the Light for 3 seconds. While nearby, allied Heroes heal for up to 30% of their max Health and are Protected.

Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation is a good Heroic Ability that, after a short cast time, can be channeled to Protect and heal allied Heroes nearby.

Being weak to interrupts, Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation shines against teams that lack them but can occasionally be played against teams who have some of them, just to counter enemy Heroic Abilities with Protected (for example Pyroblast Icon Pyroblast by Kael'thas).

Anduin Lightbomb
Lightbomb (Level 10) World of Warcraft Anduin
  • Mana: 70
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Imbue an allied Hero with the Light. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes, dealing 150 (+4% per level) damage to enemies and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds.

The target gains a Shield that absorbs 165 (+4% per level) damage per enemy Hero hit. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Lightbomb Icon Lightbomb is a strong Heroic Ability that can be cast on Anduin or on another allied Hero in order to Stun and damage all enemies around them after a moderate delay and give the targeted Hero a Shield whose size is based on the number of enemy Heroes hit.

Not being weak to interrupts like Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation, Lightbomb Icon Lightbomb will be your go-to choice in the majority of your games. Sometimes it will not be easy to use because you will not have any allied crowd control to follow up, in which case you should prefer to use it as a counter-engage tool instead.


Level 13 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Speed of the Pious
Speed of the Pious (Level 13) World of Warcraft Anduin

While Divine Star is traveling, gain 30% Movement Speed. Each allied Hero healed by Divine Star on its return to Anduin reduces its cooldown by 1 second.

Speed of the Pious Icon Speed of the Pious is a strong Talent that gives you a burst of Movement Speed during the animation effect of Divine Star Icon Divine Star and reduces the cooldown of the same Ability based on the quantity of allied Heroes healed by it.

The bonus Movement Speed provided by Speed of the Pious Icon Speed of the Pious will last slightly more if you move in the opposite direction you aimed Divine Star Icon Divine Star and slightly less if you move in the same direction you aimed at.

Anduin Push Forward! ?
Push Forward! (Level 13) World of Warcraft Anduin

Damaging an enemy Hero increases Movement Speed by 2.5% and the amount healed by Pursued By Grace by 5% for 6 seconds. These effects stack up to 8 times.

Push Forward! Icon Push Forward! is a decent Talent that increases the healing provided by Pursued by Grace—the passive component of your Trait, Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith—and your Movement Speed by a small but stacking amount each time you deal damage to enemy Heroes with Abilities or Basic Attacks.

The benefits you get from this Talent make more sense when you expect prolonged team fights and you need more sustain healing, else it is better to go for a different Talent.

Anduin Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed ?
Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed (Level 13) World of Warcraft Anduin

Gain 5% Movement Speed. This bonus is quadrupled while Leap of Faith's cooldown is available. Allies pulled by Leap of Faith are healed for 280 (+4% per level) over 4 seconds.

Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed Icon Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed is a good Talent that gives you a constant 20% Movement Speed when Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith is available and a constant 5% Movement Speed when it is not. In addition to that, pulling a Hero by activating your Trait will also heal them for a good amount over a few seconds.


Level 16 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Renew ?
Renew (Level 16) World of Warcraft Anduin

Flash Heal heals an additional 180 (+4% per level) over 6 seconds. The duration of this heal is refreshed each time Anduin hits an enemy Hero with a Basic Attack.

Renew Icon Renew is a decent Talent that makes Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal heal over time and your Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes refresh that effect for all allied Heroes who have it on them.

Consider picking this Talent if you expect relatively long team fights, especially if the enemy team does not have access to healing reduction effects.

Being based on Basic Attacks, this Talent has synergy with Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass at Level 4 and Push Forward! Icon Push Forward! at Level 13.

Anduin Holy Nova ?
Holy Nova (Level 16) World of Warcraft Anduin

After Anduin catches Divine Star, it explodes, healing nearby allied Heroes for 105 (+4% per level) and damaging enemies for 150 (+4% per level).

Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova is a decent Talent that gives you a moderate amount of burst damage and healing. The effects happen in a small area around Anduin, when Divine Star Icon Divine Star ends.

To get the most value out of this Talent, position yourself in a way that allows you to heal and/or damage at least 2 Heroes at the same time. Speed of the Pious Icon Speed of the Pious at Level 13 helps you with that, in addition to slightly reducing the cooldown of Divine Star Icon Divine Star and therefore allowing you to get value from Holy Nova Icon Holy Nova more often.

The main downside of this Talent is its anti-synergy with Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith because the former requires you to stay relatively close to allied Heroes whereas the latter has to be used from the distance to be more effective.

Consider picking this Talent if you expect relatively short team fights and you do not need Glyph of Faith Icon Glyph of Faith to save allied Heroes.

Anduin Glyph of Faith
Glyph of Faith (Level 16) World of Warcraft Anduin

Leap of Faith gains a 2nd charge.

Glyph of Faith Icon Glyph of Faith is a strong Talent that adds a second charge of Leap of Faith Icon Leap of Faith, something that can be game-changing against burst compositions.

If you use only one charge of your Trait, you still keep the 20% Movement Speed bonus provided by Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed Icon Enchant Boots - Lion's Speed at Level 13.

Anduin Inner Focus ?
Inner Focus (Level 16) World of Warcraft Anduin
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds

Activate to reset the cooldown of Flash Heal and its next cast heals for 25% more.

Damaging enemy Heroes reduces this cooldown by 1 second.

Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus is a good Talent which can be activated to instantly reset the cooldown of Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal and make its next cast heal for more. The cooldown of this Talent can be reduces by damaging enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks or Abilities.

To get more cooldown reduction, you can count on Moral Compass Icon Moral Compass at Level 4 and/or Varian's Legacy Icon Varian's Legacy at Level 20. Just make sure to activate Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus before using Divine Star Icon Divine Star or before it hits enemy Heroes, otherwise you will waste some or all the cooldown reduction.

If you expect not to fight for the next 20 seconds (for example when having to travel from the Hall of Storms to the middle of the battlefield), you can activate Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus to start its cooldown and thus be able to get double value from it during the next team fight by having it immediately available after casting Flash Heal Icon Flash Heal.


Level 20 Talents for Anduin

Anduin Light of Stormwind ?
Light of Stormwind (Level 20) World of Warcraft Anduin

Holy Word: Salvation grants allied Heroes Invulnerability instead of Protected. This does not affect Anduin.

Channeling Holy Word: Salvation for its full duration reduces its cooldown by -61 seconds.

Light of Stormwind Icon Light of Stormwind is a good Talent that improves the already powerful Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation: allied Heroes other than Anduin will become Invulnerable rather than Protected, but Anduin will still be Protected like without it.

If you manage to keep Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation active for its full duration, then you will get a powerful 60-second cooldown reduction and be able to use it again only 16 seconds after.

Considering that being Invulnerable makes the affected unit Unstoppable as well, picking this Talent will make it easier for the enemy team to interrupt Holy Word: Salvation Icon Holy Word: Salvation with Abilities who connect on the first enemy Hero hit because they will pierce all Invulnerable targets.

Anduin is not affected by this Talent for balance reasons, else the enemy team would not be able to interrupt this stationary-channeled Ability anymore.

Anduin Inner Fire ?
Inner Fire (Level 20) World of Warcraft Anduin

The target of Light Bomb gains 40% Move Speed and 50 Armor for 3 seconds.

Inner Fire Icon Inner Fire is a good Talent that empowers Lightbomb Icon Lightbomb in two ways: the targeted allied Hero gets Movement Speed and Armor, starting from the moment you cast it and not from when it explodes.

The bonus Movement Speed offered by this Talent helps the Hero who has Lightbomb Icon Lightbomb on them to reposition in a way that will cause the explosion to hit the desired enemy Heroes as they will have less room to run away and dodge its effect.

The high amount of Armor provided by this Talent is great for saving allied Heroes who are getting focused down by the enemy team. You can also use it to protect yourself from dive Heroes (for example Zeratul).

Anduin Censure
Censure (Level 20) World of Warcraft Anduin

Chastise Stuns for 0.75 seconds and its Root duration is increased by 0.5 seconds.

Censure Icon Censure is a strong Talent that allows you to Stun enemy Heroes hit with Chastise Icon Chastise and slightly extend the duration of its Root that will still happen right after.

Having Piercing Light Icon Piercing Light or Surge of Light Icon Surge of Light at Level 4 makes this Talent even better as it allows you to Stun an additional Hero or more often respectively.

Pick this Talent when your team needs interrupts for enemy Abilities or when your team needs extra peeling, especially if you have Surge of Light Icon Surge of Light or Piercing Light Icon Piercing Light at Level 4 which synergize with it.

Anduin Varian's Legacy ?
Varian's Legacy (Level 20) World of Warcraft Anduin

Basic Attacks burn enemies for 87 (+4% per level) damage over 3 seconds and Anduin heals for 50% of the damage dealt.

Varian's Legacy Icon Varian's Legacy is a decent Talent that increases the damage you can deal with Basic Attacks by adding a burning effect to them and your survivability by healing you for half of the damage done with it.

Consider picking this Talent when you need extra damage and you do not need anything else from this Tier (for example when your team has another Healer in addition to Anduin), because otherwise Varian's Legacy Icon Varian's Legacy is quite underwhelming.

The damage over time of Varian's Legacy Icon Varian's Legacy contributes to the cooldown reduction of both Lightwell Icon Lightwell at Level 1 and Inner Focus Icon Inner Focus at Level 16.



  • 31 Jul. 2024: Power Word: Shield's Description fixed.
  • 12 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 25 Sep. 2022: Guide improved.
  • 07 Jul. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 06 May 2022: Builds updated.
  • 21 Nov. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 30 Aug. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 03 Aug. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 17 Jun. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 30 May 2021: Builds updated.
  • 17 May 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Patch.
  • 22 Mar. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 09 Mar. 2021: Talents fixed.
  • 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
  • 24 Feb. 2021: Builds and Talent Descriptions updated.
  • 15 Feb. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 20 Jan. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 23 Oct. 2020: Builds fixed.
  • 11 Oct. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 15 Sep. 2020: Builds updated.
  • 25 Jul. 2020: Builds modified to reflect the current metagame.
  • 07 May 2020: Builds and Descriptions changed according to the latest Balance Update.
  • 09 Apr. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 05 Jun. 2019: Checked and proof-read Anduin's guide and found no need for necessary changes.
  • 23 May 2019: Updated Anduin's talents and builds in accordance with the latest Balance Update.
  • 03 May 2019: Changed Moral Compass from Not Recommended to Recommended and Holy Reach from Recommended to Not Recommended.
  • 28 Apr. 2019: Guide added.
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