Rehgar Talents

Last updated on Dec 17, 2023 at 11:55 by Elitesparkle 29 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Rehgar. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Rehgar's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Rehgar's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Stormcaller ? Colossal Totem Feral Heart ?
4 Earthliving Enchant Electric Charge ? Healing Totem ?
7 Grounded Totem Purification ? Blood and Thunder ?
10 Ancestral Healing Bloodlust ?
13 Tidal Waves Earth Shield ? Wellspring ?
16 Rising Storm ? Earthgrasp Totem Hunger of the Wolf ?
20 Farseer's Blessing Gladiator's War Shout ? Elemental Conduit ? Pit Fighter ?

Rehgar's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Earthbind Totem Build

Level 1 Colossal Totem Icon
Level 4 Earthliving Enchant Icon
Level 7 Grounded Totem Icon
Level 10 Ancestral Healing Icon Bloodlust Icon ?
Level 13 Tidal Waves Icon
Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem Icon
Level 20 Farseer's Blessing Icon Gladiator's War Shout Icon ? Pit Fighter Icon ?

Rehgar's Earthbind Totem Build consists of various tools that can increase the survivability of your teammates: from more healing for allied Heroes to damage reduction effects for enemy Heroes.

Grounded Totem Icon Grounded Totem at Level 7, combined with Colossal Totem Icon Colossal Totem at Level 1, turns Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem into a powerful damage reduction Ability.

Hybrid Build

Level 1 Feral Heart Icon
Level 4 Healing Totem Icon
Level 7 Purification Icon
Level 10 Ancestral Healing Icon
Level 13 Earth Shield Icon
Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem Icon
Level 20 Farseer's Blessing Icon Elemental Conduit Icon ? Pit Fighter Icon ?

Rehgar's Hybrid Build is not the best when it comes to healing output but it offers various tools to increase your survivability, save allied Heroes from burst damage, and even crowd control enemy Heroes.

Your opponents will have a hard time choosing their target because your teammates will be valid targets for Purification Icon Purification at Level 7 and you will have extra survivability from Feral Heart Icon Feral Heart at Level 1.

Lightning Shield Build

Level 1 Stormcaller Icon
Level 4 Electric Charge Icon
Level 7 Blood and Thunder Icon
Level 10 Ancestral Healing Icon Bloodlust Icon ?
Level 13 Earth Shield Icon
Level 16 Rising Storm Icon

Rehgar's Lighting Shield Build can be used to increase the survivability of melee Heroes (such as Illidan) by putting Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield (empowered with various Talents) on them while they are fighting enemy Heroes.

Thanks to Rising Storm Icon Rising Storm at Level 16, the Hero affected by Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield will be healed more by Electric Charge Icon Electric Charge at Level 4. The range provided by Stormcaller Icon Stormcaller at Level 1 helps getting value from these Talents.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Colossal Totem Icon
Level 4 Earthliving Enchant Icon
Level 7 Grounded Totem Icon
Level 10 Ancestral Healing Icon Bloodlust Icon ?
Level 13 Tidal Waves Icon
Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem Icon
Level 20 Pit Fighter Icon Gladiator's War Shout Icon ? Farseer's Blessing Icon ?

Rehgar's ARAM Build consists of various tools that can increase the survivability of your teammates: from more healing for allied Heroes to damage reduction effects for enemy Heroes.

Grounded Totem Icon Grounded Totem at Level 7, combined with Colossal Totem Icon Colossal Totem at Level 1, turns Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem into a powerful damage reduction Ability.


Level 1 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Stormcaller ?
Stormcaller (Level 1) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Increase the radius of Lightning Shield by 25%.

Quest: Each time Lightning Shield damages an enemy Hero, permanently increase Rehgar's Health by 2 and Mana by 1, stacking up to 300 times.

Stormcaller Icon Stormcaller is a decent Talent that increases the area covered by Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield. In addition to that, hitting enemy Heroes with Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield will increase Rehgar's maximum Health and Mana (not scaling) for the rest of the game, capping at 600 extra Health and 300 bonus Mana.

By making Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield hit enemy Heroes who are slightly farther away, this Talent has synergy with Electric Charge Icon Electric Charge at Level 4 and Rising Storm Icon Rising Storm a Level 16.

Rehgar Colossal Totem
Colossal Totem (Level 1) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Reactivate Earthbind Totem to move an existing totem to a new location. This can be used once per cast.

Passive: Increase Earthbind Totem's area and duration by 50%, and Health by 25%.

Colossal Totem Icon Colossal Totem is a strong Talent which increases the maximum Health, area covered, and duration of Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem. In addition to that, once per cast, you will have 8 seconds to reposition Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem in a new location within Rehgar's range. When doing so, it will keep the same amount of Health and duration remaining.

The extra 3-second duration provided by this Talent can be used to get more value from Grounded Totem Icon Grounded Totem at Level 7 and/or Wellspring Icon Wellspring at Level 13 because both their effects will last 50% longer as a consequence. On the other hand, Earthgrasp Totem Icon Earthgrasp Totem at Level 16 will not work on the reactivation when repositioning Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem.

Rehgar Feral Heart ?
Feral Heart (Level 1) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Ghost Wolf's Movement Speed bonus is increased to 40% for the first second, then falls to 30%. Entering or exiting Ghost Wolf form grants 15 Armor for 1 second.

Feral Heart Icon Feral Heart is a good Talent which increases the Movement Speed provided by Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf and gives Armor every time Rehgar transforms, increasing his survivability when trying to escape or when playing aggressively.

The bonus Armor provided by this Talent is particularly good for experienced players who know when they can afford to play Rehgar aggressively: Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf to deal some damage to exposed enemy Heroes, immediately retreat (sometimes with the help of Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem too) while enemy Heroes are wasting some Ability cooldowns to punish you, and repeat when appropriate. Track dangerous enemy Ability cooldowns in your head, otherwise you will be easily punished.

Going from 120% to 130% Movement Speed while using Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf basically allows Rehgar to travel at the same Movement Speed as other Heroes when Mounted, something that may be useful on big Maps (such as Blackheart's Bay).


Level 4 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Earthliving Enchant
Earthliving Enchant (Level 4) World of Warcraft Rehgar

When Chain Heal heals a Hero below 50% Health, they are healed an additional 160 (+4% per level) Health over 4 seconds.

Earthliving Enchant Icon Earthliving Enchant is a strong Talent which makes Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal heal Rehgar and other allied Heroes for almost twice the normal amount when they are below 50% maximum Health, but the extra healing happens over multiple seconds.

The ability to heal more when Heroes are below a certain amount of maximum Health is great against team compositions who struggle to finish off their targets and secure kills.

You can combine this Talent with Tidal Waves Icon Tidal Waves at Level 13 to greatly increase your area of effect sustain healing, something that is important to have against poke damage spread on multiple Heroes.

Rehgar Electric Charge ?
Electric Charge (Level 4) World of Warcraft Rehgar

The bearer of Lightning Shield Heals for 20% of the damage it deals to enemy Heroes, doubled if the bearer is Rehgar.

While Lightning Shield is damaging an enemy, its bearer gains 10% increased Movement Speed.

Electric Charge Icon Electric Charge is a mediocre Talent that makes you heal whoever has Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield on them for part of the damage it deals and slightly increase their Movement Speed. Rehgar gets double healing from this Talent.

To get enough value from this Talent, you need to combine it with Rising Storm Icon Rising Storm at Level 16, which increases the damage dealt by Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield and consequently the healing provided by Electric Charge Icon Electric Charge.

Rehgar Healing Totem ?
Healing Totem (Level 4) World of Warcraft Rehgar
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

Activate to place a Totem that heals allied Heroes in an area for 2% of their maximum Health every second. This Totem has 125 (+4% per level) Health and lasts for 10 seconds.

Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem is a good Talent that provides percent-based healing for your teammates. Every allied Hero within its area gets healed for 2% maximum Health every second, until it expires or gets destroyed by enemies. In total, Healing Totem will heal 10 times over its duration.

You can easily use this extra Ability to keep allied Heroes healthy between a team fight and another. During team fights, you should prefer to place Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem in a safe location within the backline of your team formation, otherwise it will get destroyed immediately and heal nothing.

Similarly to Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem, Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem can also be used as a ward, to provide vision to your team. When trying to capture a Mercenary Camp, you can place it inside a nearby bush. This trick is particularly useful when going for a Boss Camp, especially at high level of play. Considering that those Totems last 6 and 10 seconds respectively, those Abilities can give you vision for 22 seconds straight if you use Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem first, Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem next, and then Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem last.

Pit Fighter Icon Pit Fighter at Level 20 gives you Spell Power, which increases the healing provided by Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem.


Level 7 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Grounded Totem
Grounded Totem (Level 7) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Enemy Heroes in Earthbind Totem's area also have their Attack Speed Slowed by 25% and their Spell Power reduced by 15%.

Passive: Increase Earthbind Totem's range by 50%.

Grounded Totem Icon Grounded Totem is a strong Talent that increases the cast range of Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem and drastically reduces the damage done by enemy Heroes. If they do not destroy it, they will have reduced Spell Power and Attack Speed in that area.

The extra cast range provided by this Talent is quite useful for casting Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem from a safe position, either to peel for your team or to help teammates to engage, especially if you have the powerful Earthgrasp Totem Icon Earthgrasp Totem at Level 16.

Rehgar Purification ?
Purification (Level 7) World of Warcraft Rehgar

If Purge removes a Slow, Stun, Root, or Silence effect from an ally, heal them for 220 (+4% per level).

Using Purge on an enemy Hero deals up to 330 (+4% per level) damage to Shields and reduces healing received by 40% for 2 seconds.

Passive: Reduce Purge's cooldown by 15 seconds.

Purification Icon Purification is a good Talent which makes Purge Icon Purge heal when used on allied Heroes affected by most crowd control effects or deal damage to Shields and apply a moderate healing reduction debuff when used on enemy Heroes. Last but not the least, after picking this Talent, Purge Icon Purge will have a shorter cooldown.

You may need the extra healing and cooldown reduction provided by this Talent against team composition that rely on crowd control and burst damage to secure kills, sometimes as a buffer for Ancestral Healing Icon Ancestral Healing.

The ability to deal damage to Shields and/or reduce healing can be useful when you are playing in a team composition that wants to get a quick kill with burst damage. The best targets for this effect are Heroes who have Shields and that will either self-heal or receive healing from others because you will get value from both effects at the same time.

Rehgar Blood and Thunder ?
Blood and Thunder (Level 7) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Ghost Wolf attacks reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds and restore 5% of Rehgar's maximum Mana.

Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder is a good Talent that allows you to restore Mana and reduce the cooldown of your Basic Abilities by hitting enemies (not necessarily Heroes) with Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf.

You can easily get value from this Talent on Maps where most of the action happens near Minions clashing in lane or where the Objective has some Monsters because you will be able to safely hit Minions and/or Monsters instead of Heroes to get cooldown reduction and Mana.


Level 10 Talents for Rehgar

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Rehgar Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing (Level 10) World of Warcraft Rehgar
  • Mana: 80
  • Cooldown: 100 seconds

After 1 second, heal an allied Hero for 1180 (+4% per level) Health.

Ancestral Healing Icon Ancestral Healing is a strong Heroic Ability that, when timed correctly, is extremely powerful when it comes to saving allied Heroes as it provides burst healing, although after a 1-second delay.

To ensure the targeted allied Hero survives during the brief delay, you can use healing Abilities like Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal and Purification Icon Purification at Level 7 and/or defensive Shields like Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield at Level 13 and Elemental Conduit Icon Elemental Conduit at Level 20.

We highly recommend to pick this Heroic Ability when playing against burst compositions. That said, be careful when they have healing reduction effects (notably Biotic Grenade Icon Biotic Grenade by Ana) as they can partially or completely deny its value.

Rehgar Bloodlust ?
Bloodlust (Level 10) World of Warcraft Rehgar
  • Mana: 70
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds

Grant nearby allied Heroes 40% Attack Speed and 35% Movement Speed and causes them to heal for 30% of the Basic Attack damage to their primary target. Lasts for 6 seconds.

Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust is a good Heroic Ability which can be used to buff for 6 seconds all nearby allied Heroes and Rehgar himself with increased Attack Speed, bonus Movement Speed, and healing from part of the damage done via Basic Attacks.

Pick this Heroic Ability when playing a dive composition. You may want to combine it with powerful Slows (for example Earthquake Icon Earthquake by Thrall) to make sure the enemy team will not be able to disengage.


Level 13 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Tidal Waves
Tidal Waves (Level 13) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Reduces Chain Heal's cooldown by 1 second for each Hero healed, and reduces its Mana cost from 60 to 40.

Tidal Waves Icon Tidal Waves is a strong Talent that can be chosen to give Rehgar more area-of-effect sustain healing when needed as it reduces the cooldown of Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal for each Hero healed, other than reducing its Mana cost.

While this Talent is already powerful on its own, you can combine it with Earthliving Enchant Icon Earthliving Enchant at Level 4 to have even better healing output when your teammates have low Health.

Rehgar Earth Shield ?
Earth Shield (Level 13) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Lightning Shield gives Heroes a Shield that absorbs damage equal to 14% of their maximum Health for 3 seconds.

Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield is a good Talent that creates a defensive Shield based on maximum Health when you cast Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield on allied Heroes, something that act as burst damage protection.

Always pick this Talent when you have Ancestral Healing Icon Ancestral Healing against burst damage because the Shield provided helps keeping the target alive during its delay.

Rehgar Wellspring ?
Wellspring (Level 13) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Every 2 seconds, Earthbind Totem will cast an untalented Chain Heal at the nearest allied Hero with the lowest Health. This Chain Heal heals for 35% of its normal amount.

Wellspring Icon Wellspring is a decent Talent that increases your area-of-effect sustain healing by making Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem cast a free but weakened Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal once every 2 seconds while active.

Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem lasts 6 seconds, so it will cast Chain Heal Icon Chain Heal 3 times, increased to 4 times with Colossal Totem Icon Colossal Totem at Level 1 to extend its duration.

Going for Colossal Totem Icon Colossal Totem at Level 1 and/or Grounded Totem Icon Grounded Totem at Level 7 will make it harder for the enemy team to destroy your Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem and consequently deny the healing from Wellspring Icon Wellspring.

Pit Fighter Icon Pit Fighter at Level 20 gives you Spell Power, which increases the healing provided by Wellspring Icon Wellspring.


Level 16 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Rising Storm ?
Rising Storm (Level 16) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Every time a Lighting Shield damages an enemy Hero, increase its damage by 10%. Stacks up to 15 times.

Passive: Increase the duration of Lightning Shield by 3 seconds.

Rising Storm Icon Rising Storm is a decent Talent that increases your damage output in prolonged team fights. Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield goes from 66% to 100% uptime and its damage ramps up when hitting enemy Heroes.

Electric Charge Icon Electric Charge at Level 4 desperately needs the extra damage provided by this Talent in order to heal for a solid amount in the late game, when most enemy Heroes unlock powerful offensive Talents.

Rehgar Earthgrasp Totem
Earthgrasp Totem (Level 16) World of Warcraft Rehgar

When Earthbind Totem is first cast, it deals 115 (+4% per level) damage and Slows nearby enemies by 90% for 1 second.

Earthgrasp Totem Icon Earthgrasp Totem is a strong Talent which damages and heavily Slows enemies near Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem for 1 second when it gets placed on the ground. The effect is so strong that for enemy players it will feel almost like being Rooted.

The powerful crowd control effect provided by this Talent is extremely powerful, to the point that it can single-handedly turn the outcome of a team fight. When used at the right moment, it allows your team to either chase retreating enemies or prevent engaging opponents from reaching your backline.

Rehgar Hunger of the Wolf ?
Hunger of the Wolf (Level 16) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Ghost Wolf attacks against Heroes deal an additional 6% of the target's maximum Health and heal Rehgar for 6% of his maximum Health.

Hunger of the Wolf Icon Hunger of the Wolf is a decent Talent which gives you a mix of damage output and survivability. Once picked, Basic Attacks via Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf against enemy Heroes deal percent-based damage and heal you back for a percentage of your maximum Health.

Since this Talent only works if you jump in melee range of enemy Heroes, it benefits from having Feral Heart Icon Feral Heart at Level 1 as it gives Armor when transforming.


Level 20 Talents for Rehgar

Rehgar Farseer's Blessing
Farseer's Blessing (Level 20) World of Warcraft Rehgar

After 1.5 seconds, Ancestral Healing is cast a second time on the same target. Allies near the target are healed for 590 (+4% per level).

Farseer's Blessing Icon Farseer's Blessing is a strong Talent that makes Ancestral Healing Icon Ancestral Healing heal allies around the main target for 50% of its amount and heal again after 1.5-second delay (rather than 1-second delay as the first heal).

Rehgar Gladiator's War Shout ?
Gladiator's War Shout (Level 20) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Increase the duration and range of Bloodlust by 100%.

Gladiator's War Shout Icon Gladiator's War Shout is a good Talent that increases the duration of Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust from 6 to 12 seconds, increasing its value during prolonged team fights and effectively reducing the chances that the enemy team will be able to disengage when you cast it.

Rehgar Elemental Conduit ?
Elemental Conduit (Level 20) World of Warcraft Rehgar
  • Cooldown: 70 seconds

Activate to gain Lightning Shield and grant all nearby allied Heroes a Shield equal to 10% of their maximum Health for 5 seconds.

For up to 5 seconds after activating, hitting an enemy Hero with this effects' Lightning Shield gives nearby allies a Shield equal to 1.5% of their maximum Health for 5 seconds.

Elemental Conduit Icon Elemental Conduit is a good Talent that can be activated to apply a special and talented Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield on yourself and a big defensive Shield to allied Heroes nearby, based on their maximum Health. The uniqueness of the Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield given by this Talent is that it will give a small defensive Shield to allied Heroes nearby, also based on their maximum Health but for a lower amount.

The big defensive Shield which gets applied right after activating Elemental Conduit Icon Elemental Conduit can be used to mitigate incoming burst damage directed to one or more allied Heroes, or to yourself.

The small defensive Shield goes up every time the extra Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield deals damage, which is once every 0.5 seconds per every enemy Hero within range. As a consequence, a single target will give you a Shield equal to 15% of your maximum Health.

Similarly to Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield at Level 13, you can use the big defensive Shield provided by this Talent as a buffer to keep Ancestral Healing Icon Ancestral Healing's target alive during its brief delay.

Rehgar Pit Fighter ?
Pit Fighter (Level 20) World of Warcraft Rehgar

Gain 10% increased Attack Damage and 3 Spell Power. Each nearby ally Hero grants an additional stack of this effect, up to 5 stacks.

While at 2 or more stacks, Purge's cooldown refreshes 50% faster.

Pit Fighter Icon Pit Fighter is a good Talent that passively gives a stacking buff to Rehgar: 10% Attack Damage and 3% Spell Power. Rehgar has only 1 stack when alone, but can get up to 5 stacks based on the number of allied Heroes nearby. When having at least 2 stacks, you will be able to cast Purge Icon Purge more often.

We find this Talent particularly useful when you need more sustain healing. During team fights you will easily have a high amount of stacks, often resulting in 15% Spell Power for all your Abilities and Talents. Healing Totem Icon Healing Totem at Level 4 and Wellspring Icon Wellspring at Level 13 benefit from Spell Power too.



  • 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 21 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 30 Mar. 2022: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 03 Feb. 2022: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 28 Jan. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 09 Dec. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 07 Dec. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Major Patch.
  • 21 Apr. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 22 Mar. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
  • 10 Nov. 2020: Builds updated.
  • 25 Oct. 2020: Builds and Descriptions updated.
  • 23 Jul. 2020: Builds modified to reflect the current metagame.
  • 17 Jul. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 05 Jun. 2020: Builds and Descriptions changed according to the latest Balance Update.
  • 04 Apr. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 28 Nov. 2019: Updated talents to reflect balance patch.
  • 30 Aug. 2019: Updated talents to reflect balance patch; Updated recommended talents and builds to reflect current meta.
  • 12 Jul. 2019: Updated talents to reflect balance patch; Updated recommended talents and builds to reflect current meta.
  • 18 Apr. 2019: Updated Rehgar's Level 16 talents and talent builds in accordance with the latest Balance Update. Rising Storm is now Recommended.
  • 12 Feb. 2019: Updated Rehgar's talents and builds in accordance with the latest patch.
  • 30 Nov. 2017: Changed Wolf Run from Situational to Recommended.
  • 28 Nov. 2017: Removed Lightning Bond from Rehgar's talents following the latest balance patch.
  • 15 Dec. 2016: Updated a number of tooltips and explanations following Ragnaros patch, but no changes were made to the talent recommendations.
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