Dehaka Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Dehaka. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Dehaka's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Dehaka's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Dehaka efficiently.
Dehaka's Tips and Tricks
- Use
Dark Swarm to walk through enemies or teammates who are in your way; however, be mindful that you cannot body-block enemies while it is active.
Drag enemies out of position, under your turrets, or into the Abilities of your allies.
- Do not use
Drag instantly when enemy gets in range for it, or they will probably dodge. We recommend walking towards the hero while weaving Basic Attacks to only use Drag when you are almost sure you are going to hit.
- Maximize your map presence by evaluating options for
Brushstalker before it is off cooldown.
- Try to have
Essence Collection full and available for team fights. For healing outside of team fights you can fountain or hearthstone; use Brushstalker to get back into action quickly.
- Use
Isolation on important targets that are very dependent on their Abilities to survive.

- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Dehaka lashes out his tongue, dealing 160 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy hit, Stunning and dragging them with him for 1.75 seconds.
If Dehaka is Stunned or Silenced while using Drag, the effect ends.
As the Ability's name implies, it may be used to drag an enemy in a desired
direction. Pulling enemy Heroes into damage is ideal, either under Structures
or into the range of friendly Heroes. Dehaka can use Basic Attacks,
Dark Swarm, and
Essence Collection during
Drag's channel; however,
Heroic Abilities and
Burrow will be unavailable
during this time.
Dehaka ignores collision with any unit actively Stunned by
Drag, making it highly versatile. It can be used to
reposition behind the the enemy, so you can
body block them once
Drag's Stun wears off. It can even be used for
escape, in rare instances where you are being
blocked and
Dark Swarm is on cooldown.
Although it is ideal to use Drag on Heroes, there
are times when you may effectively use it in other ways. If an enemy Siege
Giant is damaging a Fort or Keep, you can Drag one of them into the
Structure's range, to help you clear them faster. Another example are the
Immortals on Battlefield of Eternity. While they cannot be Stunned,
Drag does still damage them, making it an option in
close damage races. Of course,
Drag can be
used to kill an enemy, if they are out of range of your Basic Attacks, and on
the verge of death.
Dark Swarm

- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
Deal 52 (+4% per level) damage every 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies for 3.5 seconds. While active, you are able to move through units. Can be cast during Drag and Burrow.
Dark Swarm is capable of applying lots of pressure
during team fights, as you can position yourself freely and damage multiple
enemies simultaneously. When empowered with
Dark Swarm's cooldown can be completely reset in
fights, giving you even more freedom of movement and damage.
As with Drag,
Dark Swarm
can be used to escape a blocked position.
Dark Swarm is superior in this function, as it will
allow you to pass through all enemies, rather than only one. In addition,
Dark Swarm can be used more liberally than
Drag, as it has a much lower cooldown and costs
less Mana.

- Mana: 65
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Burrow into the ground, entering Stasis and becoming Invulnerable for 2 seconds. While Burrowed, Dehaka can move at 50% movement speed.
Burrow is a powerful tool when combined with the rest of Dehaka's kit.
Essence Collection can be used while Burrowed, allowing
the healing over time to take effect before you come out of Stasis.
Dark Swarm
can also be cast while Burrowed, so that you continue to deal damage while
Invulnerable. This mechanic works nicely with
Tunneling Claws.
A good way to use Burrow is to
bait out powerful Abilities from the enemy team, and then nullify them.
Ideally the Ability you choose to delete will be something with a higher
cooldown than
Burrow. Examples of good Abilities to
use Burrow on are Kael'thas's
Pyroblast and Nova's
Triple Tap; although, avoiding any
crowd control can also be good, especially if key
enemy Abilities are put on cooldown.
Burrow should mostly be canceled earlier, so enemies cannot predict the time you exit from Stasis and become vulnerable again, so they will not be able to time their Abilities on you (like a Li-Ming's combo).
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Launch biomass that hits the first enemy Hero dealing 200 (+4% per level) damage, revealing, Silencing, and Slowing them 30% for 3 seconds. Additionally, their vision radius is greatly reduced for 6 seconds.
Isolation adds a second powerful
crowd control to Dehaka's kit, which really helps
to increase his threat level in team fights. By landing Isolation on one
target and
Drag on another, you can drastically tilt
a fight in your team's favour. The ability to crowd control two enemies out
while dealing damage with
Dark Swarm, is what makes
Dehaka such a disruptive presence for the enemy team. The threat of this
close range combo can sometimes zone mutliple enemies away from you,
especially when you have team mates with you who can punish controlled
The ideal targets to use Isolation on are
Healers or Assassins.
It will help to land it on any enemy Hero during a team
fight; however, you want to maximise your value and remove damage and healing
from the enemy team's tool kit. Tanks are not ideal targets
when your team composition does not have the tools to take them down
while the enemy Healer is helping them.
Fortunately, Dehaka has many tools to slip past the frontline
Brushstalker which will be outlined
below). If you take
Contagion at Level 20, try to land
Isolation on two or more targets who are clumped together, even if they are
Tanks or Bruisers.
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
After 4 seconds, heal for 100% of the damage Dehaka took over this period.
Adaptation is a powerful Heroic that makes you extremely hard to kill during team fights. When timed well, this Ability can effectively double your Health pool. Adaptation can give the appearance that you are about to die before it heals you, which can bait out enemies as they try to land a killing blow. However, in most situations your basic Kit will be enough for your survivability, and the extra crowd control provided by Isolation will be a better choice.
The most important weakness of Adaptation is
the fact that it does nothing for you during the first four seconds. In this
time, you are encouraged to sustain a lot of damage, to ensure that you get
good value out of your Heroic Ability. If you are ignored during the four
seconds, it does nothing. If you are killed while it is active, it does
nothing, with the added inconvenience of your death. Fortunately, Dehaka has
many of tools with which he can postpone death. If you are worried that
incoming damage will be fatal, you may activate
to buy the time you need for Adaptation to heal you. Additionally, you may
activate Essence Collection to begin healing early, if necessary. Talents such
Tissue Regeneration or
Enduring Swarm can greatly increase your survivability
to help ensure that you get value out of Adaptation.
Essence Collection

- Cooldown: 1 seconds
Heal Dehaka for 29 (+4% per level) Health per stored Essence over 5 seconds. Can be cast during Drag and Burrow.
Passive: Gain 10 Essence from Takedowns and 2 Essence from nearby Minions dying. Maximum of 50 Essence.
Essence Collection can be activated whenever
necessary; however, it is advisable to keep a large store of Essence available
for team fights. If really needed, you can use Hearthstone to heal when
an Objective is announced, and get back in time by using
Brushstalker. Activating Essence Collection as soon
as you have taken (or will immediately take) significant damage in a team
fight will let the healing over time begin working right away. Using your
full stacks right before an enemy Hero dies allows you to store their Essence;
although, this can wasteful if you have no use for the healing yet.
At 50 stacks, Essence Collection will heal you for
60% of your maximum Health over five seconds. Essence Collection is Dehaka's
main source of sustain, offering a huge heal over time when at full stacks.
While at full stacks, Dehaka can still collect Essence for related Talent
quests; although, the stored amount for healing purposes will remain at 50 (or
60 if the Essence Devourer Quest was completed).

- Cooldown: 75 seconds
Activate to burrow to a bush on the Battleground.
Passive: Gain 20% movement speed while in a bush and for 2 seconds after leaving.
Brushstalker is the most defining Ability in
Dehaka's kit. It sets him apart from the other Bruisers in the game by
changing the way he deploys himself to Objectives or team fights. Dehaka is
able to soak a considerable amount of Experience by staying in lane longer
than other Offlaners can and
still arrive on time to important events via Brushstalker. It is
also a powerful ganking tool. Enemies are alerted by Brushstalker's ominous
noise, but they can still be caught between Dehaka and his allies. The constant
threat Brushstalker inflicts on the enemy team can be a benefit in and of
itself. If enemies play too carefully for you to gank with Brushstalker, your
team can gain more momentum over the battlefield.
It takes Dehaka about two seconds of channeling to dig into the ground, and about two more seconds to emerge at the target location. Once underground, Brushstalker cannot be interrupted. If the target location becomes partially blocked, Dehaka will emerge adjacent to it. If the target location becomes completely blocked, Dehaka will emerge where Brushstalker was cast and it will go on full cooldown. When Brushstalker is activated, a noise will be made which will alert enemies near your destination. If Dehaka is interrupted by crowd control effects while channeling, the digging animation is canceled. It will not be put on cooldown, and can be cast again once the crowd control wears off.
Practice your map awareness when playing Dehaka. You will get the most
value out of Brushstalker when you are keenly aware
of happenings around the battlefield. Do not be afraid to click on the Minimap and observe
events directly with the camera. You can gather details this way that cannot
be seen on the Minimap. While this is rather general gameplay advice that can
be applied to any Hero, Dehaka is one of few who can quickly travel vast
distances. Of the Heroes who do have global
mobility, he is the most
forgiving to practice this on. He has several tools
(other than his high Health) that can help you get used to this technique. If
you are attacked by an enemy Hero while your camera is elsewhere, you have
Essence Collection, and Brushstalker itself to help
you survive and relocate to safety. No matter the level of play, the ability
to gather information with the camera and the Minimap is one that can always
be improved on. Dehaka is one of the best Heroes to use when focusing on
improvement of this skill.
- 27 Apr. 2020: Updated Ability descriptions and tips.
- 18 Apr. 2019: Updated to account for balance patch. Removed references to "Warrior" class.
More Bruiser Guides
Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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