Muradin Talents

Last updated on Dec 17, 2023 at 11:46 by Elitesparkle 28 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Muradin. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Muradin's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Muradin's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Perfect Storm ? Dwarf Block Third Wind ?
4 Sledgehammer ? Reverberation Thunder Burn ?
7 Heavy Impact ? Give 'em the Axe! Skullcracker ?
10 Avatar Haymaker ?
13 Bronzebeard Rage Healing Static ? Thunder Strike ?
16 Dwarf Launch Imposing Presence ? Stoneform ?
20 Unstoppable Force ? Grand Slam ? Hardened Shield ? Rewind

Muradin's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Dwarf Toss Build

Level 1 Dwarf Block Icon Third Wind Icon ?
Level 4 Reverberation Icon Thunder Burn Icon ? Sledgehammer Icon ?
Level 7 Give 'em the Axe! Icon Heavy Impact Icon ? Skullcracker Icon ?
Level 10 Avatar Icon Haymaker Icon ?
Level 13 Bronzebeard Rage Icon
Level 16 Dwarf Launch Icon Stoneform Icon ?
Level 20 Rewind Icon Hardened Shield Icon ?

Muradin's Dwarf Toss Build is designed to give you a good mix of offensive and defensive tools. Based on the situation, you can change a few Talents here and there in order to empower your engage or to increase your survivability.

Thunder Clap Build

Level 1 Dwarf Block Icon Third Wind Icon ?
Level 4 Thunder Burn Icon
Level 7 Give 'em the Axe! Icon Skullcracker Icon ?
Level 10 Avatar Icon
Level 13 Healing Static Icon
Level 16 Stoneform Icon
Level 20 Hardened Shield Icon

Muradin's Thunder Clap Build is designed to increase your survivability as much as possible, in order to survive against team compositions that can take down any target, regardless of how much maximum Health they have, thanks to percent-based damage (for example Last Rites Icon Last Rites by Malthael).

The extra survivability comes from the Healing Static Icon Healing Static at Level 13 combined with Thunder Burn Icon Thunder Burn at Level 4, Stoneform Icon Stoneform at Level 16, Hardened Shield Icon Hardened Shield at Level 20, and Avatar Icon Avatar boosting your maximum Health and increasing your percent-based healing as well.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Dwarf Block Icon Third Wind Icon ?
Level 4 Reverberation Icon
Level 7 Give 'em the Axe! Icon Heavy Impact Icon ? Skullcracker Icon ?
Level 10 Avatar Icon Haymaker Icon ?
Level 13 Bronzebeard Rage Icon
Level 16 Dwarf Launch Icon
Level 20 Rewind Icon Unstoppable Force Icon ? Hardened Shield Icon ?

Muradin's ARAM Build is designed to give you a good mix of offensive and defensive tools. Based on the situation, you can change a few Talents here and there in order to empower your engage or to increase your survivability.


Level 1 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Perfect Storm ?
Perfect Storm (Level 1) World of Warcraft Muradin

Quest: Every time Muradin hits an enemy Hero with a Basic Attack, increase Storm Bolt's damage by 0.75. If an enemy Hero is killed within 3 seconds of being hit by a Storm Bolt increase its damage by an additional 10.

Perfect Storm Icon Perfect Storm is a decent Quest-based Talent that increases Muradin's damage by a noticeable amount if you manage to get a considerable amount of stacks via Basic Attacks against Heroes or by killing Heroes who have been recently hit by Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt. To put this in perspective, you need about 13 Basic Attacks to match the value of 1 Hero killed.

The bonus provided by this Talent gets amplified by Sledgehammer Icon Sledgehammer at Level 4 when hitting non-Heroic enemies with Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt. Similarly, Rewind Icon Rewind at Level 20 will allow you to deal even more damage to enemy Heroes.

Muradin Dwarf Block
Dwarf Block (Level 1) World of Warcraft Muradin

Casting Dwarf Toss grants 4 charges of Block. Each Block charge grants 75 Physical Armor against a single enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.

Dwarf Block Icon Dwarf Block is a strong Talent that offers a solid increase to your survivability when playing against Heroes with slow but heavy-hitting Basic Attacks (such as Hanzo) and really bad when playing against Heroes with fast-hitting Basic Attacks (like Tychus).

When you are in a safe area and you do not expect to be in danger for a dozen of seconds, you can Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss just to get 4 Block stacks from this Talent because they do not expire over time.

Muradin Third Wind ?
Third Wind (Level 1) World of Warcraft Muradin

Increases Health Restoration rate to 90 (+4% per level) per second, and raises Health threshold to 60% Health for improved 180 (+4% per level) per second Restoration.

Third Wind Icon Third Wind is a good Talent that allows Muradin to get an even more favorable trade when damaging enemy Heroes and getting damaged in return because he will get his Health back for free by staying far from the action for a dozen of seconds, a strategy that is extremely valuable on his best Maps (for example Battlefield of Eternity).


Level 4 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Sledgehammer ?
Sledgehammer (Level 4) World of Warcraft Muradin

Stormbolt deals 350% damage to non-Heroic enemies. Increase Storm Bolt's cooldown reduction from 1 second to 1.25 seconds per Basic Attack.

Sledgehammer Icon Sledgehammer is a situational Talent that gives bonus damage against non-Heroic enemies, to help you clearing Mercenaries (including Bosses) and Monsters, and additional cooldown reduction for Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt when using Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes after Level 10.

Pick this Talent when you need to increase the damage that Muradin can deal to Monsters (notably the Immortal on Battlefield of Eternity). In theory, you could pick it for Mercenaries too, but Muradin usually provides more value when doing other things. The bonus provided by this Talent has synergy with Perfect Storm Icon Perfect Storm at Level 1, but it is not mandatory to pick them together.

Muradin Reverberation
Reverberation (Level 4) World of Warcraft Muradin

Increases the Attack Speed Slow of Thunder Clap from 30% to 50% and the duration from 2.5 seconds to 3.5 seconds. Each enemy Hero hit reduces your Heroic Ability cooldown by 5%.

Reverberation Icon Reverberation is a good Talent that empowers Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap against Heroes who rely on Basic Attacks and reduces the cooldown of your Heroic Ability by a small amount—by 4.5 seconds when playing Avatar Icon Avatar and by 2 seconds when playing Haymaker Icon Haymaker.

The cooldown reduction provided by this Talent may be occasionally useful on Battlegrounds where there is more frequent action, usually because the Objective is constantly active or tends to spawn again within 70-80 seconds, which is slightly lower than Avatar Icon Avatar's cooldown.

When playing this Talent, if you are fighting and your Heroic Ability is still on cooldown for a dozen of seconds or less, keep an eye on it because it may become available and make the difference between losing or winning the battle!

Muradin Thunder Burn ?
Thunder Burn (Level 4) World of Warcraft Muradin

Hitting an enemy Hero with Thunder Clap triggers a second explosion 2 seconds later in the same location that deals 75% damage.

Thunder Burn Icon Thunder Burn is a good Talent that makes Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap explode a second time, for a portion of its damage, 2 seconds after hitting an enemy Hero with the first explosion.

The second explosion heals yourself as much as the first explosion if you have Healing Static Icon Healing Static at Level 13 or deals 75% damage of the first explosion to isolated enemy Heroes if you have Thunder Strike Icon Thunder Strike at Level 13. Remember that it is possible that the enemy Heroes dodge the first explosion, unless you use Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt to keep them there.


Level 7 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Heavy Impact ?
Heavy Impact (Level 7) World of Warcraft Muradin

Enemies hit by Dwarf Toss are Slowed by 80% for 1.5 seconds.

Heavy Impact Icon Heavy Impact is a good Talent that adds a huge Slow effect to Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss.

You can use the Slow provided to peel for your team, to increases the chance that Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt will hit, or to get a good angle for Haymaker Icon Haymaker by walking around the enemy Hero you intend to hit.

Muradin Give 'em the Axe!
Give 'em the Axe! (Level 7) World of Warcraft Muradin

Attacking a Hero that is Stunned, Rooted, or Slowed increases Muradin's Basic Attack damage by 50% for 3 seconds.

Give 'em the Axe! Icon Give 'em the Axe! is a strong Talent that synergizes very well with two of Muradin's Basic Abilities—namely Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt and Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap—and increases Muradin's single target damage by a large amount, allowing you to pressure enemy Heroes on your own.

Muradin Skullcracker ?
Skullcracker (Level 7) World of Warcraft Muradin

Every 3rd Basic Attack against the same enemy deals 90% bonus damage and Stuns them for 0.25 seconds.

Skullcracker Icon Skullcracker is a situational Talent that causes every third Basic Attack to hit harder and briefly Stun the target.

This kind of effect may useful against certain Heroes who heavily rely on channeling some of their Abilities to be effective (like Yrel). To time your Skullcracker Icon Skullcracker, you have to hold your third Basic Attack until you will need its Stun effect, something that makes you lose damage and not get the cooldown reduction for Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt.

You can also use its short Stun as a setup for your own Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt against enemy Heroes who have a way to dodge it (sometimes even accidentally) but who can be easily hit with Basic Attacks.


Level 10 Talents for Muradin

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Muradin Avatar
Avatar (Level 10) World of Warcraft Muradin
  • Mana: 80
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds

Transform for 20 seconds, gaining 1000 Health.

Avatar Icon Avatar is a strong Heroic Ability that heavily boosts Muradin's survivability by increasing his maximum Health, therefore it has synergy with percent-based healing effects and suffers percent-based damage.

In case you picked it, remember to use Stoneform Icon Stoneform during Avatar to increase its effectiveness from 30% to around 40% of Muradin's baseline maximum Health.

Muradin Haymaker ?
Haymaker (Level 10) World of Warcraft Muradin
  • Mana: 60
  • Cooldown: 40 seconds

Stun target enemy Hero, and wind up a punch dealing 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking the target back, hitting enemies in the way for 319 (+4% per level) damage and knocking them aside.

Haymaker Icon Haymaker is a situational Heroic Ability that should mostly be used to push a dangerous enemy Hero away from your team and fight with a numerical advantage for a few seconds.

Do not pick this Talent when the enemy team can easily kill you because Avatar Icon Avatar will help you against team compositions that want to focus you.


Level 13 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Bronzebeard Rage
Bronzebeard Rage (Level 13) World of Warcraft Muradin

Deal 15 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearby enemies and heal for 75% of the damage dealt. Hitting an enemy Hero with Storm Bolt increase this damage by 200% for 3 seconds.

Bronzebeard Rage Icon Bronzebeard Rage is a strong Talent that provides a small amount of area of effect damage and self-healing, increased for a few seconds after hitting enemy Heroes with Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt.

We recommend this Talent because it greatly increases Muradin's survivability with the only condition to connect Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt and without the need of other Talents to make it work.

Muradin Healing Static ?
Healing Static (Level 13) World of Warcraft Muradin

Muradin heals for 5% of his maximum Health for each Hero hit by Thunder Clap.

Healing Static Icon Healing Static is a good Talent that provides self-healing to Muradin, especially if he is surrounded by multiple enemy Heroes.

The second explosion of Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap generated by Thunder Burn Icon Thunder Burn at Level 4 also benefits from this Talent. Remember that it will not trigger if you do not hit a Hero with the first explosion.

Muradin Thunder Strike ?
Thunder Strike (Level 13) World of Warcraft Muradin

Thunder Clap deals 300% damage if only one target is hit.

Passive: Increase the duration of Dwarf Toss's Armor by 2 seconds.

Thunder Strike Icon Thunder Strike is a decent Talent that drastically increases the damage done by Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap if it hits a single enemy.

The second explosion of Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap generated by Thunder Burn Icon Thunder Burn at Level 4 also benefits from this Talent. Remember that it will not trigger if you do not hit a Hero with the first explosion and that the bonus damage will not happen if another enemy enters the area.


Level 16 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Dwarf Launch
Dwarf Launch (Level 16) World of Warcraft Muradin

Increase the range of Dwarf Toss by 40%. Hitting an enemy Hero with Dwarf Toss reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.

Dwarf Launch Icon Dwarf Launch is a strong Talent that heavily increases the distance covered by Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss, allowing Muradin to engage from a high distance.

The small cooldown reduction provided by this Talent slightly helps you mitigate the fact you are wasting your only form of escape to engage, however, this bonus is so low that will not be enough to allow a quick retreat right after jumping aggressively but you will have to stay there for multiple seconds before having Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss available again.

Muradin Imposing Presence ?
Imposing Presence (Level 16) World of Warcraft Muradin
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds

Activate to reduce the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.

Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed Slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.

Imposing Presence Icon Imposing Presence is a situational Talent that passively reduces the Attack Speed of enemy Heroes attacking Muradin and, when activated, applies a Slow and reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemy Heroes and Summons.

With Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap already fulfilling the same purpose, this Talent is usually not needed on Muradin. That said, it still helps when facing mobile Heroes with high Attack Speed (such as Tracer) or with Basic Attacks that can hit multiple times (see Genji) because they will be hard to hit with Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap.

Muradin Stoneform ?
Stoneform (Level 16) World of Warcraft Muradin

Activate to heal Muradin for 30% of his maximum Health over 10 seconds. Second Wind is disabled during this time.

Stoneform Icon Stoneform is a good Talent that increases Muradin's survivability by a solid amount, especially if you chose Avatar Icon Avatar at Level 10.

Considering it has a long cooldown, do not waste it out of combat and make sure to have it available before engaging the enemy team.

Ideally, you want to activate it during Avatar Icon Avatar in order to regenerate a larger amount of Health per second.


Level 20 Talents for Muradin

Muradin Unstoppable Force ?
Unstoppable Force (Level 20) World of Warcraft Muradin

While active, Avatar grants 20 Armor and causes Muradin's Basic Attacks to reduce the cooldowns of Thunder Clap and Dwarf Toss by 0.75 seconds.

Unstoppable Force Icon Unstoppable Force is a decent Talent that increases Muradin's survivability by giving him some Armor and allows him to reduce the cooldown of Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap and Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss with each Basic Attack.

Muradin Grand Slam ?
Grand Slam (Level 20) World of Warcraft Muradin

Haymaker gains a 2nd charge and its damage is increased by 25%. If a Hero dies within 3 seconds of being hit by Haymaker, instantly gain 1 charge.

Grand Slam Icon Grand Slam is a decent Talent that adds a second Charge of Haymaker Icon Haymaker and makes them deal 25% more damage. Furthermore, takedowns on enemy Heroes recently hit by Haymaker restore 1 Charge.

Muradin Hardened Shield ?
Hardened Shield (Level 20) World of Warcraft Muradin
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to gain 75 Armor for 4 seconds, taking 75% less damage.

Hardened Shield Icon Hardened Shield is a situational Talent that may be useful when it is literally impossible for you to survive during team fights in the late game because the enemy team is just focusing you with burst damage.

Pick this Talent when the enemy team can easily kill you, and already did a handful of times during the game. When you feel in danger, we suggest you to activate it as soon as possible, before you get denied by crowd control.

Muradin Rewind
Rewind (Level 20) World of Warcraft Muradin
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities.

Rewind Icon Rewind is a strong Talent that resets the cooldown on every Muradin's Basic Ability, making it the best offensive playmaking Talent in this Tier, although it can also be used defensively when needed.

The second charge of Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt is a huge playmaking tool that helps you secure kills or save allied Heroes and has synergy with Perfect Storm Icon Perfect Storm at Level 1.

The second charge of Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap helps you peel a bit more and has synergy with Talents which empower that Basic Ability: Reverberation Icon Reverberation or Thunder Burn Icon Thunder Burn at Level 4, Healing Static Icon Healing Static or Thunder Strike Icon Thunder Strike at Level 13.

The second charge of Dwarf Toss Icon Dwarf Toss allows you to have an escape after using the first one to engage, but it can also be used to reposition offensively or defensively. Dwarf Launch Icon Dwarf Launch at Level 16 helps with that.



  • 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 02 Jun. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 30 Mar. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 10 Jan. 2022: Builds updated and Talent Descriptions improved.
  • 22 Jul. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 07 Jul. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 18 Jun. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 25 Apr. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 06 Apr. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 25 Mar. 2021: Level 13 fixed.
  • 03 Mar. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 23 Oct. 2020: Builds updated.
  • 15 Sep. 2020: Builds updated.
  • 21 Aug. 2020: Talent Build page updated.
    • Balance Update revision.
    • Minor fixes.
    • New layout.
  • 16 Jul. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 09 Jun. 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 12 Apr. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 14 Feb. 2020: Updated Muradin's talents and added the newly introduced Dwarf Block.
  • 24 Jun. 2019: Updated Muradin's talents and builds.
  • 23 May 2019: Updated Muradin's talents and builds in accordance with the latest Balance Update.
  • 09 Nov. 2017: Updated Heavy Impact's description.
  • 24 Oct. 2017: Fixed a small structure inconsistency in the level 10 talent section.
  • 17 Oct. 2017: Updated various parts of the page for the Junkrat patch.
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