Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide
Table of Contents
Saviors of Uldum is the second Hearthstone expansion of 2019 and the Year of the Dragon. The expansion will release on August 6th.
The expansion sees the return of the League of Explorers as heroic adversaries to Rise of Shadows' League of EVIL. It continues the three-part story that began in Rise of Shadows and will conclude later in 2019, during the final expansion of the Year of the Dragon.
So far, the following things have been revealed:
- New Saviors of Uldum cards
- New keyword: Reborn
- Returning mechanic: Quests
- New card style: Plagues
- The return of the League of Explorers as Legendary "Highlander"-style cards
- A brand new Lackey: Titanic Lackey
- A pre-purchase only card back and Druid Hero
- A new themed battlefield
- New single player missions, to be announced
New keyword: Reborn
Reborn minions will return to life with 1 Health remaining the first time they are destroyed.

Returning mechanic: Quests
Legendary Quest cards return for the first time since Journey to Un'goro. This time around, Quests will upgrade your Hero Power immediately upon completion. Each class will receive one, regardless of whether they are aligned with the League of EVIL or the League of Explorers.

New card style: Plagues
Plagues are cards for that affect every minion on the board. One Plague card will be printed for each of the League of EVIL classes: Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior.

The League of Explorers return
Elise Starseeker, Brann Bronzebeard, Reno Jackson and Sir Finley Mrrgglton return to Hearthstone to aid the four "hero" classes against the League of E.V.I.L.: Druid, Hunter, Mage and Paladin. Each Explorer features as a new card designed to be played in a "Highlander" deck that includes no more than one copy of each card.

Titanic Lackey
Lackeys, 1-Mana tokens generated by cards like EVIL Miscreant, were introduced as a "year-long mechanic" in Rise of Shadows, meaning new ones would be added with each expansion in the Year of the Dragon. Titanic Lackey is the new one in Saviors of Uldum, and will be added to the pool when the expansion releases.

The Saviors of Uldum Battlefield

Pre-Purchase Rewards
Saviors of Uldum Mega Bundle

The Mega Bundle contains 80 Saviors of Uldum packs, the new Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Golden Legendary card from Saviors of Uldum. It also exclusively contains Elise Starseeker herself as a new Druid Hero.
Saviors of Uldum Bundle

The Saviors of Uldum bundle contains 50 Saviors of Uldum packs, the new Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Golden Legendary card from Saviors of Uldum.
Saviors of Uldum cards
All card images can be found here.

Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens


Hero Powers and Tokens



- 01 Aug. 2019: Added Neutral tokens and a missing card, Pressure Plate.
- 31 Jul. 2019: Added all other revealed cards.
- 31 Jul. 2019: Added Wrapped Golem, Khartut Defender, Wretched Reclaimer, Bazaar Burglary, and Activate the Obelisk.
- 30 Jul. 2019: Added Flame Ward, Siamat, Sahket Sapper, and King Phaoris.
- 29 Jul. 2019: Added Conjured Mirage.
- 29 Jul. 2019: Added Mortuary Machine, Shadow of Death, Bone Wraith, Pharaoh Cat, Tomb Warden, Embalming Ritual, and Pharaoh's Blessing.
- 28 Jul. 2019: Added Desert Spear, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, Vilefiend, and Titanic Lackey.
- 26 Jul. 2019: Added Livewire Lance. Added "Latest Reveals" as a heading.
- 26 Jul. 2019: Added Plague of Flames, Anubisath Defender, Overflow, and Micro Mummy.
- 25 Jul. 2019: Added Colossus of the Moon, Sunstruck Henchman, Plague of Wrath, and Hack the System.
- 25 Jul. 2019: Added Generous Mummy, Grandmummy and High Priest Amet.
- 24 Jul. 2019: Added Wasteland Assassin.
- 24 Jul. 2019: Added Anubisath Warbringer, Infested Goblin and Frightened Flunky.
- 24 Jul. 2019: Added Into the Fray, Diseased Vulture, Neferset Ritualist and Highkeeper Ra.
- 23 Jul. 2019: Updated image for Splitting Axe. Added Whirlkick Master, Hooked Scimitar, Tortollan Pilgrim and Mogu Cultist.
- 23 Jul. 2019: Added Splitting Axe.
- 23 Jul. 2019: Added Cloud Prince and Arcane Flakmage.
- 22 Jul. 2019: Added Fishflinger, Tip the Scales, and Anka, the Buried.
- 22 Jul. 2019: Added Bazaar Mugger, Desert Obelisk, EVIL Recruiter, Hunter's Pack, Bloodsworn Mercenary, and Riftcleaver.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Added Scarlet Webweaver and Wild Bloodstinger.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Added Hidden Oasis.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Added Making Mummies and Murmy. Added "The League of Explorers return" as a heading.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Added Expired Merchant.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Added Sir Finley of the Sands, Elise the Enlightened, Dinotamer Brann, and Reno the Relicologist.
- 18 Jul. 2019: Added Armagedillo.
- 16 Jul. 2019: Added Plague of Murlocs. Added all Hero Powers and token cards revealed so far.
- 15 Jul. 2019: Added Plague of Madness, Psychopomp, Brazen Zealot, Sandwasp Queen and Salhet's Pride.
- 11 Jul. 2019: Added Impbalming, Earthquake, Raid the Sky Temple, Weaponized Wasp, and BEEEES!!!. Added the unannounced new lackey to the list of things revealed.
- 04 Jul. 2019: Added Corrupt the Waters.
- 01 Jul. 2019: Hub added.
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