Big Paladin Deck - Fractured in Alterac Valley

Last updated on Dec 08, 2021 at 23:00 by Kat 1 comment

This guide contains detailed Strategy, Mulligan, and deck-building information to help you play Big Paladin in The Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion meta.

Big Paladin is a control deck that forgoes the use of all but the most expensive minions in order to consistently summon high-Cost minions much earlier than intended with Cavalry Horn and Commencement. Once the deck has minions in play, it is almost untouchable in the late game where it can safely destroy opponents.

Card List

Paladin Cards
1 First Day of School SA 2
1 Oh My Yogg! MDF 2
2 City Tax UiS 2
2 Holy Light Core 1
2 Snack Run MDF 2
2 Vitality Surge FAV 2
3 Gift of Luminance SA 2
3 Hold the Bridge FAV 2
3 Lightbringer's Hammer UiS 2
4 Barricade MDF 2
5 Cavalry Horn FAV 2
7 Commencement SA 2
8 Brasswing FAV 2
8 Lightforged Cariel FAV 1
Neutral Cards
8 Mo'arg Forgefiend UiS 2
10 Scrapyard Colossus AO 2

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Big Paladin Deck Mulligan Guide

As Big Paladin does not run any early-game minions, it is important to use your mulligan to find key early game cards to survive long enough to get your big minions into play.

  • General Mulligan (keep regardless of what your opponent is playing)First Day of School, Cavalry Horn, Vitality Surge.
  • Mulligan against Aggro (also keep if you think you are playing against an aggressive deck)Lightbringer's Hammer.
  • Mulligan against Control (also keep if you think you are playing against a slow deck)Commencement.

Big Paladin Deck Strategy

The early game of Big Paladin is naturally very slow and reactive. First Day of School and Oh My Yogg!, as well as any subsequent minions you generate, can be freely played to fill out your Mana Curve and slow your opponent down. You can also make use of Vitality Surge fairly liberally as long as you retain at least 3 of your 6 minions in your deck for Commencement.

Going into the mid game you can make use of City Tax and Lightbringer's Hammer to control the board and slow your opponent down, followed up by Barricade. You should look to equip a Cavalry Horn as soon as you have the Mana to do so while also attacking immediately with it.

As you enter the late game, you should ideally have a Cavalry Horn equipped with 1 durability remaining. At this point if you do not have any minions in hand, you should make sure to play Vitality Surge if available or hold the attack if you do not. If you have a minion in hand, you can freely pick a target for your weapon to summon a minion from your hand and begin developing your board.

From Turn 7 onward, you will additionally have access to Commencement to pull additional minions from your deck and further bolster your board. You can pull back to a position where you focus on using any remaining spells you have to control the board, while your minions focus on going face, passive AoE damage from Brasswings you are able to summon will greatly aid this end-game process to close out the game.

Against Aggro, you should do everything in your power to survive until you can pull out your big minions, making liberal use of your cards to do so. Once you reach the late game, the bonus healing from Brasswings AoE will punish your opponent for using cheaper minions and will allow your Health to recover to a stable state to close out the game.

Against Control, you should try to consistently maintain pressure without overcomitting to full board clears like Lord Barov. Ideally having exactly 2 big minions in play at a time is a good balance for this. The abundance of removal in control decks means you have a limited amount of time to close out the game before they can draw into it. To prolong your attack, you should also exclusively save your Gift of Luminances for use on Scrapyard Colossus to provide yourself with some additional threats from the Deathrattle to pressure with.

Big Paladin Deck Card Swaps

  • Against Aggro — Add 2x Galloping Savior for 2x Oh My Yogg!.


  • 08 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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