Twin Ogron Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic+Mythic Modes included)
Table of Contents
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Twin Ogron in Highmaul. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.
The encounter against the Twin Ogron, Pol and Phemos, is one of the fights in the Highmaul raid instance. You will face both bosses at the same time, and throughout the fight they will use different abilities depending on how much Energy they have.
General Information
Normal and Heroic Difficulty
This main part of this guide covers both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter, as far as mechanics and general strategy is concerned. The only difference between these two modes is found in the tuning, with Heroic being more difficult.
When we speak of extreme situations (such as the difficulty of a soft enrage timer, or damage from a certain source being too high to survive), we mostly refer to Heroic mode.
In addition to this, we have a specific Mythic mode section, where we present all the differences between Normal/Heroic and Mythic, as well as the strategy to defeat the Mythic encounter.
Enrage Timer
The fight has an 8-minute hard enrage timer in Normal/Heroic mode, and a 7-minute hard enrage timer in Mythic mode. There are no soft enrage mechanics in the encounter.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight. This is by no means meant to provide sufficient information to master the encounter, and it is only supposed to give you a very rough idea of what to watch out for.
- Tank the two bosses together for most of the fight. Move them apart only when Whirlwind or Shield Charge are being cast.
- Make sure not to be casting any spells when Interrupting Shout is cast.
- Be prepared to heal the raid when Pulverize is cast.
- Watch out for the high damage Phemos' tank will take during Whirlwind.
- Be prepared to heal raid members who take unnecessary damage from Quake and Shield Charge.
- Be prepared to heal the raid-damage caused by Quake.
- In Mythic mode, make sure to top off the players affected by Arcane Volatility.
- DPS the bosses, cleaving them when they are close together (if this results in a DPS gain).
- Make sure not to be casting any spells when Interrupting Shout is cast.
- Stack up near Phemos when he casts Enfeebling Roar is cast.
- Make sure not to be near Phemos when he casts Whirlwind.
- Avoid the falling rocks from Pulverize.
- Avoid the fires from Quake.
- Avoid Pol's Shield Charge.
- In Mythic mode
- Get at least 8 yards away from other players when affected by Arcane Volatility.
- Run away from Phemos' Whirlwind, since he will pull you in to him if you are too close.
- Make sure to avoid the additional charges that are cast by Pol's images after he casts Shield Charge.
Overview of the Fight
The encounter against the Twin Ogron is a single-phase fight, during which you fight two bosses with a shared health pool, and no other mobs.
The encounter revolves around the Energy resource of the bosses (which they gain slowly over time, independently of your raid's actions). At 33, 66, and 100 Energy respectively, each of the two bosses uses a specific ability against your raid. The farther away from one another the bosses are, the more haste they will gain, thus reducing their casting time, and the faster they will gain Energy, making the fight more difficult. On the other hand, keeping the bosses close together makes it more difficult to avoid some of their abilities.
We have released a video preview of the encounter against Twin Ogron, based on our (Heroic) Beta testing. You can watch this video to get a good idea of how the fight works, but keep in mind that some things can still change before the fight goes live.
Throughout the fight, the two bosses, Pol and Phemos, will constantly gain Energy at a steady rate. At 33, 66, and 100 Energy, each of the two bosses has a specific ability that they use. Pol and Phemos have a shared health pool, and for some reason, Pol always gains Energy slightly faster than Phemos, so the timing of the abilities will mostly be offset.
In this section, we will go through all the abilities of the two bosses.
Shared Abilities
As the distance between the two bosses increases, so does their haste, which reduces their casting time, and their Energy regeneration rate, which causes them to cast their abilities more often. Obviously, this is a passive ability that both of the bosses share.
Additionally, for the first 10 seconds of the fight, both bosses will be debuffed by Warming Up. While this debuff is active, the bosses will not cast any abilities, and they will also not gain any Energy. It exists in order to give your raid a bit of time to set up your positions.
- Shield Bash is an ability that Pol uses against his tank. It deals Physical damage and interrupts spellcasting.
- Shield Charge is the ability that Pol uses at 33 Energy. He charges at a random distant raid member, damaging and knocking back all players in his path. The damage he does increases with the distance he travels. When he reaches his target, Pol deals damage in a 10-yard radius, knocking back affected players. Players who are damaged during Shield Charge are also affected with an 18-second bleed effect called Injured.
- Interrupting Shout is the ability that Pol uses at 66 Energy. Interrupting Shout deals raid-wide Physical damage and interrupts all spellcasting for 6 seconds.
- Pulverize is the ability that Pol uses at 100 Energy.
He causes rocks to fall from the ceiling. This ability happens in three quick
- The first wave causes rocks to fall at the locations of all raid members, dealing damage in a 3-yard radius.
- The second wave causes several rocks to fall at random locations, dealing damage in an 8-yard radius.
- The third and final wave causes one large rock to fall at a random location, dealing raid-wide damage. The damage is higher the closer players are to the landing location.
- Double Slash is an ability that Phemos uses against his tank, dealing a very high amount of damage to them.
- Whirlwind is the ability that Phemos uses at 33 Energy.
He spins in place for 9 seconds, dealing damage to anyone around him every
0.5 seconds. Players damaged by Whirlwind are affected by
Weakened Defenses.
- Weakened Defenses is a stacking debuff that increases damage taken from Shield Bash by 10% per stack.
- Enfeebling Roar is the ability that Phemos uses at 66 Energy. He debuffs all players within 20 yards to take 300% increased damage for 300 seconds, split between all players. This means that if, for example, there are 10 players within 20 yards, each one will take 30% extra damage for 30 seconds.
- Quake is the ability that Phemos uses at 100 Energy. He throws his weapons at two random locations on the ground and deals raid-wide Nature damage. After this, each of the two weapons begin to spawn lines of fire which move along the floor. Anyone who comes in contact with these lines or with the weapons has a stacking Fire damage DoT called Blaze applied to them, which lasts for 12 seconds.
The recommended strategy for the encounter is to keep Pol and Phemos together for most of the fight, only separating them at key times in order to deal with some abilities.
Strategy Overview
We will quickly summarise the main things your raid has to do, before going into more detail in subsequent sections.
- Have each tank pick up one of the two bosses. There is no need for a tank switch in this fight. Keep the bosses stacked together, unless where we specifically mention to spread them out.
- Have your DPS cleave the bosses, if this is a DPS increase for them.
- All players must make sure not to be in the process of casting any spell that has a cast time or that is channeled when Pol casts Interrupting Shout.
- When Phemos casts Enfeebling Roar, make sure that as many raid members as possible (ideally everyone) is within 20 yards in order to soak it.
- When Phemos casts Whirlwind, separate the bosses and take Pol out of range of the rest of the raid.
- When Pol casts Pulverize, do your best to minimise the
damage taken.
- For the first wave, make sure everyone is spread out at least 3 yards apart.
- For the second wave, avoid the areas where the rocks will fall.
- For the third wave, avoid the large area where the rock will fall, and get far away from it.
- When Phemos casts Quake, avoid the fires.
- In preparation for Pol's Shield Charge, split the bosses up so that players have some warning to avoid being hit.
This may appear to be very simple, but as you can imagine, things can become more complicated when abilities overlap. That said, the bosses gain Energy at a reasonably slow rate, so your raid has quite a bit of time to prepare for the next ability.
Executing the Strategy
For the vast majority of the fight, you can keep the two bosses together, cleaving them. It does not really matter which boss players attack, since their health is shared. As a default tanking location, the center of the room is good. This gives your raid a lot of space to move around. Occasionally, the tanks will have to move the bosses, if there is fire in the way.
You will quickly develop a way to handle the abilities used by the bosses. We will explain this briefly here, starting with the easiest abilities, before moving on to the more complex ones.
Interrupting Shout just requires all casters and healers to be sure to stop casting when the ability is being used. This is a simple enough task, and boss modes will make it even easier still. That said, while learning the fight, it can be helpful to also have someone calling this out, since being interrupted for 6 seconds can be quite dangerous, especially for a healer.
Enfeebling Roar requires that as many players as possible, ideally the whole raid, stack on or around Phemos. Since this ability never coincides with Whirlwind or with the fires from Quake (both of these abilities being also used by Phemos), you are unlikely to have many problems doing this. If the raid splits Enfeebling Roar properly, its effects are insignificant.
When Pol is about to cast Shield Charge, he should be moved away from Phemos and out of the raid. This will give your raid members enough warning about where he is going to charge, allowing them to avoid being hit.
Whirlwind also requires the two bosses to be split up. When Whirlwind is about to be cast, Phemos' tank should pull him away from Pol, and the rest of the raid (particularly melee DPS) should remain on Pol.
Pulverize can be avoided relatively easily. The first wave of rocks falls very quickly, making them unavoidable. So, in order to minimise damage, all raid members should spread out at least 3 yards apart. Healers should be prepared for a moderate amount of raid damage at this time, with potential spikes of damage on players who failed to spread out properly. The second and third waves can be avoided, since the areas on the ground where rocks will fall are clearly indicated. All your raid members have to do is avoid them. In the case of the third wave, there will once again be raid damage, but this is lower the farther players are from the impact location. On the Beta, the damage was low enough that players only needed to be about 10 yards away from it for their health to remain perfectly stable.
The fire lines created by Quake can be difficult to avoid, and the best way we have found to deal with this is for players to move very close to one of the two weapons that Phemos throws on the floor (from where the fire lines spawn). The fire lines have gaps in them, and if you are close to the weapon from which they spawn, it is much easier to reach these gaps and avoid the lines than if you are far away from them.
Naturally, healers will have to heal the raid for the initial raid-wide damage that Quake causes, and they will also have to keep an eye out for any players who take avoidable damage from the fire lines.
When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/ Bloodlust/ Time Warp at the start of the fight, when all raid members have their cooldowns and potions available.
Mythic Mode
The Mythic mode of the Twin Ogron encounter is one of the most accessible Mythic modes in Highmaul, coming second only after Kargath Bladefist. The Mythic version has a number of additional mechanics, and while these do greatly strain the raid, they do not change the strategy in any meaningful way.
Differences From Normal/Heroic Mode
As with all Mythic modes, the bosses deal more damage with all their abilities and they have more health. Aside from this, several abilities have additional effects, and there is also one entirely new ability.
We will first look at the additional effects of existing abilities, before explaining the new ability.
- Pol's Shield Bash now also damages the tank with Arcane Bash, which deals Arcane damage to them.
- Phemos' Double Slash now also stacks a 9-second Arcane damage DoT on the tank, called Arcane Wound. While this effect does theoretically stack, it is applied far more rarely than every 9 seconds, meaning that it never has a chance to stack in practice.
- Pol's Shield Charge is accompanied by Arcane Charge. This causes three images of Pol to appear when Shield Charge is cast, and to charge in three different directions immediately after Pol's charge. These images deal Arcane damage instead of Physical damage, and they disappear as soon as they have finished their charges.
- Phemos' Whirlwind now also pulls nearby players in towards Phemos.
The new Mythic-only ability is called Arcane Volatility. Throughout the fight, several players will be debuffed with Arcane Volatility. This debuff lasts 6 seconds, and when it expires, it deals a very high amount of Arcane damage to the affected player and any other allies in an 8-yard radius.
The strategy for the fight remains almost unchanged from Normal/Heroic mode. The only real differences come from how your players will move to avoid being damaged by the new mechanics.
When Phemos casts Whirlwind, players who are too close to the boss will have to run away from him, possibly with the use of movement-enhancing abilities and cooldowns, such as Stampeding Roar, to avoid being drawn in and damaged. Since no one (except for Phemos' tank) should be in range of Whirlwind anyway, few players should be affected by this in practice.
When players are debuffed with Arcane Volatility, they will have to quickly move at least 8 yards away from any other raid members. Healers should make sure that these players are topped off, since they will have to survive the damage of their own Arcane Volatility detonations.
All raid members will have to get out of the way of the charges of Pol's images as they cast Arcane Charge. There is generally enough time to tell where these images will charge before they do so.
As you read through the different Mythic additions, you might think that the tanks have to perform some sort of tank swap to deal with the Arcane Wound DoT, but this is not the case. The DoT drops off before it has a chance to stack, so the tanks can continue to tank the bosses exactly as they did on Normal/Heroic mode.
Aside from this, there are no changes to the fight, but as you can expect, the increased damage and added mechanics will make the encounter significantly more difficult than before. This means that mistakes that could have gone unpunished before are no longer possible.
Learning the Fight
To ensure success in this encounter, you must set a strong foundation of knowledge for your raid. Everyone has to understand how each individual ability should be dealt with, and why. Once this has been accomplished, your raid members will be well prepared to handle the abilities in succession.
That said, the most common cause for deaths (and wipes) in your raid will probably be Quake, so it is important to stress that all raid members avoid taking unnecessary damage from this ability.
In this section, you will find the loot table for Twin Ogron. The section is divided in 3 subsections: armor, weapons, and the rest (neck, back, finger, and trinket items).
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Secondary Stats |
Twin-Gaze Spaulders — LFR | Cloth | Shoulders |
Sea-Cursed Leggings (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloth | Legs |
Shoulderguards of the Shepherd — LFR | Leather | Shoulders |
Treacherous Palms (Heroic, Mythic) | Leather | Hands |
Bracers of the Crying Chorus (Heroic, Mythic) | Wrists |
Pulverizing Grips — LFR | Hands |
Belt of Imminent Lies (Heroic, Mythic) | Waist |
Chestplate of Arcane Volatility (Heroic, Mythic) | Plate | Chest |
Bracers of Cursed Cries — LFR | Plate | Wrists |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
Captured Arcane Fragment — LFR | OH Frill | Intellect |
Dagger of Enfeeblement — LFR | Dagger | Agility |
Phemos' Double Slasher (Heroic, Mythic) | 1H Axe | Agility |
Absalom's Bloody Bulwark (Heroic, Mythic) | Shield | Strength |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
Odyssian Choker (Heroic, Mythic) | Amulet | Intellect |
Fire-Blind Necklace — LFR | Amulet | Intellect |
Cloak of Ruminant Deception (Heroic, Mythic) | Cloak | Strength |
Golden-Tongued Seal (Heroic, Mythic) | Ring | Intellect |
Ring of Enfeebling Accusations — LFR | Ring |
Shards of Nothing (Heroic, Mythic) | Trinket | Intellect | Haste on use |
Pol's Blinded Eye (Heroic, Mythic) | Trinket | None |
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Twin Ogron. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 11 Dec. 2014: Added Mythic mode strategy.
- 07 Dec. 2014: Added hard enrage timer.
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