Demonology Warlock DPS Guide — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 18:21 by Motoko 43 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Demonology Warlock guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch. Here, you will learn how to play as a Demonology Warlock in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS.

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Demonology Warlock guide.


Demonology Warlock Overview

Demonology Warlock is a versatile specialization centered around summoning waves of expendable minions to do your bidding while you generate resources in between. While the specialization does have some ramp-up time, it does feel smooth and fast once it is running at full steam. Demonology Warlocks are especially strong in encounters that have stable mobility rather than helter-skelter movement.

Like all Warlock specializations, Demonology brings Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway, a powerful raid cooldown that can transport your entire group 40 yards instantly.


Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Strong single target damage and cooldowns
  • +Efficient cleave damage
  • +High mobility
  • +Very high AoE burst with enough resources
X Weaknesses
  • -Requires time to gain a steady flow of resources
  • -Non-existent spread cleave
  • -Being dependent to pets and guardians their AI can sometimes be problematic

Changes to Demonology Warlock in The War Within

The War Within Changes

The War Within Changes to Demonology Warlock

Warlocks received a lot of attention entering The War Within, with talent changes spanning from the class tree bottom lift to the mostly reworked specialisation talent tree.

The specialisation has seen a reduction in complexity in its cooldown management with a very straightforward forward repeatable 1-minute loop centered around Tyrant. As a result, the gameplay is about doing a correct setup and, after that, firing everything on cooldown to avoid subsequent Tyrant windows drifting. The revisitation of Doom Icon Doom offers some dynamism in multitarget, but in general, the flow is streamlined and somewhat scripted gameplay.


Warlock Class Changes

The Class tree has received a few tweaks in both new talents and point distribution changes, creating constraints that force active decisions in what to bring in a given situation, as opposed to a set-and-forget approach.

Below are the most notable changes in regard to the class tree:

  • Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle is no longer baseline;
  • Demonic Tactics Icon Demonic Tactics is a new output node;
  • Soul Link Icon Soul Link has been consolidated as a 2 points node, removing Profane Bargain Icon Profane Bargain;
  • Inquisitor's Gaze Icon Inquisitor's Gaze and Summon Soulkeeper Icon Summon Soulkeeper node has been replaced by Soul Conduit Icon Soul Conduit at 1 point of effectiveness;
  • likewise Grim Feast Icon Grim Feast has been replaced by Pact of Gluttony Icon Pact of Gluttony.

Demonology Changes

The Demonology side of the tree received a more radical revisit with the whole structure and pathing changing, alongside the introduction of several new talents that focus on augmenting fewer spells but in a more profound fashion. As follows is a list of the most transformative changes:

  • Vile Fiend Icon Vile Fiend is now 30 seconds cooldown and has been moved down the tree and a capstone instead of being a choice with Soul Strike Icon Soul Strike;
  • Summon Dreadstalkers Icon Summon Dreadstalkers now have a chance to generate a Demonic Core Icon Demonic Core when fading away;
  • Rune of Shadows Icon Rune of Shadows has been introduced as a substantial way to scale Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt damage;
  • Summon Demonic Tyrant Icon Summon Demonic Tyrant is now a 1minute cooldown baseline and has been moved in the second gate with Reign of Tyranny Icon Reign of Tyranny being a single point investment;
  • Nether Portal Icon Nether Portal and its relative nodes Ner'zhul's Volition Icon Ner'zhul's Volition and Gul'dan's Ambition Icon Gul'dan's Ambition have been removed;
  • Doom Icon Doom has been moved down the tree and reworked entirely to provide AoE damage with additional nodes able to further reduce the cooldown and summon a Shadowbolt casting Doomguard, respectively with Doom Eternal Icon Doom Eternal and Pact of the Ered'ruin Icon Pact of the Ered'ruin;
  • Vile Fiend Icon Vile Fiend, being the central option at the third gate, offers augmenting talents that alter the visuals and additional behavior of the summon similar to Hounds of Sargeras, with Mark of Shatug Icon Mark of Shatug summoning a GloomHound that deals additional shadow damage to a single target and Mark of F'harg Icon Mark of F'harg summoning a Charhound that deals constant fire damage around;
  • New talents augmenting Summon Dreadstalkers Icon Summon Dreadstalkers have been added at the third gate: Flametouched Icon Flametouched and The Houndmaster's Gambit Icon The Houndmaster's Gambit.

Hero Tree Talents

One of the highlights of the new expansion is the Hero Talent Tree system, which further enhances specialisation with a unique twist both in visual and, to a lesser degree, in playstyle. The said feature, however, launches with the expansion and is thus not available during pre-patch.


Leveling a Demonology Warlock

We have a dedicated leveling guide to help you get your Demonology Warlock to max level, complete with many tips and suggestions.

While playing with the default UI for the leveling is entirely possible, transitioning to a max level rotation with a substantially different UI layout can feel overwhelming and ultimately disorient or frustrate the player. Instead, we recommend implementing layout changes gradually in order to allow you to acclimate to a more effective and personal UI. The Addon page below offers some recommended options.


Basics of Demonology Warlock Gameplay

Demonology Warlock is a spec designed around continuously summoning temporary demons to do your bidding with relatively short cooldowns, some of them requiring a precise setup and a good amount of pet management. At its core, the gameplay is about generating and spending the Warlock's iconic resource: Soul Shards.

Demonology is the spec that embodies the rule of Always-Be-Casting the most but is also straightforward and intuitive. Keep generating Soul Shards through Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt Icon Demonbolt and spend those resources on Call Dreadstalkers Icon Call Dreadstalkers and Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan.

If you are a newcomer to the spec but would like to learn the basics, start browsing the Spell Summary and head over to the page linked below.

For those more familiar with Warlocks, we invite you to check out the Talents and Rotation pages to have access to more detailed and in-depth information.


How to Gear Up as Demonology Warlock

Due to the increased number of variables and additional systems, picking gear has become a much less intuitive and immediate process. Nevertheless, you can find guidelines on how to best equip your Demonology Warlock on our dedicated gearing page, including the current Best in Slot equipment for the current tier.

Equipping gear is not enough, as you also need to choose the right consumables and gear augments to maximize your character potential. Below is listed a page that can guide you through those choices as well as a page to better understand the implications each stat has on your Warlock.


End-Game as a Demonology Warlock

Being geared and well-equipped is only half of the journey, as the end game activities require each a different approach to the spec. In order to find out more information regarding how to better tackle these challenges, check out the pages below.


Improving as a Demonology Warlock

Understanding your errors and refining your performance is a constant exercise, which can be frustrating or confounding at times. Below are listed some pages that offer tools and can point to and help correct those mistakes.


Demonology Warlock Viability in the Current Patch

Prepatch of a new expansion is usually a time when 2 different systems/ideas overlap for a brief period, resulting in often quirky interactions with various degrees of power creep associated. In general any spec is going to be, at the very least, a viable option in the content available, but it is by no means representative of how the spec will perform in The War Within, due to the lack of Hero Talents.



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