Arms Warrior DPS Guide — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated Today at 09:50 by Archimtiros 59 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Arms Warrior guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch. Here, you will learn how to play as an Arms Warrior in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS.

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Arms Warrior guide.


Arms Warrior Overview


Arms Warriors in The War Within

Arms Warriors are very straightforward damage dealers which revolve around frequent short cooldown burst damage windows with Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash. Their greatest strength comes in the form of a versatile toolkit, offering Single Target, close-range cleave, burst AoE, and even a limited physical damage immunity, though their greatest weakness comes from inherent limitations of melee range and mediocre self-sustain.


Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Very flexible toolkit, able to spec into several damage profiles, ranging from single target, to two-target cleave, sustained multitarget, or Execute phases.
  • +High mobility class due to Charge Icon Charge, Intervene Icon Intervene, and Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap.
  • +Multiple defensive abilities between Die by the Sword Icon Die by the Sword, Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance, Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection, and Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry.
  • +Source of the important attack power buff Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout.
X Weaknesses
  • -Downtime significantly penalizes damage potential.
  • -Specialized talent buids sacrifice one capability for another.
  • -Lack of passive damage mitigation requires sacrificing damage instead.

Mage Tower Challenge

From Patch 9.1.5 onward, both Legion Timewalking and the Mage Tower have returned. As such we have created a separate guide detailing what you can expect from the Mage Tower challenge available to Arms Warriors.


Arms Warrior and Guide Changes for The War Within


Changes to Arms Warrior in The War Within

The War Within Changes

The War Within Changes to Arms Warrior


Arms Warrior Core Changes

Arms Warrior Rage economy has been significantly altered in The War Within, reducing the amount generated per swing and reducing the Rage cost of Slam, Whirlwind, Rend, Thunder Clap, and Ignore Pain to a consistent 20 Rage. As a result, Rage is generated and spent in smaller chunks, leading to smoother pacing and less time bouncing between a full or empty resource bar.

The Warrior Class Tree has received a moderate rework, rearranging the pathing of several talents and removing some of the less desirable ones outright. Overall, the tree has become smaller and more streamlined, with focus on improving access to important crowd control and early leveling abilities, most notably relocating Shockwave to the middle of the tree. Below, you can see some of the most important changes that will affect your gameplay, decision-making, and power in The War Within.


Warrior Class Changes

  • Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage is no longer a talent and now automatically learned at level 12.
  • Titanic Throw Icon Titanic Throw, Sonic Boom Icon Sonic Boom, and Furious Blows Icon Furious Blows have been removed. Furious Blows is one less required damage talent, while the other two were never used.
  • Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder is now baked into Thunder Clap and has been removed.
  • Second Wind Icon Second Wind now restores 1-2% health per second while below 35% health, in addition to its previous effects. This gives it a guaranteed benefit in high damage/low life situations, without changing the previous functionality.
  • Impending Victory Icon Impending Victory now restores 20% health, down from 30%.
  • Honed Reflexes Icon Honed Reflexes now reduces the cooldown of most defensive and utility cooldowns by 5%. However minor, this removes another damage talent, while offering an interesting if equally minor defensive benefit.
  • Frothing Berserker Icon Frothing Berserker now refunds 20% Rage for Arms, down from 20%.
  • Barbaric Training Icon Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of abilities. Alongside several other adjustments, this is intended to smooth out the rate at which Arms generates and spends its Rage.
  • Champion's Spear Icon Champion's Spear now generates 10 rage, down from 20.
  • Champion's Might Icon Champion's Might now affects targets hit by Spear, instead of the player standing inside it.
  • Shockwave Icon Shockwave and Thunderous Roar Icon Thunderous Roar no longer generate Rage.
  • Thunderous Words Icon Thunderous Words has been buffed from 15 to 30%, but only increases the damage targets take from bleeds during its effect, rather than passively increasing it all the time. This makes Thunderous Roar more active and condenses some of its damage into burstier cooldowns.
  • Crushing Force Icon Crushing Force now affects Mortal Strike instead of Slam.
  • Endurance Training Icon Endurance Training has gained a second point, allowing players to increase their stamina even further. While nice, the new pathing makes the talent very hard to take.
  • Warlord's Torment Icon Warlord's Torment no longer affects Colossus Smash, and the bonus Rage generated during Recklessness is reduced to +25% from +100%. More so than any other change, this dramatically slows down Arms' Rage generation, though the overall speed of its gameplay is unchanged.
  • Blademaster's Torment Icon Blademaster's Torment has been redesigned to now trigger Sweeping Strikes whenever Avatar is used, and reduce the cooldown of Cleave by 1.5 seconds for the duration of Avatar. This gives the talent value no matter what combination of other talents are used, though it also removes any single target value.

Arms Talent Changes

The Arms Warrior Spec Tree has undergone only minor changes, condensing and reworking a few of its talents, though retaining the same general pathing.

  • Cleave Icon Cleave now replaces Whirlwind, reducing the number of keybinds in multitarget content. Reaping Swings Icon Reaping Swings has been removed, with Cleave's default cooldown reduced to 4.5 seconds instead.
  • Fervor of Battle Icon Fervor of Battle and Collateral Damage Icon Collateral Damage now apply to Cleave, as do Seismic Reverberation Icon Seismic Reverberation and Barbaric Training Icon Barbaric Training in the class tree. With Cleave replacing Whirlwind in the rotation, this retains all of the same functionality between the two abilities.
  • Tide of Blood Icon Tide of Blood has been removed and its effects baked into Skullsplitter Icon Skullsplitter.
  • Storm of Swords Icon Storm of Swords now grants Whirlwind a 30% chance to make your next Whirlwind cost 100% less Rage. Intended to help smooth out the Rage economy, this talent is largely unneeded.
  • Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death can now stack twice to avoid wasting procs.
  • Improved Overpower Icon Improved Overpower now grants a second charge of Overpower, instead of coming from Dreadnaught.
  • Strength of Arms Icon Strength of Arms has been split into two talents, and now shares a choice node with Dreadnaught. This gives players a clear choice between a single target or multitarget damage boost.
  • Finishing Blows Icon Finishing Blows now generates Rage when Overpower is used against low health targets, previously found within Strength of Arms. Although seemingly a dramatic nerf, the Rage accounts for much greater part of the overall reduced Arms Rage economy.
  • Tactician Icon Tactician has been reduced to 1% per Rage spent, while Deft Experience Icon Deft Experience has been reduced to an additional 0.5% per point. A total of 2% per point of Rage, this reduces the overall number of Tactician procs, creating a little more room in the rotation for other abilities.
  • In For The Kill Icon In For The Kill now lasts the duration of Colossus Smash instead of a strict 10 seconds. This creates additional synergy with Spiteful Serenity and Blunt Instruments, and greatly increases its value compared to Test of Might.
  • Valor in Victory Icon Valor in Victory now increases Versatility by 2%, instead of 1%.
  • Battlelord Icon Battlelord no longer increases Overpower damage. This makes the talent less universal, creating more room to take other talents in multitarget content.
  • Ravager Icon Ravager is now a choice alongside Bladestorm, giving players the option between AoE abilities.
  • Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm no longer generates Rage, but its damage has been buffed by ~70%, making it much more directly impactful.
  • Hurricane Icon Hurricane has been removed, thereby reducing the number of layered damage buffs.
  • Unhinged Icon Unhinged now prioritizes the primary target and triggers every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deals damage, allowing it to scale with effects that increase the number of hits.
  • Dance of Death Icon Dance of Death has been completely redesigned with separate effects for Bladestorm and Ravager. When an enemy dies during Bladestorm, it increases damage dealt by 5% for the remainder of its duration plus 2 seconds, stacking up to three times. When an enemy dies during Ravager, it instead extends the duration by 2 seconds, also stacking up to three times. A somewhat complicated change, the intent is to reward players when an enemy dies during their large AoE cooldown; used creatively, it can allow funneling damage from a short-lived group of adds into a stronger priority/boss target.
  • Critical Thinking Icon Critical Thinking has been increased to 10% of Execute Rage refunded per point, greatly helping the Execute Rage economy.

Arms Hero Talents

Hero talents are a new system coming in The War Within, giving each specialization the choice between two sub-specs which further diversify their playstyle and capabilities. However, as the points for these standalone talent trees are gained while leveling up to level 80, they are not available during The War Within pre-patch and so specific guides covering them will be released once they become available.


Leveling an Arms Warrior in The War Within

If you want to play an Arms Warrior but currently do not have one at max level, you can check out our leveling guide for tips on your journey.

Once you reach the max level, it can be somewhat overwhelming to completely change the way you play by suddenly implementing a large number of addons in a short space of time, especially if they have a heavy visual impact on your UI. We recommend using some of the more basic addons recommended on our Addons page below while leveling so that you have more time to get used to them during the easier phases of playing your class.


Basics of Arms Warrior Gameplay

Arms Warrior is a very straightforward and relatively simple spec which generates almost all of its resources passively through auto-attacks, while spending them with various active abilities. Predicting this flow of resources and keeping track of important ability cooldowns is important to ensure that you neither find yourself Rage starved and unable to use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike on cooldown or capping and wasting Rage generation during Ravager Icon Ravager or Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm.

Although Rage generation has been slowed down significantly in The War Within, so too has the cost of nearly all abilities, resulting in generating and spending in smaller amounts. This makes the rotation more controlled, less prone to spikes which leave resources starved or overcapped, and the spec still has virtually no downtime, filling almost all of its Global Cooldowns with Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, Overpower Icon Overpower, Slam Icon Slam, or Execute Icon Execute.

If you are an absolute beginner to the spec but would like a refresher on the basic fundamentals of the Warrior class, we recommend looking through the Spell Summary first, as well as the Easy Mode page below.

If you are already somewhat familiar with Warriors, you can head straight to the Talents and Rotation pages to jump right into the more complex, detailed information.


How to Gear Up as an Arms Warrior

Gearing is often a matter of choosing the highest item level piece available, but there are important nuances to consider, especially when it comes to statistical breakpoints and special effects gear. You can find information on how best to gear an Arms Warrior on our dedicated gearing page, which includes the current Best in Slot items from this tier.

Once you have started to gear, you will need to make sure that you have the appropriate consumables, gems, enchants, and more. We have a dedicated page for exactly this, as shown below, as well as the stats page, where you can find more information on the possibility of a changing stat priority and the necessary changes you may need to make for consumables.


End-Game as an Arms Warrior

Starting off as an Arms Warrior can look very different from the absolute end-game raiding and progression as one. Our Mythic+, Torghast, Raiding, and PvP guides can guide you to perform as well as possible, regardless of your focus on end-game content.


Improving as an Arms Warrior

If you are finding your performance lackluster but are not sure where you are going wrong, you can check out the pages below for potential tips or answers to questions you may have.



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