Mythic+ DPS Rankings: A Tier List for The War Within (Patch 11.0.7 / Season 1)
From the weakest to the strongest specialization, each provide unique character distinction and add value toward shaping the seasonal "meta" of Mythic+. The DPS specialization rankings provided for The War Within's Season 1 of Mythic+ are based on pure DPS strength and group-added-value such as utility, survivability, mobility, and self-sustain.
This list will be updated as new tuning and class changes come out over the course of the season.
About the Tier List
This tier list is NOT FINAL; it will change and will be updated as often as necessary prior and during The War Within Mythic+ Season 1. There are often moments of tier set and class tuning, as well as talent changes and secondary stat scaling that will impact the placement of the specs.
I am Petko, a competitive Mythic+ player, known to be pushing the boundaries of High Mythic+ with several World first and Europe first rankings among past seasons on multiple classes. I have worked hard on preparing for Season 1 of The War Within, spending numerous hours per day examining each and every spec in a dungeon environment on Beta. This Tier list will continue to be updated as much as it requires over the course of The War Within and it will also focus on what the "meta" will look like as it stabilizes. Along the way, this Tier list will also be supported by various professional Mythic+ players with high credibility in the community, theorycrafters across all specializations, and my own empirical evidence.
To begin with, this Tier list will exclusively focus on the first Season of Mythic+ in The War Within. There will be no Warcraft Logs rankings added nor simulation data for the majority of the classes and specs. As a result, this Tier list will be solely based on empirical evidence of the current state of the classes' performance in Mythic+ from my own point of view and the point of view of the group of players testing those classes who are among the best representatives of the specs in the community. Moreover, this Tier list will take into consideration every impactful class change and tier set tuning before and after the start of the season.
It is important to note that opinions might vary and that is completely okay, but remember to be respectful when providing feedback as the sole purpose of this tier list is to help the WoW community with their choice of main or alt each season.
Criteria of the Tier List
This tier list was created based on the strength of each DPS specialization throughout the entirety of our Beta testing. The rankings are determined by the toolkit and raw damage each class provides to Mythic+ groups. To fully understand the rankings, it's important to understand the difference between each damage profile and the significance/sync of each class's toolkit with other party members. Lastly, different dungeons require different sets of damage patterns; some require more single-target, while others require you to have much more focused AoE damage; all of this can bump some classes higher than others:
- Damage is the most important major factor to rank the DPS classes: mass AoE, burst AoE, sustain AoE, single-target, 2-target, 3-target, and spread-cleave damage are among the types of damage profiles we examine.
- Classes with unique party-wide buffs will always be rewarded. an example of such is Druid's Mark of the Wild.
- Classes with high survivability, self-sustain, or immunities will add an additional value to the rankings.
- Another feature worth mentioning is the importance of priority-target damage and funnel damage, often undervalued in Mythic+, which speeds up the whole dungeon if executed correctly. Specs can earn extra "points" by having such a damage profile.
A Final Warning
- It is incredibly important to emphasize that just because a DPS specialization is low in the tier list; it does not mean that you should ignore it completely. Any class can perform well if you put the time to learn it, some just do it with less effort.
- For the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player, not the better specialization. That does not mean you never need to think about your Mythic+ group composition or disregard the meta, just that most of the time, player skill will be more important than the difference between classes
- Remember that this tier list is based on casual/intermediate key levels as the average; some specializations gain significantly more value on the higher-end bracket compared to the lower-end bracket because of their damage profile.
- This tier list, unlike many others, is constant; some class's placements will go up or down depending on key level, group composition, affix combinations or dungeon differences. We will continue to update this tier list every time there is a change;
DPS Tier List for Season 1 of Mythic+ in The War Within
Below, you can find the full rankings for DPS slots in Season 1 of The War Within. We encourage you to read further and understand why some classes are placed lower or higher than expected, with several factors taken into consideration, such as having a 4-piece tier-set active at all times.
S | Enhancement ShamanEnhancement Shaman has seen so many positive changes, which will directly improve its already strong Mythic+ performance in the second half of Season 1. Their damage profile will be one of the highest, not only in single-target but also in AoE. Augmentation EvokerAugmentation Evoker is going to continue to be one of the best Ranged options in the second half of Season 1. Yes, you will be just as useful to your allies, with great utility, good mob control, and further bolstering their DPS/defensive profiles, but this time, you will do more damage yourself. Overall, we are delighted with the spec's current performance and expect it to finish the remaining season 1 as one of the "meta" specs. Frost Death KnightFrost Death Knight has one of the strongest burst (both in AoE and single target), while keeping incredible priority-target damage. They are also one of the most durable DPS classes in game. Assassination RogueAssassination Rogue has one of the strongest damage profiles across all DPS specs. Their priority-target and AoE damage will continue to be one of the strongest going into the second half of Season 1. Their utility remains excellent, and they will have an even stronger defensive profile. Overall, we believe Assassination Rogue will perform better in higher-level keys, where mobs live longer, but still not to be underestimated in lower-level keys, where they will do better than before. Balance DruidBalance Druid Although this spec may not appear impressive in lower-end keys, they become increasingly formidable as the key level increases,achieving exceptional damage, primarily in AoE scenarios. Overall, after the most recent changes to the specialization, we believe they will still be one of the best Ranged options in Mythic+. |
A | Unholy Death KnightUnholy Death Knight will continue to be in a great shape, with amazing single-target damage, while retaining its signature strong AoE burst and a good sustained damage profile. Outside of major cooldowns is a problematic area for them, but as long as you make up for it during your cooldowns, its going to be all good! Elemental ShamanElemental Shaman The rework of Ascendance will now add an offensive cooldown in their pocket, which will turn out to be quite handy, especially during important boss fights/pulls. While their single target is not their strongest asset, their AoE is incredibly strong, quite frankly one of the best among all specs. Frost MageFrost Mage is currently in a sweet spot between "fun-to-play" and overall decent shape, as the balance between all powers seems equal. Not only are you one of the most durable DPS specializations, but you also have one of the best Mythic+ utilities from a DPS. Depending on the key levels and group composition, your rankings will fluctuate but will be well high in the rankings. Retribution PaladinRetribution Paladin received a tiny nerf in their Mythic+ performance, leading into the second half of Season 1. Their current AoE burst damage profile will remain incredible, while retaining their signature group-wide utilities for a DPS, which is a valuable asset for anyone who wants to play this spec. They posses excellent defensive options in case of danger, and is considered one of the easiest spec to play in the current iteration of World of Warcraft. Destruction WarlockDestruction Warlock AoE damage profile, especially during their major cooldown - Summon Infernal, is still going to be their strongest asset. Single-target and sustained damage are both going to be also improved and brought more in line with the rest of the specializations. In addition, every Warlock spec is quite durable and has a great party-wide utility, which fits perfectly for Mythic+. Arcane MageArcane Mage burst and sustained single target will remain one of the best, as well as retaining their unique damage on demand AoE profile. The rankings of Arcane can fluctuate depending on the key level, as well as being one of the key features of creating the "god-comp" together with Augmentation Evoker. Subtlety RogueAside from the impressive Rogue's utility package, Subtlety Rogue also delivers consistent damage with great on-demand bursts. Sadly, the rotation has not changed much as the newly introduced Hero Talents are quite disappointing. After the most recent buffs, Subtlety Rogue damage performance has increased. Overall, we believe its sibling spec - Assassination Rogue is much stronger, which severely reduces the chances of you being picked up. Shadow PriestShadow Priest received minor buffs on Psychic Link and some quality of life updates leading to the second half of the season. They will still retain their great damage profile, which excels in both AoE and single-target/priority-target damage. The spec will continue to be great Ranged option, although not to the same extreme performance they had in the last few seasons. Their utility and defensiveness remain strong, which is positive for the spec as both factors are considered valuable. Overall, we expect their performance to only improve the higher the key goes, as the "ramp-up" playstyle of Voidform requires the non-boss enemies to live longer than a few short seconds. Survival HunterSurvival Hunter is currently amazing choice for DPS spec in Mythic+, with an impressive DPS profile for both single-target and AoE. As always, damage is one of the major factors to consider for specs, so look no further; this class will not disappoint with both sustained damage and burst damage. Explosive Shot's uncapped damage capabilities are exceptional while maintaining amazing single-target output. |
B | Marksmanship HunterMarksmanship Hunter will retain their incredibly bursty AoE damage profile, which will be their strongest asset across all key levels. They now have 2 charges of Survival of the Fittest and a self-disease/poison dispel which can help in critical situations. The lack of single target (while playing M+ builds) will be the biggest disadvantage. Overall, the spec will struggle when dealing damage without any cooldowns, which will add on top of their mediocre single-target. Affliction WarlockAffliction Warlock is a great Ranged option, consisting of great priority-target, fantastic burst, and strong sustained AoE damage. Previously one of the weakest specs, they are now in a much better shape, with much more flexibility in builds — a strong single-target build, amazing hybrid options, and heavy AoE if needed. Fire MageFire Mage will remain a decent choice throughout the second half of Season 1. Their single target will be mid, while being significantly better in AoE damage. Just like every Mage spec so far, they have one of the best group-wide Mythic+ utilities but still require some time to ramp up (especially if you are playing Mastery: Ignite) before they achieve their full damage. Hence why we always recommend considering this spec highly for higher-level keys. Devastation EvokerThe performance of Devastation Evoker sadly continues to plummet as many specs received major positive changes, while they have not. The spec has retained its unique Evoker utility, while strengthening their defensiveness thanks to the brand-new Hero Talents. Their damage profile will retain its burst-orientated window, which will help your performance across different key levels. At the same time, also, unfortunately, keeping its main disadvantage present - having 25 yards ability range as an offensive caster can be quite punishable. In addition, their sustained damage output is one of the lowest across all DPS specs, which must be addressed for us to place the spec higher. Feral DruidAlthough Feral Druid receive multiple damage adjustments, their damage output is nowhere near competitive to be compared to the top performing specs. Their utility, just like any Druid spec, is amazing, as Mark of the Wild is one of the strongest party-buffs in Guide. Arms WarriorArms Warrior damage profile is their strongest asset as they currently have decent single-target, 2-target, low-count, and incredible mass-AoE damage. Although their utility will remain mostly the same, we believe that if this spec can be paired with melee physical damage-oriented classes, it can climb the ladder even further. Demonology WarlockDemonology Warlock received some positive adjustments leading to the second half of Season 1. They will retain their strength intheir already good sustained single-target/AoE damage while benefiting from additional Demonic Cores after the most recent buffs. In terms of utility, they will keep their unique Mythic+ package while being one of the most durable Ranged DPS. |
C | Outlaw RogueOutlaw Rogue received multiple changes leading up to the upcoming patch, which will result in a slight improvement in their performance. While they will retain their great consistent damage, unfortunately, they are still one of the few specs that are target-capped. Their single-target will remain competitive, as well as their priority-target damage while doing AoE. The lack of burst is also another issue the spec is suffering from, as that can be quite offsetting on the lower level keys where burst is important to capitalize on the lower health mobs. Their defensive profile will remain unchanged, and so will their amazing group-wide utility and mob control. Fury WarriorFury Warrior will retain their signature burst-orientated profile, but unfortunately their raw damage will struggle to compete with the majority of the DPS specs. In addition, their Mythic+ toolkit remains mostly the same, with Shockwave now being easier to talent, which can help with further mob control. Havoc Demon HunterHavoc Demon Hunter damage performance is one of the lowest in the current season compared to all other DPS specs. Outside of cooldowns, they are even worse. Although they have good party-wide utility, further buffs must occur for us to place them higher. Windwalker MonkWindwalker Monk recently received some positive changes that are focusing on improving their AoE damage output, but unfortunately they are still going to be behind majority of the specializations. On the bright side, their single-target is great! It is important to note that the utility package is largely unchanged, and it is still going to have immense value for any team. In addition, Haste scaling was added, which should dramatically help Windwalker Monk scale as gear improves, something the spec has always struggled with later in the season/expansion. Beast Mastery HunterBeast Mastery Hunter has seen quite a lot of changes leading to the second half of Season 1. Beast Mastery Hunter will retain similar playstyle as before, which will disappoint some and delight others. They now have much better survivability, thanks to the general Hunter's tree redesign, and a better utility package allowing you to have Intimidation, Scatter Shot and Binding Shot active at the same time. In addition to that, any Hunter spec can benefit from having an AoE disturb effect spell - Implosive Trap. While their single-target damage is strong, their sustained damage (off-cooldowns), especially AoE, is going to contniue be lackluster. |
Healer and Tank Class Rankings
If you are interested in our other rankings for Mythic+ in The War Within, Season 1, please click the links below.
Full DPS Class and Specialization Rankings
Enhancement Shaman
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Skyfury | - |
Core | Bloodlust | - |
Core | Earth Elemental | A powerful elemental summon that helps you survive. It can also tank non-boss-enemies. |
Optional | Wind Rush Totem | On-demand extra movement speed, which can be further bolstered by Jet Stream - removing all snares on all targets interaction with Wind Rush Totem (it is like a massive Blessing of Freedom). |
Earthgrab Totem | AoE root effect. It replaces Earthbind Totem. | |
Optional | Cleanse Spirit | Removes all Curse effects from a friendly target. |
Optional | Purge | Removing 1 beneficial Magic effect from an enemy. |
Optional | Thunderstorm | AoE disturb effect that can either knock away or knock up ( Thundershock). |
Optional | Poison Cleansing Totem | Removes all poison effects on a nearby party member each 1.5 sec for 6 sec. |
Optional | Elemental Resistance | Small group-wide school of magic damage reduction. |
Augmentation Evoker
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Blessing of the Bronze | - |
Core | Chrono Ward | Extra Shielding effect triggered after Breath of Eons cast. |
Core | Prescience | Can be further bolstered by the Fate Mirror talent. |
Core | Tail Swipe | AoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies. |
Core | Expunge | Removing all Poison effects from an ally. |
Core | Upheaval | Extra knock-up effect. |
Optional | Timelessness | Reduces the threat to 1 friendly target. |
Optional | Oppressing Roar | Increasing the duration of all crowd-control effects on the affected enemies by 50%. You can further talent into Overawe, removing 1 Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal). |
Optional | Sleep Walk | Single-target crowd-control effect that forces the enemy to move towards you. |
Optional | Bestow Weyrnstone | Enables one party/raid member to teleport to your location within 100 yards. |
Optional | Spatial Paradox | It enables your Healer of choice to move freely while casting and increasing the range of most spells by 100% for 11 sec. |
Optional | Source of Magic | Can be further bolstered by Potent Mana |
Optional | Zephyr | Area-of-effect damage reduction (party only). |
Optional | Cauterizing Flame | Bleed removal |
Optional | Rescue | You can further bolster it with Twin Guardian talent for extra durability. |
Frost Death Knight
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Anti-Magic Zone | Provides extra durability against heavy magical damage. |
Core | Death Grip | Repositions an enemy of your choice. |
Core | Raise Ally | Combat-resurrection. |
Optional | Abomination Limb | Every 1 sec, an enemy is pulled close to you. |
Optional | Blinding Sleet | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Insidious Chill | Reduces the auto-attack speed of your target by 5% stacking up 4 times. |
Optional | Control Undead | Mind-control an undead enemy to fight on your side. |
Optional | Asphyxiate | 5 sec single-target stun. |
Optional | Vestigial Shell | Adding Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearby allies. |
Balance Druid
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mark of the Wild | Increasing the Versatility of your raid/party by 3%. |
Core | Solar Beam | 8 sec AoE silence. |
Optional | Nature's Vigil | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Innervate | Allowing 1 friendly healer to cast spells without spending mana for 8 sec. |
Optional | Stampeding Roar | Increasing the movement speed to all raid members by 60% for 8 sec. |
Optional | Remove Corruption | Removes all Curse and Poison effects from a friendly target. |
Optional | Soothe | Dispelling all Enrage Effects from an enemy target. |
Optional | Incapacitating Roar / Mighty Bash | You have the choice between AoE disturb effect or a single-target stun. |
Optional | Typhoon | Aoe knockback. |
Optional | Mass Entanglement / Ursol's Vortex | You have the choice between AoE root effect or AoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location. |
Assassination Rogue
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Iron Wire | Enables Garrote to silence for 6 sec when used from Stealth and enemies that are silenced by Garrote deal 15% reduced damage for 8 sec. |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison, Instant Poison, Amplifying Poison and Deadly Poison |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party member lasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredible useful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Unholy Death Knight
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Anti-Magic Zone | Provides extra durability against heavy magical damage. |
Core | Death Grip | Repositions an enemy of your choice. |
Core | Raise Ally | Combat-resurrection. |
Core | Gnaw | Having an extra stun effect for 1 sec from your Ghoul pet. |
Optional | Abomination Limb | Every 1 sec, an enemy is pulled close to you. |
Optional | Blinding Sleet | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Insidious Chill | Reduces the auto-attack speed of your target by 5% stacking up 4 times. |
Optional | Asphyxiate | 5 sec single-target stun. |
Optional | Vestigial Shell | Adding Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearby allies. |
Elemental Shaman
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Skyfury | - |
Core | Bloodlust | - |
Core | Earth Elemental | A powerful elemental summon that helps you survive. It can also tank non-boss-enemies. |
Core | Earthquake | Has a chance for a knockdown effect. |
Optional | Wind Rush Totem | On-demand extra movement speed, which can be further bolstered by Jet Stream - removing all snares on all targets interaction with Wind Rush Totem (it is like a massive Blessing of Freedom). |
Earthgrab Totem | AoE root effect. It replaces Earthbind Totem. | |
Optional | Cleanse Spirit | Removes all Curse effects from a friendly target. |
Optional | Purge | Removing 1 beneficial Magic effect from an enemy. |
Optional | Thunderstorm | AoE disturb effect that can either knock away or knock up ( Thundershock). |
Optional | Poison Cleansing Totem | Removes all poison effects on a nearby party member each 1.5 sec for 6 sec. |
Frost Mage
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Core | Time Warp | Alternative of Bloodlust. |
Core | Permanent slow effects. | - |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage or mass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from a friendly target. |
Optional | Ring of Frost | AoE disturb effect. |
Retribution Paladin
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Devotion Aura | Permanent 3% group/raid-wide damage reduction aura. |
Core | Lay on Hands | Heals a member of your party/raid to full health. |
Core | Intercession | Combat-resurrection |
Optional | Blessing of Sacrifice | Helps a single member of your raid in a critical situation. This can be further improved by talenting Sacrifice of the Just. |
Optional | Blessing of Protection | Physical immunity, which can help you with some boss encounters. |
Optional | Blessing of Freedom | Immunity to movement impairing effects. |
Optional | Cleanse Toxins | Removes all Poison and Disease effects from the target. |
Optional | Turn Evil | Be able to fear any Undead, Aberration or Demon, which is an additional form of crowd control. |
Destruction Warlock
Utility package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magic dispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with an extra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extra crowd-control effect. |
Arcane Mage
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage or mass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from a friendly target. |
Optional | Ring of Frost | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Blast Wave | AoE knockback. |
Optional | Dragon's Breath | AoE disturb effect. |
Subtlety Rogue
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison or Instant Poison |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party member lasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredible useful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Shadow Priest
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Power Infusion | You must always have Twins of the Sun Priestess talented. |
Core | Power Word: Fortitude | A raid-wide 5% Stamina buff. |
Core | Psychic Scream | AoE disturb effect. |
Core | Mind Soothe | It reduces the range at which the target/s will attack you. Incredibly useful for trash mob skips. It can be used on multiple enemies. |
Core | Mass Dispel | Incredible useful where Mass Dispelling is needed. |
Optional | Vampiric Embrace | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Dominate Mind | Mindcontrols an enemy, allowing you to simultaneously execute your rotation while having full control over them and their abilities. |
Optional | Shackle Undead | Crowd-controls a undead target for 50 sec. |
Optional | Purify Disease | On top of Dispel Magic you will be able to further bolster it by allowing the spell to remove 1 Disease on a friendly target. |
Optional | Psychic Horror | A single-target 4 sec stun effect. |
Survival Hunter
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in some rare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80% health by 5%. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effect from an enemy target. |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Binding Shot | AoE root effect. |
Optional | Scatter Shot | Single-target disturb effect. |
Optional | Intimidation | Stun effect. |
Optional | Implosive Trap | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Misdirection | Helpful in cases where there are spread non-boss-enemies and your tanks need help with collecting the aggro. |
Marksmanship Hunter
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in some rare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80% health by 5%. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effect from an enemy target. |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Binding Shot | AoE root effect. |
Optional | Misdirection | Helpful in cases where there are spread non-boss-enemies and your tanks need help with collecting the aggro. |
Affliction Warlock
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magic dispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with an extra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extra crowd-control effect. |
Fire Mage
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Arcane Intellect | 5% extra Intellect to the whole raid/party. |
Core | Time Warp | Alternative of Bloodlust. |
Optional | Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility | Gives a shield that absorbs damage or mass invisibility to the entire party. |
Optional | Spellsteal | Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. |
Optional | Remove Curse | Removes all Curses from a friendly target. |
Devastation Evoker
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Blessing of the Bronze | - |
Core | Tail Swipe | AoE disturb effect that knocks up enemies. |
Core | Expunge | Removing all Poison effects from an ally. |
Optional | Sleep Walk | Single-target crowd-control effect that forces the enemy to move towards you. |
Optional | Source of Magic | Can be further bolstered by Potent Mana |
Optional | Oppressing Roar | Increasing the duration of all crowd-control effects on the affected enemies by 50%. You can further talent into Overawe, removing 1 Enrage effect from each enemy (AoE Enrage Removal). |
Optional | Spatial Paradox | It enables your Healer of choice to move freely while casting and increasing the range of most spells by 100% for 11 sec. |
Optional | Zephyr | Area-of-effect damage reduction (party only). |
Optional | Cauterizing Flame | Bleed removal |
Optional | Rescue | You can further bolster it with Twin Guardian talent for extra durability. |
Feral Druid
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mark of the Wild | Increasing the Versatility of your raid/party by 3%. |
Optional | Nature's Vigil | Extra off-healing. |
Optional | Innervate | Allowing 1 friendly healer to cast spells without spending mana for 8 sec. |
Optional | Stampeding Roar | Increasing the movement speed to all raid members by 60% for 8 sec. |
Optional | Remove Corruption | Removes all Curse and Poison effects from a friendly target. |
Optional | Soothe | Dispelling all Enrage Effects from an enemy target. |
Optional | Incapacitating Roar / Mighty Bash | You have the choice between AoE disturb effect or a single-target stun. |
Optional | Typhoon | Aoe knockback. |
Optional | Mass Entanglement / Ursol's Vortex | You have the choice between AoE root effect or AoE wind-of-vortex, pulling all the mobs to one location. |
Arms Warrior
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Rallying Cry | Temporary increasing the health of your raid/party. |
Core | Battle Shout | Extra 5% Attack Power. |
Optional | Spell Reflection | Usable in niche situations. |
Demonology Warlock
Utility package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Create Healthstone | Helps your team to survive deadly pulls. |
Core | Soulstone | Combat Resurrection. |
Core | Demonic Gateway | |
Core | Axe Toss | Your baseline interrupt also stuns the target for 4 sec. |
Core | Curse of Tongues | Useful against caster targets. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Curse of Weakness | Useful against physical damage dealers. It can be further bolstered by Amplify Curse talent. |
Core | Demon Summoning | Summon Imp can help you with Singe Magic dispel while Summon Felhunter can be useful with an extra interrupt - Spell Lock. |
Optional | Banish | Useful on some boss encounters for an extra crowd-control effect. |
Outlaw Rogue
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Weapon Poisons | Numbing Poison, Atrophic Poison, Crippling Poison, Wound Poison or Instant Poison |
Core | Sap | Non-combat crowd-control. |
Core | Shiv | Enrage-effect dispel. |
Core | Shroud of Concealment | Mass-invisibility effect. |
Core | Tricks of the Trade | Redirects all threat you cause to a selected party member lasting 6 sec. |
Core | Distract | When used, it stops any creatures from moving. Incredible useful when stopping patrol targets from repositioning. |
Fury Warrior
Utility package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Rallying Cry | Temporary increasing the health of your raid/party. |
Core | Battle Shout | Extra 5% Attack Power. |
Optional | Spell Reflection | Usable in niche situations. |
Havoc Demon Hunter
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Chaos Brand | 3% extra Magical damage |
Core | Darkness | % chance to avoid all damage from an attack. |
Optional | Imprison | Single-target out of combat crowd-control. |
Optional | Consume Magic | Remove 1 beneficial Magic effect. |
Optional | Sigil of Misery | AoE disturb effect. |
Windwalker Monk
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Mystic Touch | 5% extra Physical damage for your raid. |
Core | Leg Sweep | 3 sec stun effect. |
Optional | Tiger's Lust | Removes all roots and snares. |
Optional | Ring of Peace | It can be used to help your tank kite and as a AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Detox | Removes all Poison and Disease effects from the target. |
Optional | Paralysis | Single-target disturb effect. |
Beast Mastery Hunter
Utility Package
Functionality | Spells | Notes |
Core | Primal Rage | Although not unique, it can help in some rare cases. |
Core | Hunter's Mark | Increases all damage dealt to targets above 80% health by 5%. |
Core | Tranquilizing Shot | Removes 1 Enrage and Magic effect from an enemy target. |
Core | Freezing Trap | A powerful single-target crowd-control effect. |
Optional | Binding Shot | AoE root effect. |
Optional | Implosive Trap | AoE disturb effect. |
Optional | Misdirection | Helpful in cases where there are spread non-boss-enemies and your tanks need help with collecting the aggro. |
- 15 Dec. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 12 Dec. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 11.0.7 Patch.
- 02 Dec. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 14 Nov. 2024: Updated based on the most recent class hotfixes.
- 30 Oct. 2024: Upgaded based on the most recent class hotfixes.
- 28 Oct. 2024: Upgaded based on the most recent class changes.
- 20 Oct. 2024: Reviewed and update for 11.0.5 Patch.
- 09 Oct. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 23 Sep. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 15 Sep. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 01 Sep. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Fully Updated for Season 1 of The War Within.
- 02 Jun. 2024: Reviewed and updated based on the most recent class changes.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed and update dfor 10.2.7 Patch.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 4.
- 25 Mar. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.6 Patch.
- 12 Mar. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfixes.
- 28 Jan. 2024: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 10.2.5 Patch.
- 18 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 04 Dec. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 25 Nov. 2023: Further class adjustments.
- 12 Nov. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 05 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.2. Patch.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for 10.1.7 Patch.
- 22 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 09 Aug. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 25 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent class hotfix.
- 17 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 13 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 27 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 06 Jun. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 23 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 07 May 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent hotfixes.
- 01 May 2023: Fully Updated for Season 2 of Dragonflight.
- 21 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.7 Patch.
- 04 Mar. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent round of changes.
- 14 Feb. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the most recent Patch.
- 25 Jan. 2023: Further Adjustments based on the upcoming 10.0.5 Patch.
- 04 Jan. 2022: Minor update based on the further testing.
- 21 Dec. 2022: Further Adjustments based on the latest class changes.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Adjusted Frost Mage's position.
- 18 Nov. 2022: Updated with the initial iteration for Season 1 of Dragonflight.
This guide has been written by Petko, one of the top Mythic players of all time. He has accomplished several Europe- and World #1 Team and Solo Seasonal rankings with multiple specialization and classes. Moreover, he competes in the MDI and streams his runs live on Twitch, and shares his personal opinions on YouTube and Twitter.
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