Fungal Folly Delve Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash
This page will cover everything you need to know about the Fungal Folly Delve in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.
Getting into Fungal Folly
Fungal Folly is a Delve located on the South side of Isle of Dorn, Khaz Algar.
This guide will provide all the specifics you need to complete Fungal Folly across all tiers of difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). We will cover delve events, optional bosses (rares), as well as end of the dungeon boss and their abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the Delves in Season 1, please see our overviews linked below.
Fungal Folly Layout
Events and Trash Mobs in Fungal Folly
Keep in mind that in some cases, there might be a different event, which will consist of having to do 5 unique challenges from each of the trapped ancestors around the map. For the guide's sake, we have included the most commonEvent #1, the Scout rescue mission.
Event #1 — 0/10 Scouts rescued
You have to clear all non-boss-enemies around each of the scouts before rescuing them simply because you will not be able to do so while being attacked. Here are all the trash mobs you must pay attention to:
Trash Mobs in this Area
- Interrupt Fungal Rotspreader's Rotten Bolt.
- Out-range the Infected Beast's explosion (they will start channeling it at around 25-30% HP).
- Stop the Battle Roar cast coming from Fungal Gutter, as it will buff the Haste of all nearby enemies by 25%. In addition, side-step their Vicious Stabs frontal.
- Avoid the Infectious Spores ground effect from Fungal Rotcaster, while using your stops for Rotten Bolt.
Spinshroom Boss Guide
- Out-range the Fungalstorm channel and avoid the ground-swirlies.
- Once Spinshroom finishes its Fungalstorm channel, it will become Dizzy, becoming stunned for 8 sec while taking 50% increased damage.
- Sidestep the Fungal Charge.
- Get away from any existing ground-swirlies before the Fungsplosion cast has been finished.
- 03 Aug. 2024: Page added.
This guide has been written by Petko, one of the top Mythic players of all time. He has accomplished several Europe- and World #1 Team and Solo Seasonal rankings with multiple specialization and classes. Moreover, he competes in the MDI and streams his runs live on Twitch, and shares his personal opinions on YouTube and Twitter.
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