Star Augur Etraeus Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Star Augur Etraeus encounter in The Nighthold. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
Star Augur Etraeus is a 4 phase fight that emphasizes coordination above all else. The majority of the fight is a single target encounter, though he will occasionally summon a powerful adds to assist him. As the raid gets further into the fight he showcases his mastery over the magics of Frost, Fel, and Void.
Phase One
Starburst is cast on the current tank and deals moderate Arcane damage.
Coronal Ejection spawns a pair of energy spheres that detonate after a short delay, dealing moderate initial Fire damage to 4 nearby players each, then pelting those players with additional Fire damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.
Phase Two
This phase begins when the boss reaches 90% health.
Iceburst is cast on the current tank and deals moderate Frost damage that also hits anyone within a 6-yard radius.
Gravitational Pull is cast on the current tank every 30 seconds. This applies a debuff that lasts 10 seconds; when the debuff expires a Comet Impact will occur, striking the tank and anyone within a 5-yard radius for significant Frost damage. It will also apply the Absolute Zero debuff to anyone hit and re-apply the Gravitational Pull debuff until this cycle has occurred 3 times.
- Absolute Zero deals heavy ticking damage and is visibile by the blue circle surrounding afflicted players.
- It can be removed by stacking in a group of 3+ players.
- Players who assisted in the removal of Absolute Zero will be afflicted by Chilled, which causes them to be Frozen Solid if they come into contact with Absolute Zero in the next 12 seconds.
Icy Ejection is a sphere of ice that spawns near a random player before detonating after a short delay. The Icy Ejection debuff will be applied to 3 nearby players and deals periodic damage, as well as progressively slowing down the movement speed of the afflicted players over 10 seconds until they are frozen in place. At this point, all afflicted players will Shatter, dealing heavy Frost damage to themselves and any players within an 8 yard radius.
Frigid Nova deals high raid wide Frost damage that is reduced for each player standing within 5 yards, up to a maximum of 4 additional players.
Phase Three
This phase begins when the boss reaches 60% health.
Felburst will be periodically applied to the current tank. It deals moderate Fire damage and leaves a stacking periodic effect that deals additional Fire damage over time.
Gravitational Pull is cast on the current tank every 30 seconds. This applies a debuff that lasts 5 seconds; when the debuff expires a Fel Impact will land and deal heavy Physical damage to the tank and any players within a 5-yard radius. It will also destroy any pools of Felflame it comes in contact with. The Fel Impact will also re-apply Gravitational Pull until this cycle has occurred 3 times.
Fel Ejection is a sphere of fel that spawns near a random player for detonating after a short delay. The Fel Ejection debuff will be applied to 3 nearby players and deals periodic damage, as well as dropping a Felflame pool every tick, for a total of 4 pools spawned per debuff. The pools can overlap and they deal moderate Fire damage to anyone that steps in them.
Fel Nova deals significant raid wide Fire damage that is reduced based on distance from the boss.
Phase Four
This phase begins when the boss reaches 30% health.
Voidburst is periodically applied to the current tank. It is a stacking damage over time effect that deals Shadow damage. When it expires, it leaps to 2 new targets, with each new target gaining half the stacks of the original debuff when it expired. This causes it to quickly proliferate throughout the raid.
Gravitational Pull is cast on the current tank every 65 seconds. This applies a debuff that lasts 10 seconds; when the debuff expires a Void Impact will land and deal heavy Shadow damage to the tank and any players within a 5-yard radius. The impact will also spawn a Thing That Should Not Be at the impact point.
- The Thing That Should Not Be will envelope itself and the boss with a Void Shift if it is too close to the boss, reducing damage taken by 99%.
- The Thing That Should Not Be will periodically cast Witness the Void, which will fear any players who are facing the add.
Void Ejection is a sphere of shadow that spawns near a random player for detonating after a short delay. The Void Ejection debuff will be applied to 2 nearby players and deals moderate Shadow damage immediately, as well as moderate Shadow damage when it expires. Additionally, it will spawn 2-3 Voidlings upon expiring, which apply a stack of Voidburst upon their melee targets via Bursting Void.
Void Nova deals light raid wide Shadow damage and applies a stack of Voidburst to all players.
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