Kil'jaeden Mythic Strategy/Tactics
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modes and Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras in Mythic mode.
The other pages of our Kil'jaeden guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Mythic Mode Abilities
Phase One: The Betrayer
Shadow Reflection: Wailing is a new mechanic that is targeted on
the current tank in the first 2 non-intermission phases. 7 seconds after
being applied, a Wailing Reflection will spawn under the debuffed
player. The Wailing Reflection will cast
Sorrowful Wails, dealing
moderate Shadow damage to players within 10 yards and applying a stack of
Crescendo with each hit, which further amplifies successive hits.
After the Wailing Reflection is killed, it will apply the
Lingering Wail debuff to the tank on which
Shadow Reflection: Wailing
was applied. This deals extremely heavy Shadow damage every 2 seconds until
it is dispelled. When it is dispelled, it triggers
Wailing Grasp,
which grips all players to the current location of the tank.
Players affected by Shadow Reflection: Erupting will also spawn
Erupting Orbs at their position. If any player is hit by an Erupting
Orb it will trigger a
Chaotic Eruption, inflicting heavy Shadow damage
to anyone within 8 yards and knocking them into the air. The players spawning
the orbs will also trigger a
Latent Eruption automatically as the
orbs begin to spawn, dealing heavy Shadow damage to anyone with 5 yards and
knocking them back.
Rupturing Singularity's knockback is significantly farther in
Mythic difficulty; this applies to all phases in which this mechanic is
present. It also spawns in the corners of the room in all phases rather than
the center.
Phase Two: Eternal Flame
Rupturing Singularities will spawn in rapid succession on Mythic
difficulty, with each Singularity making impact only seconds after its
Phase Three: Reflected Souls
Shadow Reflection: Hopeless is an additional reflection mechanic
present following the first intermission phase. This debuff is exclusively
applied to healers, and spawns a Hopeless Reflection 8 seconds after
it is applied. This reflection is unique from the others, as it is a friendly
unit, and must be healed.
Hopeless Reflections will, unsurprisingly, cast Hopelessness, which
takes 30 seconds to complete. The cast cannot be interrupted and the adds are
immune to crowd control. When the cast finishes, a pool of
Soul Anguish
will spawn, which deals damage to any raid members standing in it and also
pacifies them. The damage the pool deals as well as its size depend on how much
healing has been done to the Hopeless Reflection. If it receives no
healing from the raid, then it will cover the entire room and will deal instant
lethal damage to the entire raid. The more healing it receives, the smaller and
less damaging the pool will be. If the reflection is healed to maximum health,
the cast will instantly complete and the healers will be granted
Lingering Hope, which restores 2% of maximum Mana every second for 5
The new mechanics from Shadow Reflection: Erupting are also attached
to the Hopeless Reflections in this phase.
Phase Four: Deceiver's Veil
Rupturing Singularities are also present in this phase on Mythic
Strategy and Positioning
The same principles apply on Mythic to all the mechanics that carry over
from the lesser difficulties. Heroism /
Bloodlust should be used immediately
on the pull.
Phase One
The main crux of this phase is the Erupting Reflections. They
deal significant raid damage while they are alive and healing cooldowns are
highly recommended. They should be dealt with as quickly as possible and
represent the highest priority target in the encounter. Raid markers should
be placed in a triangle around the boss denoting where they will be spawned
by the affected players. It can be very helpful to assign specific DPS to
each marker, however, you want to intentionally stagger the deaths of these
reflections somewhat to make the Erupting Orbs easier to evade. If
you kill all 3 simultaneously the platform will likely be overwhelmed. The
players who were debuffed will need to immediately scatter to the edges of
the platform, preferably also in a triangle-esque pattern to avoid the orbs
overlapping and leaving no gaps. Once
Erupting Orbs begin to spawn,
a frantic dance will ensue; DPS is not a priority at this point and every
member should focus wholly on ensuring they are not hit.
The secondary crux in this phase is the addition of the Wailing Reflections. This add should be burned down as soon as it spawns, though melee should take care. This add does follow the tank so it can be kited away from the melee stack to give them some breathing room.
Once the Wailing Reflection is killed, the affected tank will
begin to take heavy damage from Lingering Wail. Ideally, this tank
will not be tanking the boss unless heavy cooldowns are used. The
Lingering Wail should not be dispelled until a
Rupturing Singularity
impacts. An assigned healer should then immediately dispel the DoT, gripping
everyone to the tank and avoiding the knockback.
Rupturing Singularity knocks all players back much further on
Mythic, as noted in the abilities section. Players will need to be as
close as possible to avoid being knocked off the platform. If a
Wailing Grasp is available, the raid can ignore the knockback
provided the dispel is well timed.
Rogues should be soaking Armageddon Rain as much as possible,
as they can use
Cloak of Shadows to clear the debuff.
and Dense Concoction (if Assassination) can also be used
to greatly reduce the damage if Cloak is unavailable.
Phase Two/First Intermission
Rupturing Singularitys occur in sequence in this phase, only
seconds apart. In order to avoid being knocked off, the group must quickly
assess the order in which the Singularities are falling. Once the order
is ascertained, everyone must rush to the first Singularity to impact
and position in such a way that they are knocked across the platform to
the next Singularity about to impact. Failing to do so will result in
a guaranteed wipe.
Rogues should continue soaking mechanics such as Armageddon Rain
Focused Dreadflame as much as possible, as they can use
Cloak of Shadows and
Feint to great effect. Depending on the
number of Rogues you may be able to soak all Focused Dreadflame casts with
Rogues exclusively and the use of external or personal cooldowns on the
targeted player. Immunities from non-Rogue classes are also very helpful
in reducing Focused Dreadflames impact on the raid.
Phase Three
The Shadow Reflection: Hopeless debuffs go out near the beginning
of this Phase, which lines up with a
Rupturing Singularity. The
Hopeless Reflections themselves will spawn almost immediately
after the knockback. It is ideal to have these reflections as stacked
as possible. These Reflections need to be healed to full as fast as possible
as they spawn during a period of relatively low raid damage, allowing the
healers to quickly focus them. Throughput cooldowns are recommended,
allowing the healers to quickly acquire their
Lingering Hope buff
and return to babysitting the raid. Armageddon and
Bursting Dreadflame
both occur ~15 seconds after the Hopeless Reflections spawn; if the
Hopeless Reflections are not dealt with by that point it is very difficult
to survive. Later spawns on the Hopeless Reflections are not as tight but
it is still ideal to deal with them as soon as possible to avoid overlap
with other mechanics.
The Wailing Reflections are also present in this phase and are
handled the same way. The only caveat is that the healer assigned to dispel
the Lingering Wail needs to ensure that the
Rupturing Singularity
does not knock them over a
Soul Anguish zone, as they will be silenced,
which prevents
Wailing Grasp, leading to a wipe.
The Shadow Reflection: Erupting debuffs and
Erupting Orbs
are present as well, and are handled in the same fashion as before.
Phase Four/Second Intermission
Right before the second intermission, Kil'jaeden should be moved to the edge of the platform and the raid should fan out in a rough semicircle between the center of the platform and the current position of the boss. Illidan will always spawn within a certain distance of the boss, and this forces him to be in a much more predictable location allowing you to immediately obtain vision.
Rupturing Singularity occurs 10 seconds after the
Deceiver's Veil cast completes. You can use a
Demonic Gateway
to avoid the first knockback by clicking it right as the Singularity is about
to impact; you should use the Gateway around ~0.5s before the Singularity
triggers. The second Singularity occurs 10 seconds following the first impacting;
this one can be very difficult to survive. The raid can either manually find the
Singularity and deal with it the same way as previous phases, or you can rely
on personal movement cooldowns such as
Heroic Leap,
and so on to eliminate the knockback effect. All Shadowsouls should be
eliminated shortly after the second knockback, although faster is always better.
Phase Five
You should recast Heroism /
Bloodlust as soon as it is available in this
phase. This phase is identical to Heroic, but the emphasis is on different
Demonic Obelisks present the most lethal threats; the raid
leader should use a raid marker to designate a safe spot. Taking a hit from
an Obelisk will almost certainly be one shot.
Kiting the Flaming Orbs correctly is also essential, as the pools
of flame they create are significantly larger on Mythic difficulty. There are
some timings in this phase where the spawning of the Flaming Orbs will happen
just before the
Demonic Obelisks explode. In such cases, the raid will
need to wait patiently for the orb to spawn and then quickly step to the safespot.
If the group moves to the safe spot too early, the orb will spawn on the safespot
and guarantee a wipe.
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