Transmogrification Shaman PvE Tier 7 Set (WoD 6.2)
Shamans have 3 Tier 7 sets: a healing set and 2 DPS sets. These sets look exactly the same. Each set consists of 5 pieces that can be exchanged, with Bragund Brightlink in Dalaran, for tokens that drop from bosses in the first tier of 10-man Northrend raids (Naxxramas and The Obsidian Sanctum). Some of the tokens (Chest and Hands) can also be bought directly from vendors in Dalaran for Gold. Additionally, some pieces (Chest, Hands, and Legs) are dropped by Archavon the Stone Watcher in the 10-man version of Vault of Archavon.
- Head: Heroes' Earthshatter Helm / Heroes' Earthshatter Faceguard / Heroes' Earthshatter Headpiece
- exchanged for Helm of the Lost Protector
- dropped by Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas (10-man)
- exchanged for Helm of the Lost Protector
- Shoulders: Heroes' Earthshatter Shoulderpads / Heroes' Earthshatter Shoulderguards / Heroes' Earthshatter Spaulders
- exchanged for Spaulders of the Lost Protector
- dropped by Loatheb and Gluth in Naxxramas (10-man)
- exchanged for Spaulders of the Lost Protector
- Chest: Heroes' Earthshatter Hauberk / Heroes' Earthshatter Chestguard / Heroes' Earthshatter Tunic
- dropped by Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon (10-man)
- exchanged for Chestguard of the Lost Protector
- dropped by Gluth and the Four Horsemen (Four Horsemen Chest) in Naxxramas (10-man)
- sold for Gold in Dalaran by Arcanist Ivrenne (Alliance), and Magistrix Lambriesse (Horde)
- Hands: Heroes' Earthshatter Gloves / Heroes' Earthshatter Grips / Heroes' Earthshatter Handguards
- dropped by Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon (10-man)
- exchanged for Gloves of the Lost Protector
- dropped by Sartharion in The Obsidian Sanctum (10-man)
- sold for Gold in Dalaran by Arcanist Ivrenne, (Alliance) and Magistrix Lambriesse (Horde)
- Legs: Heroes' Earthshatter Kilt / Heroes' Earthshatter War-Kilt / Heroes' Earthshatter Legguards
- dropped by Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon (10-man)
- exchanged for Leggings of the Lost Protector
- dropped by Thaddius and Gluth in Naxxramas (10-man)
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