World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event Guide: Dates, Rewards, and Activities
The 20th anniversary celebration of World of Warcraft is happening at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. Players can join a variety of activities, collect special event currency called Bronze Celebration Tokens, and exchange them for exclusive rewards. This guide will help you navigate the event and make the most of your time in-game during the celebration.
The 20th Anniversary celebration takes place outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. Players can participate in
many activities to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens and redeem them for various rewards.
World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Dates
The event starts on October 22 and ends on January 7, 2025. In total, you will have 77 days to get all the rewards and achievements.
Anniversary Event Buff
Players receive an automatic 10% Experience and Reputation buff during the Anniversary Event and must complete the repeatable Celebrate Good Fun! quest from Yllana every day to add another 10% to the total.
The anniversary event buff stacks with other XP and Reputation buffs, and you can enjoy a 75% XP buff during the event!
- +20% XP and Reputation from the Anniversary Event.
- +25% XP buff from the
Five Warband Mentors: The War Within achievement.
- +10% XP and Gold from War Mode.
- +10% XP and Reputation increase from the
Unburdened buff you get upon clicking the Wickerman bonfire during Hallow's End.
- +10% XP and Reputation from Darkmoon Faire during the week of November 3 and December 1.
- +10% from the
Draught of Ten Lands potion. This works for characters level 49 and lower.
Who Can Participate in the Event
You need to be at least level 10 to receive the Another Timely Invitation intro quest. However, without the War Within expansion you will not be able to participate in many of the event's activities, like the Blackrock Depths raid.
Main Features
Here is a quick rundown of what you can look forward to during the 20th Anniversary Celebration:
- Collect and spend
Bronze Celebration Tokens to acquire exclusive items for your collection.
- Delve into the revamped Blackrock Depths raid.
- Obtain updated versions of the iconic Tier 2 transmog sets.
- Experience nostalgia by Timewalking through Classic dungeons.
- Earn a new mount from the event's meta-achievement, Blizzard Employee Service Award cosmetics, and more.
- Participate in activities like Mount Mania or Fashion Frenzy at the Caverns of Time.
- Embark on a time-bending adventure with Chromie and the Codex of Chromie.
- Discover new secrets and solve them with Guest Relations.
- Put an end to Party-Crashing World Bosses, including the Sha of Anger and Archavon the Stonewatcher.
- Relive epic PvP battles during Korrak's Revenge in Alterac Valley.
- Defeat world bosses known as The Originals for unobtainable transmog!
- Commemorate 30 years of World of Warcraft with Warcraft III-themed back appearances from the Trading Post.
Event Currencies
Multiple currencies are available during the event. The following section lists them all, including their purpose.
Bronze Celebration Tokens — Used for 20th anniversary items and Tier 2 Transmog sets.
Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys — Earned from the Blackrock Depths raid in all difficulties. Can be exchanged for Blackrock Depths loot at the Bronze Celebration hub in Tanaris. Max of 120 keys.
Timewarped Badge — Earned from Timewalking events.
Mark of Honor — Exchanged for legacy weapons and armor at PvP vendors.
Ancient Mana — Concentrated magic from the ancient leylines beneath Suramar.
Polished Pet Charms — Redeemable at battle pet masters.
Bronze Celebration Tokens
Bronze Celebration Tokens are the event's main currency, used to purchase Tier 2 sets and other 20th anniversary event rewards.
You will find more details about the currency including discounts and all sources in our separate guide.
Defeat Bosses in the Blackrock Depths Raid
The Blackrock Depths anniversary raid houses eight bosses and is available in three difficulties (Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic). Loot Timewarped Relic Coffer Keys and exchange them for loot at one of the vendors!
Get Your Iconic Tier 2 Armor Sets!
Updated Tier 2 Set ensembles are available for purchase from Traeya.
To learn more about the sets, please, visit our dedicated guide linked below.
Classic Timewalking
Participate in Classic Timewalking by completing Vanilla dungeons like the Deadmines and purchasing new rewards from Bobadormu.
We have a separate guide dedicated to Classic Timewalking with all the details!
How to Get the Coldflame Tempest Mount
Coldflame Tempest is a blue phoenix mount you get upon completing the 20th anniversary event's meta-achievement
A Cool Twenty Years. We go over all the achievement requirements on a different page.
Event Activities
Here are the three main activities you can participate in the main event area:
- Mount Mania — An NPC will show off mounts periodically, and your goal is to summon the same mount. The player with the most replicated mount summons wins.
- Story Time — Listen to the stories of Lorewalker Cho.
- Fashion Frenzy — This event works just like Trial of Style. You must dress your character based on a theme, and players vote for their favorite outfit.
Players can also pick up props and transform into notable lore characters like Jaina Proudmoore and gain access to some of their legendary quotes!
Codex of Chromie
Codex of Chromie is a new scenario that you can queue up through the Group Finder. Help Chromie gets things right!
Guest Relations
A new secret-finding event will start on October 28 tied to the anniversary event. Stay tuned for more details!
For a deeper explanation, visit our guide outlined below.
Party-Crashing World Bosses
Sha of Anger and Archavon have infiltrated Tanaris and offer all items from their standard loot table
at an increased item level, including the Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent and
Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth.
For more insight, see the separate guide available below.
Korrak's Revenge
Korrak's Revenge is a throwback Battleground inspired by the earliest day of Alterac Valley.
You can queue up for it by pressing "H" and selecting Korrak's Revenge to start the Classic version of Alterac Valley.
Chromie also offers the Soldier of Time weekly quest that we recommend
to pick up before queueing up for Korrak's Revenge. In order to complete the
quest, you must earn 500 Honor in Korrak's Revenge to get 200
Timewarped Badges and 5
Mark of Honor.
The meta-achievement of the Battleground is Alterac Valley of Olde
and you will earn it by collecting 200
Timewarped Badges from
quests and participating in Alterac Valley Classic.
The goal is to focus on collecting tokens from enemy corpses to summon mighty reinforcements and help your team claim victory.
You will receive the faction-themed mounts from a bonus objective that pops up when you are inside the battleground. If you did not receive your mount, but completed the objective, we advise you to log out of the game and log back in to see if you received your reward.
Alliance players will get the Stormpike Battle Ram mount.
Horde players can unlock Frostwolf Snarler.
The Originals
Players level 15 and above can take on Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and
one of the four Dragons of Nightmare (Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar, and Ysondre)
each day for loot and 50 Timewarped Badges.
- Lord Kazzak spawns within the Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands. This year, he drops a new pet named
Lil'Kaz's Hilt.
- You can find Azuregos in southeastern Azshara.
- Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar, and Ysondre, also known as the four Dragons of Nightmare, have a chance to spawn in one of following locations: Duskwood (Twilight Grove), Hinterlands (Seradane), Feralas (Dream Bough), and Ashenvale (Bough Shadow).
The world bosses drop items that have been removed from the game. You will find a complete list of loot in our news post.
20th Anniversary Event Rewards
You will need a total of 946 Bronze Celebration Tokens and 35,985
Timewarped Badges to buy all event-exclusive items! For
a full list of rewards, check out the standalone guide provided below.
- 26 Oct. 2024: Clarified you need TWW to participate in all the event's activities.
- 24 Oct. 2024: Korrak's Revenge fixed and added War Within expansion requirements.
- 20 Oct. 2024: Guide created.
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