Larodar Raid Guide in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Larodar is the 4th of 9 boss encounters in the Amirdrassil raid in Dragonflight. On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with video clips to show the important mechanics.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Guides
Amirdrassil Raid Guide
Council of Dreams
Amirdrassil Unique Drops Guide
Obtaining Fyr'alath
Larodar Raid Guide
Quick TLDR Guide
Phase 1:
- Tanks: Taunt when
Furious Charge is cast on your co-tank.
- Tanks: The damage from
Furious Charge will reduce the further Larodar has to charge to reach you.
- Tanks
Heroic: The charge now triggers
Furious Outburst when it hits the target. Run away from the raid.
- Tanks: After being hit by
Furious Charge, you will take 500% more physical damage, reducing by 50% every two seconds. (
Heroic: 1000% and 100%/2s)
- Kill Fiery Treants as soon as they spawn. Interrupt
Fiery Flourish.
- Healers: After Fiery Treants die they become Charred Treants which need to be healed as a priority.
- Healers: After Charred Treants reach full health, they become Renewed Treants, which will channel their health into the Seed of Life. Keep them healthy.
- The fire in the room can be removed by interacting with the Seed of Life. This essentially acts as a water hose.
Heroic: There will be a set rotation of players to use the Seed of Life.
- Kill
Scorching Roots as soon as it spawns. If you are fixated by the root, run away!
Heroic: You must hit the
Scorching Roots with
Dream Blossom to make it attackable.
- Healers: After the Scorching Roots die they become Charred Brambles which need to be healed as a priority. This will create a
Renewed Bramble Barrier which is essential to survive Larodar's 100-energy attack.
- Avoid the
Blazing Thorns pattern and soak
Blazing Coalescence for a damage buff.
- 100 Energy: Run into the safe area around
Renewed Bramble Barrier to be safe from
Raging Inferno.
- After 3 casts of
Raging Inferno, the intermission will begin, and Larodar will pull everyone towards him. Run away.
Phase 2:
- Soak
Falling Embers.
- Tanks: Only the active tank should stand in front of Larodar for
Smoldering Backdraft.
- Tanks: After you are hit by
Smoldering Backdraft, move to melee to leech health from them and heal up.
- Crowd Control and kill Ashen Treants when they spawn. Try to kill them on the edge of the room or inside fire.
- Avoid
Fire Whirl tornadoes.
- Healers: Focus healing on players with
Flash Fire.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Phase 1:
- This phase will focus around the Seed of Life and countering Larodars mechanics with it. Many mechanics will spawn fire in the room, which will make the room smaller and smaller. The Seed of Life can be interacted with (once healed by Treants) to remove this fire.
Furious Charge is the tank swap of this encounter. This will deal damage based on the distance it has to charge to reach the target. Therefore, the tank targeted by the charge should run away, ideally this should be away from the raid (either to the edge or in the opposite direction the raid is going to move) to make the fire that Larodar will spawn go in a location that is not actively being used. When the charge begins, the co-tank should taunt.

- After being hit by
Furious Charge the tank will be debuffed with
Nature's Fury. This debuff increases their damage taken by 500% for 20 seconds, and reduces by 50% every 2 seconds. Be careful when Treants spawn and this debuff is present.
Blazing Thorns spawns a pattern of fire around Larodar and creates 5
Blazing Coalescence orbs. If these orbs reach Larodar, he will deal 20% more damage for 10 seconds per orb. DPS should be ready to soak these orbs as they will increase your critical strike chance by 20% for 10 seconds and deal a small amount of fire damage.

Combusting Presence causes all
Burning Ground to spread. This decreases the amount of encounter space you have to play with, so all fire should actively be placed close to each other to allow the players who interact with the Seed of Life to remove it easier.
- During each cycle, Larodar will spawn 3 Treants twice. These Treants are a DPS priority and should be grouped on the boss
as soon as they spawn.
Death Grip is very valuable on this encounter.
- Melee DPS should focus on interrupting
Fiery Flourish. The Treants can also be stunned to prevent this.
- Tanks: Each attack the treants do to you will apply a stack of
Blistering Splinters.
- When Treants die they will leave
Burning Ground behind.
- Healers: After Fiery Treants die, they become Charred Treants. These are friendly entities which need to be healed to full to transform into Renewed Treants.
- Renewed Treants, which will channel their health into the Seed of Life. This then gives the Seed energy and allows players to interact with it and remove fire in the room.
Seed of Life:
- The fire in the room can be removed by interacting with the Seed of Life. This essentially acts as a water hose.
- When you click on the Seed, you will have a giant green ring appear in the room. Moving outside of this ring will break your connection with the Seed. Focus on clearing areas of the room you have just filled to allow the raid to have a smooth path around the room.
- These will pick a player and fixate on them. Any player that comes into contact with the root will have a dispellable root on them for 10 seconds.
- Kill
Scorching Roots as soon as it spawns. Similarly to the treants, these are also a DPS priority as if you do not kill it fast enough, the healers will not have enough time to top it up, and you will wipe.
- Healers: After the Scorching Roots die they become Charred Brambles which need to be healed as a priority. This will create a
Renewed Bramble Barrier which is essential to survive Larodar's 100-energy attack.
- 100 Energy: Run into the safe area around
Renewed Bramble Barrier to be safe from
Raging Inferno.

Heroic Changes:
Furious Charge now triggers
Furious Outburst when it hits the target. This will deal raid-wide damage based on the distance travelled, so the tank needs to be ready to run as soon as the cast begins. This is a good moment to use defensive cooldowns to ensure you survive if you need to run into fire.
- You must hit the
Scorching Roots with
Dream Blossom to make it attackable.
- Players who interact with Seed of Life will now get the
Dream Fatigue debuff, preventing them from using the Seed again. A rotation of two people per 100 energy cycle is sufficient.
- Treants and Roots will leave
Burning Ground behind them as they move.
- After 3 casts of
Raging Inferno, Larodar will cast
Consuming Flame which indicates the intermission has begun.
- Larodar will pull everyone towards him and deal ticking damage to the raid every 0.5 seconds for 16 seconds. Healers will need to use some throughput cooldowns here to keep the raid healthy.
- Any players who are within 3 yards of Larodar will take additional damage, therefore melee need to just not hit the boss during the intermission.
Phase 2:
- Throughout this entire phase, the raid will get stacks of
Searing Ash, which is the soft-enrage. Any existing
Burning Ground will stay present, and the Seed cannot be healed anymore.
Falling Embers will appear in the room throughout the phase. They move very slowly and need to be soaked. Failing to stand in this will trigger a large amount of raid-wide damage and give the entire raid a stack of
Searing Ash.
- Tanks:
Smoldering Backdraft is a frontal attack and applies
Smoldering Suffocation. The co-tank should not be in front of the boss when this is cast. This will act as your tank swap mechanic for the phase.
- Tanks:
Smoldering Backdraft reduces the healing you recieve by 100%, however you now leech health from any players in 6 yards.
- Move in and out of the melee DPS clump to heal up as needed. Avoid standing with melee for too long, as this will just deal unnecessary damage to them.

- Ashen Treants will spawn from the edge of the room. Aim to keep them slowed and try to kill them in fire. When they die,
they will explode and leave
Burning Ground patches.
Fire Whirl tornadoes are targeted at players and will then rotate around the arena. Avoid these and be mindful of their location when soaking
Falling Embers.
- Healers: Several players will get the
Flash Fire debuff. This creates a large healing absorb on those players and makes them deal damage to all players in 8 yards. If this absorb is not removed in 8 seconds the players will be
Encased in Ash which is a dispellable stun.
Heroic Changes:
- Ashen Treants will leave
Burning Ground where they walk.
Mythic Strategy
Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.
Mythic Changes:
Igniting Growth will make all players spawn a patch of
Burning Ground. The damage of this is reduced if you are standing next to
Burning Ground therefore, you will play the fight at the edge of areas of burning ground at all times.
- Soaking
Blazing Coalescence will apply a stack of
Everlasting Blaze. Immunities such as
Anti-Magic Shell will prevent this debuff from applying.
- In the intermission
Ashen Devastation will be placed on players which draws fire towards them and explodes for raid wide damage. This damage is reduced based on the distance you are from that player.
Smoldering Suffocation will apply
Ashen Asphyxiation on players that are hit by it. You may require people to dip in and out of the tank to keep the tank alive (Similar to Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria).
- 28 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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