Nymue Raid Guide in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Nymue is the 6th of 9 boss encounters in the Amirdrassil raid in Dragonflight. On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with video clips to show the important mechanics.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Guides
Amirdrassil Raid Guide
Council of Dreams
Amirdrassil Unique Drops Guide
Obtaining Fyr'alath
Nymue Raid Guide
Quick TLDR Guide
Main Phase:
- Areas of the pattern on the floor will be lit up. Crossing over these will apply
Verdant Matrix.
- Tanks: Run away with
Weaver's Burden, and taunt swap.
- Tanks -
Heroic After
Weaver's Burden, you will take 100% more Nature damage for 30 seconds.
Weaver's Burden will go on more players, and they will all create
Barrier Blossom, which needs to be placed far away from the raid.
- Stand on
Surging Growth pools to make them despawn faster and lower raid damage taken.
- Healers: Every
Surging Growth pool will deal ticking damage to the raid.
- Avoid the slow moving
Impending Loom lines. If you are hit, you will be stunned.
- When Nymue reaches 100% energy, the raid needs to split in two even groups and attack the Cycle Wardens.
- Nymue takes 99% less damage until the Cycle Wardens are defeated.
- Tanks: Make sure Cycle Wardens do not cross the
Verdant Matrix lines as they will deal raid-wide damage with
Verdant Rend.
- Avoid
Lumbering Slam.
Heroic: This spawns
Surging Growth pools.
- After the two Cycle Wardens have been defeated, group up to be healed through the
Continuum damage.
- Nymue will become active once more but with more
Verdant Matrix patterns active and a faster ability cycle.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
- If you are struggling to see mechanics on this encounter. Enabling the colourblind setting for "3. Tritanopia" may help.
Main Phase:
- Before you begin the encounter, split your raid into two even groups (the same as you did for Volcoross) for the intermission. These teams will go either left or right for the Cycle Wardens.
- The room is a mechanic!
Verdant Matrix lines are lit up on the floor. If you cross over any of these you will have a stacking debuff applied to you.
- This debuff stacks if you are standing on the line as well. Classes with blinks/teleports are great for soaking
Surging Growth as they will take less damage from not having to cross any lines.
- Tanks: Nymue's auto attack
Threaded Blast is a mix between physical and nature damage.
Weaver's Burden will be applied to the tank and will detonate after 12 seconds. The tank should run away from the raid, detonate along the edge of the room and run back to the boss. Whilst you are running back, you will have
Inflorescence applied to you, which makes you able to cross over the
Verdant Matrix lines without taking damage and move 60% faster!

Weaver's Burden is the tank swap.
Surging Growth pools will spawn around the boss and the encounter area. These will deal ticking damage to the raid, which increases for every pool that remains. Each pool will remain active for 1 minute but can be removed by standing on them. Multiple players standing on a single pool will make it disappear faster. Ranged DPS and Healers should be spread out to cover more of the encounter area without having to cross over the
Verdant Matrix.

Impending Loom are slow-moving stun lines that move from Nymue to the edge of the room. The areas they cover will get wider the further they travel, so be ready to avoid them.

Heroic Changes:
Weaver's Burden is now applied to a few other players in addition to the tank.
Weaver's Burden now applies
Woven Resonance to the tank, making them take 100% more nature damage for 20 seconds.
Weaver's Burden now creates
Barrier Blossom where it explodes creating a pool which knocks back players who touch it. It is imperative that you place these as far away as possible so you do not have
Surging Growth stuck underneath them.
- When Nymue reaches 100% energy, the intermission will begin. In this phase, Nymue will gain
Life Ward from the two Cycle Wardens that have spawned, which reduce her damage taken by 99%. The raid should split onto each Cycle Warden and defeat them.
- The Cycle Wardens cannot cross over the
Verdant Matrix, or else they will trigger
Verdant Rend. If this triggers, it is likely a wipe. Tanks be very mindful of your movement of these!
Radial Flourish spawns a pattern (similar to Larodar) around them of swirlies you need to avoid.
Lumbering Slam is a frontal pointed at a random player. Stay close to the Cycle Warden to make avoiding this easy.

- After both Cycle Wardens are defeated, the raid should move back to Nymue for
Continuum. This deals a large amount of damage to the entire raid over 10 seconds and adds new
Verdant Matrix lines to the room before returning back to the Main Phase.
Heroic Changes:
Lumbering Slam will now spawn
Surging Growth's. Soak these quickly.
Mythic Strategy
Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.
Mythic Changes:
Ephemeral Flora are new pools to soak and are indicated by a red circle around them.
- After any pool is soaked,
Reclamation will trigger exploding that area after a few seconds.
- In the intermission a third add spawns, this requires your raid to split into three. This add does not need to be tanked. But has a Line of Sight barrier, so players need to go inside the barrier to attack the add and heal players who are attacking the add. (Very similar to Kel'Thuzad in Sanctum of Domination)
- Players on this new add will need to avoid
Waking Decimation lines.
Verdant Rend is cast every 15 seconds if you kill one Cycle Warden before the other, adding a DPS balancing element to the intermission.
- 28 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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