Affliction Warlock PvP Best Races and Racials (The War Within Pre-Patch)

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 18:21 by Chanimal 8 comments

Racial bonuses can provide interesting PvP benefits. Here are the best races to choose for each faction. The races are sorted from highest impact in arena to lowest. However, all races below have their own unique ways of making an impact in a PvP match.

This page is part of our Affliction Warlock PvP Guide.


Best Alliance Races for Affliction Warlock PvP

  1. Night Elf
  2. Dark Iron Dwarf

Night Elf

Night Elves are the best Alliance race for Affliction Warlocks in PvP. The main reason is Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld, allowing you to make outplays and immune abilities. If timed correctly, Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld allows you to immune abilitys cast on you, including projectiles such as Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt and Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst. Additionally, Night Elves gain a passive 1% haste or crit thanks to Touch of Elune Icon Touch of Elune.


Dark Iron Dwarf

Dark Iron Dwarf is the second best Alliance race for Affliction Warlocks in PvP. The main reason for that is Fireblood Icon Fireblood, which is a 2-minute cooldown racial which grants you an Intellect boost as well as dispelling all poisons, diseases, curses, magic, and bleed effects. This is especially useful against Feral Druids and Assassination Rogues, as you can remove Deathmark Icon Deathmark.


Best Horde Races for Affliction Warlock PvP

  1. Orc
  2. Troll


Orcs are the best choice for an Affliction Warlock in PvP. In Dragonflight Patch 10.1, the trinket 2-set bonus that reduces CC effects by 10% and the 5% CC reduction embellishment are removed. As a result, Hardiness Icon Hardiness is the only form of stun reduction in the game. This allows Affliction Warlocks to be locked down less, allowing them to kite and dish out more damage.



Trolls are the second-best choice for Horde Affliction Warlocks in PvP. The main reason for this is Berserking Icon Berserking, which increases your Haste by 10% for 12 seconds. Additionally, Da Voodoo Shuffle Icon Da Voodoo Shuffle reduces the duration of snares by 20%. Due to the playstyle of an Affliction Warlock revolving around kiting it synergizes well with how Affliction Warlocks perform in the Arena.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Prepatch 11.0.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5.
  • 09 May 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.1.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 16 Mar. 2023: Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7.
  • 30 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 30 Jul. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 02 Mar. 2022: Updated for Shadowlands 9.2.
  • 17 Nov. 2021: Updated for Shadowlands 9.1.5.
  • 06 Jul. 2021: Reviewed for Shadowlands 9.1.
  • 30 Mar. 2021: Updated for Shadowlands 9.0.5.
  • 01 Jan. 2021: Updated for Shadowlands Season 1.
  • 14 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch.
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