Helya Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Helya encounter in Trial of Valor. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
Helya is a three Phase fight involving both the boss and several types of adds. The crux of the fight is add control and soaking different types of abilities that change or evolve as the fight progresses.
Phase One
Phase One lasts until Helya reaches 65% Health.
Bilewater Breath is one of the main mechanics of the Phase. It
deals damage in a cone that debuffs the target for 30 seconds. It also spawns
5 Bilewater Slimes that need to be killed within 20 seconds, or they cast
Bilewater Liquefaction, which deals high Frost damage to the group.
If they are not killed, they also leave behind a
Bilewater Corrosion,
a zone of filth that deals Frost damage to anyone within the zone. The damage of
Bilewater Liquefaction and the size of the
Bilewater Corrosions left behind are reduced by up to 80%
based on the missing health of the Bilewater Slimes, and do not occur
if the slimes are killed.
Orb of Corruptions spawn periodically and fixate players, pulsing
for high damage. The fixate lasts 8 seconds. If you are hit by the pulse, the
damage of any future pulses is increased by 100%. This effect also stacks, so
it is imperative to avoid being hit multiple times.
Taint of the Sea is a dispellable debuff that deals ticking damage
and leaves a zone on the ground that explodes after several seconds when dispelled.
Tentacles periodically emerge and cast Tentacle Strike, which must be
soaked and splits damage between the players in the effect. If
Tentacle Strike is not soaked, the entire raid will be hit by a
Tentacle Slam, which deals high Nature damage to everyone in the
Phase Two
Helya retreats into the sea and spawns 9 Gripping Tentacles at various points throughout the arena. Phase Two ends when all 9 Gripping Tentacles are slain. Each Gripping Tentacle removes 2% of Helya's maximum health when killed, leaving Helya at 47% hp at the end of the phase.
Helya periodically casts Fury of the Maw, which causes a wave to sweep
through the lower platform which deals damage and knocks players back. Each
Fury of the Maw subsequent cast will always deal 25% more damage than the
previous one, stacking indefinitely, due to
Raging Tempest. The wave is
easily survivable early on but becomes lethal as it deals progressively more damage.
This ability persists throughout the remainder of the encounter and serves as a soft
enrage for the boss. It can be avoided by abandoning the central platform and hiding
on the elevated platforms to either side.
Fury of the Maw will also spawn
two large adds in this Phase that have unique abilities and must be dealt with quickly.
They are the Grimelord and the Night Watch Mariner.
The Night Watch Mariner has several abilities. He will periodically
teleport to nearby players and cast Give No Quarter which spawns a white
circle beneath their feet that deals high Arcane damage to anyone caught in
the circle after a few seconds. He will also periodically cast
Ghostly Rage,
which grants him 30% attack speed for 6 seconds. Finally, he will cast
Lantern of Darkness if he is not killed after 25 seconds.
Lantern of Darkness deals Shadow damage every 0.5 seconds which increases
in damage by 75% per tick.
The Grimelord has several abilities. He will periodically cast
Sludge Nova, which deals high Plague damage to players within 15 yards
and knocks them back. He will also cast
Anchor Slam on the tank, which deals very
high Physical damage and knocks anyone hit in the air. This ability has a large targeting circle
around the tank.
Anchor Slam also causes the debuffed player to take 400% increased
damage for 6 seconds. Finally, he casts
Fetid Rot which deals ticking
damage and reduces healing taken by 10% per stack. When the debuff expires it explodes and applies
Fetid Rot to any players within 5 yards. Players with the debuff should get away from
the group to avoid this ability chaining throughout the raid.
Helya periodically spawns Decaying Minions that fixate random players with
Rabid. They will run to the fixated target and melee them for low amounts
of physical damage, however, it increases over time if they are not killed quickly as
they will gain stacking damage from
Vigor. They spawn a patch of
Decay when they die, which can be washed away by
Fury of the Maw.
Phase Three
Phase Three begins when all 9 Gripping Tentacles have been killed. Helya returns to the platform at 47% hp and renews her assault on the raid, bringing to bear a mixture of abilities from the first two Phases.
Helya will continue to cast Fury of the Maw in this Phase.
Fury of the Maw will wash away all void zone effects on the lower platform
during this Phase.
Instead of Bilewater Breath, Helya will now cast
Corrupted Breath.
It now deals Shadow damage instead of Frost and applies
Dark Hatred to anyone hit,
which significantly reduces healing received. It also spawns
Corrupted Axions that
need to be soaked.
Corrupted Axions deal moderate Shadow damage and absorb a set
amount of healing for 30 seconds. If any one
Corrupted Axion is not soaked, it
applies the healing debuff to the entire raid.
Instead of Orb of Corruption, Helya will now spawn
Orb of Corrosions
which function identically except that they leave void zones on the ground when they pulse.
The void zones can only be washed away by the
Fury of the Maw casts that happen
Taint of the Sea is a dispellable debuff that deals ticking damage
and leaves a zone on the ground that explodes after several seconds when dispelled.
This ability is identical to Phase one.
Decaying Minions continue to spawn in this Phase, and function identically as they did in Phase two.
The Night Watch Mariner from will continue to spawn in this Phase, however,
Grimelord is no longer present. He has the same ability set, although in
this Phase he has increased health from Rally of the Kvaldir.
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