Best Metallurgy Talent Build Guide for Mining in Dragonflight

Last updated on Apr 18, 2024 at 14:00 by Seksixeny 3 comments

This page goes into detail on the Metallurgy specialization of Dragonflight Mining, and will guide you through multiple talent builds capable of covering the various aspects of the tree and profession.


Best Metallurgy Talent Build in Dragonflight

The Metallurgy tree allows you to specialize in mining and refining the various ore types efficiently. All three nodes are viable and strong in their own right, and we would recommend you to pick based on your auction house prices for each refined ore or side-professions, such as Jewelcrafting, which could benefit from Serevite's 40-pointer free gems when refining Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore.


Best Mining Talents for Serevite Refining

  1. 10 points into Metallurgy for pathing;
  2. 40 points into Serevite to enable maximum quality refining and occasional gems while refining;
  3. 20 points into Metallurgy for further pathing;
  4. Learn Draconium (no knowledge point investment required) for more skill when mining Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore;
  5. 10 points into Metallurgy to enable maximum quality Khaz'gorite Ore Icon Khaz'gorite Ore refining;
  6. 40 points into Draconium to enable maximum quality Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore refining and occasional Rousing Essences while refining.

This talent pathing focuses on Serevite and the gems it brings with its final point. Great for Jewelcrafting, and for selling in general, but if too many players pick this route it could devalue maximum quality Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore.


Best Mining Talents for Draconium Refining

  1. 10 points into Metallurgy for pathing;
  2. 40 points into Draconium to enable maximum quality Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore refining and occasional Rousing Essences while refining;
  3. 20 points into Metallurgy for further pathing;
  4. Learn Serevite (no knowledge point investment required) for more skill when mining Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore;
  5. 10 points into Metallurgy to enable maximum quality Khaz'gorite Ore Icon Khaz'gorite Ore refining;
  6. 40 points into Serevite to enable maximum quality Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore refining and occasional gems while refining.

This talent pathing focuses on Draconium and the Rousing Essences it provides with its final point. These are great sellers in general and can be useful for all professions, but if you are unlucky you could end up with a lot of low value Essences in a market already full of maximum quality Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore.


Best Mining Talents for Khaz'gorite Refining

  1. 10 points into Metallurgy for pathing;
  2. Learn Serevite (no knowledge point investment required) for more skill when mining Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore;
  3. 20 points into Metallurgy for further pathing;
  4. Learn Draconium (no knowledge point investment required) for more skill when mining Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore;
  5. 10 points into Metallurgy to enable maximum quality Khaz'gorite Ore Icon Khaz'gorite Ore refining;
  6. 40 points into Draconium to enable maximum quality Draconium Ore Icon Draconium Ore refining and occasional Rousing Essences while refining;
  7. 40 points into Serevite to enable maximum quality Serevite Ore Icon Serevite Ore refining and occasional gems while refining.

This talent pathing focuses on Metallurgy and refining Khaz'gorite Ore Icon Khaz'gorite Ore to maximum quality as quickly as possible. Whether this is a winning strategy or not, comes down to the prices of each ore type and their qualities in your auction house.



  • 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 30 Nov. 2022: Page added.
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