Sun King's Salvation Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Sun King's Salvation in Castle Nathria.
More Sun King's Salvation Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Sun King's Salvation, please use the following link.
Kael'thas starts in a weakened state and needs assistance to bring him back to full strength. However, Sire Denathrius's forces continue to pour in, determined to stop your attempts at redeeming Kael'thas's soul.
Upon Kael'thas reaching 45% and 90% health, a Shade of Kael'thas manifests, suspending everyone's ability to heal Kael'thas. This Shade of Kael'thas enters the arena and engages the raid until it is defeated. Inflicting damage to the Shade of Kael'thas also heals Kael'thas himself.
- Vile Occultist's
Door of Shadows impair threat management on them, and Soul Infusers ignore player threat entirely.
- Shade of Kael'thas's
Fiery Strike inflicts applications of
Burning Remnants.
- Assist allies to mitigate damage taken from
Ember Blast.
- Soul Infusers are susceptible to crowd control.
- Move away from allies when targeted for
Crimson Flurry.
- Interact with the Infuser's Orbs to gain
Infuser's Boon.
- Heal Essence Fonts cast
Essence Overflow at full health, greatly healing Kael'thas.
- Move away from allies when targeted for
Crimson Flurry.
A Shade of Kael'thas manifests upon Kael'thas reaching 45% and 90% health.

Kael'thas is bound to his Shade, absorbing all healing while the Shade of Kael'thas exists.

A pool of flames lingers, inflicting 5,818 Fire damage every 1 sec.
Ember Blast,
Blazing Surge and the Reborn Phoenixes's
Smoldering Plumage leave this pool.

The Shade of Kael'thas lets loose a fiery blast, inflicting 4,657 Fire damage and applying Burning Remnants to all enemies in a 12 yard frontal cone.

Inflicts 1,397 Fire damage every 1 sec for 15 sec. This effect stacks.

The Shade of Kael'thas calls down a pillar of fire on a player, inflicting 58,212 Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards of the impact point, split evenly between all enemies hit.
On Normal difficulty and higher, this also applies 6 applications
Lingering Embers, divided among all players hit.

Inflicts 1,164 Fire damage every 1 sec for 15 sec. This effect stacks. Applications are split between all players hit by Ember Blast.

At 100 Energy, the Shade of Kael'thas releases a massive blast of fire, inflicting 11,642 Fire damage in a 40 yard frontal cone.

Burning plumage emits fire, inflicting 2,910 Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards every 2.5 sec. Each pulse leaves behind Smoldering Remnants.

Upon reaching 0% health, the phoenix collapses into a pile of embers, gaining 5% of maximum health every 1 sec.
The Phoenix Embers reignite upon reaching 100% of maximum health, returning the Reborn Phoenix to the battle.
Ministers of Vice
As the fight progresses, Sire Denathrius's Ministers of Vice work to thwart the raid's attempts to save Kael'thas.

Slams the target inflicting 9,314 Physical damage and applying Vanquished. This effect stacks.

Inflicts 1,862 Physical every 1 sec for 20 sec. This effect stacks.

The Rockbound Vanquisher crashes down, inflicting 5,821 Physical damage to all players, granting the Rockbound Vanquisher an application of Reverberation.

Increases damage done by Concussive Smash by 25%. This effect stacks.

The Bleakwing Assassin teleports to behind its marked players, inflicting 8,149 Physical to players within 8 yards and additionally bleeds targets for 1,629 Physical damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.

The Bleakwing Assassin turns to stone, healing for 100% of their maximum health after 8 sec.

Brands all enemies with a shadowy mark, inflicting 931 Shadow damage and increasing damage taken by 35% for 15 sec.

Vile Occultists carry leaking Essence Fonts, dropping them upon death. The Essence Font disintegrates when the Vile Occultists’ anima depletes.

Fires a bolt of dark energy at the player, inflicting 3,929 Shadow damage.

Moves through shadows, teleporting to a nearby location to avoid attackers.

Oppresses Kael'thas, inflicting 1% of Kael'thas' maximum health as Shadow damage every 4 sec. If the Shade of Kael'thas is present, Soul Infusers instead heal the Shade of Kael'thas for 1% of maximum health every 4 sec.

Throws a brittle ruby at a random player, inflicting 1,513 Physical damage to players within 3 yards. Shattering Ruby ignores school lockout and has no cooldown.
Infusing Essences
Soul Infusers, Vile Occultists, and Pride's Prison's Soul Pedestals offer adventurers advantages in restoring Kael'thas to full health.
Infuser's Orb
Soul Infuser leave behind an Infuser's Orb upon death. Interacting with the Infuser's Orb grants Infuser's Boon.

Increases all healing done by 50% for 14 sec. This effect stacks.
Vile Occultists drop an Essence Font upon death. Dropped Essence Fonts cast Essence Overflow at full health.

This leaking Essence Font decays, losing health over time. The rate at which this decays increases over time, disintegrating upon reaching 0 health.

Heals Kael'thas for 1% of his maximum health.
Players can interact with the Soul Pedestals to cast Soul Infusion on Kael'thas. Soul Pedestals don't activate when the Shade of Kael'thas is present.

Sacrifice health to heal Kael'thas, inflicting increasing maximum health damage every 3 sec for 15 sec. This weakens the caster, applying Drained Soul.

Increases damage taken from Soul Infusion by 100% and prohibits interaction with Soul Pedestals for 120 sec. This effect stacks.

Channels dark energy into multiple players, inflicting 1,979 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec to players within 6 yards of each player.
- 07 May 2020: Guide added.
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