The Tarragrue Heroic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Heroic difficulty Encounter Journal for The Tarragrue in Sanctum of Domination.
More The Tarragrue Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for The Tarragrue, please use the following link.
Infused Goliaths defend the outer perimeter before The Tarragrue, offering potent Anima Powers when defeated.
In battle, The Tarragrue attempts to pick off defenseless targets with Chains of Eternity while gathering power. Upon reaching 100 energy, The Tarragrue dissolves into Torghast's
Hungering Mist and stalks its prey with a series of crushing assaults.
At 10% health remaining, the Jailer removes Anima Powers from all players and sends The Tarragrue into a wild frenzy.
Crushed Armor stuns the current target and applies a large Physical damage vulnerability.
- There is a gap in
Hungering Mist that can be used to avoid damage.
Chains of Eternity stuns and then destroys the first player caught in a line.
- There is a gap in
Hungering Mist that can be used to avoid damage.
- Dispel players afflicted with
Predator's Howl.
Chains of Eternity stuns and then destroys the first player caught in a line.
- There is a gap in
Hungering Mist that can be used to avoid damage.
Stage One: Confronting the Terror

The Tarragrue focuses its gaze upon a player. After 8 sec, the chains fly in their direction and stun the first target struck, inflicting 20,687 Physical damage and pulling them in for an Annihilating Smash.

The Tarragrue pulverizes to dust those caught by its chains, inflicting 413,263 Physical damage and stunning them for 30 sec.

The Tarragrue dissolves into the mists of Torghast, forming several images. These images erupt and inflict 51,717 Shadow damage to all players within 25 yds.

The Jailer calls down the memory of a forgotten Torment, which assaults players until it is absorbed.

The Might of the Upper Reaches increases Physical damage done by the Jailer's forces by 50%. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 10% increased Physical damage for 90 sec.

Mort'regar's Echoes increase Magic damage done by the Jailer's forces by 50%. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 10% increased Magic damage for 90 sec.

Soulforge Heat periodically inflicts 10,350 Fire damage to all players. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 2,068 Fire damage every 5 sec for 90 sec.

The Tarragrue howls, causing an aura of dread to form around players for 21 sec. This causes each target to radiate Unshakeable Dread to other players within 5 yds every 3 sec.

Causes the target to flee in fear for 8 sec.

Echoing rage fills the caster, increasing damage done by 25% and haste by 25% for 35 sec.

The Jailer's grasp tightens around players, inflicting 10,343 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 40 sec.

The Tarragrue slams its target, inflicting 82,748 Physical damage and stunning it for 4 sec. This strike applies Crushed Armor.

Increases Physical damage taken by 200% for 20 sec.
Stage Two: The Desperate Hour

At 10% health remaining, The Tarragrue calls out to the Jailer. This removes all Anima Powers from players and grants The Tarragrue an additional 500% damage done until it dies.

The Tarragrue roars in triumph after killing a player.
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