Arcane Mage Battleground Blitz Guide — The War Within (11.0.7)
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about playing Arcane Mage in Battleground Blitz, including specific playstyle tips, talent builds, and much more.
Arcane Mage in Battleground Blitz
The main role of an Arcane Mage in battleground blitz is to use relentless
single-target damage on enemies to quickly force kills and crowd control with
Polymorph. To keep your team offensive, you will use
Time Warp
when your team has cooldowns and follow this up with
Polymorph on enemy
healers or DPS if they will not take damage to break it. If teams try to setup kills
on you use
Ice Block to ensure you stay alive.
In addition to the aforementioned damage, party utility, and hard crowd control
through Polymorph, impeding the enemy's movement is of utmost importance through
Slow and
Ice Nova. This is a crucial part of the Mage toolkit for Battleground Blitz.
If you are able to slow enemies when they are on their way to a base and your team is able to pass them,
your team will likely get the base first.
Talent Choices for Arcane Mage
Here is the talent build you will be using to maximize your damage output:
Recommended PvP Talents for Arcane Mage
These are the 3 PvP talents you should be using in Battleground Blitz.
Chrono Shift – This causes
Arcane Barrage to slow enemies and increases your movement speed. This is another tool you have to slow enemies that might be trying to get to another base.
Ring of Fire – An important spell to use for multiple reasons, the main reason being this gives you a spell on a different casting school than Arcane. If you get kicked on
Arcane Missiles or
Polymorph, you can then cast Ring of Fire. This does a lot of damage, especially in games where the enemy team is stacked in a team fight.
Ice Wall – An extremely versatile spell that can be used to wall of healers from their DPS or to prevent flag carriers from getting into their base.
For a more in-depth breakdown of talents, continue reading the talents section of this guide:
Crowd Control as Arcane Mage
In Battleground Blitz, without the Arena Dampening effect, healers, when left alone, are able to sustain against many players with relative ease. The way to counter the high throughput of healers in Battleground Blitz is with the effective use of crowd control.
Mage has many tools in its kit to aid with this:
Dragon's Breath
Arcane Barrage slows with
Chrono Shift
Blast Wave
Ice Wall
Note: Be careful with Polymorph! This will dispel all DoTs on the target, and you could
be removing quite a bit of damage if you have an Affliction Warlock or Shadow Priest on your team.
Arcane Mage Defensives
Ice Block is your main defensive ability. If you have run out of
Shimmers and have no other ways to kite or survive, use this spell.
This will protect you from all damage.
For Mage, crowd control is effectively a defensive technique. If the
enemy team is using their offensive cooldowns, you can kite them by using
Slow or by casting
Polymorph and
Temporal Shield is one of the best defensive cooldowns Arcane Mages
have. Use this when you are being focused and when at high health. Once
Temporal Shield expires, you will be healed for all the damage you took while
it was active. It is important to use this right before a stun or right when
the enemy team is using their burst cooldowns. Do not use it too late, though,
as if you are at low health, you will probably die before you are healed.
Be aware this ability is also affected by dampening.
Alter Time may seem like a confusing ability at first, but it
is really straightforward. The first time you press this ability, it remembers
how much health you have and your location. The second time you press it, it
will return to the same location with the exact health you had when you first
pressed it. This should be used when you feel like you are about to take damage
or about to be stunned.
Although Mirror Image deals damage and slows enemies,
it should primarily be used as a defensive cooldown. While the images are active,
you take 20% less damage. Taking direct damage will break 1 of the 3 mirrors. If the
images stay alive for the entire duration, you will get this damage reduction for 40
seconds! Use this when you do not have Alter Time and you see the enemy using their
burst cooldowns.
Prismatic Barrier has also been given to Arcane Mages. This is a
slightly weaker form of
Ice Barrier. However, it is very strong against
caster teams, reducing all harmful magic damage dealt to you and reducing the
duration of harmful magic effects by 35%.
Blast Wave is a knockback that gives Mages an additional way to get away
from melee players. Use this when melee have connected you with heavy damage cooldowns
or you need to kite and run. Talented into the
Volatile Detonation talent
Blast Wave to send enemies extremely far away and can even be used
to knock off maps like Arathi Basin and Eye of the Storm
Remove Curse removes all curses from a friendly target. This can
remove important debuffs like
Hex or
Arcane Mage Stat Priority and Gear
- Intellect;
- Haste;
- Versatility;
- Mastery;
- Critical Strike.
The stat priority for Arcane Mage is the same in Battleground Blitz and Arena. If you want an in-depth explanation and suggestions on gear, read the gearing section of this guide:
The Role of Arcane Mages in Battlegrounds
Capture the Flag (Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks)
On both Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks, if you are defending your own flag
carrier, you should encourage them to take high ground on the upstairs ledges
so you can protect them with Blast Wave.
Similarly, when attacking enemy bases, you should look to knock players off the high ground. You can do that either to make sure that your teammates can attack the enemy flag carrier or to separate the flag carrier from their healers.
Due to Arcane Mage having incredibly high single-target damage, your primary
goal in capture the flag maps is to play offense. This means that when an enemy
player picks up your flag, you should be trying to kill that flag carrier. Quickly
leave the team fight when this happens and setup kills on the enemy team's defense.
Utilize tools like Slow and
Ice Nova to slow the flag carrier and
Polymorph on the enemy healers. For an in-depth guide to Arcane
Mage damage rotations, read here:
Resource Race (Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, Deepwind Gorge)
Before a Resource Race battleground starts, you should decide with your team which base you should focus on first.
- If there is an enemy healer at the base you are assigned to, then you should crowd control them as soon as possible and use your burst cooldowns to kill their teammates
- If there is no healer but there is more than one DPS enemy, you should use your crowd control on the one who your team is less likely to attack (as they would break your crowd control)
Your primary goal on resource race maps is simple: capture nodes and slow enemies.
Polymorph lasts 6 seconds, and it takes 4 seconds to capture a node. This means
that if an enemy is alone at a base, you should easily be able to take it. Always pay
attention to who is at which base. You will also want to slow any enemies who may be
trying to help their teammates at a base. Utilize your multiple slows and
to prevent any enemies from providing backup to their team.
Hybrid (Eye of the Storm)
Similar to resource race maps, your goal is to capture any nodes and slow enemies
who might be trying to help if they are falling behind. The goal on this map, unlike
normal Rated Battlegrounds, is to team fight at one node and try to cap both bases.
This results in long 7v7 team fights, and the winner will more than likely pull ahead
quickly. Trade your defensives when you get low ( Ice Block,
Alter Time,
etc.) and get value out of
Dragon's Breath/
Polymorph on enemy players.
Note: Capping the flag will make the inactive bases active, and both teams will have to recap the nodes. Use this tactic if your team is falling behind on points or lost the team fight.
King of the Hill (Temple of Kotmogu)
Ranged DPS specializations will always be the best orb carriers on Temple of Kotmogu, so you should be one of the first players to get an Orb if there is one available. The most important part about this map is to win the initial team fight and quickly gain momentum by grabbing three orbs and standing in the middle of the map. When the enemy team starts to resurrect, leave middle and kite around the center. Here are some tips for this map:
- Players take more damage the longer they hold the orb. This means that, eventually, the Orb carriers will die. Ideally, your team will only hold two or three orbs at a time so that you do not easily wipe when you have high stacks.
- Make sure you die on the correct side of the map! You and your team will resurrect depending on where you died. If you die on purple side, you will resurrect on blue side and vise versa. Ensuring you and your team resurrect together is crucial, this will allow you to regroup faster and quickly wipe the enemy team that will be weak.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 25 Nov. 2024: Updated recommended talents.
- Updated recommended PvP talents.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for patch 11.0.5.
- Updated Recommended Talents.
- 15 Sep. 2024: Updated Recommended Talents.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 28 Aug. 2024: Page added.
Other PvP Guides
This guide has been written by Mysticall, a seasoned PvP player who has repeatedly achieved 3000 rating. You can watch his stream on Twitch, and you can also check out his YouTube channel.
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