Class Order Halls Champions (Legion 7.3.5)
Table of Contents
Champions are essentially lore figures that have been recruited through your order hall campaign to join your forces. You can use them for the following:
- sending them out to complete class hall missions;
- recruiting them as combat allies to help you fight in the Broken Isles.
Every class has their own separate set of champions, since they are all related to lore. There are at least 9 champions in total for each class, but only 5 can be active, unless using order hall advancements to increase this limit. As with the garrison followers in Warlords of Draenor, you must deactivate your excess champions if you wish to start a mission and you have over your limit of active champions. If you wish to reactivate them, you can pay 250 gold to activate one per day.
How Do I Get My Champions?
All the champions will come from the order hall campaign; as soon as you complete the first set of quests after gaining 325 artifact power, you will receive your first set of champions.
After you reach level 103, you will be able to return to your order hall and complete a second quest chain for the campaign, which will allow you to unlock two more champions.
The rest of your champions will come from naturally completing the order hall campaign. The exception to this is followers that are found outside of the campaign, such as Meatball, who is obtained by completing a quest chain after killing a boss at the Brawler's Guild and is recommended for all classes.
In subsequent sections, you will find a full list of Champions for each class that can be obtained in-game, as well as the best setup for each class.
Death Knight
Name | Level |
Nazgrim (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Thassarian | 100 |
Koltira Deathweaver (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Thoras Trollbane | 103 |
High Inquisitor Whitemane | 109 |
Rottgut (Combat Ally) | 109 |
Amal'thazad | 110 |
Highlord Darion Mograine (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Minerva Ravensorrow (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Death Knight would be to use Darion, Koltira, Minerva, Nazgrim, Thassarian, Thoras and Meatball.
Demon Hunter
Name | Level |
Asha Ravensong | 100 |
Altruis the Sufferer OR Kayn Sunfury (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Kor'vas Bloodthorn | 103 |
Akama OR Shade of Akama (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Belath Dawnblade (Bodyguard) | 109 |
Matron Mother Malevolence (Combat Ally) | 109 |
Allari the Souleater | 110 |
Jace Darkweaver | 110 |
Lady S'theno (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Demon Hunter would be to use Akama, Belath, Jace, Kor'vas, Kayn or Altruis, S'theno and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Naralex (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Zen'tabra | 100 |
Sylendra Gladesong | 103 |
Broll Bearmantle (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Brightwing | 109 |
Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem | 109 |
Mylune | 110 |
Keeper Remulos (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Thisalee Crow (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Druid would be to use Brightwing, Hamuul, Mylune, Remulos, Sylendra, Thisalee and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Emmarel Shadewarden (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Loren Stormhoof | 100 |
Rexxar (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Beastmaster Hilaire | 103 |
Addie Fizzlebog (Bodyguard) | 109 |
Hemet Nesingwary (Combat Ally) | 109 |
Huntsman Blake | 110 |
Halduron Brightwing | 110 |
Nighthuntress Syrenne (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Hunter would be to use Addie, Blake, Emmarel, Halduron, Hemet, Rexxar and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Archmage Kalec (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Archmage Modera (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Esara Verrinde | 103 |
Ravandwyr | 103 |
Arcane Destroyer | 109 |
Millhouse Manastorm (Bodyguard) | 109 |
Archmage Vargoth (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Meryl Felstorm | 110 |
Aethas Sunreaver (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The Great Akazamzarak (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Mage would be to use Arcane Destroyer, Akazamzarak, Esara, Meryl, Ravandwyr, Vargoth and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Chen Stormstout (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Li Li Stormstout (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Taran Zhu (Combat Ally) | 103 |
The Monkey King (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Angus Ironfist | 109 |
Hiro | 109 |
Sylara Steelsong | 110 |
Aegira | 110 |
Brewer Almai (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Monk would be to use Almai, Angus, Chen, Hiro, Monkey King, Sylara and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Lady Liadrin (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus | 100 |
Justicar Julia Celeste | 103 |
Vindicator Boros (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Aponi Brightmane | 109 |
Delas Moonfang | 109 |
Lothraxion (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Arator the Redeemer (Bodyguard) | 110 |
Nerus Moonfang (Bodyguard) | 110 |
Maximillian of Northshire (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Paladin would be to use Arator, Delas, Julia, Maximillian, Maxwell, Nerus and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Calia Menethil | 100 |
High Priestess Ishanah (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Zabra Hexx (Bodyguard) | 103 |
Yalia Sagewhisper | 103 |
Mariella Ward | 109 |
Sol (Bodyguard) | 109 |
Natalie Seline | 109 |
Alonsus Faol (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Aelthalyste (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Priest would be to use Aelthalyste, Alonsus, Calia, Ishanah, Yalia, Zabra and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Garona Halforcen (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Vanessa VanCleef (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt (Combat Ally) | 103 |
Fleet Admiral Tethys | 103 |
Marin Noggenfogger | 109 |
Valeera Sanguinar | 109 |
Taoshi | 110 |
Master Mathias Shaw (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Princess Tess Greymane (Bodyguard) OR Lilian Voss (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Rogue would be to use Garona, Jorach, Mathias, Tess or Lilian, Tethys, Vanessa and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Duke Hydraxis (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Stormcaller Mylra (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Consular Celestos | 103 |
Farseer Nobundo (Combat Ally) | 103 |
Avalanchion the Unbroken | 109 |
Muln Earthfury | 109 |
Baron Scaldius | 110 |
Rehgar Earthfury (Bodyguard) | 110 |
Magatha Grimtotem (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Shaman would be to use Avalanchion, Celestos, Hydraxis, Muln, Mylra, Nobundo and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Calydus (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Ritssyn Flamescowl (Bodyguard) | 100 |
Zinnin Smythe | 103 |
Jubeka Shadowbreaker | 103 |
Shinfel Blightsworn | 109 |
Kira Iresoul | 109 |
Eredar Twins (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Lulubelle Fizzlebang (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Kanrethad Ebonlocke (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Warlock would be to use Calydus, Eredar Twins, Jubeka, Kira, Shinfel, Zinnin and Meatball.
Name | Level |
Finna Bjornsdottir (Combat Ally) | 100 |
Ragnvald Drakeborn | 100 |
Hymdall | 103 |
Svergan Stormcloak | 103 |
Dvalen Ironrune (Bodyguard) | 109 |
King Ymiron | 109 |
Hodir (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Thorim (Combat Ally) | 110 |
Lord Darius Crowley (Bodyguard) OR Eitrigg (Bodyguard) | 110 |
The best setup for Warrior would be to use Darius or Eitrigg, Dvalen, Finna, Hodir, Ragnvald, Thorim and Meatball.
How do I gear my champions?
Champions have the option to unlock equipment slots as they level and grow in rarity (in the same way followers did in garrisons); once a champion hits rare quality, they will unlock their first equipment slot. The second slot is unlocked as soon as they hit epic quality. The final slot will be unlocked when you level your followers from epic to titled quality.
In order to prepare them for battle, you will need to find some champion equipment to arm them with. You can find it through the following means:
- missions in your order hall;
- treasures;
- world quests;
- emissary quest rewards;
- Class Order Hall advancements;
- purchasing it on the Broken Shore.
The items that are available in-game fall under a number of categories; they each have a different impact on a different part of the mission process.
Success Chance Equipment
The first category is equipment that impacts the success chance of missions, depending on their duration. There are three types in this category:
- the equipment increases the success chance of all missions by a set amount;
- the equipment increases the success chance of missions that are shorter than 4 hours;
- the equipment increases the success chance of missions that are longer than 8 hours.
Mission Duration Equipment
The second category is equipment that reduces the time required to complete a mission. There is only one type in this category and it is a flat reduction in mission time.
Follower Affinity Equipment
The third category of equipment looks at affinity between different types of followers. You can equip your champion with items that will increase the success chance of a mission depending on the other troops available for the mission. Each class has a different set of items that is specific to their order hall. There are 2 types in this category:
- the equipment increases success chance by a set amount when the champion is accompanied by lesser troops;
- the equipment increases success chance by a set amount when the champion is accompanied by greater troops.
Combat Ally Equipment
The next category is equipment that is only useful when a champion is being used as your Combat Ally. The next section will further discuss what a Combat Ally is, but for now, the equipment will increase the rewards you get from World Quests when fighting with your Combat Ally. There are two types of equipment:
- the equipment increases your order resource reward when completing World Quests;
- the equipment increases your gold reward when completing World Quests.
There are consumables that can be used to buff your champions and troops when preparing them for missions. There are 3 different effects that can be applied to your followers, depending on which class you play:
- Death Knight, Monk, Paladin, and Rogue: the equipment will increase the success chance of a single mission by 20%.
- Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock: the equipment will restore 1 vitality to a single troop;
- Warrior: the equipment will summon a squad of Valarjar Aspirants to aid your champion.
Legendary Equipment
The legendary equipment is slightly different from the others, since it cannot be obtained as easily as the others. It has much more powerful effects and often combines two of the effects that are listed above. There are the following types.
- The equipment increases mission success on all missions by 15% and has either
- a reduction of mission duration by 5%;
- 25
Order Resources from World Quests when using a combat ally;
- 15 Gold from World Quests when using a combat ally.
- The equipment reduces mission duration on all missions by 15% and has either
- an increase in mission success chance by 5%;
- 25
Order Resources from World Quests when using a combat ally;
- 15 Gold from World Quests when using a combat ally.
- The equipment grants 100
Order Resources when completing a world quest with a combat ally and has either
- an increase in mission success chance by 5%;
- a reduction of mission duration by 5%;
- 15 Gold from World Quests when using a combat ally.
- The equipment grants 50 gold when completing a world quest with a combat
ally and has either
- an increase in mission success chance by 5%;
- a reduction of mission duration by 5%;
- 25
Order Resources from World Quests when using a combat ally.
What Is A Combat Ally?
When recruiting your champions, certain ones have the ability to accompany you around the zones of the Broken Isles. Similar to how a bodyguard in Warlords of Draenor would work, they give you a slight edge over the mobs you are killing in the open world. They cannot be taken into most instanced areas, but will help you whenever you are in the open world. There are three types of combat ally.
- An NPC will follow you around and engage in combat with you, casting their spells and abilities to make sure they kill the mobs as fast as possible. As your gear progresses, so too will the combat ally's stats. They become more powerful as you do, but note that they can and will die. Unlike the bodyguard system in Warlords of Draenor, however, the combat allies have a very short respawn timer.
- Rather than appearing as an NPC, the combat ally can also appear as a
spell. There are two forms which the combat ally can take in spells:
- a spell that will proc when criteria are met, such as hitting an enemy or taking an amount of damage;
- a spell that can be cast via an extra action button that has a cooldown between uses.
How do I get a combat ally?
In order to select a combat ally, you need to find a champion that has a
specific combat ally ability. You can see who can function as a combat ally or
bodyguard in our table of all champions above. Once you have obtained one of
the marked champions, head top your scouting map. You can then access the
combat ally section via the mission UI. It will cost you 50
Order Resources to assign your champion to become a combat ally.
They cannot go on any missions while assigned as a combat ally, nor can they have any equipment added to them. They do, however, gain experience with each world quest you complete when using them as a combat ally.
- 15 May 2018: Fixed name of Mathias under Rogue recommendations.
- 17 Apr. 2018: Updated for 7.3.5 and added best setup recommendations.
- 29 Aug. 2016: Guide added.
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