Noblegarden 2024 Guide for World of Warcraft

Last updated on Apr 02, 2024 at 17:27 by Stan 13 comments

Table of Contents

Noblegarden is the World of Warcraft counterpart of Easter, the most important Christian festival.

Though its origins are steeped in druidic festivals from times long past, the current incarnation of Noblegarden is a contrast between ancient traditions and modern interpretations. While some races of Azeroth try to stay true to the original spirit of the holiday, others prefer a more lighthearted approach — in essence, looking everywhere for festively decorated eggs and collecting the goodies found within. One tenet all can agree on is that the feast of Noblegarden is meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship.

All characters will be able to participate, as none of the activities has a level requirement.

The event itself takes place mostly in low level towns of each faction, where players will busy themselves searching for eggs that contain rewards and items needed for the achievements.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to complete the event.



Noblegarden is a rather simple and short event. You will be spending the majority of your time looking for Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs around low level towns of your faction. These eggs contain the tokens you will need to buy the rewards, as well as the items you will need to complete the achievements.


Recent Changes

The following section highlights Noblegarden updates made in recent years.

In 2024, a few new items have been added:

Noble Flying Carpet Icon Noble Flying Carpet has a 1% chance to drop from the Loot-Filled Basket Icon Loot-Filled Basket, the daily reward from Daetan Swiftplume.

The bag from Daetan also has a chance to contan the Spring Reveler's Turqoise Armor Set comprised of the following pieces of armor:

  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Attire Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Attire;
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Dress Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Dress;
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Boots Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Boots;
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Sun Hat Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Sun Hat;
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Pants Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Pants;
  • Spring Reveler's Turquoise Belt Icon Spring Reveler's Turquoise Belt.

Lovely Duckling Icon Lovely Duckling can be bought from Noblegarden Vendors for 250 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates.

Finally, you will receive Duck Disguiser Icon Duck Disguiser after finishing the new quest line called What the Duck? started in Goldshire (Alliance) or Razor Hill (Horde).

In 2023, A Drake's Big Basket of Eggs Icon A Drake's Big Basket of Eggs has been added. The toy equips your Dragonriding Drake with a festive basket and costs 200 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates.

In 2022, two toys were added to the event:

  • Eagger Basket Icon Eagger Basket — This item is the toy version of Borrowed Egg Basket Icon Borrowed Egg Basket. Your character will receive it upon completing the A Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket quest available from Noblegarden Merchants.
  • Spring Florist's Pouch Icon Spring Florist's Pouch — is a new toy purchasable for 50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates from Noblegarden Merchants. It is a new requirement for the Desert Rose Icon Desert Rose achievement.

In 2021, members of the Venthyr Covenant can participate in an egg-hunt during the Ember Court. No other changes have been made to the event.

In 2019, new items were added. Noble Gardener's Hearthstone Icon Noble Gardener's Hearthstone costs 250 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates and three new circlets can be purchased for 50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates: Blue Spring Circlet Icon Blue Spring Circlet, Brown Spring Circlet Icon Brown Spring Circlet, and Yellow Spring Circlet Icon Yellow Spring Circlet.



All characters are eligible to participate in the event and can earn all the achievements and rewards (with the exception of Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit Icon Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit for Mages, which can only be purchased and used at level 25 or more).


Date and Timeline

Noblegarden is a 1-week event. This year, it starts on April 1st and finishes on April 8th.

Noblegarden is a short event, in the sense that you can complete it entirely and obtain all the rewards in a matter of a few hours.



Noblegarden quests givers and vendors can be found in the following low level towns:

  • Alliance
    • Azure Watch in Azuremyst Isle
    • Dolanaar in Teldrassil
    • Goldshire in Elwynn Forest
    • Kharanos in Dun Morogh
  • Horde
    • Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore
    • Brill in Tirisfal Glades
    • Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods
    • Razorhill in Durotar

Collecting Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs will also be done in these towns.



The currency of the event is Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolate. You get these chocolates in Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs, at a rate of 1 Noblegarden Chocolate per egg. You can use this currency to buy the rewards of the events, as well as the items you need for some of the achievements (these items also have a chance to be contained in Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs).



In addition to the various vanity items needed for the achievements and the achievements themselves, Noblegarden offers four rewards:

  • Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit Icon Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit, which you can buy for 100 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon;
  • Spring Rabbit's Foot Icon Spring Rabbit's Foot (a pet), which you can find in Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs or buy for 100 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon;
  • Mystical Spring Bouquet Icon Mystical Spring Bouquet (a pet), which you can buy for 100 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon;
  • Swift Springstrider Icon Swift Springstrider (a mount), which you can buy for 500 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon (it also has a very small chance to be contained in Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs).

Vanity Items

At each Noblegarden location, you will find Noblegarden Vendors (Alliance) and Noblegarden Merchants (Horde). These NPCs sell many vanity items, most of which are required for completing the achievements.

Vanity ItemCostRelated Achievement
Noblegarden Egg Icon Noblegarden Egg5 Noblegarden Chocolate IconNoble Garden Icon Noble Garden (Alliance / Horde)
Blossoming Branch Icon Blossoming Branch10 Noblegarden Chocolate IconHard Boiled Icon Hard Boiled
Black Tuxedo Pants Icon Black Tuxedo Pants25 Noblegarden Chocolate IconBlushing Bride Icon Blushing Bride
White Tuxedo Shirt Icon White Tuxedo Shirt25 Noblegarden Chocolate IconBlushing Bride Icon Blushing Bride
Elegant Dress Icon Elegant Dress50 Noblegarden Chocolate IconBlushing Bride Icon Blushing Bride
Spring Circlet Icon Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Spring Circlet Icon Black Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Spring Circlet Icon Pink Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Blue Spring Circlet Icon Blue Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Brown Spring Circlet Icon Brown Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Yellow Spring Circlet Icon Yellow Spring Circlet50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Spring Flowers Icon Spring Flowers50 Noblegarden Chocolate IconShake Your Bunny-Maker Icon Shake Your Bunny-Maker
Spring Robes Icon Spring Robes50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Spring Florist's Pouch Icon Spring Florist's Pouch50 Noblegarden Chocolate IconDesert Rose Icon Desert Rose
Noblegarden Bunny Icon Noblegarden Bunny200 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Noble Gardener's Hearthstone Icon Noble Gardener's Hearthstone250 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
A Drake's Big Basket of Eggs Icon A Drake's Big Basket of Eggs200 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon
Lovely Duckling Icon Lovely Duckling250 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon

All cosmetic items can be used for transmogrification purposes for the duration of the event.



The meta-achievement of the event is Noble Gardener Icon Noble Gardener. It rewards the the Noble title, counts towards What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been Icon What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been, and requires you to complete most of the achievements related to the event:

  • Blushing Bride Icon Blushing Bride
  • Chocolate Lover Icon Chocolate Lover and its follow up achievement Chocoholic Icon Chocoholic
  • Desert Rose Icon Desert Rose
  • Dressed for the Occasion Icon Dressed for the Occasion (not needed for the meta-achievement)
  • Hard Boiled Icon Hard Boiled
  • I Found One! Icon I Found One!
  • Noble Garden Icon Noble Garden (Alliance / Horde)
  • Shake Your Bunny-Maker Icon Shake Your Bunny-Maker
  • Spring Fling Icon Spring Fling (Alliance/ Horde)
  • Sunday's Finest Icon Sunday's Finest (not needed for the meta-achievement)


Spring Collectors (Alliance) and Spring Gatherers (Horde) are the introductory quests of the event. You can take them from commoners in any Capital City.

This introductory quest is to be turned in at the Noblegarden location of your choice. There, you will be able to take two other quests:

  • A Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket (Alliance / Horde) is mandatory as it rewards you with Egg Basket Icon Egg Basket, a most useful item for collecting Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs. To complete the quest, you need to return to the quest giver with 10 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates. To do so, bind the Borrowed Egg Basket Icon Borrowed Egg Basket to one of your mouse buttons and keep spamming it when looking around for eggs; otherwise other players will keep outrunning you.
  • The Great Egg Hunt (Alliance / Horde) is a daily quest that rewards you with a Blossoming Branch Icon Blossoming Branch, which makes the Hard Boiled Icon Hard Boiled achievement much easier. To complete the quest, simply open 20 Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs in the location where you took the quest. This will grant you the 20 Brightly Colored Shell Fragment Icon Brightly Colored Shell Fragments that you need.

Furious ducks, led by the druid Daetan Swiftplume, have disrupted Noblegarden festivities in Goldshire and Razor Hill. Discover Daetan's hideout and scare off the disruptive ducks. To start the What the Duck quest, talk to Zinia Brooks (Alliance) in Goldshire or Sylnaria Fareflame in Razor Hill (Horde).


Daetan Swiftplume

Daetan Swiftplume is a boss that you must summon by finding a giant golden egg and dragging it to his nest.

Exact spawn locations are:

  • 30.7 91.4 in Elwynn Forest for Alliance players;
  • 44.5 35.08 in Durotar for Horde players.

The eggs can be found in the close proximity of his nest in Elwynn Forest (Alliance) or Durotar (Horde). When killed, Daetan drops Loot-Filled Basket Icon Loot-Filled Basket. There are two versions of the basket, a green and a blue one.

The blue only drops for level 60-70 players and has a 1% chance to contain the Noble Flying Carpet Icon Noble Flying Carpet mount.

In addition to the mount, the bag has a chance to contain the Spring Reveler's Turquoise Attire transmog set.

Defeating Daetan for the first time grants players the Quacked Killer Icon Quacked Killer achievement.


Collecting Eggs

Eggs can only be found in low level towns where you will find Noblegarden NPCs. To collect the eggs efficiently, you need to make extensive use of your Egg Basket Icon Egg Basket, which is a reward for A Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket (Alliance / Horde). Our advice is to place the item on your action bar in the place of an ability bound to one of your mouse buttons. This makes it easier to refresh the increased speed buff.

After opening a few Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs, you will be turned into a rabbit for 60 minutes. This is mainly a cosmetic effect. As a rabbit, you can lay eggs by standing still for a while, something that you will need for Hard Boiled Icon Hard Boiled, one of the achievements.

One last piece of advice is to set, in your Video/Effects settings, Environment Detail to lowest. This will make it easier to see the eggs.


Cheap Cross-Realm and Cross-Faction Gold Transfers

Noblegarden vendors sell Magnificently-Painted Egg Icon Magnificently-Painted Egg for 1,000 Gold. This item can be used to place a Magnificently-Painted Egg Icon Magnificently-Painted Egg on the ground that anyone can pick up (even players from another realm or another faction, provided they can see the item) and sell for 900 Gold.

Be aware that both items are unique, so you can only have one of each in your inventory at any given time.



In this section, we will run you through all the Noblegarden achievements.


While Collecting Eggs

Many achievements can be earned while opening Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs.


I Found One!

I Found One! Icon I Found One! is arguably the easiest achievement of the event. You simply need to open a Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg, something that you will do countless times.


Chocolate Lover and Chocoholic

Chocolate Lover Icon Chocolate Lover and Chocoholic Icon Chocoholic require you to loot a total of 100 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates from Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg and eat them.


Dressed for the Occasion

Dressed for the Occasion Icon Dressed for the Occasion will be granted to you if you loot an Elegant Dress Icon Elegant Dress from a Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg. You will not get the achievement if you buy the Elegant Dress from a vendor.

Note that this achievement does not count towards Noble Gardener Icon Noble Gardener, the meta-achievement.


Sunday's Finest

Sunday's Finest Icon Sunday's Finest will be granted to you if you loot Black Tuxedo Pants Icon Black Tuxedo Pants and a White Tuxedo Shirt Icon White Tuxedo Shirt from a Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg. You will not get the achievement if you buy these two items from a vendor.

Note that this achievement does not count towards Noble Gardener Icon Noble Gardener, the meta-achievement.


Remaining Achievements

The remaining achievements are presented below. We tried to rank from the least complicated to the most complicated.


Noble Garden

Completing Noble Garden Icon Noble Garden (Alliance / Horde) requires you to acquire 5 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon and use them to buy a Noblegarden Egg Icon Noblegarden Egg from a vendor. Then go to Stormwind City, if you play Alliance, or Silvermoon City, if you play Horde, right click the egg and select the area where you want to lay it.

After laying the egg (and subsequently getting the achievement), you can open it and loot its content.


Blushing Bride

The easiest way to complete Blushing Bride Icon Blushing Bride is to ask a friend or a guildie to help you. Give them the Elegant Dress Icon Elegant Dress (if they do not have one), ask them to put it on. Then, put on your own White Tuxedo Shirt Icon White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants Icon Black Tuxedo Pants, and kiss them.

Note that if you are missing one of the 3 required items, you can buy them from a Noblegarden vendor in exchange for Noblegarden Chocolate Icon Noblegarden Chocolates.


Desert Rose

To complete Desert Rose Icon Desert Rose, you need to buy Spring Florist's Pouch Icon Spring Florist's Pouch for 50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon from a Noblegarden vendor. Note that you can use this item multiple times, so do not make the mistake of buying several of them.

Once you have Spring Florist's Pouch Icon Spring Florist's Pouch, simply go successively to The Badlands, Desolace, Silithus, Tanaris, and Thousand Needles. In each region, use your Spring Florist's Pouch. It does not matter where you plant the flower, as long as you are in the proper zone.


Hard Boiled

Hard Boiled Icon Hard Boiled requires you to lay an egg at Golakka Hot Springs in Un'Goro Crater. In order to lay an egg, you need to be transformed into a rabbit and stand still for about a minute.

During Noblegarden, there are two ways to get transformed into a rabbit:

  • by opening Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs, in which case you need to either
    • hearthstone to Marshal's Stand (in northern Un'Goro Crater) and then go to Golakka Hot Springs without losing your rabbit buff;
    • run all the way to Golakka Hot Springs without losing your rabbit buff.
  • by being the target of a Blossoming Branch Icon Blossoming Branch, in which case you simply need to bring a friend with you to Golakka Hot Springs and ask them to use Blossoming Branch Icon Blossoming Branch on you.

Note that you will lose your rabbit buff if you take damage, be it from an enemy attack or from a fall.


Spring Fling

For Spring Fling Icon Spring Fling (Alliance/ Horde), you need to first acquire a Spring Rabbit's Foot Icon Spring Rabbit's Foot, which you can loot from a Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg or buy from a Noblegarden vendor for 100 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon. We advise you to complete this achievement last, as it can be frustrating to buy the Spring Rabbit's Foot only to see it drop later from a Brightly Colored Egg.

Then, you need to visit the 4 Noblegarden locations of your faction. In each location, you need to get the pet out and find another player with the same pet. Obviously, it makes it a lot easier if you do the achievement with a friend or a guildie.


Shake Your Bunny Maker

To complete Shake Your Bunny-Maker Icon Shake Your Bunny-Maker, you need to use Spring Flowers Icon Spring Flowers, which you can loot from a Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Egg or buy from a Noblegarden vendor for 50 Noblegarden Chocolate Icon, on female characters of each race. The targeted characters must be level 18 at least.

To make it even easier, you can use the following macro (credit to WoWWiki):

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage((UnitSex("target")==2 and "Male " or "Female ")..UnitLevel("target").." "..UnitRace("target").." "..(UnitBuff("target","Sprung!")=="Sprung!" and "Sprung!" or "clear"));

Select a target and click the macro. It will check whether the target is a female and will also tell you if the target has been recently targeted by another player's Spring Flowers Icon Spring Flowers, in which case you will not be able to complete the objective.



  • 02 Apr. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 10 Apr. 2023: Guide updated for 2023.
  • 19 Apr. 2022: Guide updated for 2022.
  • 05 Apr. 2021: Guide reviewed for 2021.
  • 18 Apr. 2020: Dates and level requirements updated.
  • 13 Apr. 2020: Guide reviewed for 2020.
  • 23 Apr. 2019: Added new items for 2019.
  • 02 Apr. 2018: No changes for 2018.
  • 17 Apr. 2017: 2017 update to introduce the new Noblegarden Bunny pet.
  • 28 Mar. 2016: Small update to change the event dates and mention that there is no change since 2015.
  • 06 Apr. 2015: Mystical Spring Bouquet can be purchased for 100 Noblegarden Chocolates.
  • 05 Apr. 2015: Added Mystical Spring Bouquet, the new 2015 pet.
  • 07 Apr. 2013: Added a mention that the Swift Springstrider Icon Swift Springstrider mount can be found in Brightly Colored Egg Icon Brightly Colored Eggs.
  • 01 Apr. 2013: Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit Icon Tome of Polymorph: Rabbit can no longer be obtained by Mages under level 60.
  • 31 Mar. 2013: Updated link for Noble Gardener Icon Noble Gardener (there no longer is an Alliance-specific and a Horde-specific achievement).
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