Yu'lon Detailed Strategy Guide
Table of Contents
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Yu'lon in Pandaria. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.
Yu'lon is one the four Celestials that you will fight in the Celestial Court on the Timeless Isle. The mechanics of the fight are very simple. If you die, you can simply wait to respawn and run back.
General Information
- Yu'lon's health increases as more people engage him.
- You will need only one tank.
- Yu'lon does not seem to have an enrage timer.
Yu'lon drops item level 522 PvP gear and parts of the item level 553 Tier 16 sets: Hands and Legs.
- Everyone
- Never stand in front of Yu'lon, unless you are the tank. Otherwise, you will get damaged by Jadefire Breath.
- Avoid the green void zones on the ground. Yu'lon often creates green void zones on the ground through Jadefire Bolt. These void zones can be hard to distinguish from the ground of the arena.
- Beware of the Fire Wall! Jadefire Wall is cast a few times per fight. This wall travels from one side of the arena to the other, leaving only a small gap for people to pass through.
- When you die, wait until you respawn and run back.
- Tanks
- Tank Yu'lon away from the raid. This should reduce the number of people getting hit by Jadefire Breath.
- Tank Yu'lon in the middle of the arena. This will allow you and the rest of the raid to easily reach the gap in the Jadefire Wall, wherever it may appear.
- Healers
- Tanks and melee players take increasing damage. Every 20 seconds, Yu'lon stacks a buff on nearby players called Jadeflame Buffet.
- Expect a lot of players to fail at avoiding the void zones and the fire wall.
- Kill Yu'lon.
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Yu'lon. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
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