Blood Death Knight Tank Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Blood Death Knight, depending on the type of damage you will be tanking. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to maximize your survivability and DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Rotation for Blood Death Knight
Generally speaking, your goal during each fight is to use your resources (Runes and Runic Power) to generate threat and to stay alive. Blood Death Knight is very much a builder-spender spec, with a limited number of procs and interactions and a number of ways in which you can get punished for losing your cool and deciding to use the wrong ability.
Blood Death Knight Rotation
Hero Talent Choice | |||
Talent Selections | |||
Bonestorm | Abomination Limb | Soul Reaper | Consumption |
Blooddrinker | Carnage |
Opener for Blood Death Knight
- Before pull: Pre-place Death and Decay where you will be fighting.
- Before pull: Pull from range with Death's Caress
Priority List while Dancing Rune Weapon is Up
- Cast Death and Decay as long as you do not currently have the effect of Death and Decay active. For the first four seconds after leaving your Death and Decay (or it expiring), Cleaving Strikes grants you all of these buffs.
- Maintain yourself at 1+ Bone Shield charges. If you planned for Dancing Rune Weapon properly, this should already happen by itself. If not, or if you made a mistake, use Marrowrend to instantly get back to 10 stacks (12 with Reinforced Bones).
- Cast Blood Boil to keep charges rolling
- Spend Runic Power on Death Strike. Use it when you are above 70 Runic Power (i.e., 2 Death Strike banked), or to keep Coagulopathy stacks from falling off.
- Use Heart Strike as your filler to consume Runes. You should have three recharging at all times.
Priority List Outside of Dancing Rune Weapon
- Use Marrowrend if your Bone Shield is close to expiring (3 seconds or less), or if you will not be in range of a target before your Bone Shield will expire.
- Cast Death and Decay as long as you do not currently have the effect of Death and Decay active. For the first four seconds after leaving your Death and Decay (or it expiring), Cleaving Strikes grants you all of these buffs.
- Cast Marrowrend while at 5 or fewer Bone Shield charges, as long as Bone Shield will not expire within the next 10 seconds and Dancing Rune Weapon is not about to come off cooldown.
- Use Dancing Rune Weapon on cooldown.
- Use Tombstone if the following conditions are true:
- You will consume 5 Bone Shield charges
- You are currently standing in your Death and Decay.
- Spend Runic Power on Death Strike. Use it when you are above 75 Runic Power (i.e., 2 Death Strike banked), or to keep Icy Talons stacks from falling off.
- Cast Blood Boil to keep its charges from capping
- Use Heart Strike as your filler to consume Runes. You should have three recharging at all times.
Insatiable Blade, Shattering Bone and Their Impact on Your Rotation
As you may have seen from the rotation flowchart above, Tombstone's impact on the effective cooldown of Dancing Rune Weapon will persist for the entirety of The War Within. A new factor in this is Shattering Bone, which grants a significant amount of damage when a charge of Bone Shield is consumed, and this includes the 5 charges consumed by Tombstone.
Furthermore, this damage from Shattering Bone is tripled while you stand in your own Death and Decay. A lot of other talents modify Death and Decay positively ( Unholy Ground and Sanguine Ground grant you 5% haste, damage, and healing received), making it an additional part of the rotation to manage.
Using Tombstone is very straightforward. You use it on cooldown if the following are true:
- Dancing Rune Weapon is still on cooldown.
- You have strictly more than 6 Bone Shield charges (it is a bigger loss to be on 0 Bone Shield charges for two GCDs, than it is to waste 2-3 bones through a Marrowrend)
- You are currently in your own Death and Decay
Bonestorm follows the same logic as Tombstone: we ideally set it up ahead of time rather than opportunistically pressing it. It is vitally important to never desync the two, as you can fuel one with the other. On pull, you will cast one marrowrend during Dancing Rune Weapon to fuel Bonestorm; every minute after that, you will fuel Tombstone with the bones "loaned" to Bonestorm.
The conditions are roughly the same as for Tombstone since it triggers both Shattering Bone and Insatiable Blade.
Using Bonestorm is very straightforward, provided that you followed the rest of the priority correctly. You use it on cooldown if the following are true:
- Dancing Rune Weapon is still on cooldown.
- You have strictly more than 6 Bone Shield charges (it is a bigger loss to be on 0 Bone Shield charges for two GCDs, than it is to waste 2-3 bones through a Marrowrend)
- You are currently in your own Death and Decay
It is worth noting that Bonestorm refunds 10 bones despite costing 5 to cast, making it a very efficient temporary Bone Shield charge investment.
The content on this page is meant for raiding content. While the basic rotation remains the same in Mythic+, some details such as cooldown usage, ability priorities, and additional techniques, such as effective kiting complicate matters a bit further.
We have highlighted such additional details on the dedicated Mythic+ page to keep this page as clear and concise as possible. You can find it here:
Dark Command is your main taunting ability. It works on a single-target and has an 8-second cooldown.
Death Grip grabs your target and moves it to your location. It also has the effect of taunting the target and interrupting spellcasting. The movement effect does not work against most raid bosses.
Survival Cooldowns for Blood Death Knights
Below, we present the cooldowns at your disposal and quickly go over how they should be used. More information about each cooldown can be found in subsequent sections.
- Anti-Magic Shell absorbs up to 30% of your maximum health in magic damage over 5 seconds and should be used to mitigate magic damage and generate Runic Power.
- Dancing Rune Weapon increases your chance to parry attacks by 35%. It also significantly increases your damage and resource generation and should be used in situations where you can benefit from both the offensive and defensive components of the ability.
- Vampiric Blood increases your maximum health and the amount of healing you receive by 30% for 10 seconds. It should be used either proactively in anticipation of high amounts of damage or reactively when low on health and in danger of dying.
- Icebound Fortitude reduces all damage taken by 30% for 8 seconds. It should mostly be used proactively when you anticipate taking high damage, such as from specific boss abilities.
Optional Read: Mastering Your Blood Death Knight
While the information we gave in the previous sections will yield very good results, there are many things you should be aware of to play your Blood Death Knight to its full potential. In particular, we explain in great detail how to properly use your various survival cooldowns.
Runes and Runic Power
Death Knights use a dual resource system of runes and Runic Power. While it is quite straightforward in how it works, we will explain it here for the sake of completion.
You have a total of 6 Runes, which are available by default. Some of your abilities have Rune costs, and whenever you use an ability that consumes one or more Runes, those Runes will immediately begin recharging. The exact amount of time it takes a Rune to recharge depends on how much Haste you have.
Whenever a Rune is consumed, you gain 10 Runic Power (more on that below).
At most, 3 of your runes can be charging up at the same time. It is therefore optimal to keep at least 3 runes on cooldown to maximise the recharge rate over the course of the fight.
Runic Power
Runic Power is a resource that resembles Rage, in the sense that it decays when out of combat, but does not decay during combat. As mentioned above, consuming Runes generates 10 Runic Power per Rune spent, and this is the primary means of generating Runic Power, although some abilities also help with this. You can have a maximum of 125 Runic Power, increased to 145 if using the Rune of Hysteria Runeforge.
Detailed Cooldown Usage
Anti-Magic Shell
Anti-Magic Shell's most powerful effect is its ability to prevent the application of debuffs. If a magical ability would apply a debuff and any damage the ability causes is fully absorbed by Anti-Magic Shell, the debuff is not applied.
Timing the use of Anti-Magic Shell is critical, particularly when you are taking magical damage from sources other than the ability you intend to protect against. Heavy magic damage can easily eat through the shield before the intended attack, leaving you vulnerable to the debuff.
Effects that increase your maximum health, to include Vampiric Blood, will increase the value of your Anti-Magic Shell even after those abilities fade. Planning around this can make the difference in Anti-Magic Shell being able to completely absorb an attack and, therefore, immune a debuff.
Anti-Magic Barrier can allow for more effective use of Anti-Magic Shell in nearly every way, with a reduced cooldown, increased size, and increased duration.
Dancing Rune Weapon
Dancing Rune Weapon grants you a 35% chance to parry for 8 seconds. Moreover, for the duration, there are several other benefits that you gain:
- Uses of Heart Strike will cause your rune weapon to strike and grant 3 additional Runic Power.
- Uses of Marrowrend will cause your rune weapon to stack Bone Shield exactly like using your own Marrowrend, making Marrowrend during Dancing Rune Weapon yield 6 bonus Bone Shield charges. Avoid using Marrowrend during Dancing Rune Weapon until you drop to 1 stack of Bone Shield, if you need more to enable Tombstone or Bonestorm or on the last global cooldown of Dancing Rune Weapon if you are not playing San'layn in order to bring yourself back to maximum stacks.
- Using Blood Boil will leave an additional Blood Plague debuff on your target per active Rune Weapon. Your rune weapon's Blood Plague debuff is not attributed directly to you and does not heal you, and persists after the weapon despawns.
Your rune weapon's attacks deal approximately 33% of the damage you deal, making Dancing Rune Weapon a potent DPS cooldown. On encounters with burn phases where the boss takes additional damage, you should make sure you have Dancing Rune Weapon to line up with those phases, along with a potion of some sort. Do not, however, sit on this cooldown for too long.
Avoid holding Dancing Rune Weapon on cooldown for longer than 15 seconds in a misguided attempt to benefit from its parry value defensively. Dancing Rune Weapon is primarily a resource and throughput cooldown, as it amplifies your Runic Power generation during it (by granting you bonus Bone Shield charges and roughly doubling the RP generated from Heart Strike). The parry part is the cherry on top, not the main actor of the show.
Vampiric Blood
Vampiric Blood is your most versatile cooldown. It grants you 30% extra health for 10 seconds and increases your healing received (from all sources, including self-heals) by 30%. It can be used reactively; however, you will gain more benefit from using this proactively, and you should have a specific plan for what abilities you will mitigate with it.
It is worth noting that this increased healing can be used to game certain abilities or mechanics. For instance, certain effects will be 30% larger even after Vampiric Blood fades - such as Anti-Magic Shell and Tombstone's shield.
Icebound Fortitude
Icebound Fortitude is a straightforward damage-reduction cooldown that lasts for 8 seconds, reducing all damage taken by 30%. Generally, you should use this when you are about to take high damage from pre-determined boss abilities, or when you are otherwise vulnerable (because the healers cannot reach you or because your other cooldowns are unavailable).
Icebound Fortitude also clears stuns and makes you immune to stun effects for the duration of the buff. In encounters where stun effects are applied to the tank, you should consider whether you can incorporate Icebound Fortitude into your cooldown plan in a way that both mitigates threatening damage while leveraging the stun immunity.
Blood Death Knights deal very poorly with abilities that take into account raw damage amounts before absorbs and self-healing (given their low number of damage reduction abilities). Abilities that mirror damage dealt to you onto other players or otherwise determine their effect based on how much damage you take can be particularly difficult for Blood Death Knights to manage; Icebound Fortitude should be saved for those abilities in those situations.
Lichborne is another tool in our arsenal of situational defensives, granting 15% leech and total immunity to Charm, Fear, and Sleep effects for 10 seconds. An additional benefit of it is the ability to use Death Coil on yourself to give yourself a poor man's AP-based healing should nothing else be in range and should you be in immediate, lethal danger.
A talent in The War Within, Unholy Endurance, adds a bonus 15% damage reduction effect to Lichborne.
Death Strike and Blood Shield
Death Strike is your most important self-healing ability. It is also part of your regular ability rotation during combat. Tomake the most out of Death Strike and your Mastery ( Mastery: Blood Shield), you cannot simply use Death Strike whenever it is available.
The most immediately apparent effect of Death Strike is that it heals you, so it is always well used after you have taken damage to heal yourself back up a bit and help the healers. Be smart about when you are using Death Strike. As it depends on your damage taken in the previous 5 seconds, it should be used after taking high damage. Of course, capping your Runic Power while not using Death Strike should also be avoided.
Note that Mastery: Blood Shield only absorbs physical damage; do not rely on it to mitigate a large magical attack.
Bone Shield
Your Marrowrend ability applies 3 stacks of Bone Shield, and your Death's Caress ability applies 2 stacks of Bone Shield each time you use it, up to a maximum of 10 stacks (12 with Reinforced Bones). As long as you have at least 1 Bone Shield stack active, your Armor is increased by 100% of your Strength and with the Improved Bone Shield talent, your Haste is also increased by 10%. Each successful melee attack made against you consumes a Bone Shield charge. Bone Shield has a duration of 30 seconds, after which the stacks simply drop off you. This is unlikely to occur while actively tanking in a normal boss encounter, but you should take care to watch the duration of your Bone Shield buff on encounters with no melee attacks or with long periods of downtime.
There is an internal cooldown of 2.5 seconds for Bone Shield charges being consumed.
Keeping Bone Shield up is pivotal to playing Blood properly. The Haste increase is essential for Rune regeneration, and the damage reduction is essential for survivability. Moreover, if you have the Ossuary talent, then with 5 or more stacks of Bone Shield, the cost of Death Strike is reduced by 5 Runic Power, which allows you to use it more frequently.
Effectively, you will always want to prioritize maintaining high amounts of Bone Shield stacks; you should use Marrowrend when you have 7 or fewer stacks of Bone Shield (unless you need the additional Runic Power from using Heart Strike). Even then, you should immediately try to re-stack Bone Shield.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Re-worked the entirety of the san'layn opener and rotation, clarified all of it, added the DB soul reaper and clarified the rest of the page.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within Launch with additions for Hero Talents.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Prepared for TWW, including rotational changes affecting pre-patch (no hero talents yet).
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 03 Jan. 2023: Overhauled, moved to checkboxes for everything and added how to use fyralath correctly.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 03 Jan. 2023: Clearing up Marrowrend vs. Caress.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1 launch. Added a very small rotational change due to the Tier set.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Mandl and Panthea.
Mandl is one of Acherus' Useful Minions and Blood Death Knight theorycrafter.
Panthea raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a "Useful Minion" for the Acherus Death Knight Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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