Sennarth, the Cold Breath Raid Guide in Vault of the Incarnates
I also have my own website dedicated to both tanks and raid leaders where I share my insight on the bosses with strategy and preparation advice which I will update after my guild has completed progress. If you are interested in this or want to discuss it on Discord, the links to them are below:
Strategy Guide: Quick TLDR Guide
Phase 1
- Ice patches in this room are slippy, and you will slide!
- Players with
Enveloping Webs need to run away to drop their webs for other players to use. They will drop on your location every second.
- Standing on the web will apply
Sticky Webbing, which reduces your movement speed. Reaching 10 stacks will apply
Wrapped in Webs, requiring other players to kill a Caustic Spiderling on you to be released.
- When Caustic Spiderlings die, they cast
Caustic Eruption and explode. Being in this explosion will remove
Sticky Webbing and
Wrapped in Webs.
- When Sennarth casts
Gossamer Burst, she will pull all players towards her and even pull you off the platform to your death. You can prevent this by getting pulled through
Sticky Webbing (or against a wall).
- Spread with
Chilling Blast.
- Focus on killing the Frostbreath Arachnids on each platform as soon as possible.
- After one cycle of abilities Sennarth will climb up her web. You will need to follow her up, and the fight repeats as above until she reaches the top.
- Tanks: Face the Frostbreath Arachnids away from the raid to ensure
Freezing Breath does not cover the room.
- Tanks: Swap on 5-8 stacks of
Web Blast.
Phase 2
Chilling Blast now leaves bombs on the ground, which knock you away if you run into them.
Enveloping Webs is replaced with
Suffocating Webs, which will knock back players and immediately apply
Wrapped in Webs to them.
Gossamer Burst is replaced with
Repelling Burst, which pushes players away from the boss.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Phase 1
The goal of this phase is to try and get Sennarth as low as possible to make the Phase 2 burn as easy as possible. This phase will be split into two sections; when Sennarth is on a platform and when she is climbing.
- There will be one Frostbreath Arachnid on every platform and some Caustic Spiderlings with the boss.
- The DPS should focus on killing the Frostbreath Arachnid as a priority, as it deals pulsing damage to the raid and increases damage over time.
- Throughout this phase, Sennarth will cast
Breath of Ice, which creates Ice puddles. Move out of these. These areas will now become slippy, and you will slide if you walk over them.
Chilling Blast will apply a debuff to every player. When this expires it will deal damage to the player and any other players within 4 yards.

- Players with
Enveloping Webs need to run away to drop their webs for other players to use. They will drop on your location every second. If you are slow to move, you will debuff yourself, which then increases your chances of being hit by more of them, causing you to get slowed.
- Standing in the webs will apply
Sticky Webbing which reduces your movement speed. Reaching 10 stacks will apply
Wrapped in Webs, which will slow you by 75%.
Sticky Webbing can be removed with movement speed removal tools such as
Blessing of Freedom or
Tiger's Lust.
- When Caustic Spiderlings die, they will cast
Caustic Eruption and explode. Being in this explosion will remove
Sticky Webbing and
Wrapped in Webs.
- The Caustic Spiderlings can be displaced with tools such as
Death Grip and
Typhoon to place them on players who are
Wrapped in Webs.
- When Sennarth reaches 100 energy, she will cast
Gossamer Burst. She will pull all players towards her and can even pull you off the platform and apply
Wrapped in Webs. You can prevent this by getting pulled through
Sticky Webbing (or against a wall).

- Tanks: Face the Frostbreath Arachnids away from the raid to ensure
Freezing Breath does not cover the room.

- Tanks: Swap on 9-10 stacks of
Web Blast.
- After a full cycle of abilities, Sennarth will start to climb up her web.
Heroic changes:
Wrapped in Webs will stun you in a web cocoon. This will require other players to kill a caustic spiderling on top of you to free you from this web.

- If this happens to a player during the climbing phase, you can move this player
Leap of Faith or
- If Sennarth pushes you off the platform, you will die!
Mythic changes:
- The movement speed reduction from
Sticky Webbing is increased to 35%.
- The amount of stacks required to get
Wrapped in Webs has been reduced to 5.
- These two changes do not alter your strategy in any meaningful way, but they do
punish poor handling of
Enveloping Webs.
Gusting Rime spawns at player locations and creates a tornado that will knock players away.
Caustic Eruption will now apply a debuff increasing your damage taken from it by 300% for 30 seconds. This means that you cannot use it to clear your stacks often, and when you do, you need to be very mindful of where they are exploding as this could lead to unnecessary death.
- Tanks: Sennarth will continue to cast
Web Blast on the tank. Make sure you stay in range of her to mitigate this effectively.
- Sennarth will continue to use
Gossamer Burst, which can be problematic as there may not be any
Sticky Webbing to utilize. If this is the case, you can get pulled against the rocks to prevent falling off. Make sure you can walk into the rock before attempting this, as you could get pulled over it and die!
- Once she reaches the next platform, the platform phase will begin again.
Mythic changes:
Gusting Rimes are on the staircase in fixed locations and move from side to side.
Phase 2
You've reached the top of the web. Sennarth will now come down to the platform
and fight you directly. Your goal in this phase is to defeat her before the room
is filled with Chilling Blast bombs.
- Interrupt
Apex of Ice as soon as possible to start this phase.
- This entire platform is made slippery with
Icy Ground. Be careful not to fall off the edge!
- Tanks:
Web Blast is no longer used!
- Aim to keep the boss near where she landed, as this will make this phase easier.
- The area you came from now is now covered in
Permafrost, making it deadly.
Chilling Blast has been modified and now leaves bombs on the ground which knocks you away if you run into it. These should ideally be placed on the side of the room to prevent players from being knocked around endlessly and potentially knocked off.

Enveloping Webs is replaced with
Suffocating Webs which will knock back players and immediately apply
Wrapped in Webs to them. These players should move toward the boss and be knocked toward the middle of the platform. Caustic Spiderlings should then be killed here.
Gossamer Burst is replaced with
Repelling Burst which pushes players away from the boss. You should aim to be on the boss when this happens and get pushed towards the staircase. Be careful not to get pushed on the staircase as
Permafrost may kill you.

Mythic Strategy:
There are few strategy changes compared to Heroic for this encounter. Still, the aspects of the encounter that do change are important to note.
Phase 1
- The Frostbreath Arachnids need more DPS attention as their ticking damage to the raid can be lethal if they are left alive for too long.
Gusting Rimes need to be avoided as they will knock you around into potentially lethal situations.
- Being hit by multiple
Caustic Eruptions at once (or within 30 seconds of each other) can be lethal. You should ideally not need to use them to remove your stacks of
Sticky Webbing, but if you do need to use them, be mindful of the debuff. You can also remove stacks of
Sticky Webbing with
Blessing of Freedom,
Tiger's Lust, or other similar class effects.
Intermissions/Climbing Phases
In these phases, the staircases are a bit more complicated on Mythic. The
addition of Gusting Rime makes simply running up them more challenging. However, you can use
Demonic Gateway to skip most of the staircase.
- For the first staircase use
Demonic Gateway after the
Chilling Blast debuffs have been dealt with, and use
Stampeding Roar to get to the top of the staircase before
Gossamer Burst is cast.
- For the second staircase, wait for the webs to go on players, leave those two
players behind with
Blessing of Freedom (or similar) on them, and the rest of the raid uses
Demonic Gateway. This is to prevent the entire raid from getting web stacks.
- For the final staircase, use
Demonic Gateway after Sennarth begins to climb and be ready to spread with
Chilling Blast as you're climbing the final section.
Phase 2
It is important here to wait for Sennarth to finish casting Apex of Ice
and then interrupt it immediately, as this will desync the abilities to be more favorable
for you and add delays where you can hit the boss with no mechanics happening.
During this phase, you must handle Chilling Blast more effectively, as the bombs they leave behind can be deadly later.
Chilling Blast 1: Every player soaks their bomb and gets knocked toward the boss.
Chilling Blast 2 onwards: Place them on the edge of the room and move back to the boss. The tanks should place theirs on the boss and soak them.
- 18 Mar. 2023: Added Mythic Strategy section.
- 12 Dec. 2022: Fixed hyperlinks, added tags, added video clip descriptions.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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