Amalgamation Chamber Raid Guide in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
I also have my own website dedicated to both tanks and raid leaders where I share my insight on the bosses with strategy and preparation advice which I will update after my guild has completed progress. If you are interested in this or want to discuss it on Discord, the links to them are below:
Strategy Guide: Quick TLDR Guide
Phase 1
- This Phase ends when either boss reaches 50%.
- If you are within 50 yards of either boss, they will apply a stacking 20 second DoT. Blazing Heat or Corrupting Shadow.
- Heroic/Mythic: If the bosses are within 25 yards of each other they will deal 200% more damage.
Eternal Blaze: Fire Boss
- Blazing Heat deals ticking damage every second.
- Soak Molten Eruption.
- Soak Fiery Meteor. Damage is split to all players inside of this.
- Tanks: Tanks can solo soak Fiery Meteor with defensive cooldowns.
- Dodge the Swirling Flame tornadoes.
Essence of Shadow: Shadow Boss
- Corrupting Shadow deals ticking shadow damage every 5 seconds and reduces your max HP per stack.
- Move the boss to a new location and dodge the orbs when Shadows Convergence is cast.
- Run away from the 50-yard pull in effect from Coalescing Void.
- Players with Umbral Detonation should run to the edge of the room.
- Tanks: When you have more than 10 stacks of Corrupting Shadow Shadow Spike will be deadly. Use defensives here.
Phase 2
- Shadowflame Contamination deals ticking damage to the raid every 2 seconds and reduces max HP per stack.
- Use Bloodlust / Heroism on the when the new boss forms.
- Soak Convergent Eruption and dodge the orbs afterward.
- Soak Gloom Conflagration. At least 5 players need to soak this! Run away from the explosion afterward.
- Players with Blistering Twilight should run to the edge of the room.
- Tanks: Swap tanking immediately after Withering Vulnerability and the other tank should point Shadowflame Burst away from the raid.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Phase 1
The goal of this Phase is to have the two bosses reach 50% at a similar time. When one reaches 50%, the two bosses will merge into the final boss with the combined remaining HP of both bosses in Phase 1.
Phase 1 Core Abilities
- If you are within 50 yards of either boss, they will apply a stacking 20 second DoT. Blazing Heat or Corrupting Shadow. The damage over time component stacks with each tick as well as the health reduction from Corrupting Shadow.
- There are two (and a bonus strategy for Normal Mode) strategies for dealing with this debuff:
- 1: You split the raid in two and stay on the side and have healers worry about the increasing amounts of damage. We would recommend this as a starting point, however, if you feel the damage towards the end of this Phase is too much, you can try...
- 2: Have the raid swap sides (but keep the tanks where they are) at 10 stacks.
- Bonus strategy that only works on Normal Mode: You can keep the bosses stacked and just burn them down. This will not work on Heroic or Mythic!
Eternal Blaze: Fire Boss
The Eternal Blaze requires players to soak Molten Eruption circles and avoid Swirling Flame tornadoes.
- Blazing Heat deals ticking damage every second and increases in damage per stack.
- Molten Eruption circles will spawn on the ground. Run into them to prevent them from dealing raid-wide damage. Damage is not split so only one player needs to soak this. If multiple people run into the same one, just stay in it to avoid a dance of running in and out of it.
- Fiery Meteor will be cast at the location of the tank. This deals a very large amount of damage. However, damage is split to all players inside of this. If no player soaks this, it will deal lethal damage to the raid. The tank can opt to solo soak this with defensive cooldowns if they wish to.
- The boss will turn towards a random player (this can even be a player on the other boss!) and fire multiple Swirling Flame tornadoes. Be mindful of this ability and watch where the boss is facing.
Essence of Shadow: Shadow Boss
The Essence of Shadow will force players to move to avoid a multitude of mechanics. It will also reduce your max HP making each of these mechanics more deadly the longer you are exposed to Corrupting Shadow.
- Corrupting Shadow deals ticking shadow damage every 5 seconds and reduces your max HP per stack.
- Healers: Consider using throughput cooldowns towards the end of your stay with this boss.
- The boss has a relatively fixed order of mechanics. Umbral Detonation , Shadows Convergence and then Coalescing Void. Use Shadows Convergence as your indicator of when you will need to move the boss.
- You will typically move the boss up and down the side of the room against the wall.
- Players with Umbral Detonation will have circles around them. When the debuff expires, a void zone will appear at their location and deal damage to any player standing in it. These zones will remain until Phase 2. Do not place them in the path you intend to use to escape from Shadows Convergence or Coalescing Void.
- Shadows Convergence will spawn orbs around the boss, which will travel to their location at the time of casting. Immediately move when this is cast to avoid being hit by any. If you anticipate that you will be hit by one, use a defensive cooldown!
- Immediately after this, the boss will cast Coalescing Void, which spawns a 50-yard area of effect that will suck you toward the center of it and then explode. The damage you take from this explosion is reduced based on your distance away from it. Consider using mobility cooldowns here, such as Stampeding Roar.
- Tanks: The first half of this Phase should feel relatively easy and it will be focusing on your movement of the boss, however after ~10 stacks of Corrupting Shadow you will start to feel more at risk. Shadow Spike especially will start to become deadly. Use defensives here.
Heroic changes:
- Heroic/Mythic: If the bosses are within 25 yards of each other, they will deal 200% more damage. This forces you to keep the bosses on the opposite side of the room to each other.
Mythic changes:
- The debuffs are now permanent! You can convert your debuff into a 20-second-long debuff by running into a player with the opposite debuff.
Phase 2
When one of the bosses in Phase 1 reaches 50%, the two will combine. The HP of the final boss is based on the HP of the two bosses in Phase 1. If one boss had 55%, and the other was at 50%, then the final boss will be at 52.5%. 60% + 50% = 55% etc.
The mechanics in this Phase are a combination of the mechanics of the two bosses in Phase 1, and is a race to kill the boss before the HP reduction kills you.
- Shadowflame Contamination is a combination of both boss debuffs in Phase 1. It deals ticking damage every 2 seconds and reduces max HP per stack.
- Use Bloodlust / Heroism on the when the new boss forms.
- Convergent Eruption are similar to the soaks on the Fire boss in Phase 1, but have the addition of the orbs to dodge from the Shadow boss in Phase 1. Soak them and dodge the orbs afterward.
- Gloom Conflagration is similar to the Meteor on the Fire boss in Phase 1 has the addition of the bomb that sucks you in. Gloom Conflagration is cast on the tank's location, and at least 5 players need to soak this, have your melee DPS and healers soak it with the tanks. Any fewer than 5 people will make it deal lethal damage to the raid. After it has been soaked, the players in melee will need to run away from the boss to avoid the explosion.
- Blistering Twilight is similar to Umbral Detonation from the Shadow boss in Phase 1, but is followed by the Fire tornadoes. Players with Blistering Twilight should run to the edge of the room but be spread apart from each other to not hit each other with the Tornadoes.
- Tanks: The tank mechanic in this Phase is a two-part combo. Withering Vulnerability is cast on the active tank, which increases your damage taken from Shadowflame Burst. Shadowflame Burst is a conal attack, and it can be moved during the cast. As soon as Withering Vulnerability is cast, the other tank should taunt the boss and point it away.
Mythic changes:
- Players will be assigned debuffs from Phase 1 throughout this Phase. Run into a player with the opposite debuff to clear it.
- 22 May 2023: Removed Disclaimer and reviewed page.
- 16 May 2023: Removed Mythic Guide section temporarily.
- 09 May 2023: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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