Echo of Neltharion Raid Guide in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
I also have my own website dedicated to both tanks and raid leaders where I share my insight on the bosses with strategy and preparation advice which I will update after my guild has completed progress. If you are interested in this or want to discuss it on Discord, the links to them are below:
Strategy Guide: Quick TLDR Guide
Phase 1
- Dodge
Shattered Rock when a wall is broken.
- When any wall is broken,
Shatter is applied to the raid.
- If you are targeted by
Rushing Darkness, run towards a wall to break it.
- If you are not targeted by
Rushing Darkness, do not stand between the boss and those players.
- Move away from other players when you have
Volcanic Heart.
- Tanks: Swap tanking after
Calamitous Strike. The tank targeted by
Calamitous Strike should get knocked into a wall to break it.
- Move to a new area when
Echoing Fissure is cast.
Phase 2: 70%
- 3 adds will appear in the room, and the phase will end once all 3 adds have died.
Mythic: The adds have a shield that can only be broken by players with
Corruption. After the shield is broken , the entire raid can hit the add.
- Once you have killed an add, move to the next one.
- Tanks:
Sunder Shadow will push you away from the boss and through walls. It will then hit a second time and break any walls between where you were and where you came from.
- Kill all 3 adds before you wipe from
Umbral Annihilation.
Phase 3: When all 3 adds have died
- Use
Bloodlust here.
Sunder Reality will destroy walls and create portals.
- Adds spawn from these portals. AoE them down.
- Stand in a portal to survive
Ebon Destruction.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Phase 1
The goal of this phase is to get Neltharion to 60% HP and not break more walls than you need to.
- At the start of the phase, Neltharion will spawn walls with
Twisted Earth. Ensure you are in the area with the boss.
- Breaking any wall segment will trigger
Shattered Rock debris to fall in the room. Avoid these.
- When any wall segment is broken,
Shatter will trigger , dealing damage to the player who broke the wall and a small amount to the entire raid. Try not to break more walls than you need to.
- Breaking a point of the wall where multiple connections will count as multiple walls being broken. Avoid this if you can.
- Players targeted by
Rushing Darkness will be knocked away. This knockback can destroy walls. Additionally, any players between the boss and this player will take damage and get silenced.
- Players with
Volcanic Heart will have a circle placed around them and explode. These players should be avoided to prevent additional unnecessary damage. A simple rule to follow is that the location of the boss should always be a safe spot.
- Tanks:
Calamitous Strike will knock you away. Try to get knocked into a wall to break it. This is the tank swap.
- Shortly after
Calamitous Strike Neltharion will cast
Echoing Fissure. This will be your indicator to move to a new area.
Mythic changes:
- Breaking walls will make you take more damage from breaking walls for 3 seconds. Avoid breaking multiple at once.
Phase 2: 70%
The goal of this phase is to kill all 3 spawned adds before you wipe from increasing amounts of raid damage.
- All walls will be destroyed, and new ones will appear. Move as a raid to the side of the room with the boss.
- 3 adds will appear in the room, and the phase will end once all 3 adds have died.
- Move the boss near these adds to cleave them down. You want to maximize the amount of damage you are dealing to Neltharion to make Phase 3 shorter.
- When Neltharion reaches 35% HP, he will gain a 99% damage reduction shield. This shield persists until all 3 adds are dead.
- Tanks:
Sunder Shadow will push you away from the boss and through walls. It will then hit a second time and break any walls between where you were and where you came from.
- Healers:
Umbral Annihilation deals twice as much damage every cast. Commit cooldowns to later casts to help the raid survive.
Heroic changes:
- All 3 adds will have shields on them and cannot be damaged until the shield has been broken.
- Players with
Corruption can damage the shield.
- Players with
Corruption are hostile. Try not to kill them..
Mythic changes:
- Breaking walls will make you take more damage from breaking walls for 3 seconds. Avoid breaking multiple at once.
Phase 3
The final phase of the encounter. Defeat Neltharion before you run out of
portals to stay safe from Ebon Destruction.
- This phase is where you will want to commit
- Once again, all walls are destroyed and rebuilt.
- Neltharion will cast
Sunder Reality and destroy a large amount of the walls. The walls will not respawn and convert into portals.
- These portals have two functions. First, they will spawn Twisted Aberration adds. These adds melee to whoever their threat target is and are otherwise not too threatening. Let the tank grab these and cleave them down.
- The second function of the portal is to provide a 99% damage reduction to
Ebon Destruction.
- When
Ebon Destruction is cast, move into a portal and survive the cast. Any portal that was used will be consumed. It is important to make use of multiple portals to lower the amount of adds that spawn.
Heroic changes:
- The adds that spawn from the portals gain stacks of
Unstable Mutation. This increases the damage they deal the longer they are alive.
Mythic changes:
- Portals are now personal. Every player needs to get their own portal to
Ebon Destruction.
- 22 May 2023: Removed Disclaimer and reviewed page.
- 09 May 2023: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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