Rogue Dungeon Run Class Guide

Last updated on Jan 04, 2018 at 14:12 by Kat 8 comments

This guide is designed to aid you in your Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Runs. It goes into great detail about Treasure rewards and Card Buckets to help you make the most optimal choices when forging your Dungeon Run deck.



As a Rogue you will begin your Dungeon Run with a deck that consists of the following 10 cards:

Rogue Cards Neutral Cards


After defeating the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th boss of the dungeon run, you will either get to choose 1 of 3 random powerful Treasure cards that you can add to your deck, or 1 of 3 powerful passive effects that will benefit you for the duration of the Dungeon Run.

The tables below contain a list of all the possible Treasures and Passive effects available and give them a general rating as to how good they are for the Rogue class. The comments give further details as to how and why the Treasures are good in addition to some of the Card Buckets that they have good synergies with.


Treasure Cards

Treasure Rating Comments
Bag of Stuffing Excellent Having a full hand of cards provides you with a lot more options and helps you draw into other powerful Treasures. It is works well with Khadgar's Scrying Orb and Boots of Haste and has excellent synergy with the range of low-Cost cards that Rogue uses.
Boots of Haste Excellent Boots of Haste is excellent for any deck and allows you to flood the board for quick wins. It is even more powerful in slower and is excellent in combination with minions from the Death Dealer card bucket.
Portable Forge Excellent Accessing a Legendary weapon for just 1 Mana is incredibly powerful and has options to suit all decks. The card draw of Aluneth is great for aggressive decks, Woecleaver is great for slower decks with Death Dealer card bucket, and The Runespear is a great backup option for any Rogue deck.
Wondrous Wand Excellent Wondrous Wand is an excellent Tempo tool that gains the most with card buckets containing expensive cards such as Death Dealer.
Bag of Coins Good Bag of Coins is a good tempo tool to rush out big minions. It also provides excellent synergy with cards like Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Questing Adventurer, and Edwin VanCleef from the Adrenaline Rush card bucket.
Golden Kobold Average Golden Kobold is weaker than it appears. As there are many poor Legendary minions available, replacing your hand with Legendary minions will not be very beneficial most of the time. As a result, Golden Kobold should mainly be considered purely based on the fact is a 6/6 minion for 3 Mana.
Horn of Cenarius Good Horn of Cenarius provides a huge burst of tempo in any deck.
Loyal Sidekick Good Loyal Sidekick is a powerful tempo tool that gains strength as you progress in your Dungeon Run, if played early it can win games very quickly by itself.
Party Portal Good Rogue has access to many cheap spells that can easily allow Party Portal to flood the board. It is especially powerful in combination with the Captured Flag Treasure.
Primordial Wand Good Primordial Wand is an incredibly powerful tool for the final bosses, allowing you turn any minion into a huge source of damage through Windfury and Attack Adaptations.
Shifting Hourglass Good Shifting Hourglass is a powerful Treasure against later bosses that allows you to take consecutive turns to allow your minions to attack for huge amounts of damage.
Wand of Disintegration Good Wand of Disintegration provides a cheap and powerful board clear that can help preserve your board when ahead, or allow you to get back into the game if you fall behind.
Archmage Staff Average Archmage Staff is a consistent source of Mage spells that can be used throughout the game. This Treasure loses a lot of value in Rogue as it blocks use of the Rogue Hero Power.
Amulet of Domination Average Amulet of Domination functions as a 2-Cost Mind Control, which is underwhelming compared to other Treasures. Although it also adds a minion to your dungeon deck, it is a negligible effect as any minion copied is likely to be of similar strength to the cards in your deck.
Blade of Quel'Delar Average Blade of Quel'Delar is a great removal tool for early-game tempo, however it is a low priority due to the wide range of Rogue weapons already available.
Dr. Boom's Boombox Average Dr Boom's Boombox is great for contesting the board and works well with Captured Flag. However, it is fairly weak compared to other Treasures.
Embers of Ragnaros Average Embers of Ragnaros is a reasonable removal tool and source of burn damage, but it is greatly hindered by the randomness of the targets.
Gloves of Mugging Average Gloves of Mugging is a good tool for slowing down bosses, but as most bosses use fairly weak cards the cards stolen provide minimal value.
Greedy Pickaxe Average Greedy Pickaxe is an excellent source of Mana Crystals an reasonable removal tool if drawn early, however it is a very underwhelming card when drawn in the late-game.
Magic Mirror Average Magic Mirror is very similar in value Amulet of Domination. Although it loses the Mind Control effect, the fact it can target friendly minions allows you to fill your deck with additional copies of your most powerful minions.
Orb of Destruction Average Orb of Destruction is a good tool for slowing down opponents, but offers little value against final bosses which start with 2 additional Mana.
Portable Ice Wall Average Portable Ice Wall is a good defensive minion, but is incredibly vulnerable to hard removal.
THE CANDLE Average THE CANDLE is an efficient removal that can get multiple uses per game.
Vorpal Dagger Average Vorpal Dagger is a good removal tool for any type of deck that can be used protect your board.
Wax Rager Average Wax Rager is a resilient minion that offers a consistent 5 damage per turn. It is can be incredibly powerful if you have also picked up Totem of the Dead.
Wish Average Wish is an excellent card at saving games that are otherwise lost, however most fights will be over before you reach 10 Mana to play it.
Aleatoric Cube Bad Although the permanent discount on cards is nice, shuffling both decks together dilutes the synergies within your deck in addition to potentially giving your other Treasure cards to your opponent.
Hilt of Quel'Delar Bad Hilt of Quel'Delar provides a small boost in tempo but is quite weak as far as Treasures go. It is only worth considering if you also have Blade of Quel'Delar and wish to assemble Quel'Delar.
Mask of Mimicry Bad Mask of Mimicry is a poor card overall. It will provide no real advantage most of the time and will lower the flexibility of your hand by making all of your minions the same. The only time it is truly useful is when it can be combined with powerful Treasure minions such as Loyal Sidekick, however this circumstances are incredibly rare and do not justify ever picking Mask of Mimicry.
Rod of Roasting Bad Rod of Roasting is a fun Treasure that comes down to luck. It is only worth considering as a fun combination with Potion of Vitality.
Scroll of Confusion Bad Scroll of Confusion will even out the board on average, but the randomness of the effect makes it incredibly volatile compared to board clears like THE CANDLE.

Passive Treasures

Treasure Rating Comments
Captured Flag Excellent Captured Flag provides a good boost in tempo and is excellent with card buckets containing many cheap minions such as Outlaws.
Cloak of Invisibility Excellent Cloak of Invisibility removes the ability for bosses to remove your minions outside of AoE effects. This works well in combination with many of the very aggressive Rogue card buckets such as Outlaws and Adrenaline Rush.
Totem of the Dead Excellent Totem of the Dead is an excellent choice if you invest into Jade Lotus card buckets to increase the power of Jade Swarmer and Aya Blackpaw. It also provides excellent synergy with all the cards in the Death Dealer card bucket.
Battle Totem Good Battle Totem is an excellent choice for Rogue if you invest into Jade Lotus card buckets.
Crystal Gem Good Crystal Gem provides a strong boost in early-game tempo, allowing you to explode onto the board faster, which is great for any deck.
Khadgar's Scrying Orb Good Khadgar's Scrying Orb can be used to get good tempo from the large number of spells used and is especially powerful with the Adrenaline Rush card bucket.
Robe of the Magi Good Robe of the Magi is a good choice for Rogue, greatly improving the strength of staple Rogue spells such as Backstab, Shiv, and Fan of Knives.
Small Backpacks Good Small Backpacks is a good choice to provide additional fuel for aggressive decks, but it pales in comparison to Bag of Stuffing.
Mysterious Tome Average Mysterious Tome offers a good boost to early-game tempo, but it is largely unpredictable due to offering Secrets from all classes.
Glyph of Warding Bad As bosses get most of their value from their Hero Powers, increasing the cost of their minions has minimal effect.
Grommash's Armguards Bad Grommash's Armguards offers very little value as most Rogue weapons are already very cheap.
Justicar's Ring Bad Justicar's Ring is terrible and offers very little value for the Rogue Hero Power.
Potion of Vitality Bad Potion of Vitality offers no real value as should aim to be in control of all encounters and therefore take minimal damage to your Hero. It is only worth considering as a fun combination with Rod of Roasting.
Scepter of Summoning Bad Scepter of Summoning is very poor as Rogue uses very little expensive minions that can benefit from the effect.

Card Buckets

After you defeat each boss, you will be offered a choice of 3 different card buckets that you can add to your deck. Each bucket contains 3 cards that fit a certain theme and will help shape your deck in different ways.

The table below contains a list of all the possible Rogue card buckets and gives a general rating as to how good each card bucket is on average. The comments section contains further details of each bucket and when to choose them.

Bucket Rating Comments
Assassin Excellent Assassin contains core Rogue removal tools such as Backstab, Fan of Knives, Eviscerate, and Vilespine Slayer. You should aim to pick up a couple of these card buckets to support any style of Rogue deck.
Jade Lotus Excellent Jade Lotus contains all Rogue Jade Golem cards and increase in value if you fully commit to picking the bucket whenever possible. It gains exceptional value from the Battle Totem and Totem of the Dead Treasures.
Adrenaline Rush Good Adrenaline Rush revolves around playing a large number of cards in a single turn and contains powerful Miracle Rogue tools such as Preparation, Edwin VanCleef, and Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Most of the cards are great choices for any Rogue deck and it is incredibly powerful when combined with the Bag of Coins Treasure.
Death Dealer Good Death Dealer contains a broad range of Deathrattle minions and is the primary bucket to support slower Rogue decks. it also contains some useful cards to supplement other card buckets such as Unearthed Raptor for Jade Lotus or Bloodmage Thalnos and Xaril, Poisoned Mind for Adrenaline Rush.
Greed Good Greed contains a range of card draw and The Coin generation tools. It has excellent overall synergy with the Adrenaline Rush card bucket as well as containing some solid staple cards for any Rogue deck such as Bloodmage Thalnos, Azure Drake, and Tomb Pillager.
Outlaws Good Outlaws features all Pirate minions available for Rogue. It is an excellent choice for aggressive Rogue and gains increased value if you are able to pick it multiple times. The low-Cost of the minions makes it excellent in combination with the Captured Flag Treasure.
Bag of Tricks Average Bag of Tricks contains a range of unique effects available to Rogue. The bucket is fairly weak overall, but contains some useful tools that are also available in other buckets such as Preparation, Mimic Pod, and Shadowstep.
Blademaster Average Blademaster contains Kingsbane in addition to many weapon synergy cards to go with it. It requires a full commitment to the bucket to get many copies of cards like Cavern Shinyfinder, Deadly Poison, and Tinker's Sharpsword Oil for maximum value. The bucket can be quite successful, but it is much weaker than a commitment to Jade Lotus or Adrenaline Rush instead.
Evasive Average The Evasive bucket contains The Caverns Below Quest and many tools to go with it such as Shadowstep, Gadgetzan Ferryman, and Youthful Brewmaster. This bucket requires a large commitment to offer any real value, but can be especially powerful if you can also pick up copies of Southsea Deckhand and Patches the Pirate from the Outlaws bucket.
Exhaustion Average The Exhaustion bucket features a range of tools designed to fatigue opponents such as Gang Up, Coldlight Oracle, and Shadowstep. A large commitment to the bucket can make fatigue strategies work, however in general it is better to just pick the bucket for useful cards such as Brann Bronzebeard, Sap, and Shadowstep.
Thief Average The Thief bucket contains cards that create copies of cards from your opponents class such as Burgle. It should primarily be picked for universally useful strong cards such as Swashburglar, Hallucination, and Shaku, the Collector.
Cult of C'Thun Bad The Cult of C'Thun will always offer C'Thun in the first bucket and will appear more frequently thereafter. To get any real value from the bucket it requires a full commitment, however it is much weaker than the Jade Lotus, Adrenaline Rush, and Outlaws buckets, which are better investments.


  • 04 Jan. 2018: Treasure cards and Passive Treasures have been separated for clarity and readability.
  • 01 Jan. 2018: Golden Kobold Treasure added.
  • 20 Dec. 2017: Guide added.
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