Carapace of N'Zoth Heroic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Heroic difficulty Encounter Journal for Carapace of N'Zoth in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.
More Carapace of N'Zoth Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Carapace of N'Zoth, please use the following link.
Please refer to our loot page for all the loot from the Carapace of N'Zoth encounter.
N'Zoth rallies his physical defenses, retreating deeper into his carapace at 50% and 40% health.
Players' Sanity balances tenuously throughout the encounter. Wrathion allows players to utilize their Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve to recover from Wrathion's
Anchor of Sanity. Losing all Sanity grants
Gift of N'Zoth, then transforms a player into a
Servant of N'Zoth. Players lose access to Wrathion's aid in the final stage.
- Manage Gaze of Madness'
Breed Madness.
- Move away from your allies when afflicted with
Madness Bomb and
Insanity Bomb.
Adaptive Membrane transfers full damage to the wearer only if the absorb shield is broken before the duration expires.
- Utilize
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve during Stage 1 and Stage 2 to recover Sanity by Wrathion's side.
- Move away from your allies when afflicted with
Madness Bomb and
Insanity Bomb.
Eternal Darkness and
Infinite Darkness inflict Sanity loss and high raid-wide damage, and upon losing all Sanity a player becomes a
Servant of N'Zoth.
- Utilize
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve during Stage 1 and Stage 2 to recover Sanity by Wrathion's side.
- Take turns tanking Fury of N'Zoth to avoid excessive
Black Scar stacks from
Mandible Slam .
- Targets afflicted with
Adaptive Membrane are immune to crowd control and interrupts.
- Move away from your allies when afflicted with
Madness Bomb and
Insanity Bomb.
- Utilize
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve during Stage 1 and Stage 2 to recover Sanity by Wrathion's side.

N'Zoth assaults players' Sanity throughout the encounter. When your Sanity reaches 0, N'Zoth invades your mind fully, granting Gift of N'Zoth.

Blesses an insane player with 100% increased damage done and 100% healing done, but causes the player to become a Servant of N'Zoth after 20 sec.

Severs a target's connection to Sanity, increasing their health by 100%, charming them permanently, and causing them to do N'Zoth's bidding, casting Mental Decay.

Deteriorates targeted players' minds, immediately draining 15 Sanity and additionally inflicting 35,710 Shadow damage every second for 12 sec.
Stage One: Exterior Carapace
N'Zoth rallies his physical defenses, attacking enemies with massive growth-covered tentacles, eye stalks, and antibodies, retreating at 50% health.

Plants the seed of madness in targets. After 12 sec this seed explodes inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and fearing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec.
Non-targeted Players affected by the explosion lose 15 Sanity.

Shields a target, absorbing damage for 12 sec. While present the target is immune to Crowd Control and Interrupt effects, and is unable to be slowed to below 100% of normal speed.
If the shield is broken before the duration expires, all damage done to the shield is inflicted to the target. Additionally, this triggers Fragment of Sanity.

Forms an orb of Sanity nearby for 15 sec. Restores 10 Sanity to a player upon contact.

Deteriorates targeted players' minds, immediately draining 15 Sanity and additionally inflicting 35,710 Shadow damage every second for 12 sec.

Slams a target with a void-empowered attack, inflicting 285,688 Physical damage.
Additionally, this triggers Black Scar.

Chars the target with void magic, inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and increases the damage the target takes from Black Scar by 100%.
This effect stacks.

A Growth-Covered Tentacle slams down knocking back and inflicting 1.1 million Nature damage to targets struck.
After 60 sec, each remaining Horrific Hemorrhage bursts, inflicting 357,913 Shadow damage to all players.

Expunges a globule of fluid, inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage to targets within 5 yards of the point of impact, forming a Adaptive Antigen.

Successful melee attacks sap the target's potency, inflicting 53,566 Shadow damage, decreasing haste by 5% and reducing their movement speed by 5% for 4 sec. This effect stacks.

The Nightmare Antigen gains Adaptive Antigen periodically, increasing damage done by 10% and preventing them from being slowed below 10% of normal speed. This effect stacks.

When all Horrific Hemorrhages are defeated, the Growth-Covered Tentacle recedes and N'Zoth suffers 1.25% of total health for each Horrific Hemorrhage in damage.

Blasts several targets with cerebral force, inflicting increasing Shadow damage, up to 142,844, every 1 sec for 9 sec.
Invokes Maddening Eruption and
Deepening Madness when interrupted or when the channel completes.

Explodes with otherworldly power, draining 5 Sanity and inflicting 107,133 Shadow damage to all players.

Increases Breed Madness and
Maddening Eruption damage by 5%. This effect stacks.

When a Gaze of Madness is defeated, N'Zoth suffers 3.0% of total health in damage.

Channels a field of willpower, periodically restoring the Sanity of players within 5 yards.

Movement speed increased by 40% for 10 sec.

Wrathion's presence empowers players to utilize their Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve.
When activated Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve heals a player for 100%, protects the player from Sanity loss, and returns them to Wrathion's side.
Stage Two: Subcutaneous Tunnel
N'Zoth recovers within a subcutaneous layer of the carapace, healing from growths along the cavern walls and restricting players with regenerating cysts. While any Synthesis Growths remain, N'Zoth is immune to all damage. N'Zoth retreats again upon reaching 40% health.

Plants the seed of madness in targets. After 12 sec this seed explodes inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and fearing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec.
Non-targeted Players affected by the explosion lose 15 Sanity.

Shields a target, absorbing damage for 12 sec. While present the target is immune to Crowd Control and Interrupt effects, and is unable to be slowed to below 100% of normal speed.
If the shield is broken before the duration expires, all damage done to the shield is inflicted to the target. Additionally, this triggers Fragment of Sanity.

Forms an orb of Sanity nearby for 15 sec. Restores 10 Sanity to a player upon contact.

Deteriorates targeted players' minds, immediately draining 15 Sanity and additionally inflicting 35,710 Shadow damage every second for 12 sec.

Rips a hole in the fabric of reality draining 10 Sanity and inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage to all enemies.

Shunts void magic, draining 40 Sanity and inflicting 267,833 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone.

Slams a target with a void-empowered attack, inflicting 285,688 Physical damage.
Additionally, this triggers Black Scar.

Chars the target with void magic, inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and increases the damage the target takes from Black Scar by 100%.
This effect stacks.

A web of branching fibers spreads over the environment, reducing the movement speed of targets by 75% and inflicting 14,284 Nature damage every 1 sec.
The web of fibers is reduced in size as the Mycelial Cyst's health is diminished.

Fury of N'Zoth gains 100% increased damage done while standing on the Mycelial Growth.

Regenerates the caster's health by 1% of maximum health every 0.5 sec.

Each Synthesis Growth rejuvinate N'Zoth's health, restoring 35,549 health every 2 sec., absorbs all damage, and grants immunity to healing reduction effects. This effect stacks.

Channels a field of willpower, periodically restoring the Sanity of players within 5 yards.

Movement speed increased by 40% for 10 sec.

Wrathion's presence empowers players to utilize their Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve.
When activated Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve heals a player for 100%, protects the player from Sanity loss, and returns them to Wrathion's side.
Stage Three: Locus of Infinite Truths
N'Zoth assaults players with his full suite of remaining defenses while they no longer have Wrathion's aid.

Plants the seed of insanity in targets. After 12 sec this seed explodes inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and fearing enemies within 10 yards for 12 sec.
Non-targeted Players affected by the explosion lose 15 Sanity.
This summons 1 |4Nightmare Antigen:Nightmare Antigens; nearby.

Successful melee attacks sap the target's potency, inflicting 53,566 Shadow damage, decreasing haste by 5% and reducing their movement speed by 5% for 4 sec. This effect stacks.

The Nightmare Antigen gains Adaptive Antigen periodically, increasing damage done by 10% and preventing them from being slowed below 10% of normal speed. This effect stacks.

Shields a target, absorbing damage for 12 sec. While present the target is immune to Crowd Control and Interrupt effects, and is unable to be slowed to below 100% of normal speed.
If the shield is broken before the duration expires, all damage done to the shield is inflicted to the target. Additionally, this triggers Fragment of Sanity.

Forms an orb of Sanity nearby for 15 sec. Restores 10 Sanity to a player upon contact.

Deteriorates targeted players' minds, immediately draining 15 Sanity and additionally inflicting 35,710 Shadow damage every second for 12 sec.

Rips a hole in the fabric of reality draining 10 Sanity and inflicting 214,266 Shadow damage to all enemies.
This hole creates |5 Infinite Void for 120 sec.

A sphere of collapsing reality inflicts 35,710 Shadow damage every 1 sec to enemies within it. This effect stacks.

Slams a target with a void-empowered attack, inflicting 285,688 Physical damage.
Additionally, this triggers Black Scar.

Chars the target with void magic, inflicting 142,844 Shadow damage and increases the damage the target takes from Black Scar by 100%.
This effect stacks.

A Thrashing Tentacle slams down knocking back and inflicting 1.1 million Nature damage to targets struck.
- 17 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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