Restoration Shaman Healing Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Restoration Shaman, depending on the type of damage your group is receiving. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your healing output and your mana efficiency. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Restoration Shaman rotation.
Restoration Shaman Rotation
Welcome to our Rotation page for Restoration Shamans. On this page, you will find everything you need to know about actually playing the spec in Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.
If you have not already, please read the Spell Summary page. Knowing how each spell/ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.
Rotation Changes in Patch 11.0.5
The first rotational change comes through the new talent, Coalescing Water.
While talented, each time you cast
Chain Heal, the initial healing of your
Riptide is increased by 75%. This has synergy with Riptide talents,
Primal Tide Core which can create two empowered Riptides if you
time it just right. Use this weak aura
to help with the tracking!
Reactive Warding was also buffed to be able to proc up to 33% more often
and is now much more accessible for certain talent builds due to the introduction
of the
Coalescing Water talent. Use this shield tracker weak aura
in order to know when to refresh your shields, as you be missing out on the main
bonus from this talent if you let the shields fall off before being refreshed.
Restoration Shaman Hero Talent Rotation Adjustments
Due to their mostly passive nature, there are minimal adjustments to your rotation stemming from Hero Talent choices.
If you are using Farseer, you should make sure to use the short cooldown
Nature's Swiftness replacement,
Ancestral Swiftness, as often
as possible on
Primordial Wave, provided there is damage to be healed, as
it will spawn an Ancestor that will help you with that healing. Delaying Ancestor
spawns with
Call of the Ancestors is never worthwhile due to the very short
cooldown on the abilities that spawn them, if there is no healing to be done, just
deal damage and have the Ancestors help out!
If you are using Totemic instead, you will find yourself having much
more free time to cast than usual, as your
Healing Rain,
Chain Heal casts will be more than halved due to Rain being replaced
by the longer cooldown
Surging Totem and many of your Chain Heals being
done by your Totems instead with
Lively Totems. The main thing to be aware
of is that you should move your
Surging Totem and its Rain effect with
Totemic Projection whenever needed, in order not to waste its huge duration
and Mana cost.
Restoration Shaman Pre-Pull Checklist
Water Shield on yourself;
Earth Shield on tank and yourself (
Elemental Orbit).
Situationally: If the fight starts with high damage, cast Healing Rain,
Riptide, and maybe even
Cloudburst Totem just before pulling.
Restoration Shaman Rotation
- Refresh
Earth Shield if it expired or when it is close to expiring when using
Reactive Warding (low Mana cost, high potential healing);
Cloudburst Totem (healing multiplier, use it before the group takes high damage) or
Healing Stream Totem (strong upfront healing, used when the group takes high damage);
Riptide on cooldown (low Mana cost, high healing with a heal-over-time component);
Primordial Wave on cooldown (free Riptide, boosts next
Healing Wave);
Unleash Life (low Mana cost, low healing, boosts next heal).
If you do not have Cloudburst Totem,
Healing Stream Totem
is a good spell to use at any time there are damaged allies around.
Unleash Life is good with:
Downpour >
Chain Heal
High Tide active >
Healing Wave (with
Primordial Wave's
replication effect active) >
Restoration Shaman Area Heals
Earthen Wall Totem (double use it with
Totemic Recall when possible);
Healing Rain (Moderate Mana cost, high healing-over-time, requires 6 injured people to stand in it for the duration);
Downpour (Low Mana cost, high healing, use it to heal targets inside your
Healing Rain after casting a Rain);
Wellspring (high healing, moderate cooldown, use it whenever multiple nearby allies are injured);
Chain Heal (high Mana cost, moderate healing, no cooldown, use mostly when
High Tide and
Tidebringer are active or with
Nature's Swiftness).
Restoration Shaman Situational Spells
Healing Surge (high Mana cost, quick single-target healing, for emergencies);
Healing Wave (moderate Mana cost, moderate healing, use to activate
Primordial Wave);
Lightning Bolt (low Mana cost, moderate single-target damage);
Chain Lightning (low Mana cost, moderate area damage);
Flame Shock (low Mana cost, good single-target damage over time);
Lava Burst (moderate Mana cost, moderate single-target damage, requires additional talents to be good).
In order to reduce the number of buttons you have to use, we recommend learning about macros that perform different actions when you are mousing over a friendly target in the linked section of our dedicated guide below.
Restoration Shaman Cooldowns
Spirit Link Totem (instant group health stabilizer, combos well with
Darkness, personals, and immunities);
Healing Tide Totem (high healing-over-time to 5 or more nearby allies);
Ancestral Guidance (multiplier on your healing, smart heal);
Mana Tide Totem with
Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem (additional multiplier on your healing);
Ascendance (almost duplicates your healing for the duration, split among nearby allies);
Nature's Swiftness (emergency healing and Mana saving with
Chain Heal).
Restoration Shaman Weak Auras
While most abilities are easy enough to track with generic weak aura packages,
we list four weak auras in our add-ons guide below, which are especially helpful
for Restoration Shamans, to track the multiple Chain Heal buffs and
Cloudburst Totem stored healing:
Restoration Shaman Combos
The following image, made by Sky Rokit from the Restoration Shaman Discord, visually showcases some of the combos and interactions in our kit that can help you perform better. Make sure to click it to see the full list.
Restoration Shaman Tier Set in The War Within
Below are the Tier Set Bonuses for Restoration Shaman in The War Within. After the wording of the bonus, you will find a brief note/commentary that is italicized.
Shaman Restoration Season 1 2pc —
Tidal Waves increases the healing of affected spells by 10%. This is a simple bonus which translates into a straightforward 10% healing increase to some of your core spells such as
Healing Wave,
Healing Surge, and also
Chain Heal, which is often easy to forget about as it used to provide, rather than consume, Tidal Waves in Classic expansions!
Shaman Restoration Season 1 4pc —
Tidal Waves is 80% more effective and reduces the Mana cost of affected spells by 8%. This is a very significant increase in Tidal Waves power, and you will want to focus heavily on generating and spending them with your gameplay once you get this bonus.
Both set bonuses are completely passive and do not have significant gameplay
impact, as generating and consuming Tidal Waves is already how you should
be optimally playing, even without the tier set bonuses. Doing it correctly will
be much more powerful while failing to do so will be further punishing.
Detailed Analysis of Restoration Shamans Cooldowns and Abilities
Correctly utilizing cooldowns is one of the most important things when playing a healing specialization, and often, the organization of the healing cooldowns is the determining factor in the success (or devastation) of a raid group. Acclimatizing yourself to your cooldown kit and understanding when each applies to your current situation is key to your success.
Spirit Link Totem
Spirit Link Totem represents one of the most unique and flexible
cooldowns within the World of Warcraft. Every second, the health of the group
inside the totem's area of effect is redistributed, so all targets have an equal
percentage of maximum health. It also grants a 15% damage reduction to players
inside its area of effect and a massive heal shortly after its effect starts with
Spouting Spirits. You can use Spirit Link Totem to split overwhelming
damage on a single target to everyone in the group, making it non-threatening.
Or to instantly ensure everyone has high health just before a highly damaging
ability hits the group. If you add in
Darkness, you can also further
reduce the damage your group takes by 20% with no randomness involved. Finally,
because Spirit Link Totem ensures that everyone inside its effect is damaged as
long as at least one person is damaged, it allows healers to rapidly heal the
whole group efficiently with just area-of-effect healing spells.
Healing Tide Totem
Healing Tide Totem is the specialization's baseline throughput
cooldown. As it is a totem, you can use it and immediately be free to move or
cast other spells without needing to channel or stand still like other
healer's raid cooldowns. Healing Tide Totem heals all allies within 40 yards for
a flat amount, which is larger the fewer allies it heals, with maximum healing always
being done as soon as you have at least 5 allies within range. Its supporting talents,
Current Control and
Tide Turner are not particularly powerful,
but Current Control can unlock better timings by reducing the cooldown significantly.
Ancestral Guidance
Ancestral Guidance should be used when incoming group damage is
high and notably heals only 3 injured targets at a time for a low amount,
allowing you to use it alongside other cooldowns, especially
which has the same cooldown when also using the
First Ascendant talent,
in order to convert the high raw throughput increase into smart healing. Alternatively,
you can use it to cover lower damage periods, especially if you are using
Ascendance is a powerful throughput cooldown that
works very differently from
Healing Tide Totem. While it is active,
it almost duplicates all of your non-totem healing and redistributes it among all
group members. Thus, in order to make the most out of it, you should aim to have
multipliers such as
Cloudburst Totem and many heals over time active when
activating it, followed by using as many high-healing abilities within the duration
as possible such as
Wellspring, and
High Tide
Chain Heals.
Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem
Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem makes your next 3
Healing Surges cast
instantly and cost half Mana. While this buff is not terrible, it is also not particularly
competitive when considering you also need to spend a point in
Mana Tide Totem
Nature's Swiftness
Nature's Swiftness gives you an instant, Mana-free cast every minute.
If used with
Tidebringer, it will consume one Tidebringer stack to make
Chain Heal jump farther away, but you will not benefit from the cast
time reduction, making it less efficient than using it for non-Tidebringer buffed
Chain Heals. Besides the obvious Mana sustain benefits, this talent is great at
allowing you to burst even harder during cooldowns, especially if you time along
cast to land as damage is happening, and immediately follow up with Nature's Swiftness.
Totemic Recall
Totemic Recall instantly resets the cooldown of your most recently
used totem with less than a 3-minute base cooldown. This excludes
Ancestral Protection Totem,
Spirit Link Totem,
Healing Tide Totem, and
Stone Bulwark Totem,
but works with
Earthen Wall Totem,
Cloudburst Totem, and
Healing Stream Totem,
which are also very powerful!
Cloudburst Totem
When playing with Cloudburst Totem, you should nearly always cast it
on cooldown unless you are delaying it for a specific timing or instance of
damage. There are a few interesting interactions between Cloudburst Totem and
your other abilities and talents which allow for significant extra healing:
- When you are under the effects of
Ascendance or
Ancestral Guidance, the extra healing provided will also be transferred to
Cloudburst Totem;
- Save small cooldown healing effects for Cloudburst windows:
Primordial Wave, and
High Tide
Chain Heals should almost always be saved for when a
Cloudburst Totem is active;
- You can pick the general Shaman tree
Healing Stream Totem talent and the Restoration tree same-name talent to gain two charges of Cloudburst. You still cannot have two active simultaneously, however, as the second charge is only usable after the first totem expires or is recalled.
Unleash Life
Unleash Life allows you to amplify many of your heals when used, with
different effects depending on the heal used. While it looks good at first glance,
its interaction with
Wellspring is not very good, as you are required to
overheal in order to gain any benefit, which wastes Mastery value, and even then,
only 40% of the healing is converted into an absorb shield.
Instead, try to use this on cooldown for High Tide
Chain Heals,
Healing Rain, or the
Primordial Wave-buffed
Healing Wave
if group healing is needed, or on
Riptide, otherwise.
Utility Usage for Restoration Shamans
Restoration Shamans are well known for the high amount of utility — non-healing benefits to yourself or your group — they bring. It is not always obvious how to best use these tools to the benefit of your group, and often, they are used as part of your guild's overall encounter strategy.
Thunderstorm is a very powerful tool that can interrupt and reposition
enemies to help stack them up for AoE abilities. It can be combined with
Thundershock if
the knockback is not desired for added crowd control, which shares no diminishing
returns with other common forms of crowd control. In the War Within you will also
be able to use it on other players to knock from their direction with
Traveling Storms.
Bloodlust / Heroism
Bloodlust and
Heroism allow your group to dish out
increased damage/healing for a long duration, which is of critical importance
to beating soft and hard enrages on raid bosses and successfully dealing with
Mythic Keystone dungeons / PvP situations. Usually, this spell is cast at the
start of an encounter/dungeon boss when allies have their DPS cooldowns but
this can change depending on the encounter's specifics.
Mana Tide Totem
Baseline Mana Tide Totem should be used when you and your co-healers have
90% or less Mana remaining and can be stacked up for its duration. It provides a
short-duration Mana regeneration boost to everyone within a small radius around the
totem. If used with
Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem, you should use it like a healing
cooldown during periods of high incoming damage.
Ancestral Protection Totem
Ancestral Protection Totem grants 10% extra Health Points to
everyone inside its area of effect for a long period, which helps the group
survive through the hardest mechanics this game has to offer. Even if someone
dies while this effect is active, the Ancestral Protection Totem will consume
itself to allow them to self-resurrect. As it does not count towards the battle
resurrection limit, this is one of the most powerful abilities in the game
whenever your group's strategy implies the sacrifice of an ally at some point
in the encounter.
Wind Rush Totem
If your group needs a movement speed increase to facilitate doing encounter
mechanics, Wind Rush Totem is a great help, granting a significant
group-wide speed boost every 2 minutes. As the totem's speed buff only lasts 5
seconds, but the totem itself lasts for 15 seconds; it is possible to get
multiple speed boosts from a single totem as long as you return to it once
your speed boost is gone.
Earth Elemental
Earth Elemental calls an elemental with very high health to
taunt and tank non-boss enemies for you for a long duration. This is best used
to increase your DPS during an encounter or as an emergency tool to relieve
some pressure off your group's tank. You will also gain 15% extra health (and 5%
damage reduction with
Primordial Bond) while the Elemental is active, making
it a personal defensive.
Astral Shift
Astral Shift allows you to survive/ignore mechanics you usually
would not be able to and should be used whenever you feel like you might die
in the next few seconds of an encounter, preferably while you still have plenty
of health remaining.
Tremor Totem
Tremor Totem enables you to quickly remove Fear / Sleep / Charm
effects from yourself or your group members, as long as you cast it before you
are crowd-controlled. Its PvE usefulness depends on the encounter
mechanics, and it does not work on all types of Fear / Sleep / Charm you will
find, but it is nearly always useful in PvP.
Capacitor Totem
Capacitor Totem allows you to stun a group of enemies at will,
allowing your group to dispatch them before they can deal further damage /
Earthgrab / Earthbind Totem
Earthgrab Totem and
Earthbind Totem allow you to root/slow
enemies in an area. This is very useful whenever your group has to crowd-control
powerful enemies (and in PvP), but ultimately, its specific use depends on the
encounter mechanics you are dealing with.
Hex allows you to crowd-control a humanoid or beast target for a
long while. Handy in PvP and in dungeons but of limited use in raids.
Purify Spirit
Purify Spirit allows you to dispel Magic (and Curse when talented)
effects, something that is often essential to completing dungeons and raids
successfully. It also has great PvP uses, depending on the enemy compositions.
Keep in mind that if you dispel a target that has just been completely
dispelled by another healer, you waste Mana.
Wind Shear / Purge
Restoration Shamans make ideal candidates for doing interrupt and dispel
assignments, as they have a ranged short cooldown kick. Take advantage of
Wind Shear whenever possible, though you should avoid compromising
raid healing if this is during a period of heavy incoming damage.
Purge is also great on fights where a dispel is necessary, but bear
in mind that this costs Mana, so if resources are tight, consider asking a DPS to
fulfill this job.
Optional Read: Mastering Your Restoration Shaman
Mana Management
As with all healing classes, Mana management is at the core of this specialization. It is important to choose your spells and timings wisely so that Mana can last until the end of the encounter, especially in a progression raid setting. Ideally, you should aim to keep your Mana pool roughly at the same percentage as the enemy's Health Points throughout an encounter. This ensures that you both keep enough Mana around for the later parts of the fight and also that you end the fight around 0% Mana, thus not wasting any of its potential healing.
Using a logging tool to analyze how your Mana was spent (or wasted) during an encounter can be a great way to improve your Mana management. No one is perfect in this regard, and practice is the key to success. Even seasoned veterans of the specialization will take some time to learn each individual encounter and how aggressively they can afford to play with their Mana pool while still having enough reserves to last the entire fight.
Dealing Damage
Very often, it can be beneficial to deal damage rather than heal, especially
during periods where the incoming damage is low, and you want to recoup your
Mana. Lightning Bolt is cost-free, allowing you to help
push some important timings or assist with high-priority targets while your
Mana bar fills up. Shaman is also a well-equipped class to assist in dealing
damage at minimal cost to healing time with instant cast
Flame Shock and
Lava Surge procs.
Mastery: Deep Healing
Mastery: Deep Healing is your Mastery as a Restoration Shaman.
It causes your heals to be more powerful on low-health targets. When you heal a
target with full health, you get no additional healing. When you heal a target
with 0% health (1 health point), you get the full benefit of your Mastery.
Your Mastery heavily influences the way you play a Restoration Shaman.
- When raid healing, you should focus on low-health targets more so than any other type of healer, as you have the most efficient tools to heal them;
- When single-target healing, your Mastery has less influence because you should give priority to your assignment and cannot freely choose low health targets. By being aware of how much damage your assignment will take, you can optimize your heals to benefit from your Mastery.
Movement Management
Proper movement/usage of movement abilities is paramount to maximizing the time you have available to heal / DPS while dodging encounter mechanics. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to explain how to move and reposition within a fight, but as a healer, there are some basic principles you should follow as much as possible.
- Position yourself central to your raid for best access to all targets;
Ghost Wolf can allow you to avoid mechanics easily, even while slowed, as it stops you from being slowed below 100% movement speed;
- Take advantage of your instant-cast spells and totems when you have to
move. If none are available, use
Ghost Wolf to get to your destination faster;
Gust of Wind can help you against knockback mechanics to cross wide gaps, and when emergency movement is needed;
- Track mechanic timers and position yourself in advance to avoid moving later;
- If you have time, take stutter steps over an extended period to reach your intended destination. Every time you use an instant cast, take a few steps while you are locked by the Global Cooldown.
Quiet Movement
Many players will unconsciously move during fights, despite it being unnecessary. For example, sometimes the boss or adds will be moved by the tank a couple of yards, and though you are still in range to cast, you subconsciously mirror that movement, costing you global cooldowns. Consciously work to "quiet" your movement, and reduce unnecessary movement to a minimum. The best way to see this in action is to take a video of your raid then watch yourself play. Most players will be surprised by the amount of wasted movement they commit. When you are forced to move, make use of the tips above and make your path as direct and decisive as possible.
Spiritwalker's Grace
Spiritwalker's Grace should be used during periods of heavy
movement where healing throughput is a concern. It can also be used to allow
you to reposition while continuing to heal your group.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 with new rotational tips for Farseer Riptide build and new talent.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
- 18 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
- 06 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 and the new tier set bonus.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
- 13 Jun. 2023: Clarified that Ascendance and Guidance should not be used together.
- 01 May 2023: Added information on the new Tier Set and how it changes the rotation.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated rotation for Patch 10.0.7 and added Weak Auras link to addons guide page.
- 10 Mar. 2023: Added spell combo infographic.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Shaman Guides
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This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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