Enhancement Shaman DPS Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Enhancement Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Sanctum of Domination. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
On this page, you will find Enhancement Shaman specific information to deal with each boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Enhancement Shaman and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
Enhancement has seen some updates since Sanctum was released with some additions, but a lot of the same rules remain true — we are a sustained single-target specialist with some occasional cleave options.
Talent Cheatsheet
Enhancement has one primary build for raids that is fairly versatile. At times, a couple of points might be shuffled around in order to perform better in heavy AoE situations.
Default Talent Build
Night Fae and Skybreaker's Fiery Demise are the main components
of this setup.
This build focuses on doing as much single-target as possible, and utilizes
the Skybreaker's Fiery Demise legendary in order to generate additional
passive damage. Although it is focused on doing single target damage, it is also
able to excel in light cleave situations by capitalizing on
Frost Shocks and applying
Lashing Flames to multiple enemies. It also brings a strong suite of
personal defensives and mobility and will make for a strong baseline raiding
Covenant: Night Fae
Legendaries: Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones with
Seeds of Rampant Growth
Soulbind: Dreamweaver (Link)
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
The Tarragrue
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
The Tarragrue encounter focuses heavily around the 4 Anima Powers you are offered in the surrounding trash. Some are better, some are worse, but you are not always offered everything and most of them are within margin. However, some notes.
- Powers to avoid:
Lumbering Form and
Ten of Towers both have a high chance of getting allies killed or causing wipes. Do not take these.
- Powers to look out for:
Ever-Beating Heart effectively allows you to ignore many of the most obnoxious mechanics in melee, and while not a DPS power is a great comfort pick.
General tips for dealing with the encounter:
Tremor Totem can be used to break any allies caught out by
Unshakeable Dread.
Wind Rush Totem is an option to help the raid move to safe spots during
Hungering Mist.
- Save
Spirit Walk for
Hungering Mist so you can move quickly to safe spots yourself and keep uptime.
Soulshape is also good for this.
For more information, please refer to our The Tarragrue guide.
The Eye of the Jailer
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
This fight is predominantly single-target with some add phases.
Wind Rush Totem is a useful option to deal with
Annihilating Glare or to help the soak group push back against
Dragging Chains.
- You can also make use of
Ghost Wolf to get to the safe side and use the grappling hook.
Soulshape can be used to jump the
Annihilating Glare beam, but the timing is precise and you mess it up you will die, so be careful.
Spirit Walk is helpful to save to push back against
Dragging Chains and stay on the platform.
- Have
Astral Shift and
Earth Elemental ready for the final 33% burn.
- Remember that the boss leaves at 66% and 33% for the intermission, so try not to commit and waste cooldowns as this is about to happen.
For more information, please refer to our The Eye of the Jailer guide.
The Nine
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
While there is a period spent with two targets that could encourage cleave, the majority involves one target so a single-target build is preferable.
- Use
Spirit Walk on
Agatha's Eternal Blade patterns to keep uptime and dodge safely, or get to the edge for a dispel if targeted by
Fragments of Destiny on Mythic.
Wind Rush Totem and
Ghost Wolf are useful for dealing with both
Reverberating Refrain and
Wings of Rage casts.
Astral Shift is best saved for
Arthura's Crushing Gaze if the raid is spread, especially during
Call of the Val'kyr if it overlaps with
Daschla's Mighty Impact.
For more information, please refer to our The Nine guide.
Remnant of Ner'zhul
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Mostly single-target with some very brief moments with adds that need to be killed very quickly. Also has high movement with a small amount of downtime.
Crash Lightning can be activated on the Orb of Torment spawns even when they take reduced damage.
Ghost Wolf suppresses the slow from
Sorrowful Procession when carrying an Orb of Torment to the edge to throw it off.
- Both
Spirit Walk and
Wind Rush Totem are very useful for adjusting around
Grasp of Malice beams to get into a safe spot.
Feral Lunge is a niche option here to get back to the boss safely after a knockback from
Malevolence if you are struggling.
- Try to aim your
Fae Transfusion to just hit the edge of the boss hitbox, as if it splits with Orbs damage will be wasted.
For more information, please refer to our Remnant of Ner'zhul guide.
Soulrender Dormazain
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Crashing Storms.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
While this fight does have adds, we are not very suited to dealing with them even with an AoE damage setup. While there are some small options, opting to focus on boss damage suits us better.
- Due to how quickly adds tend to die, we are mostly relegated to being purely single-target focused burning the boss due to the lack of burst AoE options we have.
Hailstorm is an option to be able to at least contribute to add waves (and combined with
Chilled to the Core), but is more of a personal preference.
- Make sure to stack the
Brand of Torment on the Mawsworn Agonizers here; the damage increase is worth the low extra group damage.
- For the
Tormented dance patterns, shift into
Ghost Wolf for the end-to-end movement if you are struggling to cover the distance.
- Similarly,
Wind Rush Totem is excellent here to help the raid keep up.
- During
Warmonger Shackles use
Astral Shift or
Earth Elemental to stay healthy; off-healing is also a good idea here if the raid is unstable.
- Mawsworn Agonizers'
Agonizing Nova is important to interrupt.
Capacitor Totem, and
Wind Shear should all be used here to lock these down.
For more information, please refer to our Soulrender Dormazain guide.
Painsmith Raznal
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Crashing Storms.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
Much like Soulrender, this fight does have adds but we are not suited to dealing with them efficiently given they need to die very quickly. Ideally you should focus entirely on boss damage.
- If positioned carefully, you can still hit the
Spiked Balls from melee, but make sure to do it from max range.
- Make sure to get
Crash Lightning active whenever you pass by the spikes for additional boss damage.
Wind Rush Totem can be invaluable for nagivating the Spike Walls during the intermission if placed in the middle of the room so people can move back and forth and refresh the buff.
- During both intermissions it is best to sit in
Ghost Wolf to keep
Spirit Wolf stacked, unless you need to shift out to heal yourself.
Astral Shift is best saved for detonations of the
Flameclasp Traps, especially at the tail end of Phase 3 with high stacks of
Lingering Flames ticking.
Earth Elemental with
Vital Accretion should be used during the second intermission to stay stable, and last into most of the final phase.
For more information, please refer to our Painsmith Raznal guide.
Guardian of the First Ones
No changes to the default talent, covenant, or legendary loadouts are recommended.
A pure single-target burn encounter with very little else to worry about.
- This is a pure single-target check so we are excellent here with a full standard setup.
- Save
Astral Shift and
Earth Elemental for situations where your raid is taking
Purging Protocol hits, either before entering an Energy Core or at the end of the fight when you run out of Cores.
Spirit Walk is best saved for getting out of
Meltdown, or avoiding
Disintegration which should be baited to the side of the boss.
- Position yourself to the side of the boss to bait
Disintegration away from the ranged camp. Just stay clear of the tanks to avoid the
Elimination Pattern frontal.
- On Mythic save
Spirit Walk for any situation you are targeted by
Threat Neutralization to position around the Energy Core. This is your priority number one.
For more information, please refer to our Guardian of the First Ones guide.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Similar to other fights, there are adds that spawn here but our tools are simply not suited to it, and instead you should focus on boss damage.
- Throughout the fight there are lots of chances to get
Crash Lightning up and spread
Flame Shock which you should aim to do.
Astral Shift is best used if you are forced out of range of healers for any of the by
Grim Portent on Mythic, or if you are handling the Loom in the intermission when targeted by
Runic Affinity.
Ghost Wolf should be used to get to your
Grim Portent circle quickly as well, if you are late the raid is dead.
- Both
Spirit Walk and
Wind Rush Totem are really useful for dealing with
Fated Conjunction beams to get to safe spots.
Earth Elemental with
Vital Accretion is best saved for either intermission when the raid is spread out and unstable.
For more information, please refer to our Fatescribe Roh-Kalo guide.
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Unlike in 9.1, without the strength of Doom Winds paired with Frost
Shards choices get a bit more awkward. Because of how short lived adds tend to
be, your decision comes down to whether you focus on the intermission with a mix
of cleave and funnel, or a boss damage specialist.
- If playing
Ashen Catalyst and Necrolord make sure to get solid use out of
Primordial Wave and the
Splintered Elements effect, by only consuming it with spread
Flame Shocks.
- Night Fae can switch to Korayn to make use of
First Strike, and focus instead on single-target. It can also be combined with
Hailstorm and
Chilled to the Core for a little extra cleave and a more mixed profile.
Astral Shift and
Earth Elemental are best served for surviving the
Frozen Destruction detonations from Glacial Spikes.
- You can pre-cast
Ghost Wolf and
Spirit Walk when dropping the
Oblivion's Echo pools to get out faster before the silence applies.
Capacitor Totem,
Sundering, and
Wind Shear can all be used to interrupt the
Piercing Wail casts from the tank adds spawned.
- Be wary of using
Sundering around Frostbound Devoted, as this will cause them to change their fixate target when knocked down and potentially swing at you instead.
For more information, please refer to our Kel'Thuzad guide.
Sylvanas Windrunner
Compared to the default talent loadout, we recommend removing the points in
Storm's Wrath and
Elemental Blast in exchange for points in
Crash Lightning and
Elemental Assault.
No changes to the default covenant or legendary loadouts are recommended.
Much like the running theme of Sanctum, there is some AoE that happens here but our delivery methods are not suited to how long they survive. We are much better suited to focusing on dealing as much damage to Sylvanas as possible, as the main damage check (Phase 3) is purely single-target.
- There is an argument to be made to take
Hailstorm or
Fire Nova to be more flexible in the first and second phases, but it comes at the cost of boss damage so is up to your discretion.
Wind Rush Totem is excellent for Phase 2 when moving between platforms, and provides help for the group in Phase 1 when moving from arrows and veils.
Tremor Totem can be used to deal with the fear cast by Terror Orb, if it is not interrupted.
- In Phase 1,
Astral Shift should be saved if you have high stacks of
Barbed Arrow and cannot clear soon with
Domination Chains.
- In Phase 3,
Astral Shift and
Earth Elemental should always be saved for dealing with
Wailing Arrow or
Banshee's Fury, as these are the pressure points in Phase 3.
Spirit Walk can be used freely in Phase 1, but should be used to spread for
Banshee Scream in Phase 2, and moving off platform away from
Raze in Phase 3.
- In a similar way,
Soulshape can be used as the boss goes immune and
Banshee Scream in Phase 2 begins to create more room for the other melee.
- During Phase 2, if you are on a platform with Mawsworn Summoners, you should
Cleanse Spirit to remove the
Curse of Lethargy on any friendly players on cooldown.
For more information, please refer to our Sylvanas Windrunner guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Shaman Guides
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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