Xol the Unscathed Dungeon Run Guide

Last updated on Dec 15, 2017 at 18:19 by L0rinda

Xol the Unscathed is one of the five possible final bosses which you can encounter on level 8 of the Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run.

Xol the Unscathed

Hero Power

Beam Me Up

Xol the Unscathed's Hero Power gives her a random Beam spell at the end of each turn. She does, however, announce which spell has been generated in her chat. The list of the possible beams is shown at the bottom of this page, and is key to beating her, as she is much easier to beat when you know what is coming.

The rest of her deck is a Lakkari Sacrifice Quest Warlock deck. The deck is not particularly menacing in its own right. You can also try to trick her into discarding her Nether Portal by forcing her to take care of your board, although this is a relatively rare event.


Xol's Beams

Beam of Confusion

Xol announces "Flummox" when she gets Beam of Confusion in her hand.

Beam of Death

Xol announces "Fatality" when she gets Beam of Death in her hand.

Beam of Decay

Xol announces "Fatigue" when she gets Beam of Decay in her hand.

Beam of Fear

Xol announces "Fear" when she gets Beam of Fear in her hand.

Beam of Fire

Xol announces "Flame" when she gets Beam of Fire in her hand.

Beam of Frost

Xol announces "Frost" when she gets Beam of Frost in her hand.



  • 15 Dec. 2017: Guide added.
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