Havoc Demon Hunter DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Havoc Demon Hunter in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation
Welcome to the Rotation section of our Havoc Demon Hunter guide that goes over everything you need to know about the gameplay in Raid and Mythic+ scenarios. If you came here without first checking over the Spell List/Glossary page, we recommend that you do so if you are new to the specialization.
Each of the sections below explain the rotation for Havoc at different target counts. Click the boxes to switch to the desired damage type. We currently recommend Fel-Scarred in all situations.
Anywhere you see the icon on this page, this means it is the recommended choice
Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation
Hero Talents | |
Aldrachi Reaver | Fel-Scarred |
Talent Selections | ||
A Fire Inside | Chaotic Transformation | Essence Break |
Fel Barrage | Glaive Tempest | Inertia |
Initiative | Inner Demon | Sigil of Spite |
Tactical Retreat | The Hunt | Unbound Chaos |
Havoc Demon Hunter Single Target Rotation
Havoc's single-target rotation is very closely linked to its build-and-spend Fury loop. This uses generation tools to fuel Blade Dance on cooldown and spend excess on Chaos Strike while also using its cooldowns.
- Cast Death Sweep.
- Cast Eye Beam .
- Cast Metamorphosis if Eye Beam and Death Sweep are on cooldown.
- Cast Blade Dance.
- Cast Annihilation.
- Cast Felblade if under 80 Fury.
- Cast Chaos Strike.
- Cast Immolation Aura.
- Cast Throw Glaive to fill.
Havoc's gameplay loop is heavily influenced by your talent selections due to the number of rotationally warping effects. What you pick dictates what is important to prioritize, with a big aim of aligning buffs with big payoff moments. Some key details are:
- Eye Beam is still always used in single-target as an entry point into Demonic.
Havoc Demon Hunter AoE Rotation
Havoc's gameplay does not drastically change in AoE due to the large amount of passive AoE many of its rotational abilities do. Instead, it deals priority damage while cleaving from it:
- Cast Death Sweep.
- Cast Eye Beam .
- Cast Metamorphosis if Eye Beam and Death Sweep are on cooldown.
- Cast Blade Dance.
- Cast Annihilation.
- Cast Felblade if under 80 Fury.
- Cast Chaos Strike.
- Cast Throw Glaive to fill.
The majority of tools you make use of in single-target apply directly to AoE, with the exception of Annihilation / Chaos Strike which fall to the bottom of the priority. Your focus depends on which key AoE talents you have taken, and notes based on your selection in the talent switches are:
- Immolation Aura pulls a lot more weight in AoE due to the number of talents focused around it on the right side. The biggest of these is Ragefire, and when playing this you need to be aware of the expiry time to make sure it hits targets.
Opener for Havoc Demon Hunter
The Havoc opener is a fairly rigid sequence depending on talents, specifically due to Chaotic Transformation. The goal is to get everything on cooldown and enter into Metamorphosis quickly. You can pick a fight style below:
Encounter Type | |
Single-target | AoE |
- Cast The Hunt.
- Cast Death Sweep.
- Cast Vengeful Retreat and immediately cast Metamorphosis.
- Cast Death Sweep.
- Continue with the normal priority list.
The most warping effect on the initial rotation are Chaotic Transformation which causes your Blade Dance and Eye Beam cooldowns to reset, meaning that you need to set up for the Metamorphosis cast before immediately entering into it.
Havoc Demon Hunter Hero Talent Changes —
Note that this section is populated based on your selection in the rotation tool.
Simplified Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation for Beginners
With Havoc's rotation being very overwhelming at a glance, you may benefit from visiting our Quick Guide page to get yourself started. This outlines all the key points you need to hit on in a more digestible way.
Understanding Havoc Demon Hunter Mechanics
In the below sections are several explanations on exactly how some of the core components of how Havoc works. It dives into the underlying mechanics of major cooldowns and rotational abilities to get a better understanding of exactly why you are pressing each button.
Havoc Demon Hunter Major Cooldowns
Havoc has access to one major cooldown and a handful of smaller high-impact abilities both baseline and in the talent tree, explained here.
Major Cooldowns
Havoc's major cooldown is Metamorphosis, a 3-minute cooldown (reduced to two with Rush of Chaos) that lasts for 20 seconds, and stuns targets at your location after casting. While transformed, it confers the following benefits:
- Your Haste is increased by 20%;
- Chaos Strike is changed to Annihilation, dealing significantly more damage;
- Blade Dance is changed to Death Sweep, dealing significantly more damage.
- With Chaotic Transformation — the cooldowns of Blade Dance and Eye Beam are reset.
While this is active Havoc deals significantly more damage, and is usually flooded with additional resources to fuel these stronger casts. You should aim to enter with as much Fury as you can and leave with as little as possible. Try to plan these uses so you can keep it on cooldown, as it provides a lot of damage. While playing with Chaotic Transformation, you should make absolutely sure that both Blade Dance and Eye Beam are on cooldown before pressing it.
While playing Fel-Scarred, this also dramatically increases your Fury generation while active, meaning you need to be much more aggressive with spending.
Eye Beam
While Eye Beam has a shorter, 40-second cooldown, it is still a powerful ability that does a lot for Havoc's damage profile. It has a variety of effects bolted onto it, making it a priority cast both in single-target and especially AoE situations. Some details are:
- Deals heavy Chaos damage over the duration, but you cannot move while channeling;
- With Looks Can Kill — always Critically Strikes;
- With Demonic — grants 5 seconds of Metamorphosis;
- With Blind Fury — generates a large amount of Fury while channeling;
- With Furious Gaze — grants 10% Haste for 10 seconds after completing the channel.
You should aim to cast this as frequently as possible both for the damage it provides and in particular the Demonic triggers. Only hold it if you are in a single-target situation, but expect adds to spawn before it will be ready again. While playing Cycle of Hatred, its cooldown will be roughly cut in half based on how active you are with spending Fury, meaning that you will be casting this more frequently with builds that take it.
The Hunt
While The Hunt has a 1.5-minute cooldown, it is less of a high-impact effect and moreso just a large amount of direct damage. This charges your target after a brief 0.5 second cast and deals heavy Chaos damage when you arrive, while applying a DoT for 6 seconds to your target and up to 5 enemies you pass through. Additionally, it applies a debuff for 20 seconds that causes you to heal for 10% of damage dealt to the target affected.
This is generally cast on cooldown as a large burst moment, aiming to overlap it with adds if possible. There is a small grace period after arriving where your hitbox remains active and will apply the debuff, if it has not already hit 5 targets.
When playing Aldrachi Reaver, it is also an activator for Reaver's Glaive. This means it can be used to quickly set up your Hero Talent mechanics on a pull, or when dealing with a particularly dangerous trash pack.
Havoc Demon Hunter Mechanics Deep Dive
As Havoc has several specific talents that require some extra setup to make use of, alongside some unique quirks to its gameplay, this section is here to explain what they involve.
Havoc Demon Hunter Mechanics
Movement Talents
Havoc comes with several unique talents that leverage its high mobility for additional damage. These are generally higher skill cap options, and require comfort to execute properly. Knowing when you need to commit your tools to amplify upcoming damage versus when you need to hold them to deal with mechanics is a skill that comes with experience. The key talents that build it up are:
- Initiative + Tactical Retreat
- Unbound Chaos
- Momentum or Inertia
The first two are relatively intuitive in that it encourages you to cast Vengeful Retreat on cooldown for the high Fury generation, and Fel Rush to consume the buff. The final choice node however requires more explanation. To start with, below is an image that shows the optimal pathing around bosses to maintain uptime without being forced out of range as much as possible:
Inertia provides a short-duration, high-intensity burst window. This pairs extremely well with A Fire Inside, giving extra charges to add some flexibility to your activators. You should make sure when using this to not waste any Unbound Chaos activations, and aim to overlap all of your high damage moments (such as Eye Beam and Essence Break) pro-actively to get the most value out of it.
Momentum can be refreshed for the full duration, adding onto your current buff up to 30 seconds, acting as a maintenance buff. This is generally something that gets activated throughout the rotation via the base priority. It is important to make sure you have it active for high-damage events such as Eye Beam, Essence Break and Fel Barrage, but most of the time the natural gameplay of Initiative will do this for you. Do not overcommit to maintenance over spending Fury, but do aim for as high of an uptime as possible.
Fury Management
With Havoc being so reliant on its resources, it is important to identify situations where you need to aggressively spend Fury vs. what your expected generation rate is. Your main goal is to avoid any waste due to overcapping with a generation tool, which often means your spending breakpoint is roughly 90 Fury (or 120 as Fel-Scarred). This is due to the volatile nature of Demon Blades paired with the generation from Felblade being 40. Your rotation will also be adjusted around Chaos Strike casts that grant a 20 Fury refund, as it may shift your upcoming plans when they trigger.
Some basic rules to follow when it comes to thinking about how your Fury management plays out in practice are:
- Cast Chaos Strike / Annihilation as frequently as possible unless pooling for burst windows.
- Cast Felblade as frequently as possible, as long as you are below 80 Fury as your active generation tool.
- Cast Sigil of Flame as a backup generation tool if you fall behind on Fury.
- Wait and allow Demon Blades to generate Fury again to continue the cycle, or collect any Demonic Appetite orbs.
- Cast Throw Glaive and Fel Rush if out of range of any targets or during empty Globals.
Essence Break
Adds in an additional high-value damage window, but only lasts for 4 seconds, so needs all of your setup to be done before casting it. You always want to be in Metamorphosis form when activating this, ideally via Demonic due to the benefits of layering this with Chaotic Transformation to get two Death Sweep casts during it. Starting already in Demon form, your goal with each cast should be:
- With Metamorphosis ready: Death Sweep into Metamorphosis into Death Sweep, finish with Annihilation.
- Without Metamorphosis ready: Death Sweep into 2-3 Annihilation.
Depending on your Haste and whether you are affected by Bloodlust this can be extremely tight to fit in, but is absolutely worth the payoff. In AoE situations, you instead only need to fit in as many Death Sweeps as the above shows, ignoring the Annihilation recommendations.
Fel-Scarred deviates from the double Death Sweep cast using the Metamorphosis reset however, as the value of Annihilation is so high thanks to Burning Blades that it wants to avoid "wasting" a GCD on the Metamorphosis entry cast. Instead, it sets itself up fully before casting Essence Break into Death Sweep, and then as many Annihilation casts as possible before it expires.
Fel Barrage
While generally a weaker option, this does require specific gameplay setups in the event it is played. Fel Barrage is an extremely potent AoE burst cooldown, but drains an extremely high amount of Fury every second while active. To get a full duration cast off and get the most out of its long cooldown, you need to generate a total of 256 to break even from start to finish, meaning that it is generally required to pool to achieve this.
Before casting, you want to make sure you have all of your maintenance buffs prepared (in particular Inertia and Initiative) and avoid spending excess Fury while it is active. Active generation tools such as Felblade and Sigil of Flame take priority during the Fury drain, especially if you fall behind. This extends to refilling via Blind Fury as well if taken.
A Fire Inside
When playing A Fire Inside, your Immolation Aura gains a second charge alongside the ability to overlap with itself, allowing for multiple auras to be active at once. It also has a 30% chance to reset the cooldown instantly when cast, significantly increasing your access to the ability. This is generally paired with other Immolation Aura talents, and Unbound Chaos / Inertia to make it easier to plan out your buff windows.
It is crucial when playing this to make sure you never leave it at 2 charges, and react to resets by pressing it repeatedly until it actively goes on cooldown - you lose nothing due to the buffs overlapping. When playing Inertia, you also ideally want to spend the Unbound Chaos triggers in between these casts in single-target, but in AoE, hitting the resets is slightly more valuable.
Stat Boost Talents
While not strictly rotationally altering, Havoc has two very specific talents that significantly alter the way it handles secondary stats, explained below:
Know Your Enemy
Know Your Enemy increases your Critical Strike damage based on your Critical Strike chance, significantly improving its scaling and also allowing abilities that guarantee critical strikes (such as Eye Beam with Looks Can Kill) to still retain some boost from it. This also includes all item effects and trinkets, so is always taken.
Any Means Necessary
Any Means Necessary converts all magic damage your abilities deal to Chaos damage, causing your Mastery to also affect them. This is extremely good for overall scaling, and due to how easy this is to access it is taken in the majority of builds.
The content on this page is purely PvE-related. If you are looking for PvP Rotation Tips, please visit our PvP page below.
Addons for Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation
Check out our Addons page below for some recommended Addons to get the most out of your Havoc Demon Hunter!
Macros for Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation
Check out our Macros page below for some recommended Macros to get the most out of your Havoc Demon Hunter!
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated to reflect new Fel-Scarred recommendations.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated to include Season 4 builds.
- 21 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, core recommendations remain the same.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5, small cleanups but no major changes necessary.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Restructured and fully updated for Patch 10.2 rework.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7, added loadout buttons in rotation section and restrucutred page.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5 with small tweaks for clarity and Isolated Prey highlights.
- 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 with Serrated Glaive and notes added, and extra Essence Break combo notes.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5, rotation tool refined.
- 01 Jan. 2023: Updated Opener.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
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This guide has been written by Wordup, a frequent theorycrafter involved in a number of class communities. He is also an experienced player who has been in the world top 100 since the days of Sunwell, currently raiding in Echoes. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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