An Overview of Warrior Class Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 15:06 by Stan 2 comments

The following page covers the latest Warrior changes in World of Warcraft.


Warrior Class Guides for the War Within Pre-Patch

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General Warrior Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • Leeching Strikes Icon Leeching Strikes now grants 3% Leech (was 5%).
  • Seasoned Soldier Icon Seasoned Soldier now grants 5% Avoidance (was 10%).
  • All talent trees have had many talents move locations or have had their pathing updated.
  • New Talent: Honed Reflexes Icon Honed Reflexes — Cooldown of Die by the Sword Icon Die by the Sword, Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration, Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall, Pummel Icon Pummel, Intervene Icon Intervene, Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection, and Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt reduced by 5%.
  • Second Wind Icon Second Wind gains an additional effect — While you are below 35% health, restores 1.0% health every 1 second. The amount restored increases the closer you are to death (max 2%).
  • Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage is now learned at level 12.
  • Slam Icon Slam damage increased by 130%. Slam Icon Slam damage bonus reduced to 50% (was 75%).
  • Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm damage increased by 70%.
  • Ravager Icon Ravager damage decreased by 10%.
  • Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death can now stack 2 times.
  • Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30) and now applies Rend Icon Rend by default if it is known.
  • Frothing Berserker Icon Frothing Berserker now refunds 10% Rage for Arms and Fury, and 25% Rage for Protection.
  • Shockwave Icon Shockwave no longer generates Rage on cast.
  • Champion's Spear Icon Champion's Spear generates 10 Rage on cast (was 20).
  • Thunderous Roar Icon Thunderous Roar no longer generates Rage on cast.
  • Thunderous Roar Icon Thunderous Roar now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. The tooltip will reflect this change in a future update.
  • Thunderous Words Icon Thunderous Words now causes Thunderous Roar’s Bleed effect to increase damage targets take from all the Warrior’s bleed effects, rather than passively increasing it all the time.
  • Odyn's Fury Icon Odyn's Fury now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. The tooltip will reflect this change in a future update.
  • Uproar Icon Uproar now reduces the cooldown of Thunderous Roar by 45 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Champion's Might Icon Champion's Might now causes you to deal 25% increased critical strike damage to targets chained to your Spear.
  • Piercing Challenge Icon Piercing Challenge now increases all damage dealt by Champion’s Spear (was only initial damage).
  • The visual for Shockwave Icon Shockwave will now properly match its radius, both with and without the Rumbling Earth talent. Impact visual has also been updated.
  • The visual for Thunderous Roar has been adjusted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry to increase maximum health by 15% instead of the intended 10%.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Titanic Throw Icon Titanic Throw
    • Sonic Boom Icon Sonic Boom
    • Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder

Arms Warrior Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Finishing Blows Icon Finishing BlowsOverpower Icon Overpower generates 8 Rage when used on a target below 35% health.
  • Barbaric Training Icon Barbaric Training has been redesigned for Arms — Now grants 10% damage and 10% critical damage to Slam Icon Slam, Cleave Icon Cleave, and Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind.
  • Storm of Swords Icon Storm of Swords has been redesigned — Now grants Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind or Cleave Icon Cleave a 30% chance to make your next Whirlwind or Cleave cost 100% less Rage.
  • Unhinged Icon Unhinged has been redesigned — Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you automatically cast a Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike at your target or random nearby enemy.
  • Dance of Death Icon Dance of Death has been redesigned — When an enemy dies while affected by your Bladestorm, all damage you deal is increased by 5% for the remainder of the Bladestorm and for 2 seconds afterwards. When an enemy dies while affected by your Ravager, its duration is extended by 2 seconds. These effects can trigger a maximum of 3 times per use of Bladestorm or Ravager.
  • Blademaster's Torment Icon Blademaster's Torment has been redesigned — Activating Avatar Icon Avatar grants 8 seconds of Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes and while Avatar is active the cooldown of Cleave is reduced by 1.5 seconds.
  • Storm of Swords Icon Storm of Swords has been redesigned — Cleave and Whirlwind have a 30% chance to make your next Cleave or Whirlwind cost 100% less Rage.
  • All ability damage increased by 43%.
  • Execute Icon Execute damage increased by 15%.
  • Slam Icon Slam damage increased by 20%.
  • Cleave Icon Cleave now replaces Whirlwind.
  • Cleave cooldown reduced to 4.5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Cleave damage increased by 5%.
  • Overpower damage increased by 55%.
  • Rage generated from auto-attacks reduced by 16%.
  • Whirlwind base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
  • Whirlwind damage reduced by 33%.
  • Rend base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
  • Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 40).
  • Battlelord Icon Battlelord no longer increases damage dealt by Overpower.
  • Fervor of Battle Icon Fervor of Battle now also triggers from Cleave.
  • Seismic Reverberation Icon Seismic Reverberation now also triggers from Cleave.
  • Collateral Damage Icon Collateral Damage's damage bonus now applies to Cleave as well as Whirlwind.
  • Warlord's Torment Icon Warlord's Torment no longer triggers from Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash. Duration of Recklessness Icon Recklessness buff increased by 50% and bonus Rage generation reduced to 25% (was 100%).
  • In For The Kill Icon In For The Kill's Haste bonus now lasts as long as Colossus Smash does.
  • Improved Overpower Icon Improved Overpower increases number of Overpower charges by 1.
  • Dreadnaught Icon Dreadnaught no longer increases number of Overpower charges.
  • Dreadnaught damage reduced by 58%.
  • Strength of Arms no longer causes Overpower to generate 8 Rage when used on a target below 35% health.
  • Strength of Arms now also increases Overpower damage by 15%.
  • Tactician Icon Tactician chance to reset cooldown of Overpower per Rage spent reduced to 1% (was 1.3%).
  • Deft Experience Icon Deft Experience increase to Tactician's chance to reset cooldown of Overpower per Rage spent reduced to 0.5% (was 0.6%).
  • Valor in Victory Icon Valor in Victory's Versatility bonus increased to 2% (was 1%).
  • Skullsplitter Icon Skullsplitter now accelerates Rend's Bleed baseline.
  • Ravager is now a choice node with Bladestorm. All existing Bladestorm sub-talents have been updated to work with both Ravager and Bladestorm.
  • Bladestorm no longer generates Rage on cast.
  • Crushing Force Icon Crushing Force now increases Mortal Strike damage by 5% and Mortal Strike critical strike damage by 5% per point (was Slam damage and critical strike chance).
  • Critical Thinking Icon Critical Thinking now restores 10% of Rage spent on Execute per point (was 5%).
  • Warlord’s Torment tooltip updated with detailed information. No functional changes.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Tide of Blood has been removed, its effects have been added to Skullsplitter Icon Skullsplitter
    • Reaping Swings Icon Reaping Swings
    • Hurricane Icon Hurricane

Fury Warrior Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Powerful Enrage Icon Powerful Enrage — Enrage increases the damage your abilities deal by an additional 15% and Enrage's duration is increased by 1 second. On a choice node with Frenzied Enrage Icon Frenzied Enrage.
  • Hurricane replaced with Unhinged Icon Unhinged — Every other time Bladestorm or Ravager deal damage, you cast a Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst at your target or a nearby enemy.
  • Fury Warriors now learn Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance by default.
  • All ability damage increased by 49%.
  • Rampage Icon Rampage damage increased by 26%.
  • Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst damage increased by 29%.
  • Odyn's Fury Icon Odyn's Fury damage increased by 33%.
  • Raging Blow Icon Raging Blow damage increased by 10%.
  • Improved Raging Blow Icon Improved Raging Blow's chance for Raging Blow to reset its own cooldown increased to 25% (was 20%).
  • Reckless Abandon Icon Reckless Abandon now buffs your next Bloodthirst and Raging Blow.
  • Reckless Abandon's Bloodbath damage reduced by 26% and Crushing Blow Icon Crushing Blow damage reduced by 3%.
  • Deft Experience Icon Deft Experience now causes Bloodthirst to extend your Enrage effect by 0.5/1.0 sec if you are Enraged.
  • Swift Strikes Icon Swift Strikes now also increases Bloodthirst’s Rage generated by 1.0/2.0 Rage.
  • Crushing Force now increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10/20% and critical strike chance of Bloodthirst by 2/4%.
  • Slam Icon Slam's Rage cost removed.
  • Wrath and Fury Icon Wrath and Fury now increases the chance for Improved Raging Blow to reset Raging Blow's cooldown by 10% while Enraged.
  • Deft Experience no longer reduces Bloodthirst's cooldown, instead it now increases Bloodthirst's chance to trigger Enrage by 2% per point.
  • Tenderize Icon Tenderize no longer increases the duration of Enrage.
  • Bloodcraze Icon Bloodcraze now triggers from Raging Blow instead of Bloodthirst.
  • Bladestorm now generates 10 Rage per damage event for Fury (20 with Storm of Steel Icon Storm of Steel).
  • Bladestorm is now a choice node with Ravager. All existing Ravager sub-talents have been updated to work with both Ravager and Bladestorm.
  • Unbridled Ferocity Icon Unbridled Ferocity no longer triggers from Onslaught Icon Onslaught and its chance to trigger is reduced to 6% (was 20%).
  • Berserker’s Torment tooltip updated with detailed information. No functional changes.
  • Titan’s Torment tooltip updated with detailed information. No functional changes.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Frenzied Flurry has been removed, its effects have been added to Single-Minded Fury Icon Single-Minded Fury.
    • Raging Armaments Icon Raging Armaments
    • Annihilator Icon Annihilator
    • Storm of Swords Icon Storm of Swords

Protection Warrior Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Fight Through the Flames Icon Fight Through the FlamesDefensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance additionally reduces magic damage you take by 5%.
  • Battle-Scarred Veteran Icon Battle-Scarred Veteran has been updated — When a damage event reduces your health below 30%, the portion of that damage event that would apply to the last 30% of your health is also reduced by 80%.
  • Dance of Death Icon Dance of Death has been redesigned — When an enemy dies while affected by your Ravager, its duration is extended by 2 seconds. This effect can trigger a maximum of 3 times per use of Ravager.
  • Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
  • Whirlwind damage reduced by 33%.
  • Execute damage increased by 15%.
  • Rend base Rage cost reduced to 20 (was 30).
  • Defensive Stance no longer reduces damage dealt by Protection Warriors.
  • Immovable Object tooltip updated with detailed information. No functional changes.
  • Improved Heroic Throw Icon Improved Heroic Throw has been removed.

Warrior PvP Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • Master and Commander Icon Master and Commander now reduces the cooldown of Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry by 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • Battlefield Commander Icon Battlefield Commander (PvP Talent) now increases the radius of Piercing Howl Icon Piercing Howl by 50% (was root targets for 2 seconds).
  • Death Sentence Icon Death Sentence (PvP Talent) has been removed.
  • Storm of Destruction Icon Storm of Destruction has been redesigned — Now reduces healing on affected targets by 25% for 10 seconds (was reduce the cooldown of Bladestorm and Ravager).
  • Duel Icon Duel (PvP Talent) duration increased to 12 seconds and its sound effect has been changed to be more noticeable.
  • Enduring Rage Icon Enduring Rage (PvP Talent) can now activate Recklessness Icon Recklessness without Enrage active and the duration of the Recklessness granted has been increased by 1 second.
  • Slaughterhouse Icon Slaughterhouse now stacks its effect if another healing reduction effect is active and overrides its effect once its effectiveness would surpass the active healing reduction effect or the active healing reduction effect is removed.
  • The following PvP talents have been removed:
    • Bloodrage Icon Bloodrage
    • Storm of Destruction (Fury only)

More War Within Pre-Patch Class Changes

You can find other War Within Pre-Patch class changes linked below.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for the War Within pre-patch.
  • 06 May 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.7.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 13 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 24 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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