An Overview of Mage Class Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 15:07 by Stan 2 comments

The following page covers the latest Mage changes in World of Warcraft.


Mage Class Guides for the War Within Pre-Patch

If you are looking for Mage class guides, please visit one of the guides linked below.


General Mage Class Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • All talent trees have had many talents move locations or have had their pathing updated.
  • New Talent: Barrier Diffusion Icon Barrier Diffusion — Whenever one of your Barriers is removed, reduce its cooldown by 4 seconds. Located in Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath previous location.
  • New Talent: Inspired Intellect Icon Inspired IntellectArcane Intellect Icon Arcane Intellect grants you an additional 3% Intellect. Choice node with Time Anomaly Icon Time Anomaly.
  • Time Anomaly Icon Time Anomaly has been updated — Now grants Brain Freeze Icon Brain Freeze instead of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost.
  • Supernova Icon Supernova added to Mage class tree (was Arcane tree) and now has a 45 second cooldown (was 25 seconds).
  • Mass Polymorph Icon Mass Polymorph now polymorphs targets for 15 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • Mass Slow Icon Mass Slow has been removed.

Arcane Mage Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Energized Familiar Icon Energized Familiar — During Arcane Surge Icon Arcane Surge, your Arcane Familiar Icon Arcane Familiar fires 4 bolts instead of 1. Damage from your Arcane Familiar has a small chance to grant you up to 2% of your maximum mana.
  • New Talent: Eureka Icon Eureka — When a spell consumes Clearcasting Icon Clearcasting, its damage is increased by 25%.
  • New Talent: Time Loop Icon Time Loop — When you apply a stack of Arcane Debilitation Icon Arcane Debilitation, you have a 10% chance to apply another stack of Arcane Debilitation. This effect can trigger off of itself.
  • New Talent: Arcane Debilitation Icon Arcane Debilitation — Damaging a target with Arcane Missiles Icon Arcane Missiles increases the damage they take from Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage Icon Arcane Barrage, and Arcane Blast Icon Arcane Blast by 1%.
  • New Talent: Aether Attunement Icon Aether Attunement — Every 3 times you consume Clearcasting, gain Aether Attunement. Aether Attunement: Your next Arcane Missiles deals 150% increased damage to your primary target and fires at up to 4 nearby enemies dealing 100% increased damage.
  • New Talent: Leysight Icon LeysightNether Precision Icon Nether Precision damage bonus increased to 30%.
  • New Talent: Leydrinker Icon Leydrinker — Consuming Nether Precision has a 20% chance to make your next Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage echo, repeating its damage at 60% effectiveness to the primary target and up to four nearby enemies.
  • New Talent: Improved Touch of the Magi Icon Improved Touch of the Magi — Your Touch of the Magi Icon Touch of the Magi now accumulates 25% of the damage you deal.
  • New Talent: Magi's Spark Icon Magi's Spark — Your Touch of the Magi now also conjures a spark, increasing the damage your target receives from your next Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, and Arcane Missiles by 25%. Upon receiving damage from all three spells, the spark explodes, dealing Arcane damage to all nearby enemies.
  • New Talent: Nether Munitions Icon Nether Munitions — When your Touch of the Magi detonates, it increases the damage all affected targets take from you by 8% for 12 seconds.
  • New Talent: Surging Urge Icon Surging UrgeArcane Surge Icon Arcane Surge damage increased by 5% per Arcane Charge.
  • New Talent: Consortium's Bauble Icon Consortium's Bauble — Reduces Arcane Blast Icon Arcane Blast’s mana cost by 3% and increases its damage by 3%.
  • New Talent: Resonant Orbs Icon Resonant OrbsArcane Orb Icon Arcane Orb damage increased by 10%.
  • New Talent: Dematerialize Icon Dematerialize — Spells empowered by Nether Precision cause their target to suffer an additional 8% of the damage dealt over 6 seconds.
  • New Talent: Energy Reconstitution Icon Energy Reconstitution — Damage from Dematerialize has a small chance to conjure an Arcane Explosion Icon Arcane Explosion at 50% effectiveness at its target’s location. Arcane Explosions conjured this way do not generate Arcane Charges.
  • New Talent: Big Brained Icon Big Brained — Gaining Clearcasting increases your Intellect by 1% for 8 seconds. Multiple instances may overlap.
  • New Talent: Static Cloud Icon Static Cloud — Each time you cast Arcane Explosion, its damage is increased by 25%. Bonus resets upon reaching 100% damage.
  • New Talent: High Voltage Icon High Voltage — Damage from Arcane Missiles has a 20% chance to grant you 1 Arcane Charge. Chance is increased by 5% every time your Arcane Missiles fails to grant an Arcane Charge.
  • Arcane Missiles Icon Arcane Missiles has been redesigned — Can now only be cast when you have Clearcasting Icon Clearcasting. The wording of talents that are associated with Arcane Missiles have been updated to reflect this change.
  • Nether Precision Icon Nether Precision has been redesigned — Consuming Clearcasting increases the damage of your next 2 Arcane Blasts by 20% or your next 2 Arcane Barrages by 20%.
  • Arcane Familiar Icon Arcane Familiar has been redesigned — Casting Arcane Intelligence also summons you a Familiar that attacks your enemies and increases your maximum mana by 10% for 1 hour. Now passive.
  • Illuminated Thoughts Icon Illuminated Thoughts has been redesigned — Clearcasting has a 5% increased chance to trigger and spells that consume Clearcasting deal 5% more damage.
  • Concentration Icon Concentration has been redesigned — Casting Arcane Blast has a small chance to make your next cast of Arcane Blast free.
  • Evocation Icon Evocation has been updated — Increases your mana regeneration by 1500% for 2.8 seconds and grants Clearcasting. While channeling Evocation, your Intellect is increased by 2% every 0.5 seconds. Lasts 20 seconds.
  • Improved Prismatic Barrier Icon Improved Prismatic Barrier is now learned automatically when specializing in Arcane (was a talent).
  • Mana Adept Icon Mana Adept is now learned automatically when specializing in Arcane (was a talent).
  • Arcane Orb is now learned at level 45 (was a talent).
  • Arcane Orb damage reduced by 15%.
  • Arcane Blast damage increased by 8%.
  • Arcane Barrage damage reduced by 10%.
  • Arcane Missiles damage increased by 25%.
  • Clearcasting's chance to trigger is no longer tied to mana spent, and now has an 8% chance of triggering when casting any damaging spell.
  • Clearcasting now utilizes bad luck protection instead of true randomness.
  • You can no longer trigger Clearcasting by casting damaging spells while out of combat.
  • Arcane Surge is now guaranteed to generate Clearcasting.
  • Arcane Blast now has a 5% increased chance to generate Clearcasting.
  • Supernova moved to Mage class tree and now has a 45 second cooldown (was 25 seconds).
  • Mastery: Savant now properly increases the damage dealt by Arcane Surge.
  • Dragonflight Season 4 class set bonuses have been updated to the Dragonflight Season 1 class set bonuses:
    • 2 Set Bonus — For each Arcane Charge, Arcane Blast critical strike chance is increased by 3% and Arcane Explosion critical strike chance is increased by 3%.
    • 4 Set Bonus — When Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion critically strikes at least one target, the critical strike chance of your next Arcane Barrage is increased by 10%, stacking up to 4 times.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Foresight Icon Foresight
    • Nether Tempest Icon Nether Tempest
    • Reverberate Icon Reverberate
    • Mana Gem Icon Mana Gem
    • Radiant Spark Icon Radiant Spark
    • Harmonic Echo Icon Harmonic Echo
    • Cascading Power Icon Cascading Power
    • Rule of Threes Icon Rule of Threes
    • Chrono Shift Icon Chrono Shift
    • Crackling Energy Icon Crackling Energy
    • Siphon Storm Icon Siphon Storm
    • Improved Arcane Missiles Icon Improved Arcane Missiles

Fire Mage Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Lit Fuse Icon Lit Fuse — Consuming Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak has a 15% chance to grant you Lit Fuse. Lit Fuse: Your next Fire Blast Icon Fire Blast turns up to 1 nearby target into a Living Bomb Icon Living Bomb that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Up to 3 enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further.
  • New Talent: Explosive Ingenuity Icon Explosive Ingenuity — Your chance of gaining Lit Fuse when consuming Hot Streak is increased to 20%. Living Bomb damage increased by 25%.
  • New Talent: Down in Flames Icon Down in FlamesScorch Icon Scorch deals 300% damage to targets below 30% health.
  • New Talent: Quickflame Icon QuickflameFlamestrike Icon Flamestrike damage increased by 20%.
  • New Talent: Focused Fury Icon Focused Fury — Living Bomb deals more damage the fewer targets it hits, up to 300% at 1 target.
  • New Talent: Mark of the Fire Lord Icon Mark of the Fire Lord — Flamestrike and Living Bomb apply Mastery: Ignite Icon Mastery: Ignite at 100% increased effectiveness.
  • New Talent: Spontaneous Combustion Icon Spontaneous Combustion — Casting Combustion Icon Combustion refreshes up to 3 charges of Fire Blast and up to 3 charges of Phoenix Flames Icon Phoenix Flames.
  • New Talent: Fire's Ire Icon Fire's Ire — When you are not under the effect of Combustion, your critical strike chance is increased by 2.5%. When you're under the effects of Combustion, your critical strike damage is increased by 2.5%. 2-point talent.
  • New Talent: Explosivo Icon Explosivo — Casting Combustion grants Lit Fuse and Living Bomb's damage is increased by 50% while under the effects of Combustion. Your chance of gaining Lit Fuse is increased by 30% while under the effects of Combustion.
  • New Talent: Blast Zone Icon Blast Zone — Lit Fuse now turns up to 3 targets into Living Bombs. Living Bombs can now spread to 5 enemies.
  • New Talent: Ashen Feather Icon Ashen Feather — If Phoenix Flames hits only one target, it deals 25% increased damage and applies Ignite at 150% effectiveness.
  • New Talent: Majesty of the Phoenix Icon Majesty of the Phoenix — When Phoenix Flames damages 3 or more targets, your next 2 Flamestrikes have their cast time reduced by 1.5 seconds and their damage is increased by 20%.
  • New Talent: Molten Fury Icon Molten Fury — Damage dealt to targets below 35% health is increased by 7%.
  • New Talent: Heat Shimmer Icon Heat Shimmer — Damage from Ignite has a 5% chance to make your next Scorch instant cast and deal damage as though your target was below 30% health.
  • New Talent: Sparking Cinders Icon Sparking Cinders — Living Bomb explosions have a small chance to increase the damage of your next Pyroblast Icon Pyroblast by 10% or Flamestrike by 20%.
  • Fervent Flickering Icon Fervent Flickering has been redesigned — Now reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast by 2 seconds.
  • Controlled Destruction Icon Controlled Destruction has been redesigned — Damaging a target with Pyroblast increases the damage it receives from Ignite by 0.5%. This effect stacks up to 50 times.
  • Improved Scorch Icon Improved Scorch has been redesigned — Casting Scorch on targets below 30% health increases the damage the target takes from you by 6% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 2 times.
  • Flame Accelerant Icon Flame Accelerant has been redesigned — Every 12 seconds, your next Fireball Icon Fireball, Flamestrike, or Pyroblast has a 40% reduced cast time.
  • Unleashed Inferno Icon Unleashed Inferno has been redesigned — While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 50% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 seconds. While Combustion is active, Flamestrike deals 25% increased damage and reduces the cooldown of Combustion by 0.25 seconds for each critical strike, up to 1.25 seconds.
  • Convection Icon Convection has been redesigned — When a Living Bomb expires, if it did not spread to another target, it refreshes its duration. A Living Bomb can only benefit from this effect once.
  • Pyromaniac Icon Pyromaniac has been redesigned — Casting Pyroblast or Flamestrike while Hot Streak is active has a 6% chance to repeat the spell cast at 50% effectiveness. This effect counts as consuming Hot Streak.
  • Phoenix Reborn Icon Phoenix Reborn has been redesigned — When your direct damage spells hit an enemy 25 times the damage of your next 2 Phoenix Flames is increased by 100% and they refund a charge on use.
  • From the Ashes Icon From the Ashes has been redesigned — Phoenix Flames damage increased by 15% and your direct-damage spells reduce the cooldown of Phoenix Flames by 1 second.
  • Deep Impact Icon Deep Impact has been redesigned — Meteor Icon Meteor now turns one target hit into a Living Bomb. Additionally, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
  • Kindling Icon Kindling now benefits from Flamestrike — Flamestrike critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Combustion by 0.2 seconds for each critical strike, up to 1 second.
  • Fuel the Fire Icon Fuel the Fire is now learned automatically when specializing Fire.
  • Searing Touch Icon Searing Touch's critical strike threshold functionality is now baseline to Scorch.
  • Improved Scorch Icon Improved Scorch's movement speed increase is now baseline to Scorch.
  • Living Bomb damage increased by 70%.
  • Living Bomb now applies Ignite.
  • Living Bomb now spreads to 3 targets (was 5).
  • Living Bomb applications are slightly desynced to minimize overlapping.
  • Phoenix Flames damage reduced by 10%.
  • Pyroblast damage reduced by 5%.
  • Intensifying Flame Icon Intensifying Flame Ignite damage bonus reduced to 20% (was 25%).
  • Sun King's Blessing Icon Sun King's Blessing now grants Sun King's Fury after consuming 10 Hot Streaks.
  • Flame On Icon Flame On no longer reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast.
  • Unleashed Inferno Icon Unleashed Inferno's non-Flamestrike damage bonus increased to 60%. Flamestrike damage bonus increased to 35%.
  • Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation now grants 1% increased critical strike damage per point (was 2%).
  • Call of the Sun King Icon Call of the Sun King no longer grants 15% increased Phoenix Flames damage and instead makes Phoenix Flames always critically strike.
  • Alexstrasza's Fury Icon Alexstrasza's Fury no longer makes Phoenix Flames always critically strike.
  • Hyperthermia Icon Hyperthermia now has an activation overlay.
  • Dragonflight Season 4 class set bonuses have been updated to the Dragonflight Season 1 class set bonuses:
    • 2 Set Bonus — Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes cast with Hot Streak deal 10% increased damage.
    • 4 Set Bonus — Fire Blast, Phoenix Flames, and Fireball deal 10% increased damage and their chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
  • The following talents are now 1 point:
    • Critical Mass Icon Critical Mass
    • Wildfire Icon Wildfire
    • Flame On Icon Flame On
  • Fevered Incantation Icon Fevered Incantation is now 2 points.
  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Incendiary Eruptions Icon Incendiary Eruptions
    • Firemind Icon Firemind
    • Tempered Flames Icon Tempered Flames
    • Conflagration Icon Conflagration
    • Searing Touch Icon Searing Touch

Frost Mage Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New Talent: Death's Chill Icon Death's Chill — While Icy Veins Icon Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt increases spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • New Talent: Permafrost Lances Icon Permafrost LancesFrozen Orb Icon Frozen Orb increases Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance's damage by 15% for 15 seconds.
  • Fractured Frost Icon Fractured Frost has been redesigned — While Icy Veins is active, your Frostbolts hit up to 2 additional targets and deal 15% increased damage.
  • Ice Lance Icon Ice Lanceß damage increased by 22%.
  • Flurry Icon Flurry damage increased by 10%.
  • Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt damage increased by 10%.
  • Ice Barrier Icon Ice Barrier's absorb increased to 24% of maximum health (was 22%).
  • Hailstones Icon Hailstones is now a 1-point talent.
  • Snowstorm Icon Snowstorm has been removed.

Mage PvP Changes in the War Within Pre-Patch

  • New PvP Talent: Fireheart Icon FireheartBlazing Barrier Icon Blazing Barrier's damage is increased by 500%.
  • Flamecannon Icon Flamecannon (PvP Talent) has been removed.
  • Blazing Barrier Icon Blazing Barrier’s effectiveness is no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 75% effective).
  • Unleashed Inferno Icon Unleashed Inferno is now 30% effective in PvP combat (was 20%).

More War Within Pre-Patch Class Changes

You can find other War Within Pre-Patch class changes linked below.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for the War Within pre-patch.
  • 06 May 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.7.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 13 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 24 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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