Protection Paladin Tank Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.0.7)
In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Protection Paladin in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Protection Paladin in The War Within Mythic+
Protection Paladins are very strong in Mythic+ due to their self-and group
healing, dispels, utility, and with their ability to lock down caster mobs
with Avenger's Shield. While we lack the ability to force move
enemies around, we make up for it in utility.
If you want to learn more about Mythic+ during The War Within in general or Protection Paladin's place in the overall rankings, see our overviews below.
Best Mythic+ Talents for Protection Paladin in The War Within
For a more general overview of Talents for Protection Paladin, please visit our dedicated Talents page.
Best Mythic+ Talent Builds for Protection Paladin
Best Mythic+
Lightsmith Talent Build for Protection Paladin
Lightsmith is recommended for Mythic+ as it provides more group utility and gives you more control of your defensive toolkit.
Use the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game.
Best Mythic+
Templar Talent Build for Protection Paladin
Templar will be harder to utilise in Mythic+ compared to
Lightsmith as it requires you to use
Eye of Tyr for rotational
purposes rather than a defensive cooldown. It will also demand that you overlap
Eye of Tyr with
Sentinel (if chosen), which wastes defensive
uptime value.
Use the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game.
Protection Paladin Mythic+ Build Options
The main talent swap you can make with these builds is swapping out Sentinel and
Avenging Wrath: Might. This will be purely
based on your comfort with the dungeon and the key level that you are participating in.
Sentinel will have lower DPS but more
defensive cooldown uptime.
Mythic+ Utility for Protection Paladin in The War Within Season 1
This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depth explanations of all Paladin Abilities and Talents, including these, check out our Spells page.
Utility of Protection Paladin in The War Within
Interrupts, Stuns, and Stops
Avenger's Shield is one of the strongest abilities in our toolkit for Mythic+. Not only does it interrupt, but it will also silence enemies that can be silenced for 3 seconds. This allows you to almost fully lock down any caster by yourself, especially if they can be stunned by
Hammer of Justice as well, and let the rest of the group deal with another caster.
Rebuke is another interrupt option for enemies in melee range.
Hammer of Justice is a long single-target stun that can be used often with the
Fist of Justice talent. This can be used to make enemies non-threatening for a couple of seconds or prevent them from moving if they may want to.
Blinding Light can be used to disorient enemies within 10 yards. This can be used as an AoE interrupt for crowd-controllable casting enemies.
Turn Evil fears an Undead, Aberration, or Demon target within 20 yards for up to 40 sec.
Other Utility
Intercession allows you to combat res a party member.
Devotion Aura reduces all damage taken by your group by 3%.
Cleanse Toxins can remove all Poison and Disease effects from a group member.
Cleanse Toxins has value in every dungeon apart from Dawnbreaker and Stonevault. It can also be used to deal with the
Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour affix.
Blessing of Protection/
Blessing of Spellwarding and
Blessing of Sacrifice are amazing tools in dungeons to help your group survive both dangerous affixes as well as abilities.
Blessing of Protection has two additional benefits on top of providing the target immunity to Physical damage. It will remove any Bleed effect on the target, and make them lose threat temporarily on enemies that deal Physical damage. Very helpful for the Fury Warrior who popped all cooldowns before you even put down
Unbound Freedom will help with negating slows/roots on your party, but, more importantly, also apply
Blessing of Freedom to yourself when cast on others.
Word of Glory and
Lay on Hands are not only self-heal abilities, but can be used on group members to great effect as well to help the healer.
Turn Evil allows you to kill undead enemies when they are below 30% Health.
Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Protection Paladin for The War Within Season 1
This section has Protection Paladin-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious for all dungeons' bosses and mobs.
Mythic+ Tips for Protection Paladin in The War Within Season 1
Avanoxx Trash
Cleanse Toxins is useful in this dungeon to dispel debuffs from the minibosses.
Divine Toll can be useful to help group attendants together.
- Engorged Crawlers will use
Toxic Rupture at low health. You can either kite these and stand outside of their AoE circle when the cast completes or use
Hammer of Justice /
Blinding Light to stop the cast (they will not detonate if you stop the cast but cast it again).
- You can stand still during
Gossamer Onslaught with
Divine Shield to limit the amount of webs that spawn.
- If you need to move through any
Vile Webbing be sure to use
Blessing of Freedom to negate the slow debuff.
Anub'zekt Trash
- Keep Webmages interrupted and if you are pulling more than one be sure to take advantage of
Divine Toll to interrupt them all to group them together.
Alarm Shrill cannot be interrupted with
Rebuke or
Avenger's Shield. You can interrupt their casts with
Hammer of Justice /
Blinding Light, however they will cast again as soon as these effects wear off.
- During the intermissions be sure to stand on the right hand side of the safe zone as it will rotate to the left. This ensures that the Impale frontal is not in the safe zone.
- If you need even more space you can stand outside of the area to bait the Impale frontal with
Divine Shield /
Blessing of Spellwarding. Be sure to stay in melee range of the boss when doing this as if you move away the boss will follow you which will also move the safe zone!
Ki'katal Trash
- Overseer interrupts only require one melee interrupt each to be cover all of their
Venom Volley casts. If taking more than one you can save
Avenger's Shield casts for the others.
- Enemies that will drop
Grasping Blood pools have a debuff on them to make it obvious. Pull those enemies from a distance with
Avenger's Shield to ensure the pools are far away from the group.
- If any players get rooted from
Grasping Blood you can free them with
Blessing of Freedom.
Cultivated Poisons can be dispelled with
Cleanse Toxins. When dispelled the venom waves will start to move, be sure to check if the waves will hit another player before dispelling.
- When
Cosmic Singularity begins to cast all players will move into a
Grasping Blood pool to get rooted. This root is broken by interrupting the add that spawns, any form of CC works to break this cast. For Protection Paladins this will be
Avenger's Shield,
Divine Toll,
Hammer of Justice and
Blinding Light.
Blessing of Freedom will also work to remove the rooting effect.
- If the
Grasping Blood pools are too far away you can immune the
Cosmic Singularity cast with
Divine Shield.
Orator Krix'vixk Trash
Venom Strike can be dispelled with
Cleanse Toxins.
- Keep the Herald of Ansurek's casts of
Twist Thoughts interrupted with
Rebuke and
Avenger's Shield.
Orator Krix'vixk
- Nothing of note.
Fangs of the Queen Trash
- All of the Eyes of the Queen have set locations, with the only variance between dungeon runs being where they spawn in each area.
- The first Eye is in front of Xeph'itik, pull these together.
- Check cliffside, behind tower and then inside tower.
- Check vendors, cliff side and then behind arena.
- Check stairs, inside building and then behind tower.
Fangs of the Queen
- You can prevent the stacks of
Freezing Blood from
Rime Dagger with
Divine Shield /
Blessing of Spellwarding. You should aim to prevent the second one in each cycle as this has forced movement at the same time.
Coaglamation Trash
Venomous Spray from the Royal Venomshell (top of the staircase) can be dispelled with
Cleanse Toxins.
Lay on Hands can be used after soaking multiple orbs to remove the heal absorb.
- You can soak multiple orbs with
Divine Shield /
Blessing of Spellwarding active without getting any debuffs.
Izo Trash & Boss Fight
Blessing of Freedom can be used to negate the effects from
Umbral Weave for you and another player.
Divine Toll can be useful to get thread of all of the Scarabs after
Tremor Slam.
Shadowcrown Trash & Boss Fight
- Keep the boss away from the void zones so that players do not get trapped during
Obsidian Beams. This can be achieved with multiple kicks in a row or moving far away from the boss.
Anub'ikkaj Trash & Boss Fight
- Many of the packs of trash feature multiple casters. Aim to use your
Divine Toll /
Blinding Light casts in a way that it gets multiple casts at once.
- Tacticians require a soothe effect to remove
Tactician's Rage. If your group does not have one be ready to move away from the mob.
Divine Toll is very useful to group up the Animated Darknesses from
Animate Shadows.
Rasha'nan Trash & Boss Fight
- Be ready to pick up additional waves of trash from the Architect. This trash spawns every 25% and you should aim to interrupt casters to bring them into melee.
- Help your healer by using spare
Shining Light procs to heal players that get the acid line or webs.
Umbriss Trash & Boss Fight
- Nothing of note.
Forgemaster Throngus Trash & Boss Fight
- Help to stop the Beguilers from casting
Sear Mind.
- During the Sword Phase of the boss encounter you can negate this completely with
Divine Shield or use a major defensive cooldown such as
Guardian of Ancient Kings.
Drahga Shadowburner Trash & Boss Fight
- If your group lacks Curse dispels help your healer remove the heal absorbs from the Warlocks with
Lay on Hands or
Shining Light procs.
Erudax Trash
- If any players get mind controlled just stun them with
Hammer of Justice.
- Help your healer keep the players targeted by the Corrupter alive with
Shining Light procs.
- You can clear space in the room by running through tentacles with
Divine Shield /
Blessing of Spellwarding.
- Gather the mutated hatchling adds quickly with
Divine Toll.
Blightbone Trash
- When Blightbags die they will apply a disease to everyone, this can be removed with
Cleanse Toxins.
- If you do not have a soothe in the group be ready to use
Divine Shield when Vanguards get to high enrage stacks.
- The target of Retch will get a disease put on them, cleanse this with
Cleanse Toxins.
Amarth Trash & Boss Fight
- No special Paladin tips for the trash.
Divine Toll is very useful to bring mages into melee range.
- If any adds are still alive when
Final Harvest is cast, use
Hammer of Justice or
Shining Light on them. If they are under the effects of any CC they will not explode and just die.
Surgeon Stitchflesh Trash & Boss Fight
- Use
Blessing of Protection on the player targeted by the fixate to let them stand still and DPS.
Nalthor the Rimebinder
- You can use
Blessing of Freedom on the player targeted by
Frozen Binds. If the freedom is applied before the cast finishes it will prevent the root from being applied. If they are already rooted freedom will remove it.
Ingra Maloch Trash & Boss Fight
- No special Paladin tips for the trash or boss.
Mistcaller Trash (Maze)
- Packs with multiple Guardians can be dangerous, be ready to send major cooldowns on these.
- If the Shapers successfully cast
Bramblethorn Coat the root can be removed with
Blessing of Freedom.
- If a vulpin gets too close to melee, stun them with
Hammer of Justice.
- You can soak a vulpin with
Divine Shield /
Blessing of Spellwarding. This triggers an AoE freeze and damage, if you decide to pop it make sure no other players are nearby!
Tred'ova Trash
- You can solo interrupt a Staghorn with
Rebuke and
Avenger's Shield.
Stinging Assault from the Reavers (flying mobs) can be dispelled with
Cleanse Toxins.
Blessing of Protection can be used on the fixated target to prevent them from taking melee damage.
- You can stand still during
Acid Expulsion with
Divine Shield to reduce the amount of poison pools that spawn during the encounter.
Chopper Redhook Trash & Boss Fight
- No special Paladin tips for the trash.
- If the boss gets too close to a player who is kiting the boss, use
Blessing of Protection to prevent them from dying.
- Be ready to pick up new trash every 25%.
Dread Captain Lockwood Trash & Boss Fight
- If you are tanking multiple Curseblades you can remove their stacking curse with
Divine Shield.
- No special Paladin tips for the boss fight.
Hadal Darkfathom Trash & Boss Fight
- If the Pillagers get a
Stinky Vomit cast off. You can remove the disease applied with
Cleanse Toxins.
- Cutthroats will apply
Rotting Wounds to you. This can be removed with
Cleanse Toxins.
- No special Paladin tips for the boss fight.
- You can dispel your own
Putrid Waters debuff with
Divine Shield.
E.D.N.A Trash
- There are many casters in these packs. Be ready to swap targets and interrupt with
Rebuke /
Avenger's Shield as necessary.
Blinding Light can be used if multiple casts are about to finish.
- For the first
Seismic Smash use
Guardian of Ancient Kings to survive the hit. After this your healer should dispel
Seismic Reverberation just before the next hit to let you survive without needing a major cooldown. If they dispel early, be ready to use something to survive!
Master Machinists Trash
- When gathering packs together be sure to use
Divine Toll on the way as there are multiple casters in many pulls.
- When the Forgebound Menders get to low health they will cast
Restoring Metals. Interrupt this!
Master Machinists
- If your group does not have any ranged interrupts be ready to interrupt
Molten Metal after
Scrap Song with
Avenger's Shield.
Skarmorak Trash & Boss Fight
- If
Censoring Gear finishes casting from the Speakers be ready to heal others.
- Both your damage (to the absorb shield) and healing (all of the time) are buffed for each
Unstable Energy you soak during the boss fight. You can help your healer out with spare
Shining Light procs while buffed.
Void Speaker Eirich Trash & Boss Fight
- Your
Avenger's Shield will not bounce to
Earth Burst Totem's, but it will bounce from them if you target them.
- You can remove your own
Void Corruption with
Divine Shield. Use this to help your group if the rifts are far away from where you are tanking the boss.
Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Protection Paladin in The War Within Season 1
This section has Protection Paladin-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.
Affix Guide for Protection Paladin in The War Within
Ascendant Affix Management for Protection Paladin
Blinding Light is our only AoE stop that will deal with the orbs. If you are a Blood Elf,
Arcane Torrent will also
work as an AoE dispel. Single target options are also available in the form of
Hammer of Justice,
Rebuke, and
Avenger's Shield.
Voidbound Affix Management for Protection Paladin
The Void Emissary always spawns on you and just needs to be killed. You will not need to take any different talents for this affix, use your best damaging buttons available at the time to deal with this affix.
Oblivion Affix Management for Protection Paladin
Pick up orbs. Run around with Divine Steed or
Unbound Freedom.
If you need to move out of your Consecration, be sure to put down a new one as you are moving.
Devour Affix Management for Protection Paladin
Cleanse Toxins to dispel it.
Word of Glory with
Shining Light or
Lay on Hands to heal it off.
Do not use Divine Shield to remove it, as the group will not gain a stack of
Lingering Void.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 22 Oct. 2024: Dungeon specific tips have been added!
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 19 Aug. 2024: Updated Talents for The War Within Launch.
- 19 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Season 3.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated talent tree for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Updated talent tree for Patch 10.1 and affix information for Season 2.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated talent builds for Patch 10.0.7. Added Turn Evil usage.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Paladin Guides
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This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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