Holy Paladin Healing The Eternal Palace Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Holy Paladin for each boss of the following raid: The Eternal Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
In this section, you will find information and guidance for healing Eternal Palace raid as a Holy Paladin. These are not complete encounter guides, but rather provide specific tips for healing as a Holy Paladin.
We recommend that you play the Glimmer of Light build for every boss in this instance, as it is performing significantly better than the Avenging Crusader build.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
Abyssal Commander Sivara
We advise you to use the following essences against Abyssal Commander Sivara.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
If you get targeted with Overflow, run to the edges of the room to drop the pool that spawns when the debuff expires. Use Divine Protection to survive through the damage on higher difficulties, or immune it with Divine Shield. You can also use Blessing of Sacrifice to help someone who cannot immune their Overflow debuff.
Soak Crushing Reverberation with your assigned group, if tanks are not soloing it.
Overwhelming Barrage is likely to cause high raid damage, from the bolts themselves and from the inevitable Unstable Mixture explosions that ensue. Make sure to have plenty of Glimmers out ahead of time and to use Aura Mastery to mitigate the damage taken.
There are no significant changes to the fight for Holy Paladin on Mythic difficulty.
For more information, please refer to our Abyssal Commander Sivara strategy guide.
Blackwater Behemoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Blackwater Behemoth.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Darkest Depths reduces all healing by 100%, so make sure to track it on your raid frames so that you do not waste recources and time healing debuffed players. Also, make sure to avoid positioning mistakes that will lead to your death through Gaze from Below and Bioelectric Feelers. If you gain Bioluminescence from the Jellyfish during the intermissions, use Divine Shield to remove it.
On Mythic difficulty, Piercing Barb is often not worth soaking as a group, due to the danger of multiple people dying if Bioelectric Feelers is activated because of the group's movement. If you get targeted by Piercing Barb, use Divine Shield if solo, or Divine Protection if grouped. Aura Mastery is a great tool to mitigate the shared damage as well.
For more information, please refer to our Blackwater Behemoth strategy guide.
Radiance of Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Radiance of Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Dispel Arcane Bomb only when the player is in a place where the bomb will not hit anyone or clog the raid's way through the encounter area.
During Ancient Tempest, make sure to be close to your raid group, as vision is reduced and you will not be able to heal or dispel anyone that is not close to you. You can use Divine Steed to get past the intermission faster, minimizing the risk of deaths. Divine Shield can be used to immune the tornado knockbacks.
There are no significant changes to the fight for Holy Paladins in Mythic difficulty.
For more information, please refer to our Radiance of Azshara strategy guide.
Lady Ashvane
We advise you to use the following essences against Lady Ashvane.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Rippling Wave will cause a large burst of damage to the raid whenever it is cast, no matter how well your group soaks it. Be prepared for this damage with healing cooldowns, and keep in mind that the damage grows as the encounter progresses, due to scaling with the amount of Coral Growths area.
Stand between the boss and the Coral Growths to help soak Rippling Wave bubbles before they heal the boss' shield. During intermissions, if targeted by Arcing Azerite, position yourself such that you will destroy as many Coral Growths as possible. Wind Rush Totem can help your group get to far away corals quickly.
In Mythic difficulty, Empowered Rippling Wave has equivalent power to three Rippling Wave, and Waterlogged lasts for the whole encounter, and is not reset upon death. Use Aura Mastery to have the raid soak multiple Ripples in short succession.
Once the carapace is gone and you can damage the boss, Regenerative Coral will limit the amount of Coral Growths you want to destroy with each application of Arcing Azerite to your group, as you might not have enough soakers, otherwise. Because the boss enrages after its carapace regenerates for the third time, you will want to contribute as much damage as possible while its health pool is vulnerable. This means pre-potting Unbridled Fury, and potentially using your Avenging Wrath for pure damage output. The Cyclotronic punchcard from Mechagon is also a great way to generate damage.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Ashvane strategy guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Orgozoa.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Tanks will take massive damage at the start of their tanking cycle and are required to be topped up in order to survive the hits while they have low Desensitizing Sting stacks. Use Blessing of Sacrifice to help mitigate their damage intake.
Position yourself away from the rest of the raid if Arcing Current is cast while you are affected by Incubation Fluid, as this debuff will spread to people who are hit by its chain lightning effect. Raid healing will get progressively more intensive as more targets are affected by the debuff.
Use Aura Mastery on the latest Arcing Current when possible, since the ability scales with the amount of damage your raid takes.
Divine Shield can be used to soak Amniotic Splatter and Powerful Stomp, if required.
Use Beacon of Light on a DPS with Incubation Fluid. Due to the nature of the tank damage, your tanks will not require a Beacon.
You can use Divine Steed to spread faster for Arcing Current or to move down the ramp faster during the intermission.
For more information, please refer to our Orgozoa strategy guide.
The Queen's Court
We advise you to use the following essences against The Queen's Court.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Zealous Eruption deals a huge amount of damage to anyone outside the bubble area around Silivaz, so make sure you are inside and focus healing into anyone who is forced to be outside, such as the tank who is on the other boss.
Potent Sparks deal a large burst of damage to the raid when they die, and slowly lose health over time. This means you should be prepared to quickly heal the raid back to full whenever one detonates, so that no one will die from the next detonation. The spark spawn timer lines up perfectly with Avenging Wrath if specced into Vision of Protection.
Obey or Suffer causes Suffering whenever a player is damaged, which cuts off all healing done to that player for 5 seconds. This can be removed by on others with Blessing of Protection. Make sure to track this on your raid frames, so that you do not waste Mana healing these targets, and so that you can queue up heals to hit as soon as the debuff drops.
In Mythic difficulty, there will always be a decree up, leading to some nasty overlaps. Be sure to use Area Mastery for some of the spark plus mechanic overlaps. This boss has a tight enrage timer as well, so be sure to maximise your DPS whenever possible. All decrees can be pre-bubbled. Deferred and Obey can be removed by Binding of Protection.
For more information, please refer to our The Queen's Court strategy guide.
Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha
We advise you to use the following essences against Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Dread will be causing massive damage to the raid whenever it is dispelled. Save healing cooldowns, personals and Aura Mastery to deal with the damage.
Players inside the Delirium Realm cannot be healed, which means healers are of limited usefulness inside. Focus on keeping people in the other realm healthy instead, and on dispelling Shattered Psyche from whoever dies inside the Delirium realm.
Meanwhile, players inside the Fear Realm will take increasingly high damage from stacking Hysteria debuffs, requiring high healing towards the end of the phase.
In Mythic, due to the immense burst damage caused by Dread, making efficient use of your damage reduction cooldowns is vital. Due to a bug with phasing and double Paladin on this fight, the active part of devotion aura is sometimes not applied to targets. It is therefore highly advisable that one Paladin swap to Aura of Sacrifice and Unbreakable Spirit to use bubble and Aura Mastery together. That said, Aura of Sacrifice is arguably equal, if not stronger than Devotion on this fight regardless, due to the low damage intake and high burst damage.
This fight has a low healing requirement outside of cooldowns, but some tight dps checks, especially with the popular zerg strats. Make sure to help damage as much as possible.
For more information, please refer to our Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha strategy guide.
Queen Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Queen Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3: Vision of Perfection + Strive for Perfection
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife
Drained Soul will be applied to players whenever they grant / remove energy from the glowing circles on the ground (Wards), and is deadly when the debuffed players take damage from other sources. Make sure to track this debuff and keep these players very healthy all the time.
Once Azshara comes out personally, you will probably need to dispel the Arcane Burst debuffs on some players (who should only be in your line of sight to avoid needless raid damage) before the debuff runs out on the remaining players, as space can be limited for all debuffs to expire naturally.
In the final phase, Void Touched will cause tanks to be increasingly hard to heal, and Controlled Burst will deal significant raid damage, on top of causing the occasional System Shock, which also needs to be outhealed. This makes this phase pretty hectic, as it will be a race against time as your group is slowly overwhelmed by the console mechanics.
Mythic Azshara is a fight with very low healing requirements for a final boss, and almost all of it is burst / cooldown healing. Therefore, your best bet for this boss in the current meta is to focus on DPS.
In Phase 4, make sure to bait Nether Portal outside melee, as it can target holy Paladin! Make sure to use your cooldowns when assigned, and best of luck.
For more information, please refer to our Queen Azshara strategy guide.
- 09 Dec. 2019: Added Zaqul and Azshara.
- 02 Oct. 2019: Added Queens Court.
- 13 Sep. 2019: Added tips for the first 5 bosses.
- 08 Jul. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Mytholxgy, who plays healer in Liquid. He is a Templar in the Paladin class discord. You can reach him on Twitter and watch him stream on Twitch.
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