Vexiona Mythic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Mythic difficulty Encounter Journal for Vexiona in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.
More Vexiona Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for Vexiona, please use the following link.
Please refer to our loot page for all the loot from the Vexiona encounter.
Vexiona engages players on the ground while calling upon the Cult of the Void to assist her.
Upon reaching 100 energy, she takes to the air and transforms one of her Cultists into a powerful Void Ascendant. She then assaults players with Twilight Decimator before returning to the ground.
At 40% health, Vexiona unleashes the full extent of her power and must be defeated quickly before she overwhelms players with Void Corruption.
- Void Ascendants drop
Gift of the Void when defeated. Pick up and use it to remove
Void Corruption.
- Face
Twilight Breath and
Annihilation away from other players.
Shattered Resolve inflicts damage to the raid based on your missing health when it expires.
- Void Ascendants drop
Gift of the Void when defeated, allowing tanks to cleanse
Void Corruption and use
Annihilation on Cultists.
- Help your tanks by damaging Cultists and using crowd control.
- Move away from allies with
Encroaching Shadows.
- Heal tanks affected by
Shattered Resolve to prevent heavy raid damage.
- Players who are targeted by
Annihilation or have high stacks of
Void Corruption require significant healing.
- Move away from allies with
Encroaching Shadows.
Stage One: Cult of the Void

Vexiona wraps random players in dark energy that inflicts 78,529 Shadow damage to the target and players within 9 yds immediately, and again after 8 sec.
Upon expiration, leaves behind a pool of Shadowy Residue.

A pool of dark energy that inflicts 78,528 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area.
On Mythic difficulty, damage from Shadowy Residue applies Void Corruption in all stages of the encounter.

Inflicts 98,162 Shadow damage and applies Void Corruption to players in a cone in front of Vexiona every 0.4 sec for 1 sec.

Void Corruption eats away at players, inflicting 7,852 Shadow damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.

Vexiona breaks her target's spirit, inflicting 98,161 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.

When Despair expires, it inflicts 49,081 plus 120% of the target's missing health as Shadow damage to all other players.
At the beginning of the encounter, Vexiona is accompanied by a powerful Void Ascendant.

Annihilate players and Cultists in front of the caster, inflicting 29,448 Shadow damage every 0.25 sec for 5 sec.
Each hit increases damage taken from Annihilation by 25% for 6 sec, stacking up to 20 times.

Defeating a Void Ascendant releases a sphere of pure Void energy that can be picked up.
Players can consume the Gift to cast Annihilation and cleanse themselves of Void Corruption.

Void Corruption eats away at players, inflicting 7,852 Shadow damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.

Vexiona's dark power tears open a portal, inflicting 171,783 Shadow damage to all players and allowing Cultists to enter the arena.
A common cultist with weak melee attacks.

Upon reaching 100 energy, the Cultist becomes immune to all forms of crowd control and begins to transform into a Void Ascendant.
A spell-slinging cultist who prefers to assault players from afar.

Inflicts 294,486 Shadow damage to target player.
An elusive cultist who slips away to attack from unexpected angles.

Teleport to a location up to 15 yds away, then fling shadowy blades that inflict 88,345 Shadow damage to the nearest player every 0.4 sec for 4 sec.
Frees the caster from root and slow effects.
A mighty cultist who uses devastating physical attacks.

Immune to all forms of crowd control.

The cultist pulls up to 3 distant players within 50 yds to their location, then unleashes a Brutal Smash.

Inflicts 981,620 Physical damage and stuns players within 10 yds of the cultist for 4 sec.
Stage Two: Death From Above
Upon reaching 100 energy, Vexiona takes off and assaults players from the air.
After casting Twilight Decimator three times, she lands and resumes summoning Cultists.

Vexiona soars overhead, exhaling twilight flames in a line as she travels.
Inflicts 981,620 Shadow damage to players upon impact, plus 98,161 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec while they remain in the area.

Vexiona wraps random players in dark energy that inflicts 78,529 Shadow damage to the target and players within 9 yds immediately, and again after 8 sec.
Upon expiration, leaves behind a pool of Shadowy Residue.

A pool of dark energy that inflicts 78,528 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area.
On Mythic difficulty, damage from Shadowy Residue applies Void Corruption in all stages of the encounter.
As she takes to the skies, Vexiona empowers one of her Cultists to become a Void Ascendant.

Annihilate players and Cultists in front of the caster, inflicting 29,448 Shadow damage every 0.25 sec for 5 sec.
Each hit increases damage taken from Annihilation by 25% for 6 sec, stacking up to 20 times.

Defeating a Void Ascendant releases a sphere of pure Void energy that can be picked up.
Players can consume the Gift to cast Annihilation and cleanse themselves of Void Corruption.

Void Corruption eats away at players, inflicting 7,852 Shadow damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.
Stage Three: The Void Unleashed
When Vexiona reaches 40% health, she stops summoning Cultists and unleashes the full extent of her power.
Tapping into the Void creates a Shadow of Vexiona. The Shadow periodically casts Twilight Decimator for the remainder of the encounter.

Vexiona soars overhead, exhaling twilight flames in a line as she travels.
Inflicts 981,620 Shadow damage to players upon impact, plus 98,161 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec while they remain in the area.

Vexiona applies Void Corruption to any player hit by any of her abilities.

Void Corruption eats away at players, inflicting 7,852 Shadow damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.

Vexiona wraps random players in dark energy that inflicts 78,529 Shadow damage to the target and players within 9 yds immediately, and again after 8 sec.
Upon expiration, leaves behind a pool of Shadowy Residue.

A pool of dark energy that inflicts 78,528 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players standing in the area.

Inflicts 98,162 Shadow damage and applies Void Corruption to players in a cone in front of Vexiona every 0.4 sec for 1 sec.

Vexiona's mere presence overwhelms players, reducing their haste by 100% unless they're within 6 yds of another friendly player.

Vexiona channels immense energy that inflicts up to 1.2 million Shadow damage to all players. Players farther away from Vexiona take reduced damage.
Players affected by Terrifying Presence are Feared for 15 sec and gain 1 additional stack of Void Corruption.

Vexiona slows her target by 50% and blasts them with negative energy, inflicting 1.6 million Shadow damage and 60 stacks of Void Corruption divided among all players hit.

If Desolation fails to hit at least 3 players, Vexiona gains 100% increased damage for 15 sec and casts Desolation again.
- 17 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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