Affliction Warlock DPS Amirdrassil Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Motoko 41 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Affliction Warlock for each boss of the following raid: Amirdrassil. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Amirdrassil. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope guides.

On this page, you will find information for each boss in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hopeas Affliction Warlock. These are not complete encounter guides but provide specific tips for any Affliction Warlock on each boss.

Affliction Warlock Talents in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope

Listed below is the default talent setup recommended for the Raid. However, if a boss requires a substantially different setup, it will be mentioned in the respective section.


Best Talents for Affliction Warlock

Single-Target Talents Cleave Talents

Single-Target Talents for Affliction Warlock

Single target-oriented setup, which also retains some adaptability towards adds that needs to be focused down and light cleave.

To import the build directly ingame, click on the export button at the bottom of the calculator


Cleave Talents for Affliction Warlock

Setup oriented towards scenarios that include multitarget but also require a certain degree of priority/single target damage, such as dungeon runs.

To import the build directly ingame, click on the export button at the bottom of the calculator





Two phases single target encounter with adds spawning.

During the first phase Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle and to a lesser extent Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway can solve the movements required to spawn the Lashers when affected by Controlled Burn Icon Controlled Burn.

Adds spawning are a great source of additional shards through Agony Icon Agony, and Drain Soul Icon Drain Soul to funnel more damage on the boss.

During the second phase, a preplaced Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle allow to move to the respective section of the arena if needed.

Enter the Uprooted Agony Icon Uprooted Agony phase with cooldown to get the most out of the damage increase phase.

Tainted Treants can be affected by Curse of Tongues Icon Curse of Tongues and can be interrupted in Mythic difficulty.

For more information, please refer to our Gnarlroot guide.


Igira the Cruel



Two-phased single target encounter with a fair bit of movement involved.

In the first phase other than avoiding Twisting Blade Icon Twisting Blade, try to help burning down Blistering Spear Icon Blistering Spears, and if targeted, consider using active mitigation such as Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact.

After the boss reaches 100 energy, they will start the second phase.

Again, active mitigation can be used for the soaking of Marked for Torment Icon Marked for Torment and the following Hacking Torment Icon Hacking Torment group soak.

Save instant casts for when Slicing Torment Icon Slicing Torment happens, as there will be a handful of global cooldowns where players are forced to move.

When targeted by Flaying Torment Icon Flaying Torment make use of Healthstone Icon Healthstone, Mortal Coil Icon Mortal Coil to heal up if needed.

For more information, please refer to our Igira guide.





Single target encounter with a fair bit of movement involved.

Burning Rush Icon Burning Rush can help dodging the various waves and repositioning through Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames, Volcanic Disgorge Icon Volcanic Disgorge and Scorchtail Crash Icon Scorchtail Crash.

Both Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway can be used to bypass the Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands knockback.

For more information, please refer to our Volcoross guide.


Council of Dreams



Three targets council encounter which have to die at about the same time.

Smart Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle usage can prevent getting pushed into Noxious Blossom Icon Noxious Blossoms while minimising downtime.

Affliction multi-dotting capabilities will shine in this encounter, allowing full DoT coverage on all 3 bosses. Soul Swap Icon Soul Swap Vile Taint Icon Vile Taint, Soul Rot Icon Soul Rot, Unstable Affliction Icon Unstable Affliction and every other Haunt Icon Haunt to the boss not cleaved will specifically constitute a strong point for the spec.

For more information, please refer to our Council of Dreams guide.


Larodar, Keeper of the Flame



Two phases single target encounter with periodic adds.

In the first phase Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle, Burning Rush Icon Burning Rush and Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway can help create distance from Scorching Roots Icon Scorching Roots if needed.

Soak orbs when possible, using active mitigation such as Unending Resolve Icon Unending Resolve or Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact, and avoid the various ground effects.

At 40% health, the boss will transition into the second phase.

Counter the healing absorption from Flash Fire Icon Flash Fire with Mortal Coil Icon Mortal Coil and Healthstone Icon Healthstone if needed.

Both Fiery Treant Icon Fiery Treants and Ashen Treants will offer opportunities to funnel damage on the boss through extra shard, although the former will not yield a Soul Shard under Drain Soul Icon Drain Soul.

For more information, please refer to our Larodar guide.


Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle



Two phases single target encounter.

Plan with the Raid when to use personal defensive cooldown as a variety of soaks will require coordination with healers alongside the usage of Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact, Unending Resolve Icon Unending Resolve and possibly Mortal Coil Icon Mortal Coil and Healthstone Icon Healthstones.

Strategic Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle placement can help cross Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix lines, however, might be better saved for placing Weaver's Burden Icon Weaver's Burden away from the group, alongside Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway.

Upon reaching 100 energy, the boss will deal heavy raid-wide damage and summon two adds starting the second phase.

Save cooldown in order to burn down the assigned Warden.

For more information, please refer to our Nymue guide.





Two phases single target encounter.

In the first phase, pay attention to not trigger Cauterizing Wound Icon Cauterizing Wound prematurely with the usage of Healthstone Icon Healthstones or Mortal Coil Icon Mortal Coil, as it could spawn a void zone in a unwanted spot.

Active mitigation should be considered when soaking Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation, but depending on the timer and Raid strategy might be better to save when about to enter the second phase with Blazing Soul Icon Blazing Soul.

Try to enter the second phase with as many resources and cooldowns possible, due to the damage amplification offered by Devour Essence Icon Devour Essence Orbs.

Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway can help when dealing with World in Flames Icon World in Flames mechanic.

For more information, please refer to our Smolderon guide.


Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame



Three phases encounter with Dragonriding intermissions.

Across the phases, the mechanics will be the same, just with different overlapping.

Outside of dodging the obvious damaging effects, the main mechanic which prompts a different talent setup is the Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement, where having burst AoE is the key to solve otherwise problematics overlaps.

Spreading DoTs through Sow the Seeds Icon Sow the Seeds and Vile Taint Icon Vile Taint on a groups of roots should trigger a Soul Flame Icon Soul Flame cascading effect to offset Affliction lack of frontload AoE burst.

It is advisable to pool Shards at the end of phase 1 and 2 in order to have additional resources to burn the Supernova Icon Supernova at the beginning of the new platform.

During intermissions, it is important to collect as many Dream Essence Icon Dream Essences collectively, but at the same time, the sooner the dps reach the new platform, the sooner they can damage the Supernova Icon Supernova.

For more information, please refer to our Tindral guide.


Fyrakk the Blazing



Three phases encounter mostly single target with the addition of cleave in phase 2.

Active mitigation such as Dark Pact Icon Dark Pact or Unending Resolve Icon Unending Resolve should be used for Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend casts.

Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle can be used to get back in the group if targeted by Firestorm Icon Firestorm.

Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway should be placed for the Raid to quickly avoid fall off damage.

Demonic Circle Icon Demonic Circle should be used to negate the knockbacks in the last phase.



  • 19 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Revisited suggested talents for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Updated talents for bosses available on PTR testing.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Page Added.
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