Fury Warrior DPS Nerub-ar Palace Raid Guide — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Fury Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Nerub-ar Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Nerub-ar Palace. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Nerub-ar Palace guides.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Fury Warrior and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.
All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.
Nerub'ar Palace Boss Guides for Fury Warrior
Nerub'ar Palace Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Fury Warrior
Tips for Ulgrax the Devourer for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
- You may want to defensive if you are at low HP when Hungering Bellows happens.
Cooldown Usage
- If the adds die very quickly in your group, then saving cooldowns other than Bladestorm and Sweeping Strikes is preferred.
Mechanical Tips
- The add phase begins each time Ulgrax reaches zero energy, which ticks down at a rate of one per second, making it easy to determine how cooldowns will align.
- Avatar and Bladestorm will remove any
Stalker's Netting on the ground, clearing extra space in melee.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
The raid multitarget Cleave build is recommended.
Tips for Bloodbound Horror for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
- Consider using a defensive if you are at low HP when
Bloodcurdle happens or if you are about to go down via
Gruesome Disgorge.
Cooldown Usage
- Bladestorm should be timed to be used whenever there will be multiple adds grouped together, but should generally be used on cooldown.
Mechanical Tips
- Adds spawn roughly every minute, starting ~10 seconds into the encounter. Players alternate groups, which means you will either be assigned to deal with adds on even or odd intervals, so save or use cooldowns accordingly.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Although Bloodbound Horror includes regular add phases, it does not feature large groups of clumped-up adds.
The raid multitarget Cleave build is recommended.
Tips for Sikran for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
Defensive Stance is very strong here, as you are unable to deal damage while moving out for
Phase Blades anyway.
Cooldown Usage
- As a single target boss, cooldowns should be used regularly, though it is usually a good idea to delay a second or two to see if you are about to be targeted with
Phase Blades.
Mechanical Tips
Heroic Leap,
Charge, and
Intervene can be used as emergency movement tools to counteract the pull, but be very careful about what path the movement will take.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
The single target Juggernaut build is recommended.
Tips for Rasha'nan for Fury Warrior
Note that Warcraft Logs is once again attributing add damage, returning this to a multitarget fight for ranking purposes. While holding cooldowns for these adds will reduce single target performance, Fury is exceptional at clearing the adds quickly and generally assigned to do so.
Defensive Tips
- Use
Spell Reflection regularly, especially as the boss is casting
Erosive Spray goes out.
- Use
Defensive Stance while following the boss across the platform.
- On Mythic difficulty, Infested Spawn often overlaps with
Enveloping Webs.
Bladestorm will prevent the stun, allowing you to remain centralized to hit adds, though you will still take damage from the attack, so be sure to first use
Enraged Regeneration to reduce its damage.
Cooldown Usage
- Bladestorm should be timed with the periodic wave of adds at ~1 minute, 2:20, and 3:40 into the fight.
Mechanical Tips
Spinneret's Strands can be easily broken with Charge/Leap/Intervene, though be careful to ensure other players are not hit by them - charging into the boss from a side angle is preferred.
Heroic Leap should be used to quickly move across the platform when the boss phases. An Evoker using
Time Spiral will allow Heroic Leap to be cast twice, easily catching up to the boss and being in position to interrupt
Acidic Eruption at the last second.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Note that Warcraft Logs no longer attributes add damage, making this a single target fight for ranking purposes. The adds still need to die and should be a priority on progression, but groups which have the encounter comfortably on farm may opt into full single target builds instead.
The raid multitarget Cleave build is recommended.
Tips for Broodtwister Ovi'nax for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
- Because
Volatile Concoction deals increased damage the more HP you are missing, using
Defensive Stance or
Spell Reflection is highly recommended.
Cooldown Usage
- On Normal and Heroic difficulties, use cooldowns on the pull and as each set of adds spawn, though be careful to give tanks enough time to pick up Colossal spiders.
- On Mythic difficulty,
Anger Management can be used to ensure Recklessness and Bladestorm are available for each set of adds at the cost of slightly less boss damage. In this case, only use
Odyn's Fury and
Bladestorm on the pull, as they should become available again before the first set of adds.
Mechanical Tips
- On Mythic difficulty, activating Avatar or Bladestorm will immediately clear
Sticky Web, applying
Web Eruption to allies within 10 yards, so watch timers carefully when using these cooldowns!
- With
Relentless Pursuit talented, Warriors may easily negate this mechanic by leaping away from the raid and using
Charge to remove the debuff themselves.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Broodtwister is a heavy multitarget encounter, with mixed groups of regularly spawning adds.
This Anger Management build is recommended to allow
Recklessness and
to be available for each set of adds.
Sudden Death is also taken in order to maximize rage generation
Imminent Demise stacks.
Tips for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
Defensive Stance is very strong here, as you are unable to deal damage while moving out for
Assassination anyway.
Cooldown Usage
- This is a pure single-target encounter, so use cooldowns regularly, though it may be a good idea to delay their activation slightly if Assassination is about to be cast.
Mechanical Tips
- Warriors have no particular tricks on this encounter, aside from common capabilities like using
Charge and
Heroic Leap to get in and out of range quickly.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
The single target Juggernaut build is recommended.
Tips for The Silken Court for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
Spell Reflection should be used regularly, as almost everything deals magic damage.
Cooldown Usage
- Holding cooldowns on the pull for adds will cause them to not be available when the boss is taking extra damage due to being entangled, so players will have to choose whether to prioritize boss or add damage.
Mechanical Tips
Call of the Swarm adds fixate the closest target, so if there is no grip available, use that to your advantage to lure them into melee range of the bosses.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
The Silken Court is a two-target encounter, with occasional groups of smaller adds.
This Mountain Thane build is recommended due to the increased two target damage from Thunder Clap compared to
Tips for Queen Ansurek for Fury Warrior
Defensive Tips
Spell Reflection should be used regularly, as almost everything deals nature damage. In particular, it should be timed to reduce the damage of Liquefy or Silken Tombs in Phase 1, and Abyssal Infusion in Phase 3.
Cooldown Usage
- Fury is exceptionally good at dealing with extra targets, so cooldowns should be used on the pull, and then timed with Silken Tomb in Phase 1, Caustic Skitter spawns in Phase 2, and Gloom Hatchlings in Phase 3.
Mechanical Tips
- During the intermission, movement abilities will only negate the pull-in if they are used after the pull, which does not leave very much time or room for reaction. A much safer strategy is to use
Heroic Leap or
Intervene early in order to create enough distance to survive.
Bladestorm can also be used from melee range to stop from being moved entirely.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
The raid multitarget Cleave build is recommended.
General Defensive Usage Notes
Fury Warrior has several defensive spells that you should plan to use and rotate
throughout mechanics. You should opt to use the smaller cooldown spells often
as needed with incoming mechanics and save bigger cooldowns like Enraged Regeneration
for large spikes of incoming damage.
Spell Reflection
Defensive Stance
Impending Victory
Enraged Regeneration
General Cooldown Usage
Fury Warrior has a few cooldowns to think about using optimally on the fights in Nerub-ar Palace:
Avatar — a long damage-enhancing cooldown, it can be enhanced further through special Torment talents.
Recklessness — the main damage enhancing cooldown, it aligns perfectly with Avatar to create larger burst damage windows.
Bladestorm — a moderately powerful multitarget cooldown, but also serves as a single target cooldown due to
Unhinged triggering multiple extra Mortal Strikes.
Odyn's Fury — an extremely bursty multitarget attack, with a very short following DoT.
Champion's Spear — the main single target cooldown, it aligns perfectly with Avatar and Recklessness.
Thunderous Roar — is mainly used as a multitarget alternative to Champion's Spear.
In addition to the general rotation, you want to keep in mind that your goal is to use your cooldowns as often as possible during an encounter. With that in mind, your secondary goal is to use them at the correct time.
I highly suggest using some Addon or WeakAura to track the estimated time to
die of your target/boss target.
Raid Tools has this as an option if you are already using this addon.
By tracking time to die, if you know that you can only fit one more cycle of
your cooldowns in before the boss dies, you can choose to hold these cooldowns
to better line up with Bloodlust, your Potion, or even your other
cooldowns, trying to look for opportunities to stack all of them.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated various tips and talent recommendations for Broodtwister and The Silken Court.
- 03 Oct. 2024: More tips and new talent recommendations for Broodtwister.
- 23 Sep. 2024: Queen Ansurek tips and suggestions.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Page created.
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This guide has been written by Archimtiros, Warrior class theorycrafter and SimulationCraft developer who has been writing class guides for more than a decade. You can follow him on Twitter or see more of his day to day work in Skyhold, the Warrior Discord.
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