Mistweaver Monk Healing Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Mistweaver Monk, depending on the type of damage your group is receiving. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your healing output and your mana efficiency. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
Mistweaver Monk Healing at a Glance for The War Within
The following will be a quick explanation of your goals while healing certain content. Obviously, unlike DPS players, our rotation is much more dynamic and changes based on moment-to-moment gameplay, but everything listed below should be followed.
Raiding using Rising Mist
Maintain Renewing Mist on as many targets as possible
so that you can burst damage windows with
Vivify when needed.
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent should be used early and often to
counter periods of high damage.
Rising Sun Kick should be cast basically
on cooldown, not only to extend your HoTs with
Rising Mist, but
for the passive healing from
Crane Style, and the cooldown reduction
Pool of Mists.
Raiding using Tear of Morning
This build still wants to maintain a high uptime of Renewing Mist
however, the avenue to get there will be by using
Enveloping Mist to proc
Rapid Diffusion rather than relying on
Rising Mist to extend
You will still want to use your Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent frequently;
however, your gameplay will no only be punctuated by
Rising Sun Kick, giving
you the freedom to position in range if you prefer.
Peer Into Peace also facilitates the rapid-fire applications of
Enveloping Mist
by allowing
Soothing Mist to swap targets with you as you cast. This also has the
ancillary benefit of reducing your GCD to 1 second instead of 1.5.
As always, maintaining a wide coverage of Renewing Mist
is a top priority however, in M+, you will oftentimes need to be more concerned with
your placement and uptime of
Jadefire Stomp. Make sure you
are always buffed with
Awakened Jadefire and
Jadefire Teachings.
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane liberally, as the cooldown is very short.
Vivify when things look hairy. If single target damage is high enough,
then cast
Soothing Mist (if talented) into the target followed by a
Enveloping Mist,
then spam
Single Target Healing for Mistweaver Monks
For single-target healing, your bread-and-butter heal is going to be
Vivify. If the target is going to be taking consistent damage, then
you should channel
Soothing Mist onto them as well. If the damage is
high enough, you can also apply
Enveloping Mist. Enveloping Mist
can also be used to preempt damage, as it does not tick immediately upon
Renewing Mist should be used on cooldown unless there is no damage
to heal or you are intentionally saving charges. This can be done when you
expect a period of heavy damage to hit your group and want to be prepared by
having a wide coverage of Renewing Mist. However, you should never sit on 2 charges (3 with
Pool of Mists)
Renewing Mist. Always have the cooldown rolling.
If things get messy, be ready to cast Life Cocoon on a target who
is in immediate danger of dying.
Raid Healing for Mistweaver Monks
If you are healing raid damage, you need to be aware of the type of damage intake, how many targets are taking damage, as well as how efficient you need to be with your Mana in relation to raid damage.
To begin with, you should use Renewing Mist on cooldown, unless you
have a specific reason to hold your charges, like mentioned above. If playing
Rising Mist you will want to press
Rising Sun Kick on cooldown as well.
If there are 3-4+ raid members taking damage, you should use Vivify
to top them off, provided you have a few
Renewing Mists out to effectively
make use of
Invigorating Mists. Alternatively, you can also spot heal
them with
Enveloping Mist, especially if there will be follow-up damage,
as these casts will proc
Rapid Diffusion and give you a small window of
a higher than average Renewing Mist count.
When +10 members of the raid are taking damage, it's time to start considering
your cooldowns. Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent should be used as often as possible,
given its short cooldown if talented into
Gift of the Celestials, or to maximize
cooldown reduction if talented into
Jade Bond.
Finally, if you are using the Chi Burst talent, you should use it
on cooldown provided that you can hit 5+ damaged allies with it.
Cooldown Usage for Mistweaver Monks
As a Mistweaver Monk, you have a number of cooldowns in your arsenal, which you must use in tandem with your regular rotation.
Thunder Focus Tea should be used as many times as possible during the encounter. You should normally use this spell either
Renewing Mist or
Enveloping Mist.
Life Cocoon should be used on the tank or another target who is about to sustain a large amount of damage. You should time this in such a way that its effect coincides with dangerous encounter abilities.
Revival is a raid-wide heal, and it could be considered a raid cooldown, in which case your raid leader may ask you to use it at a specific time. Otherwise, just use it when the raid is dangerously low or when you want to dispel the entire raid.
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane causes certain DPS abilities to proc your Mastery of two targets while also empowering your
Enveloping Mist. This should be used during periods of extended damage, during which you are able to melee the boss.
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent passively heals your raid as well as buffing your
Enveloping Mist in the same way Chi-Ji does, while also reducing its mana cost by 50% for the duration of the cooldown. How you play during this buff window will change based on what talent build you are using, which we will discuss below in the Yu'lon section
Optional Read: Mastering Your Mistweaver Monk
The information we provide above will set you on the right path toward healing efficiently as a Mistweaver Monk. Indeed, you can probably perform to a relatively high level just on what we have written above; however, to fully reach the maximum potential of your character, you must understand several subtleties and complexities about your class and spec.
Important Concepts
There are many mechanics that, together, make up the complex playstyle of Mistweaver Monks.
Soothing Mist
Soothing Mist is a cheap, efficient, channelled heal that allows
us to instantly cast all of our other single target abilities onto that target
without breaking the channel. It also has a 1-second global cooldown, as
opposed to the normal 1.5, meaning it is faster to channel Soothing Mist then
Vivify than it would be to just cast Vivify on its own. However,
you are not actually gaining any GCDs; you are just front-loading cast times, so
if you are ever swapping targets, the "borrowed" time from the instant cast will
catch up to you as soon as you need to hard cast. There is a strong temptation
to precede every ability with a Soothing Mist, but it is important to remember
that the SooM -> instant spell combo is a Faustian bargain of sorts; it delivers
the healing of your powerful abilities after just 1 second, but it costs 2.5
seconds of GCDs that need to be paid eventually.
Rising Sun Kick
Rising Sun Kick is a core DPS and healing ability for Mistweavers and
our strongest single-target damage ability. Its cooldown is augmented by 3 separate
mechanics, offering some on-the-fly randomness and variation to our rotation.
First, Haste will reduce its cooldown so that it will always be in sync with
your GCDs. Second,
Teachings of the Monastery give
Blackout Kick
the chance to reset Rising Sun Kick. Third,
Thunder Focus Tea can reduce
the cooldown by 9 seconds. This reduction happens before the haste reduction,
so you will always have 1 global cooldown in between your two Rising Sun Kicks.
It is a good idea to plan out your Blackout Kicks in such a way that
they provide high-value resets. For example, using a 4-stack Blackout Kick when
Rising Sun Kick has 3 seconds left on its cooldown and is generally pretty
weak when you could save it and get a very high chance for a 1st GCD reset.
Rising Sun Kick is also a large driver of our healing through talents
such as
Rising Mist,
Rapid Diffusion,
Jadefire Teachings,
Crane Style, and
Pool of Mists.
Mastery: Gust of Mists
Your Mastery: Gust of Mists causes all of your direct healing spells to also heal
their primary target for a certain amount (determined by how much Mastery you
have). The primary target mentioned refers to the fact that only the
player you directly cast Vivify on is healed by your Mastery and only the first heal of
Renewing Mist (on the initial target) triggers a Mastery proc. The exception to this is
Revival will proc Gust of Mists on everyone it hits.
Detailed Cooldown Usage for Mistweaver Monks
Thunder Focus Tea
Thunder Focus Tea is an active ability with a 30-second cooldown that
empowers your next
Renewing Mist,
Rising Sun Kick,
Enveloping Mist,
Vivify, or
Expel Harm cast within
30 seconds. Depending on which spell you use the effect on, it has the following
Renewing Mist: extends Renewing Mist's duration to 30 seconds;
Enveloping Mist: makes Enveloping Mist instantly heal for an additional 312% spell power;
Rising Sun Kick: reduces the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick by 9 seconds;
Vivify: removes the Mana cost of Vivify;
Expel Harm: transfers 25% more healing into damage and grants you a large shield.
It is also important to note that Thunder Focus Tea is not on the
global cooldown, and can be cast during channelled spells, like
Soothing Mist.
Most of your Thunder Focus Tea casts should be used on
Renewing Mist for the extension on the HoT, but using it on
Enveloping Mist
can also be a good idea when you need the extra boost in single-target healing.
If running Secret Infusion, you can also select what spell you want to
empower based on what buff it will give you. Most of the time, you will still want
to go with Renewing Mist as it grants Haste; however during defensive moments,
Expel Harm granting you Versatility can be a welcome addition to the shield it was
already providing.
Life Cocoon
Life Cocoon is a single-target healing cooldown, which places a
damage absorption shield on the target, lasting for 12 seconds or until
broken by damage. While the shield is active, the target also receives 50%
increased healing from healing over time spells. It is not on the global
cooldown and will not break
Soothing Mist's channel if cast into the
same target.
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent
The way this cooldown functions is it summons an effigy of Yu'lon lasting
for 25 seconds, which will periodically heal several members of your raid.
Additionally, after you talent into Celestial Harmony, your
Enveloping Mist
casts during Yu'lon will apply a HoT called
Enveloping Breath to up to 5 players within 10 yards of your
A sizable portion of this cooldown's power comes from
Enveloping Breath. Each of the HoTs applied tick for half as much as
Enveloping Mist, making them extremely powerful. Lastly, the
duration of these HoTs is the same as Enveloping Mist and is also affected
Mist Wrap.
Use of this cooldown is fairly simple but varies slightly depending on if
you are running the Rising Mist build or the
Tear of Morning build.
For Tear of Morning, prior to casting Yu'lon, you will want to
Thunder Focus Tea into
Renewing Mist,
then hit
Mana Tea for a global. Press
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent, then start channeling
Soothing Mist and cast
Enveloping Mist on as many injured raid members
as you can. Try to jump from group to group, so you spread your
Enveloping Breath,
though that is not as big a deal as it used to be. Near the end of Invoke or once you
have sufficient coverage of HoTs, you can
Mana Tea and cast a few
to make use of the spike in Renewing Mists out.
For Rising Mist, the game plan is very similar, open with
Thunder Focus Tea,
Renewing Mist and then use
Mana Tea into
Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent.
Since this build does not make use of
Soothing Mist rotationally, you will
instead simply hard cast
Enveloping Mist into targets who need it. After casting
3-4 Enveloping Mists, you should
Rising Sun Kick, pressing it every time it comes
off cooldown. After that, you should be filling with
Vivify casts to make use
of all the extra
Renewing Mists you have spread via
Rapid Diffusion.
Also make sure you keep weaving in casts of
Enveloping Mist after every couple
of globals to keep your HoTs rolling.
Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane
Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane is the Mana-friendly version of Yu'lon that
allows you to leverage your DPS to do tremendous healing. It causes all your
Blackout Kicks,
Rising Sun Kicks, and
Spinning Crane Kicks
to trigger a
Mastery: Gust of Mists proc on 2 allies. Equally, each kick
will also give you a stack that reduces the Mana cost and cast time of your next
Enveloping Mist by 33%.
The rotation is fairly simple; before pressing Chi-ji, it is important to make sure you have 3 or more
stacks of Teachings of the Monastery ready to go for a Blackout Kick as
soon as you pop the cooldown. From there, you just want to DPS and spend your
"bird stacks" to get
Enveloping Breath on as much of the raid as you
can. Keep in mind that it takes the same amount of time to cast
Enveloping Mist at 2 stacks as it does at 3 since you still have to
take the Global Cooldown into consideration, so if you mess up your rotation
and only get 2 stacks, that is fine.
While DPSing, you only want to stack your Teachings of the Monastery
to 2, since that will give you 3 Blackout Kicks (and therefore 3 bird stacks).
Keep in mind; you will need to also
Rising Sun Kick from time to time,
and so following or preceding the use of RSK, you will only want to stack your
TotM once.
Revival is a raid-wide heal, which also removes any Magical,
Disease or Poison effects from all targets. Revival also procs
Mastery: Gust of Mists
on everyone it hits, so if the damage patterns allow, it is a good idea to
Essence Font prior to proc the double Mastery buff.
In most cases, you should use it for the heal it provides (which is quite
powerful, considering the number of targets it heals), but it can also be used
as a sort of "mass dispel." The spell has a 3-minute cooldown and a 40-yard
range. If a fight requires your use of Revival, but the Magic dispel would cause
a wipe, then talent into Restoral instead. The spell functions exactly
the same, just without the Magic dispel and with the added perk of being able
to be used while stunned.
Chi Burst
Chi Burst should be used only when there are 5 or more damaged
raid members that you can hit with the spell, in which case it should be used
on cooldown. Alternatively, in dungeons, it is a great spell to pre-cast before
your group pulls a trash pack, as it will apply
Mystic Touch to all
enemies it strikes. It is also excellent at resetting your
Jadefire Stomp.
Mana Tea
Mana Tea should be used as often as possible throughout the fight,
ideally during periods of heavy damage when you can gain the highest overall
Mana cost reduction while also making sure not to overcap your stacks.
Jadefire Stomp
When combined with Awakened Jadefire and
Jadefire Teachings,
the amount of passive healing that this ability can generate while DPSing
cannot be understated. It causes Blackout Kick to hit multiple targets, as well
Tiger Palm to strike twice, granting us 2 stacks of
Teachings of the Monastery.
This means that while standing on your Jadefire with these talents selected, your
DPS rotation will change so that you only ever want to press Tiger Palm once
before pressing Blackout Kick.
Roll and Transcendence for Mistweaver Monks
Roll is an ability that allows you to quickly move 15 yards in
front of you. It is a useful mobility ability, which you should use
extensively for quickly traversing short distances. Here are a few facts about
- Roll has no resource cost and cools down a charge system.
- It has a baseline maximum of 2 charge, and this charge has a 20-second recharge time.
- The
Celerity talent grants an additional charge, and reduces recharge time to 15 seconds.
- The
Lighter Than Air talent grants a dash that you can use for a short time after a Roll, however increases the recharge time by 2 seconds.
- Roll is off the global cooldown, but while you are rolling, you are unable to use any other ability.
- Roll will always send you in the direction that your character is currently moving (including backward). If your character is stationary, Roll will send you in the direction your character is facing.
- If you hold backwards and forewards, your character will Roll in place.
- You cannot roll through objects or obstacles. If you encounter an obstacle, your Roll can be halted.
- Your movement speed while rolling is greater than while running, so rolling off a cliff will push you further than if you were just running and jumping.
Transcendence allows you to place a copy of yourself behind for
up to 15 minutes. If you then use
Transcendence: Transfer, you will be
instantly moved back to the location of your copy. This can be useful in a
wide range of situations, typically those where you know you will have to
return to a certain location after moving away from it.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within Release.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 21 Mar. 2024: Updated the Clouded Focus ramp rotation to reflect the introduction of the Peer into Peace talent.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated Faeline Stomp to Jadefire Stomp to reflect the visual update.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Adjusted Mana Tea's usage to reflect the 10.1.7 rework
- 10 Jul. 2023: Removed old content and updated for Patch 10.1.5
- 01 May 2023: Added "At a Glance" section and updated for 10.1
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Changed Thunder Focus Tea recommendations and added Tier set section.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Monk Guides
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This guide has been written by Dhaubbs a Mistweaver Monk theorycrafter, and moderator on the Monk Discord Peak of Serenity. He raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US, where he also produces encounter videos. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and/or YouTube.
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