Unholy Death Knight DPS Amirdrassil Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Bicepspump 69 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Unholy Death Knight for each boss of the following raid: Amirdrassil. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Amirdrassil. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope guides.

On this page, you will find Unholy Death Knight specific information to deal with each boss in the Amirdrassil raid. These are not complete encounter guides but specific tips for doing the bosses as a Unholy Death Knight.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Unholy Death Knight and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.

Here is a summary for each boss with tips, tricks and talents in a video format!

The Default Raid Build above is your generic single target talent tree. Each boss below will note if it uses this build or a different one and if you should tweak anything. Your choice comes into play with any kind of AoE, where Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus, Improved Death Coil Icon Improved Death Coil and Unholy Pact Icon Unholy Pact become potential picks. This will be the "Cleave" build. Furthermore, pure Single Target bosses will run Enfeeble Icon Enfeeble whereas Cleave bosses run Unholy Ground Icon Unholy Ground.





This encounter has a significant amount of AoE, making Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus and Unholy Pact Icon Unholy Pact great choices.


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell when target by Controlled Burn Icon Controlled Burn. This deals a lot of damage, and you will be running out of the raid, making it more difficult to survive.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone when the boss casts Tortured Scream Icon Tortured Scream.
  • Leverage Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay, Epidemic Icon Epidemic, and Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike cleave to help deal with the adds that spawn.
  • Use your second 1.5-minute burst window during the end of phase two when the boss takes 100% increased damage (around 2 minutes into the fight) from Uprooted Agony Icon Uprooted Agony for 20 seconds.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Doing good damage on Gnarlroot primarily comes down to two factors: being able to do good damage on the adds that spawn, as well as executing the 2 minute burst properly. For the adds, primarily use Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike cleave to burst them down. Do also try and efficiently DoT them up, but do not spend too many GCDs on Outbreak Icon Outbreak.

The 2-minute burst window is your primary boss damage timing. Most guilds will hold Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust until this point due to Uprooted Agony Icon Uprooted Agony increasing the damage the boss is taking by 100% for 20 seconds. The timing means that you can use everything you have on pull except your potion and 3-minute trinket. When it comes to actually executing the burst, try and start it just before the boss starts taking increased damage. You full burst window is longer than 20 seconds, and you want as much overlap as possible! We will also use Fyr'alath the Dream Render Icon Fyr'alath the Dream Render towards the end of the damage amp phase (after having used it on pull).

For more information, please refer to our Gnarlroot guide.


Igira the Cruel



This fight has some nice intermittent add cleave whenever the Blistering Spear Icon Blistering Spear spawns but primarily is about maximizing single-target damage. You get a ton of value from Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus and Unholy Pact Icon Unholy Pact here!


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance to avoid the knockback from Marked for Torment Icon Marked for Torment.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help your raid mitigate the damage from Umbral Destruction Icon Umbral Destruction, Smashing Viscera Icon Smashing Viscera and Marked for Torment Icon Marked for Torment.
  • Make sure you do not use your 3-minute burst Cooldowns when the boss is about to jump around the room during Smashing Viscera Icon Smashing Viscera!
  • Make sure to leverage Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay/ Defile Icon Defile whenever the Blistering Spear Icon Blistering Spears spawn.
  • You can pre-immune the Heart Stopper Icon Heart Stopper debuff with Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell. Since the tank soak and the debuff alternates (on Mythic), you know that you will get the Heart Stopper Icon Heart Stopper if you soak the initial slam!

Parsing Well in Mythic

Doing well in Igira is primarily about leveraging your cleave to do high damage to the spears. If you are playing in a guild with good damage, you really need to be on your toes with the spears as they die so quickly. Furthermore, it is crucial that your team places the spears in a way that allows you to cleave well. If they are too spread out, Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike/Clawing Shadows Icon Clawing Shadows will not be able to hit them from the boss. Before each spear set, pre-use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay at least 1 GCD before the spears spawn. Then simply spam Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike/Clawing Shadows Icon Clawing Shadows until they are all dead. It is a good idea here to dump Runic Power before using your Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay, as it gives you more Runes to play with.

For more information, please refer to our Igira guide.





This fight involves quite a lot of movement as well as being a pure Single Target encounter. We therefore recommend using the default raid build!


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell when targeted by Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames to help mitigate the damage.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help your raid mitigate the damage from Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands.
  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance to immune the knockback from Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Volcoross is your standard pure Single Target encounter, testing the limits on your understanding of the rotation itself. Not much else to it.

For more information, please refer to our Volcoross guide.


Council of Dreams



This fight consists of 3 target spread-ish cleave. You fight three bosses at the same time, but they tend to be relatively spread out and move around quite a lot. We recommend picking up both Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus and Improved Death Coil Icon Improved Death Coil here.


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay to cleave as much as possible when the bosses are stacked.
  • Maintain Virulent Plague Icon Virulent Plague on all bosses.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell when targeted by Poisonous Javelin Icon Poisonous Javelin.
  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance during Emerald Winds Icon Emerald Winds to immune the push effect.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Parsing on Council is a tricky affair due to the constant movement and target swapping, as well as downtime induced from being ducked. As a general rule, you want to leverage as much cleave as possible in this fight. This means that you want to follow Urctos around, attack whatever boss stands next to him. Furthermore, if you have Fyr'alath the Dream Render Icon Fyr'alath the Dream Render, make sure to keep up the Mark on all bosses by using Outbreak Icon Outbreak as appropriate.

For more information, please refer to our Council of Dreams guide.


Larodar, Keeper of the Flame



Primarily a single target encounter with some intermittent add cleave and heavy movement. Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus has great value here at the start, worthwhile to pick up.


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Death Grip Icon Death Grip to help gather up the Fiery Treant Icon Fiery Treants when they spawn.
  • Leverage Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay whenever the Fiery Treant Icon Fiery Treants spawn to do additional cleave damage.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help your raid mitigate the damage from Raging Inferno Icon Raging Inferno. Also, use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to further mitigate the damage to yourself.
  • Use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance during Consuming Flame Icon Consuming Flame to immune the pulling effect.
  • You can soak the Blazing Coalescence Icon Blazing Coalescence orbs to gain a short crit buff. This also deals damage to you, so make sure to use a defensive if you drop too low!

Parsing Well in Mythic

Larodar is both about doing as much cleave as possible on the Fiery Treant Icon Fiery Treants, as well as timing the buff from Blazing Coalescence Icon Blazing Coalescence well. On pull, your back-to-back Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay will overlap nicely with the treants that spawn. Prioritise Clawing Shadows Icon Clawing Shadows to cleave but do not overcap Runic Power. Furthermore, make sure to use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to follow the boss for his first charge. Try and soak an orb for the crit damage at the 2-minute mark when you are using your Legendary for the second time.


Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle



Nymue is an encounter with a stationary boss in Phase 1, and two adds in Phase 2. The adds are not stacked, though, so it is essentially a single target encounter. We recommend the default build here.


Suggested Talent Build



  • You can use Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude if you are hit by Impending Loom Icon Impending Loom. This will remove the stun and help mitigate the DoT afterward.
  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to immune the effect of an Impending Loom Icon Impending Loom line. You should just dodge these, though.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell and Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone during Viridian Rain Icon Viridian Rain to help mitigate the damage.
  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to cross across the walls without getting the DoT. You simply immune the application and can move freely through them for the full duration of Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell. Great to use if you get the Weaver's Burden Icon Weaver's Burden mechanic, as you will need to move out of the raid, crossing multiple lines.
  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to reset the stack of Unravel Icon Unravel in the intermission.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Nymue is very much a Single Target encounter without that many tips to improve your DPS. Make sure to use /petattack to ensure your pet swaps quickly to the mob in the intermission. Furthermore, delay your third 1.5-minute burst by one Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation cycle to ensure that it gets full value. Otherwise, the boss becomes immune at the middle point of your burst.

For more information, please refer to our Nymue guide.





Pure single-target fight with quite a lot of personal and boss movement. Default build works best here.


Suggested Talent Build



  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to help mitigate the damage when targeted by Overheated Icon Overheated.
  • Save your 1.5 minute burst for Devour Essence Icon Devour Essence where you can collect Living Flame Icon Living Flames to increase your own damage. Make sure to use your cooldowns around 2-3 seconds before picking up the first Living Flame Icon Living Flame, as the buff lasts for 20 seconds and does not refresh. Stand relatively close to the boss when you get knocked back.
  • You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to immune the DoT from the World in Flames Icon World in Flames. This also soaks up the entire initial damage (even on Mythic). Use this to your advantage to stand close to the boss during your Cooldowns, both generating Runic Power and keeping up your Unholy Aura Icon Unholy Aura (when talented) on the boss.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help mitigate the damage from Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation
  • Be careful with using Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance for the knockback in the intermission as you risk spawning the balls too close to the boss. It's better to have some distance to give yourself more time to soak them up.
  • The intermission phase will have a 20-second window where you do significantly more damage due to the Living Flame Icon Living Flame mechanic. Providing 100% increased damage at 5 stacks. This window does not line up well with your cooldowns, so you need to plan ahead to make sure you get the best overlap. When using Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust on pull, do the following:
    • 00:00 - Use all Cooldowns.
    • 01:10 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
    • 02:00 - Use all Cooldowns.
    • 02:45 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
    • 03:30 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse.
    • 04:30 - Use all Cooldowns with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
    With Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust with the first or third damage phase, you'd do the following:
    • 00:00 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse.
    • 01:10 - Use all Cooldowns with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
    • 02:00 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse.
    • 02:45 - Use all Cooldowns with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
    • 03:30 - Use Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse.
    • 04:30 - Use all Cooldowns with Living Flame Icon Living Flame.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Smolderon is all about executing your burst windows in the intermissions, with correct soaking of the Living Flame Icon Living Flame. You want to pick up the orbs just after you press Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse in the burst!

For more information, please refer to our Smolderon guide.


Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame



Primarily a Single Target encounter but with some period of heavy add cleave. Standard build with Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus and Unholy Pact Icon Unholy Pact works well here.


Suggested Talent Build



  • Bank up Runic Power before the roots so that you can spam Epidemic Icon Epidemic when they spawn!
  • Wraith Walk Icon Wraith Walk can be used to remove the root on this fight. You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to immune the root. This spawns an add early (on Mythic) however and should only be done when your group breaks the roots in a coordinated manner.
  • Use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help mitigate the damage from Supernova Icon Supernova.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Tindral parsing comes from two factors: Root damage and proper CD usage. Make sure to bank Runic Power before each add set and ideally time your 1.5-minute burst windows with Supernova Icon Supernova.

For more information, please refer to our Tindral guide.


Fyrakk the Blazing




Suggested Talent Build

Fyrakk is a three-stage encounter with some cleave opportunity but primarily Single Target focused. We get nice utility from our Death Grip Icon Death Grip due to adds needing to be grouped up and killed quickly. We pick up Menacing Magus Icon Menacing Magus and Unholy Pact Icon Unholy Pact for extra AoE.



  • Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend deals a significant amount of raid damage; use Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone to help mitigate it.
  • The boss will jump into the middle of the room as a dragon on two occasions: start of the first intermission and start of phase 3. You can use Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance to avoid the knockback from this!
  • Phase 2 will have multiple adds spawning. First two Burning Colossus adds followed by multiple Screaming Soul adds. Use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay as much as possible whenever the adds are stacked together.
  • Use Death Grip Icon Death Grip and Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb to help group up the Screaming Soul adds!
  • Apocalypse Roar Icon Apocalypse Roar knockback can be immuned with Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance.

Parsing Well in Mythic

Fyrakk parsing comes down to proper cooldown management, as well as efficient cleave on intermission adds. The timings in the fight vary slightly depending on tactic, but this assumes you are using the standard Bloodlust in P3 approach. For the adds, make sure you DoT them all up and leverage big Epidemic Icon Epidemic cleave. Also make sure you keep track of the Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust timing in P3, as you might need to hold cooldown sets to line them up with it.

For more information, please refer to our Fyrakk guide.



  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 20 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 22 Feb. 2024: Added detailed Mythic Parsing tips.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 18 Dec. 2023: Added Nymue reset tip.
  • 01 Dec. 2023: Updated Smolderon tips to include more detail.
  • 21 Nov. 2023: Updated build and tips for Igira.
  • 17 Nov. 2023: Updated Fyrakk build and tips and added more detailed Smolderon timings.
  • 15 Nov. 2023: Updated Tindral Build.
  • 14 Nov. 2023: Updated builds and tips.
  • 29 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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