Arms Warrior DPS Mythic+ Tips — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Archimtiros 59 comments
General Information

In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Arms Warrior in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.


Dragonflight Season 4

Rather than a mix of current and previous expansion dungeons, Mythic+ features all eight original Dragonflight dungeons in a single season for the first time, allowing experienced players to showcase their mastery!


Unique Challenges of Mythic+

Mythic+ Dungeons, especially high ones, are arguably the highest level of competitive PvE content that WoW has to offer aside from Mythic raiding.

Arms has more multi-target capabilities than it did in the past, thanks to less opportunity cost between talents, though it remains much more of a priority damage dealer that specializes in hitting two targets rather than a highly sustained AoE damage dealer. That said, Arms can still deal very respectable burst damage, just more spaced out than more dedicated multitarget specs, and are very competitive with the Season 4 tier set bonus.

Because the majority of Mythic+ revolves around dealing with multiple targets, Arms follows the basic multi-target priority laid out in the Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities page. The key difference is in predicting the layout of the dungeon and knowing when to save cooldowns versus when to use them. Smartly saving your cooldowns when a target is about to die and instead using it on a fresh pack that will survive the duration of your burst damage is far more efficient and will help your group finish on time.

If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 4 page below.


Arms Warrior Mythic+ Builds

The T30 and T31 talent builds play very similar to one another, switching only a few talents between them. However, the T31 tier set also allows players to make use of a new Fervor of Battle build, which is focused on more sustained multi-target damage. Take a look at the talent builds page for more information.

This hybridized build brings multi-target tools, while still focusing on high priorioty damage, though there are variations which can lean in either directions, from near full single target Juggernaut Icon Juggernaut builds to increased burst AoE potential with Blademaster's Torment Icon Blademaster's Torment. In any case, dropping Cruel Strikes and Uproar for Shockwave is a very easy choice when extra crowd control is helpful. Remember that you can easily import the talent tree below using the "Copy Export String" buttons:

Arms Warriors have a lot of talent choice when it comes to Mythic+, with the flexibility to bring extra defensives, utility, and tailor their damage to the expected situation.

  • Offensively, Warbreaker Icon Warbreaker, Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder, Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm and Improved Sweeping Strikes Icon Improved Sweeping Strikes are the most talents for Arms AoE damage, while other talents have more leeway.
  • Fervor of Battle Icon Fervor of Battle synergizes extremely well with Collateral Damage Icon Collateral Damage, but the playstyle is much more Rage intensive, and neither talent has any value against single targets.
  • Defensively, Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance and Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection are indispensable, while Impending Victory Icon Impending Victory, Pain and Gain Icon Pain and Gain, Leeching Strikes Icon Leeching Strikes and Bitter Immunity Icon Bitter Immunity have more leeway depending on how difficult the dungeon is and how much you trust the healer!
  • Utility-wise, Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt is a very important tool, while Piercing Howl Icon Piercing Howl, Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage, Berserker Shout Icon Berserker Shout, and Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shout are a little more circumstantial. Many groups will already provide passive slows, and not all dungeons have fear effects. Shockwave Icon Shockwave is also a very powerful tool without costing a great deal of damage, although it should be coordinated with the rest of the group to prevent diminishing returns.

Rotational Considerations for Arms Warriors in Mythic+

The Season 4 tier set does not appreciably change the normal rotation, except emphasize the use of Cleave Icon Cleave, by providing a strong buff. Because this is frequently used with a high proc chance, it will typically maintain itself through normal gameplay.

Note that the information below specifically pertains to Mythic+. If you require more general information, you should go to the main Rotation page below.


AoE Rotation

Dealing Burst AoE damage as an Arms Warrior involves stacking cooldowns with Bladestorm, which can be used twice thanks to Blademaster's Torment Icon Blademaster's Torment, before falling back on Sweeping Strikes and standard single-target abilities. The Fervor build, however, is very different, and while it may seem as simple as spamming Whirlwind, its rotational priority changes quickly based on the number of targets, which can make it deceptively confusing in the heat of the moment.


Example Bladestorm Rotation vs Multiple Targets

  1. Open with Charge Icon Charge whenever possible
  2. Cleave Icon Cleave is an important ability to use before using burst cooldowns and any time the tier set bonus buff is falling off
  3. Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap should be used if Rend is not active or about to fall off any target
  4. Warbreaker Icon Warbreaker will apply Deep Wounds to all targets
  5. Avatar Icon Avatar will automatically trigger Recklessness
  6. Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind should be used on cooldown
  7. Thunderous Roar Icon Thunderous Roar should also be used during cooldowns
  8. Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm during cooldowns and to apply the Hurricane buff
  9. Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes should be used whenever Bladestorm is on cooldown in order to not waste any of its duration
  10. Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, Execute Icon Execute, and Overpower Icon Overpower should be used when Sweeping Strikes is active up to 5 targets.
  11. Cleave Icon Cleave, Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap, and Overpower Icon Overpower should be used when Sweeping Strikes is down or there are more than 5 targets.

Managing cooldowns is paramount, as Warbreaker will be the primary way to apply Deep Wounds to multiple targets, and Bladestorm will be the primary tool to deal with bigger groups. Because of this, care should be taken to ensure those cooldowns are not used late in the pull when remaining targets might die during them if they can instead be carried over to the next group.

Managing Rage is also an important part of the rotation, taking care to avoid overcapping Overpower charges while also not starving so much that strong abilities like Storm of Swords cannot be used.


Arms Warrior Utility

Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout increases attack power by 5%, which applies to all melee specs and Warrior abilities, even those which do not deal purely Physical damage.

Pummel Icon Pummel is crucial in Mythic+ as interrupting dangerous spell casts is of the utmost importance.

Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry applies to the entire party, making it a strong defensive tool during periods of group-wide damage or a personal cooldown as needed.

Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection is exceptional in Mythic+, either for reducing the damage of powerful debuffs, or reflecting high damage and debilitating effects. Although the ability can be used quite often due to its low cooldown, properly identifying which abilities should be reflected is key, as it can completely nullify dangerous effects and render some enemies completely harmless.

Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt and Shockwave Icon Shockwave are other useful tools in stopping enemy attacks and spellcasts. Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shout can also be used as a faux stun, but much less often due to the long cooldown.

Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage is a nice tool for breaking fears while Berserker Shout Icon Berserker Shout will apply the effect to the entire party, though this is somewhat niche and will not be applicable to all dungeons.

Piercing Howl Icon Piercing Howl is a very good slow, but its cooldown makes it less reliable than the more passive options other classes may bring. Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap is a very mediocre slow, but you will often have it applied anyway.


Trinket Considerations for Arms Warriors in Mythic+

When choosing your trinkets, there are two avenues of approach. The first is maximizing burst in conjunction with your cooldowns, while the second is maximizing single target in order to perform better on bosses. We recommend simulating yourself on Raidbots using the Patchwerk option for raids and single-target and DungeonSlice (Mythic+/AoE Fights) Fight Styles. Usually, we recommend using trinkets that proc stats rather than single-target damage dealers.

You can also get a quick overview of good Mythic+ Trinkets on our Gearing page, specifically the Simulation chart for multi-target scenarios.


Handling Mythic+ Affixes as an Arms Warrior

Most Mythic+ affixes require no special setup or gameplay considerations for Arms Warriors, although there are a few interactions to be aware of.

  • Afflicted Icon Afflicted spawns cannot be dealt with as a Warrior.
  • Entangling Icon Entangling can be easily handled with Heroic Leap to instantly break the root.
  • Incorporeal Icon Incorporeal spawns can be stunned or feared, but Warriors have no long-duration CC to handle them completely on their own.
  • Skittish Icon Spiteful spawns can be dangerous if you are not aware of their spawning, but are easily controlled by using Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt or Intimidating Shout Icon Intimidating Shout, allowing ample time to get away from or kill them.
  • Skittish Icon Storming damage can be reduced with Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection, but it will not prevent the knock-up.


  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Minor update to introduction.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated rotation for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Minor update to recommended talents and reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 and season 3.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 12 Jul. 2023: Minor formatting updates.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5, including alternate Skullsplitter build.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1
  • 02 Feb. 2023: Updated Bladestorm talent build.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated build for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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